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Benjamin Cole

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  1. JC-- Thanks for your collegial comments. I am with you---it is as if Harris has plummeted through a trapdoor in the floor, which was slammed shut. Not one person in the vast Donk blabberama-o-sphere is touting Harris for President. (BTW, the GOP blabber-meisters are just as annoying). Harris is a poor public speaker, but hardly that much worse than many recent bumblers, such as George Bush Jr. Trump is a terrible public speaker. I assume that, even in private, Harris makes a very poor impression, perhaps she is sinking into an intractable midlife crisis of some sort, a mental depression. Even party stalwarts can't hold their nose at her, but rather run off. Who knows?
  2. Maybe. Here are Harris' committee assignments in the Senate (see below). She has only one term, so a track record will be thin. It does stand out that Harris sat on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The history of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) is notable and includes chairmen such as Barry Goldwater, Arlen Specter and Bob Graham. Yes, that Arlen Specter. Somebody thought Harris would fit in on the SSCI, which in some regards means she was expected to not rock the boat. Scanty evidence, but I would not bet on Harris opening up the JFK Records, or the Joannides records, or any other records that might shed light on the JFKA/RFK1A. Committee on the Budget Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management Select Committee on Intelligence Committee on the Judiciary[281] Subcommittee on the Constitution Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law
  3. Bill Simpich: Out of left field question: For a while I reported on large law firms, working the Wall Street scene. Usually, in their literature, they would mention some "pro bono" efforts of the firm. Have any large law firms indicated any interest in assisting you, on a pro bono basis? They are loaded to the gills with money.
  4. The pinned JFK Records Act thread has devolved into Water Cooler sniping, so let's try a fresh thread. 1. There are many within the D-Party establishment calling for Biden to step down. Maybe he will. Or, sadly, maybe Biden will become incapacitated. Happens to us all. 2. Kamala Harris is the Vice-President, relatively young, and the legal and constitutionally designated successor to an incapacitated President. 3. The Biden Administration, according to legal scholars and lawyers from the Mary Ferrell Foundation, is engaging in an illegal snuff job on the JFK Records Act. To the layman it certainly seems the spirit of the JFK Records Act has been undermined by rank chicanery. 4. So, should Biden become incapacitated, and is replaced by President Harris...is there a chance President Harris would change administration policies regarding the JFK Act? I have no feel for this. Harris not Biden, but she is also something of a non-entity. A curiosity of the current hub-bub about Biden's mental capacities is that no one---no one even in the vast Donk blabber-sphere---is touting Harris as a ready replacement for Biden. Will Harris also tumble, should the D-Party stage a intra-party coup, and throw Biden under the bus? Seems likely. ---30--- There is a strange parallel in the Nixon story to the Harris situation. Way back when, it was more or less decided by the powers-that-be in DC that Nixon was going to vacation in San Clemente for good. But...Spiro Agnew was the vice president. Oooof. In that long ago time (1973), Spiro Agnew was chased out of office on aging Maryland corruption charges, and then WC'er Gerald Ford was installed into the White House, via the Vice Presidency. Will we see Harris removed from office soon? Who knows? If you do see that, then Biden will tumble next. What will that mean for the JFK Records Act? I don't know, but this is a topic very much worth following.
  5. I understand moderators cannot be put on ignore. 

    What about other non-moderators. Is there a consistent rule? 

