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Stephanie Goldberg

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Posts posted by Stephanie Goldberg

  1. 12 hours ago, David Andrews said:

    See, I just assumed everyone here looked exactly like their tiny, round photos...

    The tiny, round photos widen your face (actually, your whole head), compared to the ones on the previous forum host.  I'm not complaining, but I do look less than Charlie Brown in the original photo.

    If I were to meet someone from here, I'd never know them unless they said their name.  The Charlie-Brown effect makes it hard to ID people...then again, maybe that's a good thing?

  2. See, I just assumed everyone here looked exactly like their tiny, round photos...

    I think you can change your profile photo if you click on your forum profile information in the upper right hand corner.  That should take you to your personal forum profile page.  There should be a little photo icon on top of your picture.  Click on that, and then you should be able to upload a new photo to replace the old one.

    At least, that's how it has worked on a forum that I used to visit that was run by this type of software.  Not being an expert on this particular forum, there could be some variation.

  3. Talk about a fascinating book!   This was really good, a personal walk through some of the biggest events in history, accompanied by verbal snapshots of people whose names I've only previously read in newspapers and books.  What an adventure filled life, including the last chapter which deals with current events.  I kinda wish that the whole thing had been a little longer...

    While I enjoyed the entire work from start to finish, I found myself captivated by the section on Gabe Caporino.  I had never previously heard of this man, and his story raises so many questions.  I saw the added letter from the FBI to his widow at the back of the book, but I was wondering if anything else has ever been determined about his fate?


  4. 7 hours ago, Shane O'Sullivan said:

    Ron, I'm not sure you read my piece. I agree there were two shooters but I don't think there were four, or that Sirhan was firing blanks. 

    For reasons I can't explain, I had issues when I clicked on the link above.  -shrugs-  I did find your essay by just doing a search for your website.  I will need to pull out Ms. Pease's book to re-examine the points you list in relation to her book since I read it a few months ago.

    Just from an operational standpoint, though, I do think that Sirhan's gun having blanks makes more sense.  If the goal is to take out RFK, then you don't want the hypnotized (?) Sirhan taking out the other shooter by accident before they can accomplish their goal.  Otherwise, you've mounted a risky plan with a built in chance of failure from the start.  And I have never believed that these people were minor league plotters.

  5. I can't give quite as glowing a review as the above poster, because I just started reading this book yesterday.  I have to confess that I'm already hooked, and I can see myself finishing it quickly before I go back to reread it more slowly for the details.

    I did want to share one personal note.  When I try to describe what I'm reading to my other half, usually his eyes glaze over after about a minute.  This time, when I began my story with some of Mr. Caddy's background - including the fact that he had a personal tour of the historic Edison plant with then Governor Edison - I finally managed to hold my other half's interest.  No glazed eyes!

    (Full disclosure:  My other half is more of a science/technical type who has a deep interest in the early history of audio recording.  Perhaps I should start all my stories with something similar?)

    Anyway, I really look forward to finishing this book.  

  6. 14 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Before this day is over I'd like to acknowledge a personal happier note.  28 years ago about 12:15 AM I delivered my daughter.  Me and 911.  Unintentionally, she came quick.  I yelled "she's not breathing".  The lady calmly said turn her over onto her belly in one hand and pat her back with the other.  I did.  She coughed.  Been breathing ever since! 

    I love a story with a happy ending!  

  7. I'm also in the camp of not knowing a lot about this trio.  I did read a mention of Jerrol Custer in a book which I just finished reading which deals with the death of William Pitzer.  (Without Smoking Gun by Kent Heiner) The author doesn't seem to give credence to Mr. Custer's statements, although there is an excerpt from a statement which he had made.

    (It took me a few moments of watching the video to determine who was who in the picture.  I always feel like I'm playing catch up on assassination research history, but maybe that's because that's what I'm doing.)

  8. The first interview clip (the one before the credits) sounds like it was with Tom Brokaw?  It was clearly whenever Case Closed was released because the interviewer was pushing Posner's work as if it were the holy gospel.  And I thought Marina held her ground very well there, better than I would have done.  From the tone of the interview, she was trying to say her peace.  The man doing the interview clearly had an agenda, and it had nothing to do with listening to what she wanted to say.


  9. 24 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Maybe they had another one in a different town a week later.  But I still don't see Fritz not having one of his top homicide detectives, Leavelle's partner on hand for the transfer of the sole lone nut they had a "cinched" case on killing the President and a DPD Officer.  It smells a bit fishy to me.

    Found it.  


    In No More Silence, there is an interview with Joe R. Cody (pp. 467-480).  He doesn't say anything in this piece about being at the scene of Tippit's arrest.  He says that he and his partner, Charlie Dellinger, were at the TSBD.  The book then says:

    "I was back at the office by 1:30 and was there when Oswald was brought in by Hill, Bentley, and McDonald from the case in Oak Cliff where had shot the officer."  

    The book also says that he - "...joined the Dallas Police Department in 1950 serving as a patrol officer until 1954, then as a detective in Narcotics and Vice.  Later, he and Red Souter helped create the Criminal Intelligence Section.  Cody was a detective in Burglary and Theft in 1963."

    It does discuss the incident about buying the gun for Jack Ruby, including - "Jack Ruby was a friend of mine and that I had bought that pistol for him, and the pistol was in my name."  

    The book also mentions that Cody had an airplane and that his uncle's name (Kenneth Cody) was listed in Oswald's notebook.  





  10. Speaking of Richard Nixon, I am in the middle of reading Spooks by Jim Hougan.   This will be old news to anyone else here, but I am shocked by the number of times Nixon's name has appeared in relation to other events in this book.  Clearly, I never fully appreciated how Tricky Dick earned his nickname.

  11. I've always thought there was some cause and effect in the world, but I never connected it to JFK until I started doing some serious reading in the last couple of years.  So to answer your question - once I would have laughed.  Now, I'd say...maybe.


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