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Jake Hammond

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Everything posted by Jake Hammond

  1. I remember you as a voice of reason amongst a forest of bias Ben so I wasn't including all in that criticism. I'll stick to the old school topics but appreciate the comment.
  2. I just find it hard to believe the lack of self awareness on this forum. You have a forum set up as a high brow arena in which serious researchers can maturely discuss and argue points of the JFK assassination. In theory this should be conducted objectively, without bias and without political viewpoints being involved. A year ago I was shocked to see this topic, which lets face it is a posh leftist moan chamber. Now there is a separate designated posh Trump hate thread too ! Why are they on here and why don't people on here spend all this energy on JFK analysis ? And why don't you see the irony of these topics when juxtaposed with the inferred purpose of the forum ? Bonkers
  3. 12.40 rambler blow up for comparison with above post. As you can see the lights are separated which was unique to the 61 classic and the colour is darker than the cream colour one in the above post. Therefore we can conclude that the ' light green or grey' description is describing a colour like ' echo green'. https://www.uniquecarsandparts.com.au/colour_swatch_amc_1961
  4. That car doesn't match the 12.40 image which is very likely the rambler seen by the witnesses at 12.40 pulling up there, officer Craig particularly. Attached is a 61 Rambler station wagon classic . Note the unique light configuration, as per 12.40 image. The below image looks slightly different because of its larger wheels and tyres added later. The standard original spec wheels and tyre were smaller and noticeably inset, as we see in the 1240 image.
  5. Thank you both, I think that I've looked at those threads before but I'll definitely re-read as its been such a long time. I'll also attempt to clean up this topic and add the important images back in. I was on a re-learning curve. The text should at least makes sense and the colour, spec and year are accurate. The rambler and getaway for persons unknown is a very viable lead into something !
  6. I honestly can't believe I've come back on here after a year off and you guys are still on about Trump. Having a Trump hate thread really devalues the forum. It's 2023 lads, he hasn't been in office for 3 years .
  7. I think that the issue here is that you, and possible others, have focused on a given outcome and then created a narrative that fits. When your narrative fits your outcome you then say ' look ... amazing ! how simple ! . Well of course its simple - you created it to fit a pre ordained outcome. Like a soccer coach informing his players at full time that they lost the match, but if they'd just scored more goals than the opposition then they would have won ! How simple ! That said there is massive amounts of total schitzo level ' conspiracy' stuff out there so the real challenge is to focus on what definitely differs to what we were told and why that is. In the example you give of Oswald actions immediately before and the guns movements you leave out the issue of him conveniently having a job there, how he got that job and the other job he almost got at the airport. This issue ties in with the cut outs of Oswald in LA, Miami and Chicago, who also were fair play for Cuba members, loners, small, had jobs in high rise buildings on the parade route, disgruntled communist sympathisers etc..... Not so simple. I would also just highlight the elephant in the room. Oswald vehemently denied any wrong doing and was genuinely surprised in the media conference when he was told he was accused of killing the president. This is a man who apparently wanted to make his mark, to change history. A man who went home, got his rifle, took it to work, loaded it, shot, shot again, then shot again blowing off JFK's head. It seems rather incongruous that that same man would then go to a theatre and then deny completely his involvement, if indeed Oswald is who we're told he was. I believe Oswald at least knew of the plot and may well have fired a weapon that day but that also the truth is much more complex about his history and who exactly was involved .
  8. Z189-197 show him waving. Its a sort of a Straw man argument is what I concluded previously, i.e " LOOK ! THE TREES ARE IN THE WAY !!! ...... of a shot at <z189> ". I don't believe he was hit around 190 but I'm happy to be proven wrong with sound argument.
  9. I've heard claims of trees being in the way but not seen any real convincing presentation of evidence so that would be interesting. I looked back over the thread and found this. Pictures speak a thousand words so I won't go further. Black line works perfectly. Red line was an argument against a single shot and doesn't work at all. I can't debate too much due to time constraints I'd just say that I'm convinced now that the single bullet happened and want to clarify that for a few years I didn't.
