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John Kowalski

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Posts posted by John Kowalski

  1. 22 hours ago, John Butler said:

    Box 5 is particularly important.  Box's 1 and 4 are also good for finding new material. 

    Any information on Emil Gardos and Grace Amelia Blair Gardos is important also.  Any scrap of information on their early years since about 1935 would be important, regardless of whether we can see any importance now.

    Another thing might be good.  The Gardos relation to Gus Hall, Louis Weinstock, and others living in Yorktown, NYC. 

    I would suggest your contact copy the following:

    1. Box 5 20 pages

    2. Box 4 Folder 14 Genealogical material 10 pages

    3. Box 4 Folder 1 20 pages

    4.  Box 2 Folder 7 Legal Cases 30 pages

    5.  Search Box 1 for any relevant material related to the FBI document-  associations of any kind.

    6.  Search Box 4 for any related associations or material that can be linked to the FBI document.

    7.  Also, Box 3 for any related material.

    Copying 400 pages is a expensive, lengthy and tiring endeavor.  I can't advice your contact to copy the whole box.

    Let me know what this costs so I can help defray the costs.  Email to jbutlers@bardstowncable.net


    I asked my contact not to read each file because this is time consuming. It will be faster if he copies all documents in each file. Not sure if he is going to pay to have them copied I believe that he has a camera and will copy each page.

    Thank you for your financial support, will update you if he does not copy all files. 



  2. 32 minutes ago, John Butler said:

    Great!  Maybe, if your contact can provide information to check the Russ Geck story that would be great.

    Fred Blair's papers are voluminous.  Does he need to know what to look for at U. of Wisc., Madison?


    I gave him a list of files and folders to copy. These files focus mainly on family history and genealogy. Do not want him to look for specific names, instead want him to copy whole files. This is a lot easier to do than reviewing files looking for specific people. He said that he had limited time to work on the files so I sent him the list below and told him that the files are listed in order of priority.

    box 1 folder: Biographical Material, 1923-1979 - approx. 100 pages

    box 4 folder 1: Biographical Clippings, 1928-1972 - approx. 20 pages

    box 4 folder 14: Blair Family Genealogy - approx. 10 pages
    box 5 folder 2: Gardos, Grace Blair and Emil (sister and brother-in-law), 1964-1980 - approx. 20 pages

    box 1 folder 2-4: Correspondence, 1941-1979 - approx. 400 pages

    box 4 folder 3a-3b: Correspondence, Miscellaneous, ca. 1943, 1947, 1957-1980, undated - approx. 300 pages

    box 2 folder 7: Legal Cases, 1946-1947 - approx. 30 pages


  3. The problem with this video is that if we want to know LHO's state of mind on November 22, 1963 he would have had to been examined by a qualified psychologist. As we all know, he was not examined by one after he was arrested so this will question will never be answered. 

    Another problem with psychological analysis is that it can't prove innocence or guilt. Even if it could be proven that he was mentally unbalanced, that in itself can't prove that he assassinated JFK. 






  4. On 1/7/2020 at 5:59 AM, Jim Hargrove said:

    If the Deep Politics member finds he can't do this, please let me know.  I might be able to get to Madison sometime also.


    Link below is the finding aid for the Blair papers. Can you let me know which ones you want copied of and I will ask them for an estimate. If the cost is too high we can always wait until February or for when Jim will have time to go there.




  5. 15 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    The other possibilities that come to mind include looking at the Fred Blair papers at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and searching for any old yearbooks dating back to the 1940s from the long-defunct Public School 30 on E. 88th St. in Manhattan.  


    I will look into the Blair papers. The DP poster will be available on February 2 to access the papers.

  6. On 1/3/2020 at 10:32 AM, Jim Hargrove said:


    We know of only one surviving SS number for LHO and one for Marguerite, but there is plenty of interesting Social Security data John A. uncovered in his research.  For example, as John wrote on our website….

    In response to Marina Oswald's "Application for Survivors Insurance Benefits" the SSA failed to include Oswald's earnings from Dolly Shoe, Tujague's, J.R. Michaels, the Pfisterer Dental Lab, and the Dept. of the Navy (Marine Corps). The only earnings the SSA included were those from Oswald's earnings in 1962 and 1963, after his return from the Soviet Union. The SSA reported Oswald's total life-time earnings as $3306.85 (based upon the following documents).

    He goes on to show that the $3306.85 lifetime earnings were simply a total of “Oswald’s” 1962 and 1963 income from William B. Reily & Co., Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, Inc, Leslie Welding, and the Texas School Book Depository.

    In 1978, in response to a request for information from the HSCA, the SSA wrote back and said it was enclosing, among other things, “Copies of three pages of the Warren Commission Report re employment of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to service in the Marine Corps.”

    For much more on this, see



    Very interesting article. It's clear that the SSA is holding back information. Did John A. ever try to get a copy of their SSN applications? It would be interesting to see who applied for them and when. Did Lee and his mother apply for them and then their SSNs were given to Harvey? Did Harvey's caretaker use Lee's mother's SSN?

  7. 18 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Be even more intriguing if they were mother and son....  I don’t see that here...

    But yes indeed John, that woman is key, yet the records of her time is virtually impossible to Authenticate. 
    We do know her testimony about her own life events is full of conflict.  That she was not the wife of Ekdahl or any Oswald.

