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John Kowalski

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Posts posted by John Kowalski

  1. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Hi, Sandy,

    Just got back from a vacation in Central America that cost more than I should have spent.  It will take a while for me to catch up, but I'm starting now.

    The fellow from Budapest has sent me a dozen or so long letters, some of which I have difficulty following, but it is interesting.  It'll take a while to catch up to that as well.


    Earlier in this thread some of us did some Weinstock research, it will be very interesting to know what is in these letters.

  2. On 2/5/2024 at 4:40 AM, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

    The CIA recruited two unrelated boys, one American and one from eastern Europe, in the hope that when they had grown up, a decade or so later, they would resemble each other so closely that they would be mistaken for each other.

    MK-Ultra sub-project # 103 was created to study European children to see if they could be used in future CIA operations.




  3. On 2/5/2024 at 4:34 AM, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

    John Kowalski writes:

    Of course! A claim is inherently far-fetched if it proposes something that is not known to have happened before, or which contradicts our current understanding of how the world works, or for which no plausible mechanism has yet been identified.

    • Claim: 'JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy' = not far-fetched, because there are numerous examples of political figures who have been killed as the result of conspiracies.
    • Claim: 'JFK was killed by creatures from the planet Zog' = far-fetched, because there is currently no evidence that creatures from the planet Zog exist.

    Of course, if sufficient evidence is produced, an apparently far-fetched claim will turn into a plausible claim. Plenty of far-fetched claims have turned into plausible claims, once sufficient evidence has been produced. But you need a higher standard of evidence to justify an inherently far-fetched claim than an inherently plausible claim.

    Have you read Harvey and Lee?

  4. On 1/31/2024 at 11:57 AM, Tom Gram said:

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and I tend to agree with Jeremy that particularly “far-fetched” theories can be a potential turn-off for neutral prospective researchers of the assassination, and fodder for the media etc. to denigrate serious study of the JFKA. Attracting new talent to JFK research is very important IMO, especially with full digitization of the ARC on the horizon, but the image projected by the research “community” is sometimes less than welcoming, to put it mildly. 

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Why is it an extraordinary claim, because you think so?  Is there an objective way by which a theory can be evaluated in terms of being far-fetched?

    When I first heard about Harvey and Lee, with its 2 Oswalds, it seemed like the the type of of theory that gives serious JFK researchers a bad reputation. But I decided to buy the book, and was convinced by the vast amount of evidence John Armstrong provided to support his theory.


  5. 23 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    John: Is the family still in Connecticut?  I was born and raised in NYC and the northern ‘burbs and MIGHT be able to locate someone from the area, though it has been (gasp!) more than half a century since I was there for more than a day or two.

    Found an online article stating that she died in 2020. She was living with someone when I contacted her so there was the possibility that who ever was living with her could be contacted, but her home was sold in 2021.    

  6. 6 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Hi, John.  Good to run into you again!

    I mentioned you just yesterday in THIS POST about the anonymous phone call to the Tippit's of Connecticut.  It's been awhile, and so I hope I got most of the facts right.  If you could take a quick look at that post and tell me if you recalled anything differently, I'd appreciate it.


    Its good to hear from you again. Read your post and would not change anything. If you know anyone who lives near her, maybe we can arrange for someone to pay her a visit.

    Went to NARA last summer and did some research on Clay Shaw, Edwin Ekdahl and Marguerite Oswald. Was interested in ONI front companies that may have employed Ekdahl but did not find any companies that provided a front for him when he went to China.

  7. On 1/21/2024 at 6:38 PM, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    We have accounts that a ONI investigation on oswald was done in the weeks after the assassination and the investigatve materials were stored at naval bases around the world so they would not be found if a record search was done  in DC.  

    What is your source for these accounts?

  8. On 1/14/2024 at 1:27 PM, Kirk Gallaway said:

    But I don't find these advocates are overbearing and you can usually see from the titles of  their threads what their views are and choose to ignore or get involved.

    The shamers should ignore threads that they don't agree with. They are the ones making the shaming comments.

  9. On 11/11/2023 at 9:58 AM, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

    This historical obscurity raises critical questions: Did the U.S. government, in the midst of Cold War anxieties, extend its surveillance network to Russian communities in cities like Irving, as it did with Japanese communities during World War II? Could this surveillance have been a part of a larger strategy, especially during the tense period of the JFK administration, marked by high-stakes espionage and international conflict?