  10. Just a general comment on proving a conspiracy or not. Most people have an idea of what a conspiracy looks like nd that will vary from person to person. There is a lot of talk here of guns and bags... well what if Oswald was told to take a gun in and then sit in the lunch room. Or take a gun up to the 6th floor and fire off a few rounds ? Oswald was not what he was presented to the American people as, but he may well have shot that day, at something. it may be worth outlining your conspiracy before debunking or rebunking.
  11. Apologies, hopefully the content is still understandable and can benefit someone looking for clarification on the rambler.
  12. Hi ! I just got back on the forum to touch base and saw the reply to the topic I started years ago.... Anyway, I urge you to look closely at the angle JFK is sitting at in that car, he is bent way forwards. Much arguing is caused by the assumption that JFK is sitting bolt upright in the car with GJC sitting bolt upright on the level, directly in front of him. This is of course massively incorrect. JFK's body was almost at 45 degrees and as I said previously a bullet leaving the hole where it did at the angle of the shot from the TSBD lines up perfectly with the exit wound in the neck.
  13. I used to think that the shots were Bam......... bam...bam. However, technically the spread of witnesses didn't actually say this and I was schooled by a researcher who had spent a lot of time collating people testimonies ( over 100). In essence there is a slight bias to a Bam........ bam.. bam. but not much. most said they were evenly spaced, which is backed up by Zapruda. HOWEVER I argued back with three points ... 1) There were a significant amount of good witnesses who immediately after the event stated that the second two shots were closer together who seem to be very sure of what they heard. This is important because quoting people FBI taken testimony or statement months later, or using the Warren commissions records just isn't a reliable method of analysing this. 2) Sonic Booms, impacts, detonations and potentially a silencer. Remembering the Las Vegas shooting.... it was possible to identify three separate bangs from one shot. If a shot was fired, went over your head and then hit something solid behind you you would then hear three bangs. Bullets leave a sonic cone behind them and anyone under this cone would hear two bags very close together. It is my thinking that the ones who heard ' the second and third on top of each other ' heard just that and missed the first because it was drowned out somewhat by the crowd and Bikes as they turned on to Elm. Adding a silencer in makes a mess of everything but three shots may well be all there were, which years ago I never thought I'd be saying. 3) The reactions of the limo passengers - They just don't match the timing of the shots very well. I.e Jacky doesn't react to JFK being hit in the neck but jumps out of her skin not long after, as do the SS men in the front. You can explain these reactions to an extent but at least at face value they seem off. Disclaimer - I am a ' single bullet' convert and assume a similar position to the official story. Having not watched the film ' JFK' until recently and having the fortune of not getting in to JFK until around 10 years ago I had the opportunity to watch a stabilised, cleaned up Z film and not be influenced by Media on the number of shots. I understand all the arguments against the single shot and have countered them all. I advise others to keep an open mind here , those who can. Hope this helps.
  14. Quick question for you and all like you … how many boosters will you have before you wake up ? What frequency will this be ? More importantly, how long will you keep supporting the deliberate destruction of our economy, way of life, increased suicides, increases cancer victims etc…. For the unnecessary ‘ treatment’ of a coronavirus variant which is now weaker than a common cold ? 100 boosters ? 1 a week? Indefinite lockdowns ?
  15. I’ll upload a ton of hard data and studies later but I don’t have a whole load of time . I can link to loads of scientists and doctors who are very much against mRNA . If you do nothing else I suggest very strongly you watch ‘ manufactured illusion’ , it gives the whole history of Covid 19 and really is eye opening . You won’t of course but I can at least try . You are referring to the dunning Kruger effect, or in modern parlance - the mid wit meme . It suggests that the most dangerous people are the ones convinced that they are an authority because they are of above average intelligence and knowledge . The issue is that this ignorance is total and complete and they cannot reason themselves out of their rigid self built narratives. …. I forgot to add water chlorination in to the reasons for decline in common Illnesses. I’ve found the graphs now and will upload over the weekend along with the vaccine introduction dates and other key dates such as mandatory health care and chlorination . Then we’ll look at the evidence.
