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Tony Krome

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Posts posted by Tony Krome

  1. 8 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    It could be a reflection, but what do you make of the moving white vertical line thing that looks a lot like a door opening? I’m not sure what could cause a reflection like that. 

    That "moving white vertical line thing" moves behind the person's head. If its not a door frame, I can't imagine anything like that moving along Elm St to cause that reflection.

  2. 1 minute ago, Tom Gram said:

    Damn… you might be right. It looks like the door is opening and there’s a figure there with maybe the back of their head visible? It’s hard to say but there’s definitely something there. I think I mentioned randomly a long time ago that a clearer version of Darnell might show someone standing in the actual TSBD doorway. Is that what we’re seeing here? I have no idea. 

    I see this person going back inside. I also see the back of a head with darkish hair.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Neither woman, in the days and weeks after Nov 22 when they tried to remember backward when that had happened, said they could remember for sure. The argument it was Mon Nov 11 has many supporting independent points as developed in my two papers but the big one is it is the only possible time it could have been if it was Lee and Marina, without Ruth Paine knowing about it if it was any other time, and Lee was not even in Irving but in Dallas at work at the Book Depository on any other weekday.

    Now I ask you the same question I asked Steve Roe (which he answered and now I ask you for yours): do you accept that was Lee and Marina, and if so what other day do you think they were there, and how do you account for Ruth’s lack of knowledge of Lee and Marina driving to a furniture store in Irving on some other day when Lee was not in Irving but at work in Dallas at the TSBD?

    The witness statement is clear, it was either Wednesday or Thursday BEFORE the football game. If it was me in front of those ladies, I'm quite sure I wouldn't correct them and state, no, it was Monday AFTER the football game. The advantage they have, is they were there.

    As far as Ruth goes, well, there was no apparent reason for her to get all upset when Jean confronted her about the Furniture Mart. Why the reaction? Why declare Oswald could not drive? Of course he could drive, you know that, the Murret's know that. Who cares if if he's a crap driver, the fact is he could get behind the wheel and drive.


  4. 13 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Disagree. Furniture stores, like car dealerships and other large-ticket retail outlets, holidays and long weekends are peak sales, should by default be assumed OPEN on a Veterans Day unless shown closed.

    Then if both ladies were there on the Monday, the memory would be clear. It would have been very usual for Hunter to be there, being a Monday, plus it was Veterans Day. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Egad Tony, " words to the effect".? So this your lead to establish RP is lying?

    Actually, no, not in relation to her phone conversation with Truly. I'm suggesting there was no job "opening" conveyed to Ruth.

    Frazier: Mr. Shelley informed me that anyone wanting a job could come in and fill out an application.

    "I came home and told Linnie what Mr. Shelley had said.

    Therefore what Frazier told Linnie is this: "anyone wanting a job could come in and fill out an application".

    There's nothing about an opening. 

    The instructions to Frazier were clear, Oswald, or anyone, was free to turn up at the TSBD and make an application for work. That message could have been passed on to Oswald, there was no need for anyone to phone Truly.


  6. 11 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    "I went to work the next day and spoke to Mr. Shelley about whether they were hiring, and he talked to Mr. Truly. Later that afternoon, Mr. Shelley informed me that anyone wanting a job could come in and fill out an application.

    "I came home and told Linnie what Mr. Shelley had said.

    In the above I don't see where Shelley indicates a job opening. I see a courteous response from Shelley stating that "anyone" looking for work is welcome to apply. So if the above account is true, Frazier told Linnie that "anyone" is welcome to fill out an application. 

    It follows that Linnie passed that information onto Ruth at the coffee meet on the 14th. At this point, a simple phone call to Oswald from Ruth or Marina could have been made suggesting he make his way to the TSBD to apply.

    I don't see how Linnie directly told Ruth there was an opening;

    Mrs. PAINE. Through my neighbor, we heard there was an opening at the Texas School Book Depository.

  7. 6 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    It was known in the neighborhood that Marina's husband lacked a job, with Marina about to have a child. Sometime in the week of Oct 7-11 Linnie, in touch with the neighborhood, knew this information. Being helpful, Linnie asked Buell if there might be a job where he worked (TSBD). Buell then checked and told Linnie that yes, there was (or could be, whatever exactly). 

    Was the WC aware that during the week of Oct 7-11, that enquires were made at the TSBD, prompted by the knowledge that Oswald was looking for work?



  8. 26 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Ruth called and inquired of Truly

    Mr. TRULY. She said, "Mr. Truly,"---words to this effect---you understand---" Mr. Truly, you don't know who I am but I have a neighbor whose brother works for you. I don't know what his name is. But he tells his sister that you are very busy. And I am just wondering if you can use another man,"

    Why would you be "wondering if you can use another man" if you knew definitely they were looking for someone.


