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John Kowalski

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Posts posted by John Kowalski

  1. 7 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    If you have a copy of A Secret Order, note that former PB/SUCCESS communications officer Charles F. Gilroy was a primary source of info. on Smith. (I'll screenshot the relevant pages or reproduce the text if you don't have a copy. Let me know.)

    Hi Leslie:

    Have A Secret Order and will review the Charles F. Gilroy.

  2. 2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    John, have you located documents to confirm Angleton, specifically, utilized CMC / Permindex in counter-intel operations?

    Thank you for the information regarding Edward Lawton Smith.

    Never found any information about an Angleton using CMC in a counter-intel operation.

  3. 11 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Thanks for this John, it's very interesting.

    I did notice in the affidavit White notes Laffite also worked for the Secret Service, albeit on a counterfeiting case.

    In the list of digitized items are his daily appointment books.  1934-1962, then it skips 1963/64 and comes back with 1965, the year he retired, then skips to 1970/71.  I looked at the 1962 book, a lot of what is there is pretty much illegible.  Most of it seems to reflect personal appointments.  A majority of the weekdays have nothing posted.  Many Saturdays and Sundays say beach.  One Friday 3/23/62 entry that is legible says "president Kennedy talks at U of C."  Then after Tuesday 7/10 it stops, no more entries the rest of the year, or until 1965 I guess, I've not looked at it yet.

    I did look at January 1953.  It has business entries/notes on virtually every page.  I'm going back to November/December of that year looking for anything about Frank Olson.

    Have been reading his datebooks. Am looking for information on Albert Osborne, Camp X in Canada and Edward Lawton Smith.

  4. 1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    Hunter White appears in the 1963 datebook maintained by his good friend Pierre on five dates:

    Hunter White (George, Geo)     Feb 19        July 28 30     Aug  21  29

    Hi Leslie:

    Where is Lafitte's datebook?

  5. On 1/6/2024 at 1:44 AM, Ron Bulman said:

    I've read somewhere recently that George Hunter White's wife Albertine donated all of his papers first to a small college or maybe even local library 2-3 years after he passed.  They then went to Perham, then now Stanford.

    I have no idea about digital access, but I guess anyone wanting to check Hank's sources on this can go to Stanford and do so.  Not sure where to find the Enrique book, haven't looked.


    The George White papers at Stanford have an affidavit regarding Jean Pierre Lafitte. it can be found on page 17 of this document. 


    Here is a list of his documents at Stanford.


    You can order copies of these documents by contacting specialcollections@stanford.edu.

    At the bottom pf the page is a list of digitized items including his address book. Lafitte's           address is on page 39.





  6. 21 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    Crichton and those he served, including the Empire Trust oil division — a primary investment of the Bronfman’s whose law firm included attorney Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, represent the micro of the macro of the Industrial leg of the Military-Industrial Complex. Obviously petroleum drove private industry in service to a military that defended private industry reliant on petroleum — entities locked in a scorpion’s embrace fearing Kennedy’s commitment to global peace and democracy worldwide represented a clear and present danger to their outdated paradigm.

    Bloomfield was a director of New Continental Oil Company of Canada and Israel Continental Oil Co. and secretary of British Controlled Oilfields.

  7. 6 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    Setting aside controversial representations — some of which are flagrantly antisemitic — can we agree that from these innocuous citations it's reasonable to conclude Bloomfield also provided legal services to the Bronfman empire on behalf of his firm, even if only occasionally?

    Yes that would make sense, Bloomfield probably provided legal advice to the Bronfman family.

    Why are you interested in Bloomfield's relationship with the Bronfman family?

  8. 25 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    John, if I can step in here to ask if you could clarify whether Bloomfield provided legal services to the Bronfman Dynasty regarding either their vast business investments or their personal affairs or both?


    Did not find any Bronfman documents in my Bloomfield file, however when I was researching him I was focused on Permindex not the Bronfman family. Bloomfield was a well-connected lawyer and business man and am sure he knew them. His files are available online. If you want to review them I can show you how you can access them.

    Found a letter in my files that was sent to Allen Dulles regarding a resume received from Bronfman's daughter, Mindy. Found this letter in Dulles' papers that are available online.



  9. 2 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:

    When it comes to PERMINDEX, I would suggest the mind-numbing research of Edmund Burger and Michele Metta, then allow common sense to dictate your next move.


    Bloomfield was not an attorney for Permindex, his role with this company was to represent the interests of some of its shareholders. I read Metta's book and wrote a book review. His book does not prove that Permindex had any connection to to Kennedy's assassination.


  10. 1 hour ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    The article goes on to name agencies active in bringing WWII era children to the U.S., which included Church World Service, United States Service for New Americans, Catholic Committee for Refugees, and United States Committee for the Care of European Children.  According to one organization's spokesman, “The speed with these youngsters become part of American life is amazing…. they fairly gulp the English language.”  And then the article summarized the situation for war orphans coming here:

    There are a lot of groups helping these children. This will provide us with a starting point for looking for Harvey.

  11. 5 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    A fellow has been sending me all kinds of news clippings about WWII refugees, especially involving the U.S. and organizations from the US.  So far, I haven’t seen RWR named, but personnel from that committee surely ran into organizations such as “Care of European Children” (see below).

    That fellow is sending you very good leads. That committee must have received many inquiries regarding the adoption of refugee children. If their records are available they may have the names of people who adopted them and the names of children who were adopted and one of them maybe Harvey.

  12. 3 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    John A. just forwarded to me an email from a fellow who has been reading this thread.  He included the following newspaper clip from New York Age, Jan. 6, 1945.  Near the end of the short piece it mentions “Mrs. Grace Gardos, of New York Committee of Russian War Relief.”


    That is a very interesting lead. Her position on that committee could have put her in contact with refugees.

  13. On 3/19/2024 at 6:20 PM, John Kowalski said:

    Bentley's left everything to her cousin Edwin Burdick or his descendants.


    Found some info on Edwin Burdick on Ancestry. Edwin died in 1976 and his wife died in 1991. They had a daughter named Gail who died in Tuscon, Pima Arizona in 1998. Not sure what the chances are of getting info on Bentley from people mentioned in her will. You can add it to the list for future reference.

    Do you know how Margaret Fuhrman met John Pic or anything about her Hungarian background? They had a son born in 1966, he may be able to shed some light on their relationship.

    Do you know when Edwin Ekdahl divorced Marguerite Oswald?

    NYPL is still processing my order. 


  14. 7 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    In all likelihood Bentley’s Louisiana sojourn had nothing to do with LHO, but it still seems kind of odd considering she otherwise spent virtually her entire life in New England and thereabouts.


    Could be interesting to know why she was teaching there  and when she was there. Maybe her teaching position was a  cover job for an INS or FBI gave her assignment.

  15. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Since you’ve ordered the microfilm for the Manhattan phone books in question, I’ll hold off on ordering scans from the NYPL.


    I did not order copies of the NYC telephone directory. You can use the link I sent you to login and place your order. Provide them with the names and dates and they will tell you how much it will cost to copy them.

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