  16. - Shirt neck profile when arrested ... hi shirt buttons were ripped off and no images of him outside of work show him wearing a shirt unbuttoned like he was arrested in. The witnesses on the bus who confirmed an open and ripped shirt seem unreliable . In addition, camera lady has the option of simply unbuttoning that one neck button to create the same neck as in Darnell, which is a very normal thing to do. So no I disagree I'd say the neckline given the evidence suggests her and not him. Also... he wore white T shirts under his work shirts, there is no evidence of white in the neck ares, only a skin tone. - I think it much more likely that the person on the steps has gone up there to take photos and in one of the still images you see what looks like a camera strap. The left/ right hand thing I don't believe to be important when you are not taking photos, I personally am right handed and hold camera in either hand depending on what else is going on. - Hairline, As discussed the ' receding' hairline of PM must also indicate receding ear syndrome. The blur we see on the ear is 100% consistent with the blur we see on the forehead and lack of definition in the face - the head is turning to the right, towards Frazier. Take the blur out of the forehead and ear and you have camera lady. - Size, its way too subjective, the image quality simply isn't there, in addition Oswald was a small and slender man himself and we don't know the size of camera lady so its a moot point. - Forearm, the blur, quality, bangle , shirt roll and lack of info about camera lady make this impossible to judge. The hair shadow - It can't be a shadow because the sun wasn't shining that way and the colour and texture are a match with the hair around it. A woman with mid length hair who pushes her hair behind the ear will show hair just like that, it sits under the ear. I myself have had mid length hair and can confirm this. Thank you for your comments on finding camera lady and her images, this is a genuine avenue to research, she may well be alive. Given the points of reference in my previous comments and lack of any real argument for it not being her I request that people on the fence look at the massive similarity and think rationally. Those who really want this to be Oswald may never admit what is in front of them but this reminds me of a famous saying.... ' you can never reason someone out of a position that they were not reasoned into'.
  17. I'm happy to upload the graphs tomorrow. Newsflash. Whooping cough, diphtheria, typhoid , measles, scarlet fever..... all in a strong and steady decline way before vax intro and the intro didn't effect that decline. Its pretty simple.... find the graph, find the date of vax intro. , stare at screen. - Did you know that , at least in the UK , you are now classed as unvaccinated if you haven't had the latest booster and if you die within two weeks of the jab you are also ' unvaccinated'. Recently a professor of mathematics ( risk analysis specialism) at Queens college conducted a study and found that even when not taking into account the two week 'unvax' classification absolute death figures for unvaxed are lower than vaxed when all potential variables are corrected. I'd send the link to the interview on YouTube but YT have pulled it obviously and I can't find it on google, shock horror. Seen the latest Joe Rogan with Dr. Peter McCullough ? , seen anything by Dr David Martin recently ( 'manufactured illusion' is mind blowing ? Dr. Dr Charles Hoffe ? Dr. Michael Yeadon ? The Dr. who invented Mrna technology ? ' adverse events' - please...heart attacks are through the roof and they're happening post booster to healthy people of all ages. I literally have two healthy fit friends who now have myocarditis. The Queens college study worked out that there were gluts of deaths within the 14 days of jabbing hidden by the categorisation of ' unvaxed'. If you have a medical degree you should really be using your gravitas for good and finding out the truth.
