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Michaleen Kilroy

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Posts posted by Michaleen Kilroy

  1. There’s a study in human perception here somewhere.

    The LN side never seems to acknowledge that the JFKA is endlessly perplexing because the authorities decided on the result before they investigated - for various reasons both known and murky.

    The LNers act like the authorities honestly wanted to solve the case. It’s obvious to me they never did. So it remains a never-ending mystery to this day because of the govt’s lack of interest in pursuing the whole truth and the aggressive cover up across agencies as well.

    And 60 years later, here we are. Citizens still debating it.

    Btw, I asked Buell directly at a conference whether he thought LHO had a gun in the bag and shot the president. He said no on both counts. Also, he said the shooting sequence was pow…… pow-pow. Like many witnesses, he said the last shot came right on top of the second one. Too fast for a bolt action Carcano. So there’s that.

  2. 10 hours ago, Lance Payette said:


    I find certain basic facts impossible to square with any plausible conspiracy theory. One of these is Oswald’s last-minute trip to Ruth Paine’s home to obtain his rifle.


    Funny, I find the entire bring-your-rifle-to-work day to kill the president completely implausible and actually working in LHO’s favor as reasonable doubt in the trial he should’ve had.

    This wasn’t a modern lock-and-load rifle that you could disassemble or assemble easily. It had nine separate parts and at least as many screws.

    To make it fit in the paper bag the WC had in its possession, LHO would’ve had to carry it disassembled and the WR concedes that.

    So LHO is in the Paine garage with poor lighting taking apart his rifle and sealing it in a bag he made that no screws could fall out? Did he also have a screwdriver handy for disassembly?

    So he carries the self-made bag that no one at the TSBD saw him make (in fact the employee who was in charge of the packaging materials was emphatic LHO didn’t) filled with gun parts and screws that somehow don’t fall out and don’t make a racket in BWF’s car? And he carries it into the TSBD and no one notices and nothing falls out? And in a bag that the only two witnesses who saw it maintained was too small to hold even a disassembled Carcano against all sorts of govt intimidation and pressure to change their story?

    And LHO somehow finds a safe time and place ostensibly on the 6th Floor (don’t tell me he carried the assembled rifle from another floor without being seen) to reassemble the rifle with no screwdriver? When and where was that? Some say he used a dime. Would you shoot an old rifle that was that insecurely assembled?

    One missing screw or someone sees him at any point with the rifle and his assassination plan is over.

    I don’t believe there is any way it went down that way. You have to put your mind in a pretzel like believing the SBT to buy it.

    BTW, the WC tried but couldn’t find any evidence the rifle had been stored in that blanket - no oil stains on the blanket, no threads on the gun.

    And don’t buy the old canard LHO left his money and ring as some sort of farewell. The wallet was being used by the couple to hold money to get their own place again and LHO never wore his wedding ring when he wore his rather large Marine Corps ring. In those days, it was protocol for veterans to wear their MC rings on their wedding finger. And that’s where it was when he was arrested. Check the photos.

    Which brings up another question - why would he wear that big honking ring if he’s going to be working that crappy bolt-action Carcano in record time?





  3. 2 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

    Is the guy you’re talking about Thomas Vicente? I’m pretty sure John Newman wrote in Oswald in the CIA that the FBI broke into FPCC Headquarters in April ‘63 with Vicente’s help, but I don’t remember the source. Vicente seems to be a if not the prime candidate for NY-3245-S* - but I vaguely remember seeing something that made me doubt it was him over a year ago. 

    I don’t recall the name but believe it was in one of the Anthony Summers books.

  4. It’s my understanding that the FPCC office in NY was completely infiltrated by the FBI by the time LHO gets involved. I think the second in command was an FBI informant and would copy all new docs when director VT Lee was out of town.

    So LHO was basically corresponding with an FBI-run communist honeypot. LHO was too worldly not to know this, IMO.

  5. 11 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

    Yes, interesting.  Most researchers scrutinise CIA & look to their redacted and withheld files as to logical incrimination in the JFKA as well as their association with LHO etc.

    Recently I was intrigued by a paragraph in Tom O'Neill's book 'Chaos', where he wrote:-""General Curtis E. LeMay, a legendary fighter pilot who'd implemented the carpet bombing of Japan during World War II.  A notorious hawk.  LeMay had served as chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson.  In 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, he'd tried to organise a coup against Kennedy among the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he wanted to force the military to flout the president's orders and bomb the Soviet missile bases they'd found in Cuba."

    I thought that passage "organise a coup against Kennedy among the Joint Chiefs of Staff" extremely interesting in 1962, considering the event in Dallas just over 12 months later AND adding JFK's backward steps on Vietnam and the Test Ban treaty in '63, the latter also not going down favourably with LeMay.  I certainly had never encountered any LeMay coup claim prior to reading O'Neill's work, which is very detailed and thorough in it's research.

    O'Neill's Notes that accompanied the above quote named three books, 'In a Time of Torment' by I.F. Stone.  'LeMay: The Life & Wars of General Curtis LeMay' by Warren Kozak.  'Mission with LeMay: My Story' by Curtis LeMay & MacKinlay Kantor.

