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Rick McTague

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Posts posted by Rick McTague

  1. 9 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    Nice try, DJ, at pretending to know with 100% certainty the EXACT, TO-THE-MILLIMETER body position of Governor Connally when he was shot (which is something NOBODY knows with 100% certainty).

    And, of course, the WC didn't need a curving or "magical" metal rod to get the bullet to proceed straight from JFK's throat wound to the bullet hole in Governor Connally's jacket. So, obviously, that bullet path was a DOABLE one without any need for any zigging or zagging at all.

    But just do what almost all other CTers do, DJ --- ignore CE903.



    DVP, this view from the rear showing the entry point of the pointer as significantly above the hole in JFK's suit coat. 


    How can that explain the entry up higher near the neck needed for the SBT to work?  It also shows the pointer at a much flatter angle than the 6th floor TSBD window.


  2. Paz,

    Bill Kelly has a good idea in this blog post from Monday.

    "Going forward, the legally unresolved and cold case murders of Sam Giancana, John Roselli and Eugene M. Carrafa are among the cold cases related to the assassination of President Kennedy that, if reopened and investigated properly today, could help resolve the murder of JFK ... Official local and federal investigators, armed with these newly released records, should reopen all three of these cases."

    To me, this is much more actionable (i.e. "eating the elephant one bite at a time") and potentially productive than trying to "eat the entire elephant" at one sitting that another JFK investigation would be.  It would also have less coverage in the media which, as we all know, would behave exactly like they did when the movie JFK was released, when the 50th anniversary of the assassination came around and continue to behave to this day: be loud, obnoxious, monopolizing apologists for the now provable fantasy that the Warren Commission produced.

    Thanks for bringing this up!


  3. 16 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    I haven't the foggiest.

    I guess Bell must have stopped filming (for some reason).

    (Or --- Maybe the Bell film has been altered as part of a massive CIA/FBI/LBJ/IRS/NTSB/ATF/KFC-sponsored conspiracy and cover-up.)


    It's oddly similar to the sudden jump in the Z film from the slow turn onto Elm of the motorcade when the limo zaps into the film a little way down the street, avoiding the turn that Zapruder said he filmed.  Any opinions on that?    

  4. 3 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Yes Madeline Brown claimed foreknowledge. 

    I don't buy the credibility dismissal of Madeline Brown at all.

    When a woman shares a bed with a man for 20+ years on a semi-regular basis ( possibly 100 times?) they know a lot about that man. Intimate stuff. More than simply making her toes curl.

    In the case of Madeline Brown and Lyndon Baines Johnson you can bet a big Texas Longhorn belt buckle she overheard more and honestly shared this than her detractors claim.



    Thanks Joe - exactly my points behind adding her to the list.  Not to mention giving LBJ a son....

    She sure seems credible in the interviews I've seen of her.


  5. 10 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    Nice Job Rick...  Here's your shot and one taken a while back.

    From what I've seen and read, the getaway from the south knoll was much easier...  AND there was a sewer opening on that side like the one on the north knoll... but that's been cemented up...  wonder why?

    :huh:    :cheers


    Thanks, David - fascinating composite.  Access to the north knoll (as I recall from other threads) parking lot was controlled by the Sheriff's department, requiring keys to allow entry and egress.  The south knoll parking lot is open so yes I agree much easier for a getaway.  Yes, there were (and are) sewer openings at the far ends of the overpass bridge on both knolls, up near the top.  Next time I'm there I'll look these over.  


  6. This is a picture taken in February 2018 standing near (maybe 15' away from) the southern end of the overpass.  It's about where the leftmost red line in David's post above lines up.  You can see the concrete pad in the lower left where James Tague was standing.  It is also near where the trajectory of a shot hitting JFK in the right temple and blowing out the right rear of his head lines up, based on the curve of Elm and his head's position at the time.  If you look closely at the composite posted by David in his next to last post, I am standing immediately beside the southernmost decorative bridge fixture (above the pedestrian tunnel through the overpass).  Easy to stand there and easy to hide a rifle vertically, lower it, aim, shoot, then walk the few feet to the open parking lot off the southern knoll while everyone is looking at the motorcade.


  7. 48 minutes ago, David Lifton said:

    Rick:  Quick answers without detail;  will return and expand later, when time permits:

    epileptic seizure: completely genuine.

    SS contrast between Kellerman and agents guarding LBJ...: agreed.  Absurdly different.

    Umbrella man: genuine.Not part of any plot.

    DC man: don't know.

    Yellow painted curb: extraordinarily important.

    The rest (man, woman etc):  no opinion.

    Later. . . DSL




    Just to provide clarity on my vague mention of a man and a woman casually walking east on Elm, I found it here at 1:00 into the Hughes film, a woman in a brown coat, followed by a man in a suit with a hat, both walking away from the commotion and seemingly the only ones not engaged with the rest of the crowd, rushing towards the grassy knoll.  They have always seemed really odd, out of place and suspicious.  Anyone else have any thoughts on these two, or are they just a couple more anomalies, strange behavior by strange people in and around DP that day?