    A 1968 Montreal Star article reported that the CIA admitted in a Baltimore court that it had conducted counter-espionage activities in the US. The article states that a Canadian citizen, Erik Heine who is an Estonian emigre sued Juri Raus who is also an Estonian emigre for slander because Raus said that Heine was a KGB operative.



  10. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    This looks interesting. Have you read it? Reminds me of some of the research and personal recollections of Peter Levenda in Sinister Forces. 

    Read a preview copy of the book as the author had some questions regarding my research. Also provided him with some documents I had on Anglin. Have read Levenda's grimoire, Sinister Forces, while Levenda is mentioned in the book, it is about Anglin.

  11. 3 hours ago, Joseph Backes said:

    I wouldn't go this route.  I didn't see a recommended JFK assassination researcher. There are many JFK records that do not have RIFs. 

    You do not need a dedicated JFK researcher to do this research and there are no RIFs. All of the documents in his collection are documents donated by him. 

    If you ask NARA to copy it for you using the information provided by Joseph and me  ask how long it will take. if it takes too long, hire a researcher.

    If you hire a researcher give that person the information provided by Joseph and the documents location: JFK, No Entry Number, JFK Collection: Papers of Edward F. Wegmann. Boxes 1-7 Stack 650L1, Row 67, Compartment 34, Shelf 4.  This was provided by to me by NARA and this is how I ordered the documents.  The researcher can email it to NARA and request an advance pull. When they confirm that it has been pulled the researcher can go there and review the boxes. It can take up to 2 hours to retrieve archival material and you do not want to pay the researcher to wait for the boxes.




  12. On 8/8/2023 at 9:02 AM, Tom Gram said:

    This might be a long shot, but does anyone have any digital copies of the papers of Edward F. Wegmann, or at least a detailed finding aid/document listing?

    I reviewed the Wegmann papers last month at NARA Archives II at College Park Maryland. Reviewed all 7 boxes and found a lot of documents that looked like they came from Jim Garrison's office but did not copy those interviews. If you want to review them you can hire a researcher who can make copies of them for you. With only seven boxes to review, it should not take a long time for a researcher to find them. Here is a list of independent researchers.



  13. On 6/20/2023 at 6:43 PM, Paul Brancato said:

    I wonder if there is more to learn about Grossi, so I am responding to this thread in hopes we can take a closer look. He clearly was associated with Pete Licavoli, a Detroit mobster who moved to Tuscon where Grossi lived on his estate for a while. Bill Kelly spells Licavoli’s name wrong twice. 
    The first thing I noticed browsing the many FBI files linked in these posts about Grossi was that he worked with Oswald in the photo department. Gotta wonder how he wound up at JCS. He was a career hood, and I think, given the enormous number of redactions in his record, an FBI informant. 

    I interviewed Grossi's son, John William Bowen in 2017. Asked him how he got the job at JCS and he replied "The job at Jaggars was - I believe - through someone who had previously tried to mentor him during his teens. I don't recall the name, but he was generally regarded as someone who tried - unsuccessfully - to point him in the right direction."

    Grossi's Leavenworth inmate record dated 1959 stated that he sent money to F. Ryder. Her brother, Dial Ryder, worked at the Irving gun shop where work was allegedly done on the Manlicher Carcano.


  14. Library and Archives Canada, which has the Louis M Bloomfield papers, refused to give me access to them in 2018. They claimed that as Bloomfield was a lawyer, documents in his papers were subject to solicitor-client privilege and therefore should not be disclosed to the public. My theory is that the archives closed access to his papers because of the 2017 JFK Act document release. JFK's assassination was in the news and I suspect that, because of this Bloomfield's wife may have been concerned that her former husband's name would again be associated with JFK's murder. Can't prove this but she is a likely suspect.

    This was not the first lawsuit. Maurice Philipps had sued them because they refused to give him access to his papers many years earlier. I asked the Federal Court of Canada to conduct a judicial review of their decision and I won. They released almost all of his documents, with the exception of approximately 65 of them. The archives provided me with the names of the people whose documents were not released to me, and they did not match anyone I knew to be connected to Centro Mondiale Commerciale. As part of the settlement the archives agreed to digitize his papers. The most important aspect of his papers, are his letter books which contain letters he wrote regarding CMC. Bloomfield's role with this company was to represent some investors.

    Attached is a link to copies of Bloomfield's documents that I copied from his papers.

    https://archive.org/details/bloomfield_201907/Bloomfield - Alk/

    Link below is for his letter books which have been digitized by the archives.





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