  18. Vaccine Theory and vaccine reality are two different things. The graphs showing the cases of the most vaccinated virus' over time all show that they were in rapid decline before vaccine introduction. If you'd like I'll dig out the graphs, I checked them myself with vaccine introduction dates. Changes in health care, sanitation, refrigeration, standards of living, disinfectant, soaps etc is what cumulatively got rid of health issues that vaccines ' solved' . Polio is the poster child of vaccines and even that only has an overlap with a decline in cases if you take the pilot test years as the start point. Anyway, MRNa is something totally different and has been denied' vaccine' status previously by the patent office twice on the grounds that it isn't a vaccine, doesn't work and killed all its lab animals. Honestly, if it makes you feel better and safer to get it then do so. Placebos work and you may have no ill effects. Studies and data analysis now are showing that the jabs don't offer greater protection outside of the oldest and youngest people for a week or two - then its down hill after that and overall deaths are up, vaccinated people are dying at a higher rate ( when age corrected) than unvaccinated, Omnicrom is basically a weak cold and T cell production is virtually destroyed in the week after Jabbing takes place. This is all aside from the heart issues people are having, the heart shows these issues up first for obvious reasons but long term will cause issues too. My friend went to her fathers funeral yesterday ( 71 but slim, fit and still cycling regularly) who died of a heart attack two days after the boost. No underlying conditions. The Funeral director literally said, " most of the deaths in the last month have been heart attacks with no underlying conditions, of all ages". There are signs on buses now in my area reading ' children have strokes too' - know how to react. I'm not joking and will happily share the images. I know I've criticised this thread for political squabbling but I'm seeing people bullying others into taking an infinite amount of experimental jabs for a virus which has been less deadly than driving ( at my mileage and age) for the last two years. Happy to post images and graphs but I've also likened this thread to twitter or reddit before so I'd be slightly hypocritical.
  19. I personally know two people who have had heart issues now immediately after boosting, I know of ( friends family and friends friends) three people who have died of heart attacks within 48 hours of jabbing and two ( under 50) who have heart attacks but survived ( to be told they were dehydrated and anxious, seriously). Now there are football teams over here calling off games indefinitely because of the number of heart issues footballers are having. There have been 150 incidents of professional players having heart problems in the last 9 months. These are incidents on the pitch, think how many players have come forward to coaches and staff with issues we don't know about. I genuinely mention this because I haven't seen it anywhere else on this thread and there are several very vocal pro boosters on here. Don't exercise hard within the beneficial functioning time of the boost/jab. Studies seem to suggest that some age groups have a few weeks of increased protection against the super deadly covid, ignoring the massive depletion of T cells which opens you up to other infection of course. . During this period seems to be the danger period for loading your heart. Your heart will be damaged by the spike proteins anyway but the immediate weeks are most dangerous for a proper attack.
  20. Thanks for your reply Greg, Im really busy at the moment but will reply soon. Briefly though... if those points I've connected are a coincidence then we may as well give up researching because anything could be a coincidence. I'll look properly though later. Cheers
  21. My point stands, its just one group of guys making detailed and valid points to a group of people that won't listen anyway. Rinse and repeat. Its a negative, subjective waste of everyones time since nothing said on this thread will have any effect on the people who actually do stuff. I read the OP and it was just anti Trump rhetoric with some points hung together to give it legitimacy. Its just a posh version of twitter for people with too much time. Spend your time researching JFK or go back to reddit. Thats my opinion. N.B I must apologise to the two or three level headed people here who do seem to have a polite and reasoned debate. Although really that belongs on twitter too.
  22. There is a common misconception that Boswell was nefariously manipulating the cranium ( left image) . He was simply pulling the flap that had opened like a trap door back across to its correct position for the photo. He was perfectly open about this and never disguised it. The images and witness statements are not mutually exclusive at all. The large hole in the back of the head was sort of three sides of a round square with the scalp forming the ‘ hinge’ . This hinge is at the bottom of the image as we look at it or the left side of his head if we look at the rear of the head in an upright position.
  23. This is a common mistake, he was not sitting upright when he was shot . His upper body was at almost 45 degrees . The upright posture leads to the back wound and the neck wound not lining up . I started a thread on this years ago where I tested the difference the gathering / fold of the jacket and shirt would have made . When you look closely it’s amazing how not upright he was.
  24. Matt could you explain what is wrong with this passage ? I appear to be missing something, genuinely I can't see what your issue is here.
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