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John Kowalski

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Posts posted by John Kowalski

  1. 2 hours ago, Calvin Ye said:

    It is in Chapter 6, *22 of the first edition

    Can't find it in the second edition. If the document has a number attached to it you may be able to find that document in Mary Ferrell's database.

    One of Oswald's relatives, Dorothy Murret, may have had intelligence connections. Maybe Ruth Paine was investigating this connection.


  2. On 1/12/2021 at 9:28 PM, Calvin Ye said:

    I have a question: Where can I get a copy of the Navy Document that reported Ruth Paine requesting information about Oswald's family in 1957?

    What page is the end note on and in what edition of the book did you find it?  Jim states that most of his sources for Ruth Paine and her husband are from articles written in Probe Magazine by Carol Hewitt, Steve Jones and Barbara LaMonica. Maybe the navy document can be found in these articles.

  3. Rob Clark interviewed Fred Litwin on The Lone Gunman Podcast. As usual, Litwin is selective about what he says about the case. He mentioned CMC in Rome but omits the fact that there were many neo-facist people connected to that company, which make that company suspect. For more info about this see my review of Michele Metta's book about CMC. Litwin also said that he is working on another book.

    Contacted Rob and asked him if he will have another show where someone will tell Garrison's side of the story.



  4. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Litwin is a gay corporate board member who is the Canadian J K Rowling of the trans movement.


    The corporate link is dated 2006. That may be him but Fred told me that he is retired, I think from the computer business. The company named in the article is in Toronto and he lives in Ottawa.

    He may be involved in private business activities but don't believe that he is a corporate board member of that company.


  5. 20 hours ago, John Kowalski said:


    Once again thanks for the info and thanks to John A for responding.

    This is an interesting story so I did some research on her and her family. Buleau Bratton had a daughter named Betty who is named on Commission Exhibit 1873-G  as Lee Harvey Oswald's sixth grade home room teacher at Ridglea West Elementary School in Fort Worth during the 1951-1952 school year.

    According to the 1940 census, Buleau, her husband and daughter were living with Walter and Margaret Williamson and their daughter and grand-daughter. Census says that Margaret was born in the US and her age was 53 which means that she would have been born in 1887. Not sure if this is the same Margaret because she is using Margaret and not Marguerite.

    The 1950 Forth Worth City Directory shows Buleau her husband John and Betty living together in Forth Worth. It says that Betty is a student and Buleau is a teacher. In 1956 they are all still living together at the same address, Buleau is still teaching and Betty is now a teacher. In 1956 Betty married Howard Green.





    A few months ago I was working on Marguerite's connection to William Dobkins. I obtained copies of files pertaining to Dobkins from Marguerite's papers that she donated to Texas Christian University. Her papers included a receipt book for her work as a practical nurse. The receipts indicated that she would sometimes stay overnight at a client's home. Did not see Beulah's name in the receipt book but maybe she hired Marguerite. Her husband, John Bratton, died in 1965 and his death certificate stated that he had medical problems for 3 years prior to his death. Marguerite may have stayed with them for a few days to help her with her husband. Her daughter Betty was either Lee's or Harvey's home room teacher during the 1951-1952 school year. It would be interesting to know if they spoke about her daughter possibly being Harvey's home room teacher.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jim Hargrove said:


    I emailed John A. your questions and here are his responses (in red):

    Did Buleau Bratton say how she became Marguerite's roommate? NO Did she meet her through a mutual acquaintance or did either she or Marguerite respond to an ad for a roommate? DID NOT ASK Did she say at what address and when they lived together? NO, DID NOT ASK. I WAS CONCENTRATING ON MARGUERITE'S SPEAKING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE ON THE PHONE LATE AT NIGHT. Was it Marguerite's or Buleau's place? MARGUERITE'S, I THINK. Was Harvey living with them as well and if yes did she say about him? NO, REMEMBER THAT HARVEY JOINED THE MARINES IN OCT, 1956, NEVER VISITED MARGUERITE ON LEAVE, AND ONLY SPENT ONE NIGHT AT HER APARTMENT IN SEPT, 1959 BEFORE LEAVING FOR THE SOVIET UNION, RETURNING IN JUNE, 1962


    Once again thanks for the info and thanks to John A for responding.

    This is an interesting story so I did some research on her and her family. Buleau Bratton had a daughter named Betty who is named on Commission Exhibit 1873-G  as Lee Harvey Oswald's sixth grade home room teacher at Ridglea West Elementary School in Fort Worth during the 1951-1952 school year.

    According to the 1940 census, Buleau, her husband and daughter were living with Walter and Margaret Williamson and their daughter and grand-daughter. Census says that Margaret was born in the US and her age was 53 which means that she would have been born in 1887. Not sure if this is the same Margaret because she is using Margaret and not Marguerite.

    The 1950 Forth Worth City Directory shows Buleau her husband John and Betty living together in Forth Worth. It says that Betty is a student and Buleau is a teacher. In 1956 they are all still living together at the same address, Buleau is still teaching and Betty is now a teacher. In 1956 Betty married Howard Green.




  7. Jim:

    Did Buleau Bratton say how she became Marguerite's roommate? Did she meet her through a mutual acquaintance or did either she or Marguerite respond to an ad for a roommate? Did she say at what address and when they lived together? Was it Marguerite's or Buleau's place? Was Harvey living with them as well and if yes did she say about him?

  8. Jim:

    You mentioned in a post that Harvey's mother had someone living with her who said that she overheard Marguerite speaking German. Do you know this person's name? Lee's mother also had someone living with her. The 1940 census indicates that she had a lodger named Ann Burrougher who was born in 1918. Could not find anything about her on Ancestry. Do you know if John researched this person?

  9. Saw a documentary called Three Identical Strangers which is based on the true story of three identical triplets who were separated at birth as part of an experiment to determine the impact of nature versus nurture on human development. They were raised in three different homes, one blue-collar, one middle class and one affluent, and these homes had different parenting styles.

    One of the them enrolled in college and noticed that people were addressing him by a different name, which was the name of one of his brothers who attended the same college. Publicity about them reached the third brother who realized that he was related to them. After they reunited they discovered that they had been part of a long-term experiment.


  10. Ekdahl%20-%20Military%20Service.jpg

    On 8/22/2020 at 4:00 AM, Richard Booth said:

    In this framework the project starts at ONI and later is transferred to the CIA, or there is some kind of joint thing occurring here.

    Hi Robert:

    Welcome to the forum.

    ONI's possible connection to H&L is an interesting hypothesis.  Eckdahl enlisted in the US Navy reserve in 1917 and was stationed at the Experimental Station New London Connecticut. While there he worked on submarine detection. Being in the naval reserve and working on experimental naval equipment may have brought him into contact with Office of Naval Intelligence who would be interested in or may have sponsored this work.

    In 1919 he departed for Shanghai in China. At that time it was an international settlement controlled by various countries.  Do not know for sure if he was involved in intelligence activities but he may have been recruited by the ONI because of his naval service and sent there. Another possibility is that he acted as a domestic contact. They could have asked him to make observations about what he saw in Shanghai and report back to them. This would be the same work Clay Shaw did for the CIA.



  11. Jim:

    Thanks for the info. Coup D'Etat in America mentions her connection to Harold Isaacs who was connected to a CIA front organization. The fact that she is wandering all over the world on a teacher's salary could indicate that she was a domestic contact just like Shaw.

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