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John Kowalski

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Posts posted by John Kowalski

  1. 23 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    No, I have polled no specific individuals. But I believe I am on solid ground by saying that these people would tell you that the theory that there were two boys is remarkable.

    I now understand why you have a problem with H&L. You just admitted saying that certain people would not agree with his book and then you say that you had not polled them.  You made it up, you are basing your belief on imaginary opinions. If you want to critique H&L please do. John Armstrong welcomes it. But if you do, do not make up opinions, instead review the evidence presented by John Armstrong and critique it. That is how it is done.

  2. 22 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Numerous posters, here and elsewhere, have responded to the "school records controversy" with facts and logical arguments for years.

    Jim has made a simple request, to discuss Harvey and Lee on this forum and not elsewhere.

    If you are so confident in your your beliefs, why don't you make an argument here on this forum?  Are you able to do so? Can you demonstrate that you can make a rational argument based on facts on this forum or will you respond with your usual emotional responses?

  3. 21 hours ago, John Butler said:

    It is a waste of time when you receive this type of argument.  

    I agree, it is a waste of time to respond to their derisive statements. However, I disagree with your choice of words i.e. "argument".  An argument is made when someone expresses a conclusion based on an analysis of facts. Their snide remarks do not do that. What they do show is emotion. They respond with emotion because they can't argue with facts and sound logic. One thing I have learned over the years is that you can't argue with emotion.

  4. 14 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Not only has it been explained countless times on this very forum, but it has also been authoritatively debunked by actual researchers on other forums such as Greg Parker's.


    You have won the debate. This response clearly shows that Parker's posse can't respond with facts and logical argument.  If they had these they would have posted them now.

  5. 15 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Do you think any more attempted contacts would be productive?

    The problem with approaching her is getting by the woman who lives with her, who I believe is her grand-daughter or some other relative of hers. Contacted her twice after speaking to her on the phone and both times she would not let me speak to her. Was she doing this on her own accord I do not know. If she was then another attempt at contacting her may well be worth it.

    Another attempt could be fruitful if we could find someone who knows Tina Tippit. This person would be better able to convince her to release her notes to us. If we could find someone who lives near by who would be willingly to speak to her on our behalf, would be our best chance to get her to open up to us.

    What does John Armstrong think about this? He has a lot experience locating and interviewing people. Would he know how to locate people who are connected to her? I mentioned John's book to her, maybe he can contact her and make an impression on her because he wrote a book. 

    He deceased husband had a lot of entertainment contacts. If we can find someone with an entertainment background a connection may be established.




  6. The link below is for 20 pictures of anti-Castro Cubans. Pictures include pictures of Tony Cuesta. The photographer is Dickey Chapelle who was a correspondent during WWII, the Korean a war and the Vietnam war. She died in Vietnam in 1965.

    https://archive.org/details/20210608_20210608_1805/1 - Commandos L Meeting and Lecture.jpg

    Photo descriptions:

    1 - Commandos L Meeting and Lecture

    DESCRIPTION:  A meeting of the anti-Castro group Commandos L. A man stands at the front of the room writing on a chalkboard and other members sit listening.

    2 - CIA Truck Observes Commandos L Truck

    DESCRIPTION: Moving truck across the street from the house of the anti-Castro group, Commandos L, purportedly occupied by CIA observers of the group. The moving van reads "Bader Bros. Inc." and "Daily Trips to Florida California" and is parked on a lawn in a suburban neighbourhood.

    3 - Commandos L Meeting with Radio: Tony Cuesta – 1

    DESCRIPTION: Meeting of the anti-Castro group Commandos L. Men sit and stand around a kitchen table with a radio receiver and transmitter. Tony Cuesta sits at one end of the table in a red plaid shirt.

    4 -Commandos L Meeting with Radio: Tony Cuesta – 2

    DESCRIPTION:  Meeting of the anti-Castro group Commandos L with radio transmitter and receiver. Four men sit around a kitchen table with a radio transmitter and receiver on it looking at manuals and instructions. A fan also sits on the table and Tony Cuesta is sitting next to it.

    5 - Commandos L Armoury

    DESCRIPTION: Members of the anti-Castro group Commandos L in a garage functioning as an improvised armoury. Group members gather around a stack of crates and are watching a man handle a shotgun.

    6 - Commandos L Marksmanship Class - 1


    Members of the anti-Castro group Commandos L practice rifle marksmanship in the Everglades. A man with a rifle crouches on the ground next to boxes of ammo and two other men look on in an open gravelly area.

    7 - Commandos L Marksmanship Class – 2

    DESCRIPTION: Two members of the anti-Castro group, Commandos L, at rifle marksmanship training in the Everglades. One man lies on the gravelly ground aiming a rifle and another crouches next to him observing his technique.

    8 - Commandos L Marksmanship Class – 3

    DESCRIPTION: Rifle marksmanship class of the anti-Castro group Commandos L in the Everglades. A man lies on the gravelly ground operating the bolt action of a rifle. A few spent cartridges lies near him on the ground.

    9 - Commandos L Radio Testing

    DESCRIPTION:  A member of the anti-Castro group Commandos L sits on a bed testing a new radio transmitter-receiver.

    10 - Commandos L Radio Installation

    DESCRIPTION: Members of the anti-Castro group Commandos L install a radio transmitter on a roof. Two men crouch working with a wire on the flat roof. A row of palm trees is growing in the background and there are other roofs nearby.

