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Bob Ness

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Everything posted by Bob Ness

  1. Carter must be overjoyed! Those Nasis are getting their just deserts! Putin is doing the reasonable thing under the circumstances.
  2. Weird Jeff. How much time have you spent in Russia? Presumably you go on occasion for RT. Doesn't keep you from spewing crap. My bet is she know's about 5,000 times more than you on the subject. Of course it was a coup! How could have been anything else? We can see how the people in Ukraine were thrilled to have Russia take out those nasty Ustachi/Nasis.
  3. Please. He's thrilled they're killing all those Nasi's!! The only person we should be listening to is Jeff. All his sources are the end all. The arrogance is stunning.
  4. Suspected that but I haven't been optimizing for YT for a bit. Not that big a deal anyway.
  5. You did read the previous response of mine didn't you? I liked the "edited to find synonym for ignorant" which you have to admit was a nice touch hahaha! It's just math Jim. How many views? 70,000, Likes? 6,900. Ten percent. Very nice, in fact you probably won't find to many as high on the subject but I haven't looked. I didn't see any dislikes but thought that could be in error (not available to public now? They change these things). I read nothing but supportive reviews but didn't check them all. Negative reviews don't necessarily penalize you but Google uses AI to sort through that sort of stuff. 863 comments to 70k views is very nice. Nothing to be embarrassed of at all. Here's a few paras on the subject I grabbed randomly. Remember these numbers vary quite a bit but it gives an idea. PM me if you want to go over some of this stuff. Maybe I can look at KK or something. You don't need access to the back end for these numbers (maybe dislikes now?) but they are some of the factors for search. YouTube is the second largest search engine. Comments to views ratio: evaluate your audience’s engagement When talking about comments to visualization, the winning equation is COMMENTS: VIEWS = 0.5%. Assuming that your video earned a total of 1000 views, the ideal comments’ ratio that would prove a high level of engagement is 5 comments. Instead, a video that generates 4000 views should have at least 10 comments. This rule, thanks to its easy applicability, can be used in any situation to check if the ratio between comments and visits is ideal. Obviously, as in all cases, there are exceptions: it’s not uncommon to find videos with 1000 views and a hundred comments. However, this depends on several factors such as the subject of the video: if the video is a very specific topic that attracts a few but very engaged users, the views will be limited to the target audience which will be ready to discuss the subject in the comment section below. Likes to views ratio: the popularity of the video A like on a Youtube video is a lot more than just a simple number: in addition to emphasizing quality, creativity and the hidden idea behind the video, it also means popularity. In this case, the perfect ratio between likes and views is LIKES: VIEWS = 4%. In simpler terms, at least 4 like every 100 views. Visitors, but especially your channel’s subscribers, by investing their time leaving a like will indirectly say that the video is qualitatively valid, from the point of view of entertainment and originality, to the point that it deserves a nice thumb up. If your video does not reach a satisfactory level of likes, the best thing to do is to change the approach instead of being discouraged, and try different ways to improve the quality of your productions until you find the winning solution. Someone like the famous vlogger PewDiePie found it for sure. In fact he’s getting almost a 20% likes/views ratio on this video: Haha this is more like your number Jim!! Likes to dislikes ratio: approval and disapproval This is one of the most varying combinations. It shows how big is the approval or the disapproval of a video. The percentage change a lot between old and recent videos as well as between popular and unknown videos. According to the statistics we took anonymously from our wide Youtubers database the typical likes to dislikes ratio is LIKES: DISLIKES = 3%. In other words approximately 4 dislikes every 100 likes when there is an average appreciation. A high dislikes rate can be related to several factors. Often consistency issues like when the content does not match the title. Every case should be analyzed and understood, anyway even if it is negative, is still not related to the engagement. It shows that your video is gaining attention too. On the contrary there are videos that almost everyone agrees, they just like them. And very few users think differently or have the courage to express their dissent.
  6. Paranoid much hahaha! Those switches are for trap doors under the chairs at the other end ala' Kim Jong-Il in Team America.
  7. This common for Putin to play on the guilt of Ukrainian's part in the holocaust. It's profoundly hypocritical considering Molotov - Ribbentrop.
  8. Glad you looked that up Steve to reiterate how little you know about what you're talking about. You see, Google has little people there who know computer programming and how to turn them on and so forth and they also know how to measure these things because you know, that's how they make TRILLIONS of dollars, see? I'm glad you can type questions into the Google machine and all but I have to make money from these types of issues (as do others) and that's why I included "engagement" information (I know - lotsa syllables huh?) which pretty easily shows that people who watch are watching most if not all. Those who do watch have enjoyed the interview, as can be seen in NO DISLIKES (even from idiots criticizing the interview in other forums) and the positive comments ratio. Here's an idea - how bout don't be snide about sh!t you know nothing about? Try that one.