  8. David Lifton,

    I appreciate you posting here; I have Best Evidence and have seen your compelling interviews with the Bethesda staff - all very valuable testimony and information.

    I do have a question related to JC's intensity around the TradeMart / motorcade decision.  What is your research around the seating controversy between he and Senator Ralph Yarborough?  I recall that JC REALLY wanted to ride with LBJ, with Yarborough in the limo with Kennedy.  What facts have you uncovered around that, and how does it tie into the input by JC on the luncheon location (and it's resulting motorcade route)?

    I ask because I do not believe in coincidences, with so many incidents and factors that others on this forum regally deem to be "non-sinister".  Some of these include: the epileptic seizure, The SS opening LBJ's door at the moment of Altgens 5 while the president's SS staff does nothing except looking around,  umbrella man, dark-complected man, the yellow painted curb markers that "happened" to delineate the fatal shot zone, the man and woman casually walking east on the Elm sidewalk while UM and DCM are sitting down and everyone else is hustling up the GK towards the fence, etc.

    Sure appreciate it!



  9. It's also interesting that she describes the throat wound as a "big exit wound under his Adam's apple", contradicting what Dr. Perry described three times in his press conference as appearing to be an entrance wound, which implies smaller and more round-shaped.  She seems to be describing the wound as in the autopsy photo, appearing as the big, gaping, post-tracheotomy / modified wound.

  10. On 5/26/2018 at 2:33 PM, James DiEugenio said:

    The rest of the review is here:


    What Vince does here is he shows with multi sources that, as Jim Garrison first stated, the route was altered.  People like the shill McAdams, who have said it was not, just did not do any research on the subject. Of course, if he had and discovered this, he would have hushed it up anyway.

    Anybody who has ever been to Dealey Plaza, and stood atop the trestle and looked down at the motorcade path, I mean you just shake your head in disgust.  I have said it before and I will say it now: it was like the hit team designed the route.  What more could you have asked for? The fact that the WC never called anyone on the carpet for this route or pointed out all the problems it posed for protection, that says all you need to know about them.



    Here is a picture from October 2014 doing just that - standing on the overpass looking straight down at the motorcade path.  


    As I'm sure you're aware, it is much tighter and closer than the pictures and film from that day show.



  11. 1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Gene, I think JM was referring to Gladys Johnson as being guarded and suspicious.

    I've never been to Dealey Plaza let alone Texas.

    However, I've read many times how first time visitors to the JFK murder scene are surprised as to it's smaller scale size.

    How the motorcade planners with Secret Service approval could not see the potential danger of having JFK's limo take two 90% turns in such a short distance into and through that tight area just sickens you.


    I've appreciated your intelligent postings here on EF for a few years now and thought I'd reply with a pic I took in February of this year, since I live ~30 miles north of Dallas.  I go to DP a few times a year, on a Friday, timed to grab a cheeseburger at a tiny little diner on Elm then walk around DP around noon-12:30.  I am always struck by how small and compact the whole area is, with the TSBD sort of looming over the whole place.  

    This picture is taken from about 25' from the south knoll, standing on the overpass above Commerce street, the southern-most street in the Elm-Main-Commerce junction.  I am directly above where James Tague stood on 11/22/63.  The two maroon cars in the center lane are directly over the two marked X's where the powers that be said JFK was hit.  

    I hope this helps provide some perspective.




  12. 49 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:


    It's a good rhetorical question, Paz; and good on you for raising it again. 

    The answer is that at least there was negligence in protecting President; but that only goes so far if one even does believe in LHO as the lone assassin. Second place for an answer goes to the "benign cover-up" for a lone-nut scenario. But,  as most of us believe, the obvious answer is that there was a criminal conspiracy involving people in power who had the means to both kill JFK and managed the cover-up.


    Yes and the government continues to use this umbrella of an excuse to redact and withhold records.  If there is nothing to hide, given the LHO lone assassin conclusion, why not release everything in full?  What are they hiding?

  13. 16 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I’ll get to this clip when my daughter’s wedding festivities are over. Getting married today, coincidentally the same day as the latest Royal wedding, which was refreshingly different. 

    Strongly suggest you take a look at the wandering Bishops of the ‘heretical’ Catholic sects in the US. Peter Levenda’s books on the subject are, like yours, from personal experience. 

    A most hearty congratulations, Paul!  It's good to get them out of the nest and on their own way, right?  As of 1.5 years ago, all three of my boys are married - it feels good.  Now you can enjoy being a grandfather (I have two grandsons) - it's a great time!

    Take care - 


  14. 6 minutes ago, Mike Kilroy said:

    ... As I started reading more, I realized JFK seemed like one of those leaders in Russia or other autocratic nations whose true history and actions had been "disappeared."  He didn't at all fit the narrative the MSM tried to tell about him.  The majority of the American public still doesn't have a clue but I think they appreciate his reason and search for peaceful solutions in dangerous times.

    I've realized that it's not a sentimental cliche to believe the world did change when he died.   And today, after doing a fairly intensive study of the assassination literature with a critical eye, I do believe there is a better than 50/50 chance someone engineered a very clever trick in Dealey that day. And the reasons increasingly appear to be related to JFK's approach to key foreign policy issues.