    11 - Commandos L with Green Explosive Devices

    DESCRIPTION: Members of the anti-Castro group Commandos L talking in their arms factory/barrack. There are spray-painted homemade explosive devices on the table and a piece of machinery in the middle of the room.

    12 - Commandos L Making Explosives

    DESCRIPTION: Member of the anti-Castro group Commandos L manufacturing explosives in a kitchen. The man is pouring a liquid from a small pot into a bundle of metal tubes.

    13 - Commandos L Covering Explosive Devices


    Member of the anti-Castro group, Commandos L, putting covers over newly manufactured explosive devices.

    14 - Commandos L Taping Explosive Device Closed

    DESCRIPTION: Two members of the anti-Castro group Commandos L working together to tape a homemade explosive device closed.

    15 - Commandos L with First Aid Supplies

    DESCRIPTION: Three members of the anti-Castro group Commandos L with a cardboard whiskey box full of first aid supplies.

    16 - Explosive Testing in Everglades

    DESCRIPTION: Member of the anti-Castro group Commandos L setting up to test an incendiary device in the Everglades. A man stands above a brown package in a gravel clearing holding a roll of wire.

    17 - Commandos L Incendiary Testing

    DESCRIPTION: Two members of the anti-Castro group Commandos L test a homemade incendiary device in a gravelly clearing in the Everglades. One man holds a brown box and the other holds a length of wire.

    18 - Incendiary Fire, Commandos L

    DESCRIPTION: Fire set by an incendiary device made by the anti-Castro group Commandos L. In the extreme foreground the blurred image of a member of the group frames a small fire on the rocky ground in the Everglades.

    19 - Commandos L Making Explosives

    DESCRIPTION: Two members of the anti-Castro group Commandos L making explosive devices at the group's barracks/armoury. One member is hammering cans closed on a table while the other watches.

    20 - Commandos L Camouflaging Explosive

    DESCRIPTION: Member of the anti-Castro group Commandos L spray painting a homemade explosive device with a camouflage pattern under a covered porch. Parked cars and trees can be seen in the background.

  7. 3 hours ago, Steve Roe said:

    Is this not a open discussion forum? Or is it a conspiracy only forum? 

    I've submitted just a few items that do not jive with the truth, I.E. "The Silver Slipper" story in Mr. DiEugenio's book trying to connect the Martinburg trailer ad to the Eunice, La "Silver Slipper" Rose Cheramie story. That was undeniably 100% false assertion on Mr. DiEugenio's and Lisa Pease's part. Of course, he never wanted to pursue it further. That should tell you something.

    There are more that I haven't presented here, but appears that anything contrary to your beliefs that a conspiracy existed, are not welcomed. 

    Steve: my point was that you refer to this theory as "silly". It's not a contrary view that is been questioned it is your dismissive attitude. If we conspiracy theorists have silly ideas, then why debate them?

  8. On 6/2/2021 at 3:49 PM, Steve Roe said:

    Until then.....there is no hard evidence to connect these silly stories. 

    If these stories are silly then why are you here debating them? You have made a number dismissive remarks about the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy. If the belief that a conspiracy occurred on November 22, 1963 in Dallas is so difficult for you to accept that you need to make snide remarks about them, then why do you devote so much time trying to challenge them?

  9. On 6/1/2021 at 10:06 AM, Steve Roe said:

    Bottom line, can you look everyone in the eye here on this forum, and state this was the honest to god truth, these stories are factual? In other words, will you stake your reputation on it?

    Why should Jim or anyone on this forum have to stake their reputation on anything discussed here? Are you going to stake your reputation on what you have said? If so, what will you do when you are proven wrong? I know what you will do, the same thing you always do when proven wrong, you keep posting because you and the other WC supporters will never accept that there was a conspiracy.

  10. 20 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    I just received and read the updated edition of Michael Marcades's book, the son. With utmost compassion for Dr. Marcades's story of his quest to recover and tell his mother's story, the book itself was a disappointment in being in the genre of ghost-written creative nonfiction--written like a novel.

    Received my copy today and do not like faction. Hopefully it will not be too difficult to separate fact from fiction in this book.

  11. On 5/7/2021 at 11:08 AM, W. Tracy Parnell said:
    On 5/7/2021 at 10:55 AM, John Kowalski said:

    Fred has spoken about JFK on TV Ontario and Parallax and there may be other places where he has spoken that he trusted would be neutral. So why not contact them? They can also look for a moderator that they both would agree would be neutral.

    Good suggestions John, we'll see what happens.


    I doubt that a debate is going to happen because Fred must realize that his books are without substance, otherwise he would have debated Jim by now.

  12. 14 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    Jim- thanks for introducing Mark and me. we have assembled a very talented legal team. Our first tangible result of our effort is getting the Public Interest Declassification Board to put out a statement urging full release of the records and putting this topic on the agenda for the May 18th  public hearing. stay tuned. we have a full menu of legal actions in the works. 

    Have you contacted the American Historical Association and asked them to join you in the fight to release these documents? Their website has an advocacy page that indicates that they advocated in a large number of issues related to history.



  13. 5 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

    As for the question you find so unsettling: we know that the double-doppelganger scheme didn't happen; my question illustrated why it didn't happen. The scheme could never have happened, because anyone intending to send a 'Harvey and Lee'-type defector to the Soviet Union had a far easier way to achieve that goal.

    You just did it again. Your question does not prove anything. It's clear to me that you are not getting the point I have been trying to make.

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