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John Kowalski

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Posts posted by John Kowalski

  1. Jim:

    Went to Amazon to read some reviews about "The JFK Assassination and the Uncensored Story of the Two Oswalds."

    Most of them are favourable and one of them said that it was easier to read than Harvey and Lee. Looks like this one could be the one that presents John's story in a format that is easier to read and understand. There was one negative comment about the author's digressions into other subjects like the New World Order etc. that according to the reviewer taints the rest of the serious JFK research community.



  2. On 4/9/2020 at 12:01 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

    I don't like the new front-end either.  The only way I can figure to search just the JFK - John Armstrong files is to click the system-wide search icon at the top of the Armstrong Collection home page, then select "Advanced search," and then select the JA collection from the long drop-down list.  This is going to be doubly confusing for occasional users because of the group of "Armstrong Browning" collections at the top of the collection list, which have nothing to do with JA's collection.

    Am I missing something?  


    Visited Baylor, could not find the 1953 document.

    What I liked about the old format is that it was easy to scan all of the file folders because there was a link, instead of a large icon, for each folder. On one page you can see all of them. Can't do this with the new format because the file folders icons are large. To see all of them the researcher has to scroll down page after page to see everything.

  3. 23 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    I don't like the new front-end either.  The only way I can figure to search just the JFK - John Armstrong files is to click the system-wide search icon at the top of the Armstrong Collection home page, then select "Advanced search," and then select the JA collection from the long drop-down list.  This is going to be doubly confusing for occasional users because of the group of "Armstrong Browning" collections at the top of the collection list, which have nothing to do with JA's collection.

    Am I missing something?  

    Will be going there today. Will update you on what I find, if anything, and if I learn anything new about searching for documents.

  4. 13 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    I can’t answer even one of your questions, but I’d also like to see the page John A. obviously had in his collection.  He keeps hard copies of his files in one of his homes where he won’t be for a couple of months, I think. 

    I’ll bet, though, that the page he saw and preserved privately is available online at Baylor University’s JFK – John Armstrong Collection.

    As well as I know that database, though, I haven’t been able to find the page, at least so far.  There are a trainload of document files there.


    Baylor has a new layout for John's collection, preferred the old one. It's an Office of Security file so next time I go there will find out if he has a file for this office.

  5. 10 hours ago, John Butler said:

    I think Stevens made a mistake in researching this.  She put this together on 10/12/61.  On page 2 she has a definite reference to 1940 info on Nazis.  This is before the time of the OSS or CIA.  So, this must be or could be information from the FBI. 

    On page 3 some of our old friends show up.  The Daily Worker.  This is where the mistake is;

    Per S. F. Police records have L. Oswald "signed?" "Lityn ?" 1/7/41 urging case against Sam Darcy be dropped.  Signers were "Worllers" of Town Forum"  Could be workers.

    L. Oswald may be a confusion of Oswald Garrison Villard of NYC in the Sam Darcy petition:

    John B:

    You are right, he was referring to Oswald Villard.

  6. 16 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:


    I think I found it on MF's JFK database.  It's a needle in a haystack, but clicking on the link below will take you to a group of three pages.  The actual document, remarkably dark and blurry, appears to be page 2 in this set.


    P.S. I'm reasonably sure this is the page Malcolm Blunt is referencing.  I'll send it to John A. and see if it matches anything in his memory.

    Thanks Jim:

    On page 2 can see what looks like January 19, 1953. This is the date  than Jon A. mentions. I would like to see his document when he gets back so that it can be compared to this one.

    Do you know what 1048 and 1049 refer to?

    On page 3 there is a reference to police records saying that L. Oswald signing something urging the charges be dropped against Sam Darcy 1/7/41. Looked up Darcy he was charged with perjury in 1941. Do you know what to make of this?

  7. 1 hour ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Here is an update on the Office of Security document we were discussing a week or two ago.  John A. doesn't have access to his documents right now, but Malcolm Blunt has the page in his collection and recently sent two notes to John A about it.  Mr. Blunt just now gave me an OK to post his notes here:

    From April 5:


    John, it's so dark you cannot reproduce it......I can just make out Oswald Marguerite(or Margaret)...".old Nazi information 1941" is written by hand ...there is a typewritten line on the card which is illegible...….best, Malcolm

    From April 6:


    John, when I checked the doc it says,Oswald,Mrs...so no forename......when I put the doc under ultra violet,the type written line seems to be something like HCUA Index ...January 19th 1953......it gives two reference numbers 1048,1049....and handwritten is 1940 info on Nazis ….I do not think this relates to Marguerite or LHO....the CIA file search is 12th October 1961.....and is on Marina Oswald...so I guess they just punched in the Oswald name,all traces and that's what came up.....this is an Office of Security (SRS) search by Margaret Stevens(her name is redacted but I know her handwriting)…..interestingly she did one search on Rosa Kuznetsova which turned up Augustin Trueba as her ex husband,Trueba was a CIA agent.....eventually the OS/SRS decided that it was a different Rosa Kuznetsova,it would have been a little embarrassing if one of the Intourist guides met by Oswald was previously married to a CIA agent.....best, Malcolm.....the RIF number fort= the document is 104-10300-10086


    Can you clarify something for me. John A. mentioned M.Oswald 1941 Nazis but Malcolm can't verify that, are they quoting different documents?