  6. RM- I admire your enthusiasm for the topic. But as they say, read some passages with a grain of salt.
  7. Thanks for posting. We did not know it at the time, but the WC was the first of a series of snuff jobs to be done on true investigations into the JFKA/RFK1A. Aguilar and Wecht have been giants in the battle against federal government JFKA/RFK1A disinformation.
  8. On topic: The Democrat Party has a Vice President: Kamala Harris. If Harris ascends to the Oval Office, would she open up the JFK Records? Why or why not? ---30--- BTW, Harris has become invisible. Remember her? Why the "poof through the hole in the floor" job? Harris even fits into the Donk DEI-PC myrmidon codes for "diversity." But AFAIK, not one person in the entire Donk world of blabber-rama has pointed to Harris as a viable successor to Biden, whether now, or if needed in the future. Which btw, is the big reason we have Vice Presidents. If Harris was so completely and entirely inadequate to the task...how did she become the Democrat Vice President?
  9. This one is for RM. Mark Groubert is a great conversationalist, and understands Deep State actions to depose sitting US presidents. I disagree with Groubert's take on the actual forces behind the JFKA, but so it goes. For me, it was the first of several Deep State action to control who sat in the Oval Office.
  10. Stay tuned: I am working on a post "The Six Big Snuff Jobs" on the JFK investigation, the Garrison investigation, the RFK1A investigation, the Watergate investigation, the Scott Enyart heist, and the latest, the snuff job on the JFK Records Act. IMHO, the six snuff jobs are connected, and rule out the possibility that smaller organization, such as the Mob, or foreign nation, or LBJ, was primary or motivating force behind the JFKA. Ultimately, behind the 1960s assassinations was an organization with staying power and resources, and a long institutional memory.
  11. The two authorities on the JFKA and the JFK Records Act in one setting. Sit down with a cup of tea and listen. BTW, hat's off to Len Osanic, host of BOR. He has been covering the JFKA/RFK1A for decades, a real trooper, and regularly hosts Jim DiEugenio, another pillar--not just pillar, but roof and foundation---of the JFKA/RFK1A research community. https://www.blackopradio.com/archives2024.html Too much to talk about here, but it comes out in this session that the US Congress was supposed to conduct oversight on the JFK Record Act releases, and see it completed a long time ago. The Congress completely abandoned it obligations, setting up the current illegal snuff job on the JFK Records Act. Show #1205 Original airdate: June 27th, 2024 Guests: Mark Adamczyk, Jim DiEugenio Topics: JFK Assassination Research Play Show 1205 (1:03:24) MP3 download Mark E. Adamczyk is an attorney from Naples, Florida. Mark Adamczyk and Andrew Iler. writing on the JFK Records Act and declassifcation The Biden/CIA Attempt to Usurp Congress' Authority Over JFK Records Read Article Here Article by Mark Adamczyk JFK Records Release and Donald Trump ARRB Final Determinations of High Importance 4600 documents are still in the protected collection... Biden says the "job is done." Periodic Review under the JFK Records Act - Declassification should have been Complete by 2017 at the latest ! Public Interest Declassifcation Board (PIDB) Curtis Gannon scuttles Trump releasing any records under "national security" DOJ Office of Legal Counsel Steers Trump on a Flawed and Troubling Legal Path on the JFK Records" Joe Biden pathetic, allows agency's to judge themselves on transparency The Trump/Napolitano/Carlson Connection on JFK Article by Mark Adamzcyk Congressional Oversight on JFK Records Has Been a Total Failure. A new ARRB is needed to follow the law" Kennedy's & King looking for a webmaster to help with posting, email the website Sirhan Sirhan up for parole soon Read Action Alert Here
  12. Thanks for posting. Certainly, EF-JFKA members can agree on nothing, except that the JFK Records should be released immediately and unconditionally.
  13. RM- Thanks for your opinion. We are on different pages on this one, but that is fine. That is what the EF-JFKA forum is for. I will post Groubert's "LBJ Did It" Part II on the next day or so.
  14. RM- Thanks for your collegial commentary. If your version is true...surely, the Democrat President LBJ had motivations up the wazoo to perp the JFKA, and then the Democrat-controlled Congress had no motivation to demand to true investigation into the JFKA---imagine, the sitting Democrat President had offed his Democrat predecessor. This story, if told, would make gangland banana republic partisans look respectable! But...as I say, I have this nagging sense the RFK1A was a follow-on assassination, and the daring, daylight theft of the Scoot Enyart negatives, in 1996, well beyond the ken of the LBJ mafia, but also part of the JFKA/RFK1A story. Those are Rosetta Stone events, and signal (IMHO) the intel-state at work, or if some prefer, the Deep State. Nevertheless, as I have been asked, I will post Part II of Mark Groubert's "LBJ Did It" series. Groubert is a very knowledgable and interesting conversationalist, even if I disagree with some of his views. I like to see other points of views and this is a forum. Censorship is the hobgoblin of small minds in pointy heads.
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