  9. Fortunately I actually know what I'm talking about and you have time to edit this stupid comment that will show how ignorant you are. YouTube doesn't count "clicks for a few seconds" as a view and almost any grade schooler knows that even if you don't. I'm embarrassed someone ten years from now may see your post and decide immediately whatever you say is fortified by that level of incomprehension and dismiss it out of hand. The near ten percent likes to view ratio is stellar and ratio of likes to dislikes beyond that. 863 comments is excellent engagement by any metric. Talk about phony? You haven't a clue about what you're talking about. "Naturally" you should take up something you don't have to ask your grandson about to get informed. Sorry.
  10. There are a few people here, myself included, that realize the touchy position Russia is in. They are surrounded on the West by the most violent group of nations ever assembled on earth. They have been a part of that. Since the end of world war two a tentative standoff has existed (with only a few exceptions) that has eliminated the usual Russo-European bloodshed over borders that has existed there for centuries. I wish during the the dissolution of the USSR we and our allies had done more to help them but that is one of the big disadvantages to our democracy in that it's difficult to maintain continuity of foreign policy over successive administrations. Agreements between countries (especially super powers) that aren't formally ratified in Congress have little more weight than policy decisions, which Trump made abundantly clear. Most administrations will honor them but Russia is always a moving target especially since Yeltsin. All of those complicating factors and historical enmity between ethnic groups and political factions doesn't paper over the need to resolve these differences diplomatically rather than at gun point.
  11. Yeah right Jeff. When I shared my friends PJ images with you YEARS AGO FROM MAIDEN SQUARE WHEN HE WAS THERE You and Jim kept prattling on the same BS and never commented because your reading was so well informed IN SPITE OF THE FACT HE WAS THERE AT THE SAME TIME YOU WERE SPILLING GARBAGE!! The "putsch was a revolt! NATO NEVER SIGNED AN AGREEMENT AND RUSSIA NEVER KEPT ITS PROMISES EITHER. THE OUTSIZED FAR-RIGHT GARBAGE IS EXACTLY THAT!! You have no problem with Putin's fascist regime do you?? And now Germany is going to increase its spending for your joy! Russia is now incinerating civilians and you're defending it??? FFS. The extent of your delusion is stupefying only matched by your unending arrogance trying to claim you know better than the MILLIONS OF PEOPLE OBJECTING AND FIGHTING THE INVASION!! iNCONVENIENT FACT HUH? WHY AREN''T THEY WAVING FLAGS FOR THEIR CONQUERING HEROS THE RUSSIANS?????
  12. I want to make sure I have this straight. It is the US's fault that Putin invaded because the Ukraine "not fascist" leadership didn't want to cede Ukrainian land in Crimea and the East to Russian occupying forces. Or are those fake Ukrainians actually NASI Ukrainians pretending to be Russian forces pretending to be Ustachi Ukrainains posing as Russian GRU wearing make-up to look like Azvov militia members who claim to be Russian mercenaries? That is so far off the beam I'm speechless. Ukraine is NOT run by fascists and has the right to self-determination as do NATO countries in part or whole regardless of President for Life Putin's (actual fascist) machinations, real or imagined. Russia has either broken or put forth unacceptable terms in both Minsk agreements and yet Ukraine has not invaded or attacked Russia. The disputed regions fall within the borders of Ukraine which was recognized by Russia in 1991.
  13. Bad news. West Germany wasn't a member of NATO when it was formed. NATO was a defense alliance formed partly to put a stop to European and Soviet adventurism that dragged the US into two world wars. They're facts for you but not the people who live under these conditions. I promise you they're not all Nazis. I suspect out of the 40 million people in Ukraine there's a cannibal or two but luckily you're not running around claiming they're all chomping on people's legs. You and Carter are convinced and have been for some time that the Ustachi are behind this and it reads like the histrionics of a failed argument. It's patently obvious what is going on and was in Crimea as well. Putin can't afford for his population to perceive the possibility of a Western style democracy in his country. He'd be strung up in a New York minute. Now you're saying that NATO had nothing to do with stability in post Soviet Europe?? What? The reason Europe didn't go all in on proliferation is because of the nuclear umbrella we provided for the stability of the NATO allies. That made it unnecessary in spite of the fact that after the fall THERE WERE AT LEAST THREE MORE NUCLEAR POWERS, most of them highly destabilized in one way or the other. It's all well and good to entertain theories about how everything should be and salt your arguments with propaganda and oversimplifications. Wonderful. To justify the frightening violence ENTIRELY ATTRIBUTABLE TO PUTIN, is grotesque and fails the acid test, Bob Parry (RIP) or not. This is it: How do the people in Ukraine feel about your arguments? I can answer that. They think your arguments are BS, plain and simple. Even the more enlightened among the Russians are saying that, check the streets. That's a fact.
