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Paz Marverde

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Everything posted by Paz Marverde

  1. Well, because of my Chilean roots, I know very well what Kissinger is able to do. About RFK Jr, yes, that’s why I would love to see him in the White House. I like what he’s doing to protect the environment. I think he has the right strength in his blood and in his brain
  2. Thanks Jim. I did not know about that tape disappearing. All in all, I am not surprised
  3. I believe she should be POTUS, in 2020. Maybe, she could get RFK Jr. as her mate. By the way, he wrote and declared that JFK assassination was not a lonely nut work http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2261263/JFK-assassination-Robert-Kennedy-speaks-death-uncle.html
  4. Very interesting, thank you. Jim is for sure an excellent choice. He is one of the best researchers on JFK assassination, absolutely. About that, do you know this documentary? It is by Metta, the Italian journalist and researcher who discovered that Gelli was recruited by Angleton. That’s why, before, I stressed that, for sure, there wasn’t this news in Morley’s book. Metta owns the Centro Mondiale Commerciale papers. CMC was a mask for the CIA. Clay Shaw, the one Jim Garrison investigated, was a CMC member. What Metta also discovered is that CMC has deep connections with Angleton and with the so called Strategy of Tension
  5. Yes, especially since two fundamental friends of Gelli, who immensely helped him reaching the head of P2 were part of Centro Mondiale Commerciale
  6. Angleton recruited Licio Gelli, the P2 head, during WWII, and saved Valerio Borghese
  7. Absolutely wonderful. Sergio Leone made the best of them, IMHO. Thanks, also, to a very young Clint Eastwood, by the way. Giù la testa is my preferred, with a terrific Rod Steiger and an epic history of love, friendship and betrayal. C'era una volta il West has an astonishing Fonda. Nice to meet you, Anthony
  8. Anthony, well, far more than a bit. Once again, congratulations, and thank you. By the way, what's the title of that film, please?
  9. Anthony, amazing work. Thank you indeed! Yes, there is, I add, a very peculiar story about that "Samuel Evergood", the pseudonym Pellegrini used. The reason was that l'Unità was the Italian Communist Party newspaper, so the USA would have never allowed a Communist journalist to work in the United States.
  10. Here we go: Edgardo Pellegrini, an Italian journalist, in 1995, during a conference in Rome reveled he was in constant contact with Garrison's staff. I could give you more details, but they are in Italian ... A translation would be needed. Pellegrini was investigating Centro Mondiale Commerciale, at the time Garrison was investigating Clay Shaw
  11. Gene, the most important on this is that the Italian Andreotti was directly involved in a dossier by SIFAR, the Italian intelligence, on that Carcano. The name of Andreotti is side by side, in a document, with a CMC-Permindex member. That document explains they were both to utilize in a dirty war against communism including the use of terrorism
  12. Jim, there was actualy a direct contact between Garrison's entourage and Italians. I know how it happened and who was involved
  13. Gene, Garrison was the one giving the real key to understand what's behind JFK assassination, as Jim DiEugenio says in his interview I published here, and in his beautiful book. How much Garrison was right is further demonstrated by Michele Metta's research. In fact, as said at the end of this same interview, Metta finally found out the Centro Mondiale Commerciale-Permindex papers. They show totally new, impressive evidence. They show that Clay Shaw, in CMC, was surrounded by an astonishing number of people connected to CIA's dirty works, to the so called Strategy of Tension, and to P2, a fascist masonic lodge headed by Licio Gelli and implicated in operations that killed so many innocent men, women, and children, and highly resembling the aspects of Operation Northwoods. And they show the existence of a pact between freemasonry and CIA against JFK. A pact directly involving CMC members, as you can see watching this documentary: I please also recommend this video: So, we all have an infinite debt towards Jim Garrison and his legacy
  14. Jim DiEugenio (write his name the RIGHT way, please) is my friend, and he is an extremely skilled researcher. You, instead, have the attitude of not respecting this forum rules
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