  9. 2 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

    Oswald was surrounded by cops. If he had just killed Tippit in a desperate attempt to escape being taken into custody, why wait until the house lights were turned on and McDonald was right on top of him to attempt to pull out his gun? Why throw a punch first and not just pistol-whip McDonald at least?

    That's right. According to LNers, Oswald was by that point a desperate killing machine. He even had extra ammo in his top pocket. He could have gone down with a few more scalps in his quest to become "famous". McDonald especially would have been easy meat, a lot closer than Tippit. 

  10. Mr. CURRY - I said what was that, was that a firecracker, or someone said this, I don't recall whether it was me or someone else, and from the report I couldn't tell whether it was coming from the railroad yard or whether it was coming from behind but I said over the radio, I said, "Get someone up in the railroad yard and check."
    And then about this time, I believe it was motorcycle Officer Chaney rode up beside of me and looking back in the rear view mirror I could see some commotion in the President's car and after this there had been two more reports, but these other two reports I could tell were coming behind instead of from the railroad yards.

    I imagine Curry slowed down somewhat after hearing shots and checking the rear view. The Limo actually drew ahead of Curry's car just after the underpass. The Limo itself was not going as fast after the final shot as they portrayed, in fact years ago, I worked out that Usain Bolt would have beaten the limo to the underpass from the final shot mark. Which made sense in the end, as Jackie would have slid straight off the rear of the waxed trunk if the limo accelerated too much.


  11. 1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

    You've got me convinced, Tony, on the Frank Tortoriello identity of the man Jada phoned that morning after the incident with the injury of the pedestrian, which functions to place him with Jada at Parkland Hospital at the time of arrival of the presidential limousine following the shooting of JFK and Connally

    The Texas Instruments people, in particular, William Walsh, a few days later, asked Dallas Cowboy's coach Tom Landry, about the big guy that showed up to help Jada minutes after the accident. Landry told Walsh he knew the guy, so there's no doubt they had his name on the day. The reason Walsh asked him was because the man was talking pro-football at the scene. A few days following this, all of a sudden, the name is not recalled, and Tortoriello becomes the "unknown man" in reports.

    As for the "function" to have that Cadillac at Parkland, that's the interesting part. The FBI actually suspected Tortoriello was the man with Jada, and she has stated she was with her friend at Parkland as the Limo pulled in.


  12. 31 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Also I don't know if it means anything but you can add one more Carousel Club stripper present at Parkland Hospital that morning to your list: Joy Dale (Joyce McDonald). She says she was there taking her girl to an eye doctor's appointment at Parkland that morning. https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/artist-reunites-carousel-club-stripper-ruby-in-deep-ellum-mural/287-411304395.

    Thanks Greg. Certainly a cast of Carousel characters at Parkland. That Pete Devoire guy with Tammi True, I've found out, was Peter Allen (or Alan) Devoire out of Tulsa. Tammi stated they were at Mickey Ryan's (Roy Pike) place just minutes after the shooting. However, Mickey stated they were not there. So take your pick which story to go with there. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:


    Tortoriello was a Mafia bodyguard?

    Was this the fellow who raced to help Ruby's feature stripper Jada ( Janet Conforto ) right after her pedestrian hitting incident while trying to race out of Dallas the morning of 11,22,1963?

    Same guy. The trick to work who it was, is that it had to be someone that was only minutes away from the scene, and someone who drove that same model Cadillac as Jada. Tortoriello was Jada's boyfriend at the time, lived just around the corner, and drove a 63 Cadillac.

    The guy that showed up after Jada called, had to have an Italian surname, so that's another tick. Yes, he was a bodyguard, and Jada's guy that showed up was large, dark and heavy-set, so that works too.

    So now we have Jada, Frank Tortoriello, Jack Ruby, Tammi True and her bartender friend, Pete Devoire at Parkland.




  14. Greg, see last few posts on the thread, there's a plot twist. Just around the corner from the accident scene, on Wednesday, there was a party with Vito Genovese's nephew, Ruby, Jada and her boyfriend who lived there, and who I now believe was the "Nick" character. And Purvis has been caught out, it wasn't Walsh who informed the FBI after the accident, it was Purvis himself!

  15. 29 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    And on Jada's "large, dark, and heavy set" man driving a Cadillac who may have been named "Nick",

    Greg, apparently "Nick" had a surname that sounded like an Italian name, but the witness could not recall. But there was a guy there at the accident scene who later asked a guy named Landry who said he knew "Nick". Said he was going around town telling people he was a pro football player from some "Small Eastern School", and that he doubted such a school would produce a pro player, in other words he was talking himself up.

    Identifying the driver of the green caddy may be the key to unravelling this one.


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