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John Kowalski

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Posts posted by John Kowalski

  1. 23 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

    Well, I'm not so sure.  That's the point.  My readings indicate that no birth record has ever been located and there are essentially two stories about the name: yours, which is the initials don't stand for anything, and some early perhaps propagandistic attempts to claim the initials stood for "Jefferson Davis."


    The census record shows JD, why would his parents provide a first name that was not his real one?  I believe that JD was his real name. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

    Ah.  Okay.  But no birth records.  That's odd.  And no wedding announcement either in the papers from Red River area in 1946 I gather too.  Or am I wrong on that?

    Did not search for other records but am sure they could be found somewhere.

    A lot has been written about JD Tippit. Have you ever read anything about him where JD was not used?

  3. On 2/23/2024 at 12:09 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

    Just got off the phone with John A. and we discussed your ideas for some time.  John was absolutely convinced that you would be the best person to make the call because you had previous contact with Tina and might not come across as a complete stranger.  If she was unaware of your previous communication with her mother, you could at least explain what had happened.

    You might tell her the current status of the research on this matter and explain that a fellow in Budapest is currently trying to help us with it.  John thought it would be important to try to explain to her the importance of the call and to ask her not to throw any of her grandmother’s old paperwork away without checking to see if it has something to do with the anonymous caller from so long ago.

    I think John A’s thoughts on this make sense.  Do you agree, and is there anything else any of us can do to help?  Good luck!

    Hi Jim:

    Called one of her granddaughters today, she did not answer so I left a message. Will keep you updated.

  4. 5 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

    More significant however to the call which appears to have been made by Elizabeth Bentley to the Tippits in Connecticut -- although it was reported upon her death, the day after the FBI memo was written (!), that she lived by then in CT, not NY -- may be the fact that the Tippits of CT are actually from Texas.

    Christina "Tina" Tippit Brown's obituary states that she began her writing career at Texas Tech University, which is located in the city of Lubbock. Her husband Jack D Tippit also went to the same university. She told me that she never met the Tippits but said that they could be distant relatives.


  5. 8 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Has it been four or five years since you last spoke with Tina Tippet?

    If so, do you think it would be wise if you or someone else here contacted once more to see if there is any way to acquire copies of those notes?


    Have contact information for one of her granddaughters. I could contact her, hoping that her mother or the other woman I spoke to, told her about me so she does not have to talk to a complete stranger. Tina Tippit told me that she was interested in the research being done but I do not know if she passed this information on to her granddaughters. The other option is to have some else call. Was listening to John Armstrong on Black Ops Radio last week and he said that both you and him visited Rob Reiner, who was very interested in John's research. She may be interested in talking to him, since he is a person whose identity they can confirm. Another option is to ask John to call. His identity can be easily confirmed by his website. Let me know what you think about this. I will call them if the above mentioned options are not suitable.



  6. On 2/19/2024 at 6:17 PM, Paul Jolliffe said:

    As a longtime resident of NYC, and as a spymistress herself, it is inconceivable that Bentley would not have known that Yorkville was home to a huge variety of Eastern European immigrants, many of communist leanings/sympathies (or more.)

    When I spoke to Tina Tippet she said that the woman called her several times, always in a rush, fearing that she will be overheard. Maybe her work as a spy made her concerned about people eavesdropping on her conversations, or she was living with someone when she made the phone calls.

  7. 21 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    Note that it does NOT say "Mrs. M. Oswald", but merely "Mrs. Oswald." Also, while the references to "1940" and "Nazis" is handwritten, I see no reference to "New Jersey". I remember reading Malcolm Blunt's guess that a CIA analyst did a search on the name "Oswald" and this popped up.


    Had a look at page 2, it mentions 1940, Nazi, does not mention Mrs. Oswald.

  8. 1 hour ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    Yes, John A. is correct - the list grew after it came into the possession of the FBI. However, I think that the "Circus Maximus" book probably really belonged to "Oswald". Its presence among his possessions would have raised questions about who he really was. The FBI didn't plant that book - that was exactly the kind of book they wanted to make disappear.


    Do you know if John ever spoke to Marina about why Oswald had this book?

  9. On 2/19/2024 at 4:33 PM, Paul Jolliffe said:

    Yes, John A. is correct - the list grew after it came into the possession of the FBI. However, I think that the "Circus Maximus" book probably really belonged to "Oswald". Its presence among his possessions would have raised questions about who he really was. The FBI didn't plant that book - that was exactly the kind of book they wanted to make disappear.

    Do you have any theories that would explain why Oswald had this book?

  10. In Harvey and Lee John A wrote "In January 1953 the HUAC in New York made reference to a "Mrs. M. Oswald" in a CIA Office of Security file. The file contained references to 1941, Nazi's, and New Jersey. Judge John Tunheim, of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), wrote to Henry Hyde in an attempt to get the HUAC files on Lee and Marguerite Oswald released, but his request was refused."

    Does this statement suggest that she was spying on them?

    Article below says that the Nazi organization The German-American Bund had its headquarters in Yorkville. Jean Stafford in her book about Marguerite Oswald said that her husband believed that her accent was from Hoboken, New Jersey and Astoria, New York. Am speculating that Marguerite Oswald was from the east coast. If her connections to Nazis in 1941 is true, then she may have been working as an intelligence asset, collecting information on them and this could have been how they eventually recruited her for the Harvey project. 

    Stafford also said that she believed Marguerite took elocution lessons. Elocution lessons can be taken to remove your accent. Maybe she took them in an attempt to hide her east coast accent if she was planning to move to another part of the country. 





  11. 4 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    I believe we can conclude these books really were owned by our "Oswald" precisely because they were suppressed from the "official" records. After all, people might have started to wonder who "Oswald" really was if they knew this 10th grade dropout from Texas had purchased this book in 1962!

    John A said that there is a list of Oswald possessions, and that this list got bigger after his possessions were sent to Washington. A comparison of these two lists would confirm the planting of evidence.

  12. On 2/16/2024 at 5:05 AM, Pete Mellor said:

    My son bought me a copy of Armstrong's 'Harvey & Lee'.  Overall the biography of LHO is well covered.  But, I've never swallowed the two mothers stuff or the two little boys groomed for clandestine work for CIA.  Too near the twilight zone.

    Hi Pete:

    MK-Ultra sub-project # 103 was created to study European children to see if they could be used in future CIA operations.



  13. Jim:

    Does John Armstrong know about these 2 MK-Ultra sub-projects?

    MK-Ultra sub-project # 89 Hungarian repatriation?

    MK-Ultra sub-project # 103 was created to study European children to see if they could be used in future CIA operations.



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