    My interest piqued, over the latter couple of months I Amazoned the first two.  Izzy Stone's collection of his 1960's press publications contained just one piece on LeMay with no mention of any coup.  After waiting weeks for the Warren Kozak book to be shipped from the States, I drew another blank.  Kozak covers LeMay's life in standard biographical chronological order, so I read through the relevant time period covering the CMC and LeMay's service under Kennedy, and drew a second blank!  No mention at all of any intimation of a coup.  As all three books were absent from local library listings & the LeMay/Kantor book unavailable on internet searches, so far my attempts to corroborate O'Neill's coup claim has been unsuccessful.  I have raised this point with the author via e-mail, to ask just where exactly he came across this quote.  Tom O'Neill's reply has informed me that his books/notes etc are in California and at present he is travelling.  I have been requested to re-contact him in February.

    Anyone reading this post who has a copy of the LeMay/Kantor publication could assist this search.

    As for Jefferson Morley, he is a solid investigative journalist.  Very credible, and I briefly met him at Lancer a decade ago.

    Yes that is a serious allegation and would be nice to know the source.

  6. 7 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

    Yes, it's hard to believe that Parkland Hospital had so many idiots for medical staff.

    Doctors and nurses who couldn't tell an entrance wound from an exit wound.

    Doctors and nurses who saw holes where there were none and missed the ones that were there.

    And now a doctor who located a bullet in the thigh that had already fallen out.

    Glad I never had to go to THAT hospital.

    Really. Especially when they apparently only brought in the best to work on the wounded as Dr. Shaw intimates as professor of thoracic surgery at Southwestern.

    So the best they had were clueless and mistaken on all these critical medical points? Doubtful.


  7. This is an excellent interview with Jeff:


    Couple of interesting new items I see:

    - I’ve never heard Jeff mention the JCS as possibly running the anti-FPCC operation with LHO but he says CIA was a ‘junior’ agency at the time and may have been doing JCS bidding

    - There’s a new name I haven’t seen before - Jerry Brown, an analyst with CIA’s Office of Security. Jeff is in talks with the Brown family for possible further story in 2023

    Also, Jeff reminds again how GDM was interviewed in DC shortly after leaving Dallas and likely alerting officials there of LHO’s reaction when he ‘jokingly’ accused him of shooting Walker.

    The intrigue never ends with this case.

    Hoping in 2023 all the loose ends come together and the big picture finally comes into view - for historical truth and American society’s collective mental health.

  8. 1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    I dont know why the research community did not take action after the Trump postponements but things are different this time. we have a team that has weekly strategic meetings  and Judge Tunheim who just finished his term as the chief judge for the federal district court for the district of Minnesota- is working with us.  she did not have to write her own separate letter to the President so I will take her letter at face value for now and try to enlist her as an ally.   

    Sounds like you’re on the right track and we appreciate everyone’s efforts, Larry.

  9. 2 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    This is letter the Senator sent to the President as a follow-up to Judge Tunheim's letter.  Another step in building a coalition to get an oversight hearing.

    Letter to President Biden re_ Assassination Records Review Board (Tunheim) - (FINAL).jpg

    Love Sen. Klobuchar and this only increases my respect for her.

    That said, she has a close relationship with POTUS and this still didn’t do the trick.

    Another sign just how tough it will be to get these final files released.

  10. 1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    It makes sense as part of an LHO biography build to send him to the Cuban and Soviet embassies. Why no photos? Some of the cameras were automatic 1960s level technology. Some of the photographers were Mexican nationals, entirely bored with their jobs. 

    I believe David Atlee Phillips told the HSCA the camera was broken the day LHO walked in the Russian embassy. However, another agency employee later rebutted that notion, saying, “We’re the CIA. We have other cameras.”

  11. 27 minutes ago, Joseph Backes said:

    Freud said there is no joke. But the joke is on you Tucker Carlson lovers, because there is no source. 

    He makes excrement up, you idiots.  It's called lying. It's what he does for a living. Get a clue.

    John Judge once was worried about the people who come along every once in a while and basically take some part of the case that the community has uncovered through research or getting documents and sings our own incomplete songbook back to us as though something new has been found.  This happens over and over again, like a Ponzi scheme. People keep falling for the obvious crap scam. They don't teach who the hell Charles Ponzi was or anything about his scheme in schools, nor do journalists inform the public to beware. So, it's always new.  Bernie Madoff, Bitcoin, NFTs, all scams.  And now TC is going to be your champion on JFK assassination research. He claims to have a source. BS! I call shenanigans! Anyone can look at the extant DECLASSIFIED documents and come up with a far more interesting, far more compelling story than "D'uh, I think da CIA done did it."  

    How f-ing stupid do you have to be to to take TC seriously? 

    Minus the insults, I agree with you. TC like the MAGA president he championed, as well as Hannity and the other Fox propagandists, are proven dissemblers and provocateurs. They don’t care about the truth and never have.

    I separate this conclusion from Fox news reporters who generally do have journalistic ethics. It’s like separating the Wall Street Journal front page which is fact-based from the editorial page which is opinion.