    Checked Mary Ferrell for 104-10300-10086 and could not find it.


  8. 1 hour ago, John Butler said:

    And, is this request from Abt real as questioned in the last paragraph here?

    Book makes a good point about whether or not Oswald asked for Abt. Using Abt to fend off local lawyers offering to help him is a perfect way to paint Oswald red by linking him to a communist and to deny him the legal help he really needed.

  9. 1 hour ago, John Butler said:

    I'm trying to put something together on the relatedness of Harvey Oswald, John Abt, and Louis Weinstock. 

    John B:

    John Abt is an interesting person. Not only is he a communist but he is also a lawyer. No doubt he defended many people connected to CPUSA and his legal files and personal connections would be interesting to investigate because they would reveal the names of both real communists and those Abt suspected of working for the FBI.


  10. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Page 95 of that PDS book says, “at least some of Oswald’s alleged paychecks from the Reily company are apparently not genuine as transmitted to the Warren Commission; the FBI was aware they had a problem in this area; and they went out of their way to conceal the problem.8”


    I haven’t found endnote 8 yet.


    EDIT: The endnote from page 95 appears to be on page 332, but when I got to page 331, Google decided I had abused my PDS privileges for a while and shut me down.

    Thanks Jim. Found an electronic version of the book on EBSCO but am not sure if I can access it using this service. If not I will wait for the libraries to open and then borrow it.

  11. Does anyone have a copy of Peter Dale Scott's Deep Politics and the Death of JFK? The answer to the question I have regarding Harvey's payroll anomalies may be found in chapter 6. Checked Harvey and Lee because I thought John A. had dealt with but in my notes but did not find anything. Found a reference to PDS and he does deal with some of these issues.

    The question I have is, did someone, A CEO or someone else not connected to the companies he worked for, sign some of his checks? The reference I recall said the check was signed by someone who was not in New Orleans where he was working.

  12. 3 hours ago, John Butler said:

    Daily Beast:  CIA and FBI Spied on Americans and Immigrant Refugees as Early as the Late 50s

    The CIA's authority to spy internally in the US is indicated in a national security directive ordering the CIA to do so. This directive was revealed in a libel suit brought by Erik Heine, who is a Canadian of Estonian decent. He sued CIA agent Juri Haus for defamation because he accused him of being a Soviet agent.


  13. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    I talked to John A. earlier today, and he said that Otto Otepka was NOT the source for the HUAC file information.  He said that it was actually a document from the U.S. Office of Security and that Malcom Blunt had the document and would send it to him. If no one else does it first, I’ll put it up here as soon as I see it.


    Looking forward to seeing this document.

    Found a reference to military intelligence investigations of Nazis and Communists in NYC in the 1940s. Am looking into getting copies of these documents but it may take a while because of the pandemic. Will upload these documents if and when I get them.

  14. 20 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Despite having spoke to them in DEC 1963.... it's not until May that we get an affidavit... kinda like Feldsott's delay till July....
    These statements simply reek from the FBI feeding details to make the stories believable... 


    Had been wondering how the FBI managed to get statements about the McFarlands and others that were not true but they managed to do so with them and the others on the bus.

  15. 18 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Now, one can go into some of the other nefarious things Permindex was involved in, e.g. the assassination attempts against DeGaulle, the banking arrangements orchestrated by Dulles through the CIA's pet banks like Schroeders.  The fact that in addition to that, that Nagy was in contact with the CIA, and also with Rockefeller and the Rothschilds, and he reportedly had a home in Dallas in 1963, I don't think all of this should be dismissed because you somehow cannot find a smoking gun.


    You make a good point about Shaw and Permindex because you can quote a source.

    Can you quote a source for the assassination attempt on De Gaulle and the shady bank arrangements with Schroeders? This is the problem I have with the allegations against Permindex and CMC. It's not enough to say that they have a connection of some sort to then assume they are involved in covert activities.

  16. 21 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    McFarland and wife supposedly from England...  I have docs on them but I want to side step a second...

    Harvey Cash of the American Consul in Laredo spread so much disinformation it’s hard to know how much was real and how much out of the minds of the FBI and Ochoa...  the Aussie girls were on Del Norte, not Flecha Rojas....  yet officially they and Bowen and McFs are on that Flecha bus...   while the FBI tells the CIA Ozzie took Anahuac from Monterrey...

    All the records and copies of records for all bus lines for those days were taken by Mexican officials, yet I did find this which says Bowen traveled with “SHIPPER” north on Oct 1...  many of the pertinent docs are in the articles at KandK

    Thanks David.

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