  14. They want to be part of the great democratic experiment in Russia? Hahaha! And yet Moscow is the only entity who can parse through this and is the global leader on these issues? Are you kidding me? Who says they're a fascist state? You, Oliver and Vlad? Who's cracking heads now, much to your delight apparently? Chasing the Ustachi across the border in their baby strollers? That's sick man. Russia officially recognizing those regions is about as useful as me recognizing them. It holds no water except for justification for invading and annexing the area (I'm waiting for a better time). Russia agreed to the current borders of the Ukraine in the early nineties in exchange for Kiev's relinquishing its nukes. You keep spitting out poopoo epitaphs and claiming righteousness but what you're saying is ridiculous. For instance, you claim that when the wall fell there was no purpose for NATO when in fact there was MORE purpose for NATO because after the dissolution of the USSR there were now 4 countries controlling the nuclear arsenal and the world was much more unstable than before. If you look over there now Putin has forced yet another consolidation of countries into NATO which has been happening since 1991.
  15. Just wait until he starts calling insurrectionists and protesters NAZIs or Ustachi.
  16. Where'd you copy and paste that from Jeff? There are no bombardments from Ukraine to the rebel held territory Jeff. Only the other way. I suppose the US shot down the airliner too? Jeff Carter already stated they have Russian troops in Ukraine and don't need to move any. Get your story straight Jeff. You've totally turned into a cartoon at this point Jeff and I'm not even interested in your point of view. It's embarrassing.
  17. It's safe bet he would at a minimum impose on Ukraine what he demands of his own people. As William has explained better than I could that includes silencing dissent and looting the country for his and his crony's benefit. This is probably true. I'm beginning to think he's crazy though. Keep in mind it's the Ethnic Russian East Ukraine, not a province of Russia, complete with its own political process, borders and institutions. Referendums to dissolve a Nation which was legally constituted aren't ordered from Moscow (such as Crimea). There are ethnic groups along the borders of all European countries and often there as the result of previous "boundry adjustments" by the likes of Stalin and Hitler among others. Belarussia used to be a part of Poland and Poland used to have part of Germany and on and on. This suggestion is akin to having Canada decide what they should do with the 50 states - some have "ethnic English-speaking Canadians" you know, like Washington and Minnesota. This is the Jeff Carter solution. Everyone was happy after WW2 and the Fall, more or less and they haven't dragged us into another of their shooting matches lately, but it looks like they're trying now. NATO stood as a pretty good deterrence, but we'll see how this goes. NATO expansion didn't come about as the result of the US invading smaller countries or threatening them. Those countries adopted the resolutions put forward politically, mostly democratically although I suppose you could say there was opposition in some countries, by their representatives and voted on by other NATO members. For the record up until the Crimea invasion I was pretty sympathetic to Russia's border problems but since then have decided Putin's like the rest of them. Fascist dictator in the mold of the old Soviets and model for Trump. Re Friedman - remember he was the genius who though it was a good idea for Biden to name 6 or 7 democratic Senators to his cabinet and thereby eviscerate the Dem majority in the Senate. Stupefying is the only way to put it. I think that suggestion caused calcification to occur spontaneously in my left lobe and I've never been the same...
  18. Don't forget looting the country. That's important. As Paul commented before the Ukraine does have resources and a fantastic gateway to Western Europe. This is standard European behavior and you can just pick your century and at times century and year. It just hasn't happened significantly since WW2. Aside from Crimea of course and Czechoslovakia.
  19. Watch Fox. Happens all the time and they don't do retractions as policy.
  20. You don't understand! We made them invade! The blood is on our hands when they slaughter people!
  21. WTF? You want us to incinerate them and everyone else in the process? That's a switch! Playing both sides of the fence aren't we? You're saying the European countries will have to defer back to the US to get this one under control yet again? But Russia and Putin in particular are lilly-white roses, battered about by the winds, victims of the US and EU and helpless to do anything short of taking up arms and invading a sovereign country. Go buy a clue somewhere Jeff. Putin lined up and volunteered, in fact insisted, on putting his people on the verge of being removed from the international exchange and plunging his people into poverty and starvation. We still own the dollar Jeff and thankfully the full confidence of the rest of the world to invest here. It's going to be a real problem for them shortly.
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