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Tony Krome

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Posts posted by Tony Krome

  1. 9 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    FWIW, Dean was the Sgt who basically cleared the darkened parking area of police/reserves allowing Ruby to walk unbothered up to his spot near Croy
    only a minute or so before they brought Oswald to him.

    And then supported/promoted the "he came down the ramp" story.

    I wouldn't doubt he was lying and that Alyea was correct.  Just to remember tho, many cops looked the same during this time, they hired a "type".

    Especially with inferior footage to work with. I tried to match his features, as well as his uniform. See how likeness guy has that pen and badge/notepad on his left pocket? You can just make out the same on the Ruby pic. I'm trying to find a better quality clip to zoom and enhance his name tag. That would be the clincher.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Denis Morissette said:

    What does it have to do with the topic of this thread?

    It's easy to claim someone is lying, but I prefer to see the basis in fact for those claims.

    If you can name the police sergeant that has the likeness of Dean, that entered the TSBD, it would be helpful so I can compare. It follows, that if there is a sergeant that resembles Dean, Oliver could have seen this same guy. So it would not be a lie on behalf of Oliver, it would be a case mistaken identity, correct?

  3. 56 minutes ago, Tony Krome said:

    Basically Dean says he's on holidays, and arrives back in Dallas at the commencement of his 2 day rostered days off, which is Friday and Saturday, according to his testimony. At the point where he would hear anything on his private car radio or media at home, he would have to change into his uniform, head into town, and take charge of a riot squad to enter the TSBD. That pic that shows the SGT Dean likeness guy, is him leading a bunch of shotgun-toting officers into the TSBD. This appears to be at the point where Kent Biffle has arrived at the TSBD, and he says he arrived just as the front doors were sealed. Biffle is following the riot squad.

    The above part of Dean's testimony could be yet another contradiction, of the type pointed out by the HSCA, where he admitted knowing Ruby for 12 to 14 years, as opposed to telling the WC 4 years.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Stu Wexler said:

    Could one claim, as seems to be a common assertion by DPD officers, that he heard what happened in the Plaza and hopped to the scene even though we was not on duty?


    Basically Dean says he's on holidays, and arrives back in Dallas at the commencement of his 2 day rostered days off, which is Friday and Saturday, according to his testimony. At the point where he would hear anything on his private car radio or media at home, he would have to change into his uniform, head into town, and take charge of a riot squad to enter the TSBD. That pic that shows the SGT Dean likeness guy, is him leading a bunch of shotgun-toting officers into the TSBD. This appears to be at the point where Kent Biffle has arrived at the TSBD, and he says he arrived just as the front doors were sealed. Biffle is following the riot squad.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Stu Wexler said:

    Dean said he was off duty. Did he ever claim to be somewhere else specifically? Good find. It sure looks like him.

    Dean said he was deer hunting, got back to Dallas as JFK flew into Lovefield on Friday. He told the WC exactly that. So now we have a police SGT in the TSBD that looks like him, and Alyea saying he was right there pointing out the rifle.

    Mary Ferrell says he's full of contradictions. Maybe needs a real close look at.


  6. 48 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    As Meagher so acutely points out the problem is the whole rigamarole the Commission tried to insert about the dynamic duo running over to the tracks first.  As Sylvia shows , this was obviously inserted later, and she proves how and why. (p. 73)

    Just re-read that. She says that the initial Shelley/Lovelady reports are consistent with Adams. Now I'm wondering why those guys rushed to the freight elevators.

  7. 1 hour ago, Roger Odisio said:

    More importantly she (Garner) was still on the 4th floor when Truly and a cop, presumably Baker, reached there.

    Adams also bought up Baker and Truly in this interview. Seemed to back up what she said others had suggested in that Baker & Truly did not enter the building immediately.

  8. 47 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Yes, also possible. I personally have not seen evidence to support tit.

    No, and I'm sure we are not going to find a name list of FBI sources. There's only the FBI Fain meeting with Oswald in the car, and 2 hours is a lot of talking. I can see the FBI might be interested in Oswald, as he had, at that point in time, a published background that may have put actual subversives at ease. 

  9. 54 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    I never said she fabricated that SPECIFIC usage

    Ok, then let's explore the usage of that term. "Anti-Subversive" is pretty specific. If Marguerite did not fabricate that term, do you concede that the term may have been sourced from Lee, even if he himself was not an agent of some kind, and what he conveyed to his mother was fantasy?

  10. 8 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Yes. And then he barely had any contact with her from then until the day he died.

    Marguerite still visited Lee at Mercedes, which encompassed the time frame of the 2 hour FBI interview in the car outside. So it's not a given that Marguerite fabricated the term "anti subversive". It could have come from Lee.

    Mr. RANKIN. Did your mother-in-law come to see you at Mercedes Street?
    Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.

  11. 1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    I'm not implying that. The point I am trying to make is that BEFORE and AFTER the assassination, she was known to embellish things and/or lie, particularly when they involved Lee (ie., her numerous misconceptions about Oswald's time in Russia being connected to some government spy work).

    I think I understand you now. Marguerite in 1962 used the word "subversive" in relation to Oswald, but that was an embellishment.

    Moving to post assassination, Patterson used the word "subversive" in relation to Oswald, and a reporter used the word "subversive" when asking Curry about Oswald's background.

    Even though Marguerite used the same word, that was used a year later, that was purely coincidental. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    What do you mean, prior to the assassination? 

    Meaning who labelled Marguerite as a person, that was known to "li* and embellish", that knew her?

    I'm referring to a statement she made in 1962. You are implying that what she said at that time was fabricated. So I'm interested in anything that indicates that she was of the type you described before the assassination.

  13. 6 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    There's zero hard evidence to support this, and a ton of it favoring the exact opposite conclusion.

    What's your take on the people, that Marguerite Oswald worked for in September 1962, divulging to a reporter, that Marguerite told them, at the time, that Lee was involved in "anti-subversive" activities?

    So this statement by Marguerite to her employers was over a year before the assassination.

    September 1962 would be one month after the FBI sat with Lee in their car for 2 hours outside Mercedes.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Michael Kalin said:

    On one level see the Naysayers section at the bottom of the Harvey and Lee Depart the TSBD article mentioned above.

    On another higher level taking McWatters' bus fits in with related events, also mentioned above.

    A lone assassin narrative, and a no-one conspiring with a lone assassin narrative, can not include a dark complected/negro person picking him up outside the TSBD, hence the bus/taxi narrative. They didn't count on Oswald whistling shrilly, and attracting the attention of Roger Craig. An assassin would not whistle in a crowd that included officers of the law. Oswald was no such person.

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