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John Kowalski

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Posts posted by John Kowalski

  1. Netflix has a movie called the Wasp Network which is based on real events. Miami anti-Castro Cubans attempt to de-stabilize Cuba in the 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union. Cuban government  sets up an intelligence network made up of "defectors" whose objective is to infiltrate the anti-Castro Cubans and report back to Cuban intelligence. It's the 1960s all over again and except this time they are trying to disrupt Cuba's tourism business by bombing hotels.


  2. As I mentioned in an earlier post I had spoken to Tina Tippit-Brown about the called she received in 1963 about LHO and her call to the FBI. She told me that she had made notes about the call but she could not access them as she was settling her late husband's estate. Called her today but she did not answer. Spoke to someone else who I believe is her granddaughter. She told me that this is a bad time for their family and that she would give my message to Tina asking her to call me back.


    On 5/14/2020 at 4:04 AM, Robert Montenegro said:

    QUOTE — "...When the announcement for Permindex was first made in Switzerland in late 1956, its principal backing was to come from a local banker named Hans Seligman. But as more investigation by the local papers was done, it became clear that the real backer was J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation.


    Does this book elaborate on the newspaper sources for Permindex's funding, does it say how they found out about the J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation involvement with this company?

  4. 19 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I believe we were trading comments back and forth a few months ago about George Ignatieff. George was the Canadian Ambassador to the UN in about 67/68.

    In any event, although I have not looked into him much for a few months, I still think he is interesting. 

    He was from one of those Russian Nobility families and ran in some interesting circles.

    Ignatieff is an interesting person given the circles he moved in. No doubt that many investigative agencies have files on him.

  5. On 5/4/2020 at 11:50 AM, Guest Bart Kamp said:

    Thanks to Malcolm Blunt. Scans by me.

    Intelligence and national security by Roy Godson.

    Had a look at the tiles included in this scan and found "Commission of Inquiry Concerning Certain Activities of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police". This reminded me of a scene from the movie "JFK". Jim Garrison goes to Washington DC to meet with Mr. X aka Fletcher Prouty. During this scene someone said, and I am paraphrasing here, "that was a real barn-burner." In Canada, one of the activities the RCMP were accused of was barn-burning. After the Commission concluded its investigation the Canadian government transferred the RCMP's responsibilities for foreign intelligence to the newly-created Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

  6. 22 hours ago, John Butler said:

    One of the things that needs to be looked into is when did Marquerite Claverie Oswald become a nurse.  Any record I see of her is for some sort of low paying job in Dept. stores or some such.  On the other hand when did Mysterious Marge become a nurse?  At $10 per day?

    I agree. Her employment and training records have to be located, if they exist at all. Someone she worked for as a practical nurse has to be found and interviewed. This will be difficult as many are most likely deceased by now.

  7. 21 hours ago, John Butler said:

    I don't have the book.  I need to know more info on Leon Voitier.  That info needs to connect to Aminthe Voitier.  I couldn't find anything from 1938 to future times.

    Have a number of things I want to research but it will all have to wait until the pandemic is over and archives open. Mistaken Identity lacks credibility but now I am wondering about Aminthe and Leon Voitier.

  8. David:

    What sources of information would be available for Harvey for the period 1948-1952?

    School records would be one source but the FBI took them. Harvey was too young to work, so there will be no employment records. Telephone book and a city directory but there is no listing for who lived in the back from 1948 to 1954. That would leave eyewitness testimony form neighbours who saw him or people who would have attended school with Harvey during this time period. Was the person who lived in the front of the house during this time period and attended the school he would have attended interviewed?

    Can you send me your updated timeline when it is completed.






  9. 18 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

     Since they seemed to drop off the face of the earth for several years, John speculates that they may have moved into what was probably a CIA safehouse at  2220 Thomas Place, just across the street from Stripling School in Fort Worth.

    A lack of records about them during this time period could indicate that the CIA decided to hide them form the world, unless of course they were sent out of the city to a remote location.  Did the neighbours report seeing any activity at 2220 Thomas Place from 1948-1952?

  10. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    John B's recollection of real Marguerite saying she was going to disappear doesn't ring a bell with me, but I can say that the real Marguerite seems to pretty much disappear from what’s left of the public record around 1959, which makes sense since that is the year Harvey “defected.”  From at least that point on, the official record is all about the Marguerite impostor and the LHO impostor.  

    Disappearing in 1959 would make sense because the Soviets would have used their US assets to investigate Harvey's background. They would do this because they knew about false identities as they did the same thing with Gordon Lonsdale.

    There are questions that still have to be answered about the real Marguerite. How did she disappear, did she leave eventually New Orleans and change her name? After the newspapers reported Harvey's defection, people in New Orleans who knew her and her son would have questions for her. How would she answer them? What did she do when Harvey made it to the front page of every newspaper in the country when he was accused of killing Kennedy? When the newspapers published Harvey's biography, which matched hers, how did she deny that it was her son?

    It would be possible that after the assassination that the CIA would have moved her to a place where she was not know and changed her name. This would prevent people from asking her questions.


  11. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    During several phone conversations, John told me how much it bothered him that Jack White veered off on topics such as the fake moon landings, contrails, etc.  John felt Jack was just making it easier for critics to mock the H&L analysis and ignore the bulk of the evidence.

    I remember Jack White's analysis of the back yard photos. It was amazing. When he began questioning the moon landings I was very disappointed. Before he questioned then, I saw him as an historical researcher investigating Kennedy's assassination. After that I saw him a a conspiracy theorist. These are people who believe that the moon landing was fake, the Illuminati and that, as Jim Fetzer stated, no one died at Sandy Hook. Sadly, the media lumps serious Kennedy assassination researchers in with conspiracy theorists.

  12. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    John Kowalski’s work tracking down Tina Tippit Brown and discovering that she still had original notes of the anonymous phone calls may be our best bet at trying to figure this out.  Mrs. Brown’s work settling her late husband’s estate is certainly understandable, but I can hardly wait to see if those notes can be read by researchers.

    Me too. She is my calendar to contact her. When I do her notes will be my top priority.

  13. On 4/11/2020 at 9:54 AM, John Butler said:

    There may be a second young Emil Kardos lurking out there.  Here is the marriage record for Emil Kardos and Helen Kaminski 1941:

    Does this mean that we were looking at the wrong family? This makes sense because there could be other families with the same name in Yorkville or somewhere nearby.


  14. 22 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    I didn’t know you had read Mistaken Identity.  The author sent it to me last year and I read much of it as well.  What drove me crazy was that the author said he had evidence from U.S. Census data that the two Oswalds were actually second cousins.  For the life of me, I didn’t see, or to say it more charitably, didn't understand what he said was his evidence.

    There are a number of problems with the book. The first one is Torbitt. Author references him a lot in his book. As I mentioned in earlier posts and on other threads about him, anything written by Torbitt can't be relied on. The other problem is that his theory mistaken identity does not hold up very well.

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