    And I have enough respect for Fox news reporters that if there was a scintilla of truth to TC’s claim, they’d be on it.

    However if this particular propaganda finally loosens the last files out of the CIA’s grip, then who am I to complain? It’s a better outcome than the hateful speech he usually spreads.

  12. TC is no journalist. Never has been as far as I know. Neither is Hannity, who doesn’t have a college degree, or the rest of the Murdoch puppets. They are ‘opinion makers.’

    Fox actually has one of the best news departments in the biz if they’re not covering politics which is slanted (every cable news outfit is these days). But they can cover breaking news like the current winter conditions better than anyone, for example.

    I don’t believe TC carefully vetted his “source” or even cares to. If he did, the Fox news department would be on it. It just fit the narrative he wanted to tell for some political purpose/ratings.

    Usually his propaganda is destructive but in this case it may serve a good purpose as Morley has pointed out - getting the new House to subpoena the 44 Joannides records the CIA is still withholding. 

    I’ve always maintained that the full truth of the JFKA would never be told until there was some political imperative to do so - either to avoid political damage or to gain advantage. We may finally reach that crossroad in the New Year. TC, despite his putrid racist propaganda that JFK would abhor, may have helped make it happen.


  13. JFKA is the only conspiracy I believe in because of the facts in the case.  Wasn't looking for a conspiracy - it found me.

    It's clear to me that Helms-Joannides were involved in building LHO's pro-Castro legend in NO.  Top CIA operators don't engage in this level of propaganda for no reason.  The fact that operation coincided with JFKA and supported the CIA's objectives after the crime tells me the assassination was planned by top CIA operators as well.

    There's more but really I don't need any more.  It's obvious.  What's also obvious is that the CIA will never give up the last incriminating files regarding their interactions with LHO in NO unless and until the Executive branch of the USG and the Fourth Estate pressure them to.  And that apparently will never occur.

  14. 13 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    The true lede graph, "Nearly six decades after the JFKA, President Joe Biden still refuses to release in full period documents that serous researchers say could confirm relations between the CIA and accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald."


    I return to my previous conclusion - obfuscation at this late date and at this level means the CIA is guilty as hell. Any other conclusion is beyond naive.

  15. From Shenon’s cover piece for the CIA:

    Those documents suggested the CIA’s Mexico station bungled evidence that, had it been passed on quickly to the Secret Service and other agencies in Washington, could have saved Kennedy’s life.

    Can you say limited modified hangout?

    I’ve seen enough. The CIA did the crime and can intimidate the executive branch to bend to its will to continue the coverup.

  16. 2 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

    The Politico piece was just posted. 

    Read it here.

    ‘About to Release More JFK Files…’ 

    more information is about to come to light — but not everything’

    ‘more’ files not ‘all’ files

    ‘For this nation’s army of conspiracy theorists, few long-secret government documents have whipped up so much suspicion in the 59 years since President John F. Kennedy’s death as the CIA’s massive, multivolume background file on assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.’

    ‘White House officials hope at least a little of that suspicion will be lifted later today.’

    Shenon is such a tool. And I mean that in every sense of the word.

    They’re kicking the can down the road again flipping the bird at the law. That should be the main thrust of his story not this condescending piece of shyte.




  17. 4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I understand your sentiments, and maybe even concur.

    But it could be they just want to hide that LHO was "one of ours," an asset that got involved in the JFKA. It was known how bad blood was between JFK and the CIA, and the firing of Dulles etc. BoP and so on. 

    So in 1963 a CIA asset murders JFK...looks really bad even if LHO was rogue or just used by rogues....

    If the CIA was anywhere near LHO in the months and weeks before the assassination like Morley says, then they were involved IMO. The odds it was all happenstance that this guy they had been using as an asset somehow ups and kills the president are too great. Especially as you have pointed out, the Z film shooting sequence proves conspiracy. 

    If somehow ‘rogue’ CIA agents used LHO for the assassination while he was also being used as an asset to take down the FPCC - and the agency protected them for institutional self preservation - same difference for me. CIA is guilty. 

  18. 55 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Query: When did America's right-wing become more receptive to un-official explanations of the JFKA than the left-wing? 

    It is strange. Happened to see this from Candace Owens of all people on Twitter (think she retweeted herself from last year):

    If you believe our government waited 58 years to release the JFK files because they didn’t want the American people to know that Russia was involved, you are an idiot. 

    Such an insult to anyone with an operative frontal cortex. 

    Then Fox News was on Twitter asking Jeff Morley for an interview.

    The Judge Tunheim letter was damning (and much more powerful and real than what Morley did unfortunately) and the American people want the files released yesterday. Even true-blue Girl Scout Amy Klobuchar is helping.

    Still can’t help but feel it won’t happen yet again.



  19. 26 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    No disagreement from me, but dang, I hope they have something solid.

    If they have some hard stuff, that will be explosive. If what they have is intelligent deduction, or very reasonable conjecture, and even possibly "true"...then I think it will be a flub. 

    Just my two cents. 

    Morley had mentioned having ‘living witnesses’ on his blog of the CIA psyops involving LHO. Hope that’s the case.

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