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John Kowalski

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Posts posted by John Kowalski

  1. On 4/25/2023 at 7:18 AM, Pete Mellor said:

    After answering a request from Canadian researcher (& Forum member) John Kowalski asking for a D.P.U.K. member to assist in his work on Albert Osborne, I located a living member of Osborne's family in Grimsby, England.  Another Forum member, Ron Ecker, had also done much research on Osborne. (Ron has been missing from this Forum over recent years and I miss his humour, which seems lacking at times in posts today!)  In 2020, during Covid restrictions, I presented to JFK Lancer's virtual N.I.D., with kind permission from J.K.  Certainly not unique, but I presented a copy of Osborne's 13th April '64 typed letter to his family refuting his bus travel to M.C. with L.H.O.  Also refuting the nonsense written in books such as 'Appointment in Dallas' & Torbitt's 'Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal', Sprague's 'The Taking of America' & Ramsey's 'Who Shot JFK'.  I also presented evidence from former staff of the 'Cambridge News' who were employed at the paper in '63, who considered the claim of the famous anonymous phone call to "contact the American Embassy in London for some big news" as completely fictitious.  It was John Kowalski who first uncovered the fact of the real John Howard Bowen's death in January of 1962 from injuries sustained in a car accident.  John's work has also been published on K's & K website.


    Thank you for your kind comments.

  2. On 2/17/2023 at 8:38 PM, Pat Speer said:

    The name Conrad Black rang a bell, so I looked it up real quick and found he was someone I'd written about before in connection with John McAdams.

    Conrad Black is a Canadian who owned a newspaper chain. He gave up his Canadian citizenship to join the house of lords in Britain. He was convicted in 2007 in the US for fraud and obstruction of justice though some of those charges were later overturned. He spent 42 months in jail and was pardoned by Trump in 2019. Found a reference to him praising Litwin's book Conservative Confidential.


  3. On 2/1/2023 at 5:57 PM, Lance Payette said:

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" = except in Conspiracy World. That's right, all the Conspiratorially Good Stuff was purged from Shaw's file. The very fact it was absent proves it - in Conspiracy World anyway. The possibility Conspiratorially Good Stuff never existed is not a possibility in Conspiracy World, where absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence.

    I have a copy Louis Bloomfield's WW2 military record. It does not mention that he was involved in intelligence work yet Bloomfield admitted in an interview for a magazine that he did intelligence work during the war. Records do not have to be purged if the information was never added to the record.

  4. 3 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

    I was joking. The hair-raising intro to his book suggests he browses the forum here with an aggrieved look of hostile rage on his face, searching through posts and profiles for new things to set him off.

    I have spoken to Fred a few times and he will never be convinced that JFK was murdered by anyone other than Lee Harvey Oswald.

  5. 20 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

    Many will have comments but everyone here should go read the long introduction, and then take the time to say hello to Fred personally, as he's clearly reading the forum and digging into folk's Twitter profiles and so on. Hi Fred.

    Why talk to Fred?

  6. On 1/15/2023 at 9:00 PM, Ed Berger said:

    One part of this letter, really suggest that, far from being the supreme head of Permindex, Montreal lawyer Bloomfield has been the object of the Mantellos’ lack of personal respect.

    Bloomfield was not Permindex's or CMC's leader.  I have read the Bloomfield archive and in one of his letters he refers to himself as representing shareholders.

    Michele Metta wrote a book CMC the Italian Undercover CIA and Mossad Station and the Assassination of JFK. He has documents that show Bloomfield was representing shareholders.


  7. 12 minutes ago, Robbie Robertson said:

    The movie does not depict anything more than a few drug trials where the people were willing participants in a effort to heal their mental illnesses.

    Did this film give you the impression that the real purpose of these drug trials was to do an experiment at the behest of the CIA? This is why MK Ultra is so insidious, people were offered experimental treatments, they thought they were been treated for their problems, but the real purpose was to determine if LSD could be used by the CIA. That is why the US government paid the victims $75,000 in compensation.

    There was a scene where a man is hanging from a rafter and was tortured, another scene where a prostitute is plying her client with LSD, and all you do is focus on one victim who did not have a lobotomy.

  8. 6 hours ago, Robbie Robertson said:

    This movie was not good at all I saw it on the 7th but it completely made it seem like drugging people was a experimental treatment that was saving people from getting a lobotomy. They never mentioned the force experimentation in prisons or any of the abuses against human ethics 

    Have to disagree, movie shows many victims of this program and its primary purpose was not to save people from getting a lobotomy.

  9. That's amazing work you did on your family. Also did work on my family years ago and found relatives I didn't know existed.

    It's interesting that both are barons and both are spies. But making a connection between them may not help you find the records you are looking for.

    Have a book called Three Barons The Organizational Chart of the Kennedy Assassination. It's by J.W. Lateer who is a member of this forum. In his book he writes that  Maydell produced a film called Spain in Arms and it was shown at the Ritz Carlton in New York in 1940 and George attended this viewing.   The book's notes refer to an article by John Bevilqua about Maydell's German spying. https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/archive/index-php/t-2763.html. Tried this link and it is broken, so you will have to visit the forum if you want to read the article.

    Have you heard about Bruce Adamson? He wrote some books about George and they are available on kindle.





  10. Have you tried the genealogical website ancestry? They have a lot of ship records that show when a person arrived in the US. You may also find information about his family that could help determine if there was more than one person with that name.

    John Armstrong's book Harvey and Lee mentions that spies sometimes had a second person with the same name. 

    Most public libraries have local newspapers. What city did he live in? Go to that city's public library and they should have the newspapers. Ask the reference staff if the papers has been digitized which means you can access it online. When I wrote the Dual Life of Albert Osborne I discovered that he spent a lot of time in Knoxville Tennessee. The library told me that their newspaper had been digitized so I bought a library card from them and found many articles about him. 



  11. On 8/10/2022 at 9:41 PM, Micah Mileto said:

    the full extent of the holocaust,

    A lot is known about the holocaust - what do you mean by this?

    Edwin Black, the same person who wrote about the Chicago plot against JFK, wrote a book called IBM and the Holocaust. It shows how IBM helped the Nazis with the holocaust. At that time it had a machine that used punched cards to tabulate data. This data was used to prepare data about ethnic groups the Nazis planned to destroy. Black stressed in his book that this technology could not be bought in a store, and that it had to be adapted by IBM to accomplish a specific task. So IBM knew what the what the Nazis wanted to do with their technology and they helped them so they could make a profit.

    Another coverup that today is still not known by many people except by those people who have read Black's book. 


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