    I do recall conducting interviews with people a few years after reading that book as a local journalist and finding that many people hated JFK.  They wouldn't say it directly but I got many answers like, "Well, I didn't like his policies but I felt sorry for his family."  So if there was animus at the citizen level you have to know that it was magnified exponentially in the halls of power.

    In any case, the reason I come to these forums is to essentially find new information that may help me get to the full truth of the assassination and JFK's presidency.  I appreciate anyone else who is on this quest 50+ years later and approaches the subject with honesty and critical thought. 



    Really nicely put, Mike.  Balanced and thoughtful.  I am 100% with you on your last paragraph - that is why I am here too, not as part of some "JFK Cult".  Like all of us, he did good things and bad things, some of which we know about and probably many that we don't.  

    Thanks again.

  15. Instead of a "Kennedy Cult" I might propose a "Justice Cult" - a group of historians, researchers and interested parties who are driven to see justice done, the real planners, perpetrators and those who participated in the 50+ year long cover-up exposed and brought to justice.  

    Most folks here seem to be teachable and readily admit a mistake on their part.  My perception is that those who slavishly adhere to the Lone Nut theory is that they are less ready to admit areas of error and learn from that than those who do not believe in LHO's sole guilt.  That's just my perception, no more.

    Like all men, JFK was flawed; those intensely interested in justice are not "fanboys" who think he did no wrong.  We want to continue to uncover the provable and deeply flawed government/media conclusion of LHO's sole guilt. If you want to call us a "cult" for that, sign me up.

  16. Steve,

    I might add Madeleine Brown (LBJ's mistress) to be included on this list, since she is on record regarding what LBJ said at the Murchison party on 11/21, along the lines of "after tomorrow those SOB's won't embarrass me anymore".



  17. 16 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Lemme get this straight: a shooter with a high powered rifle (medium powered?) shot from the south knoll, it struck JFK right under the adams apple, bruised the larynx and burst blood vessels to the right of the larynx, ripped a couple of inches of trachea, burst a bunch of blood vessels in his neck, left a airpocket over the right C7/T1 transverse processes and a hairline fracture of the right T1 transverse process.

    No hard tissue struck, no exit.


    How does any conventional firearm shot not rip right thru the neck?

    I suggest the wound pattern is consistent with a non-conventional strike.


    Also remember that this round neatly passed through the front windshield before striking JFK.



  18. 2 hours ago, Robert Harper said:

    Mr McTague: In your strolls through the area, have you determined how Abraham Zapruder got up on the pedestal? He said he rode (7 miles) home to get his camera and just managed to land right in front of where the murder occurred. Lee Bowers mentioned 3 cars coming into the parking area but never mentioned Zapruder and his secretary leaving one of them.She said that he " lead the way" and knew where he wanted to be, but did he park  at the Dal Tex building and walk over? If he did, it's not easy to hop up there. Is there a smooth walk from the parking area right to the top of the pedestal so that one doesn't have to be helped up? Thanks for any feedback.


    I'm just a young pup like yourself so please call me Rick!  

    He would have needed help to get on that pedestal.  I've stood on it, and it takes some uncomfortable doing to get up there: jump up, sit on it, spin around, get your legs under you and stand up.  Then he would have helped Ms. Sitzman (which could be the name for the sit-spin-stand move haha) up to help steady him.  It's a short smooth walk from the parking lot around the pergola to the pedestal.  But to get up on it, it would take effort.

    Here are two pics from October 2014, standing on the pedestal:



    Here are a few pictures showing the pedestal area; the top one is a zoomed in portion of the bottom one:



    Hope this helps!


  19. In the context of this thread, I thought I'd post a link to Roger Craig's unpublished manuscript posted here by Michael Clark.  I bookmarked that link - it contains Mr. Craig's detailed account of 11/22/63 and everything that happened to him after that, including his time in Midlothian.  It's a very good read and makes my blood boil at the treatment this fine young man (and many others who witnessed and spoke out about events contrary to the official story) received at the hands of the powers that be (such as Decker, Fritz, etc.), ultimately taking his life after several attempts at destroying him financially, in his career, mentally, and physically. 



  20. 1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

    And quoting Oswald, who was asked about the car Craig saw him get into on Elm street. as saying that "that station wagon belonged to Mrs. Paine, don't try and drag her into this" is so far out of left field...why would Craig even come up with something so easily suggestive of a wild made up story? He risked his credibility with that statement but stuck to it.



    Two things in this interview about Craig's presence in Fritz's office that really solidifies his account for me:

    1. At ~25:26 of this video, he says "... went right into Captain Fritz's office" followed by "and we went into Captain Fritz's inner office" - very clearly, Craig was inside the office.

    2. At 26:00 Oswald's response was due to Fritz asking Craig about Oswald "Was this the man you saw?" "Yes.  And it was." then Fritz telling Oswald "Now this man saw you leave.". Now how could Fritz say "this man" (Craig) if Craig wasn't even present?


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