    You think She did her patriotic duty and got screwed like Harvey?


    I should have said "mother."

    Been researching her and it has been tough going. Her origins are as difficult to locate and as important as Harvey's origins.

    Not sure if she did her patriotic duty because if she played a knowing part of Oswald project, then why did she not say anything to the Warren Commission or the press about the Oswald project? Do you believe she did her patriotic duty?

    She had a connection to Keith Thompson who was connected to far-right US politics, another interesting fact given her connection to the Oswald project.

  8. On 12/21/2019 at 5:48 PM, John Butler said:

    From what I read in Russ Geck's reply he seemed an honest, straight forward, and direct guy.  I don't think I was too direct, but recognize I may have been.  My point was to say folks on the forum generally demand more proof then what someone says.  And, if he would then he could supply more info.  Recognizing at the same time if he didn't then that was fine also.

    Before I go any further, I'll wait for a response from him. 

    John B.

    Thank you for contacting Russ Geck. That was good work on your part. If he gets back to you with details about John Gardos he can be eliminated as being Harvey.

  9. 16 hours ago, John Butler said:

    In all of the things I have read about the Oswalds, Nancy Lee Oswald age 7, living with Marguerite and Harvey has got to be the strangest.  This is out of the blue and has to be something new and unknown.  Who could Nancy Lee Oswald be?  Another Hungarian that Margaret was tending?  A relative of the Oswalds?


    What does John A. have to say about Nancy lee Oswald, did he find this record when he was doing his research?


  10. 15 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    CRIME STOPPERS HUNTS KILLER OF STEPHEN TIPPIT FOR NEWS RELEASE: TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1982 This week, Crime Stoppers is offering a $1,000.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and Grand Jury Indictment of the person or persons responsible for the execution style killing of Stephen Allan Tippit. Steve Tippit was murdered in the winter of 1980 and Police still do not have any solid leads in the case. On December 5, 1980, Stephen Tippit left his motorcycle shop located at 3600 South Lamar at approximately 11:00 AM. Tippit had in his possession the daily deposit from the business and had stated to employees that he was going to make the deposit at the bank, but that he was going by a friend's house first. The friend was going to show him the proper way to carry and use a . 45 caliber automatic pistol. Tippit drove to the home of Henry Johnson at 602 B Kinney Ave. where he remained for a short period of time before leaving to conduct his business. At approximately 3:00 PM employees of Tippit's motorcycle shop saw Tippit driving southbound on South Lamar in front of the shop in his yellow 1972 Volkswagen 2 door, accompanied by a white male passenger. The vehicle was headed in the direction of Oak Hill. This was the last time Stephen Allan Tippit was seen alive. On the afternoon of December 6, 1980 Steve Tippit's vehicle was found abandoned in the Westgate Mall parking lot in front of Woolco Department Store. Inside the vehicle was Tippit's wallet, bank deposit and his .45 automatic pistol. Later that same afternoon two men driving down Cooke Road in Southwest Travis County near Oak Hill found the body of Steve Tippit off to the side of the road. There appeared to be no sign of a struggle and robbery did not appear to be a motive as Tippit still had $400.00 cash on his person. Tippit seems to have been forced to get down on his knees and shot in the back of the head twice in an execution style killing. If you have any information as to who killed Stephen Tippit or can help bring some light to this case, give Crime Stoppers a call at 472-TIPS. You could earn a $1,000.00 reward if the information leads to an arrest and Grand Jury Indictment. Callers do not have to reveal their names and all calls will be kept confidenta1. Crime Stoppers will also pay rewards on other felony crimes


    Thanks for the info. His homicide is suspicious given that money was not taken.

  11. 20 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    Why? Did the FBI recruit him as an informant, a source, a "PCI", a contact, or whatever the hell they call their guys? Why are they still hidden?


    You make a good point about Grossi being an informant. If he was informing on someone they would want to hide this and his connection to the FBI.

    Grossi’s prison record, which is posted on this thread, has an entry for the time period in 1944 and it states “juvenile delinquency” while other entries show what crime he committed. The source for this entry is the FBI. Looks like they are trying to hide something about this crime.

    This is speculation on my part but when I was researching Albert Osborne aka John Howard Bowen I discovered that he worked with juveniles while working with the Camp Fire Council. He helped create this organization in the 1930s in Knoxville, TN. It’s goal was to provide activities for young boys who would otherwise might get into trouble with the law. Could Osborne have been the person who mentored Grossi in his teens and then got him the job at JCS? If he was this person, this connection would be too much to ignore.

  12. 4 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Is it possible that John Caesar Grossi and Albert Osborne/”John Bowen” of the infamous Flecha Roja bus ride allegedly with Oswald aboard are one and the same?  Do we know enough about the ages of these people (or person) to see if this is possible?


    No, they are 2 separate people. Albert Osborne was born in England in 1888 and served in the British Army before emigrating to the US in 1914. Grossi is US born. Osborne took the identity of a man named John Howard Bowen who was born in the US in 1880. Wrote a story about Osborne The Dual Life of Albert Osborne which is published on Kenendys and King. I was able to find a picture of the real John Howard Bowen and this is included in my story. Grossi had many aliases, one of which is John Bowen.

    Grossi's Leavenworth prison record is below. It has a lot of info about him, his family and other connections.




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