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Matt Allison

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  1. This article seems to implicate Biden's advisors in that Biden was on some kind of insane globe-hopping schedule leading up to his debate. When not exhausted, he is said to remain an imposing presence: "Aides present in the Situation Room the night that Iran hurled a barrage of missiles and drones at Israel portrayed a president in commanding form, lecturing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by phone to avoid a retaliatory escalation that would have inflamed the Middle East. “Let me be crystal clear,” Biden said. “If you launch a big attack on Iran, you’re on your own.” Netanyahu pushed back hard, citing the need to respond in kind to deter future attacks. “You do this,” Biden said forcefully, “and I’m out.” Ultimately, the aides noted, Netanyahu scaled back his response." https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/bidens-lapses-are-increasingly-common-according-to-some-of-those-in-the-room/
  2. Getting every Black voter and a ton of women to stay home on Election Day because you decided to humiliate Kamala Harris is not a good strategy for beating Trump.
  3. I got a reminder of this today. Time and (especially) Newsweek no longer really matter, but they definitely did in 1992. Man was I pissed.
  4. Ok, perhaps he wasn't drugged. Sure seemed like it though to me. Carl Bernstein, who I trust implicitly, says Biden has had other senior moments like Thursday night. But that he's also perfectly great the rest of time. He is 81. Stuff does indeed happen at that age. Beating Trump is quite obviously an existential necessity now. I honestly feel Biden at the top of the ticket has a better chance of doing that than Kamala Harris does. I personally adore Harris; her intellect and grace. But sadly racism and misogyny are still rampant in this country. She is not as popular as she deserves to be. https://www.thedailybeast.com/watergate-reporter-carl-bernstein-biden-has-bad-days?ref=home?ref=home
  5. I'm not even sure the candidate matters anymore. At this point you're either voting for the United States to stay a democratic republic, or for it to switch to a dictatorship,
  6. It's entirely possible that the United States was just legally turned into a dictatorship. Obviously President Biden will not behave in such an un-American way. But we all know Donald Trump will.
  7. Yep. My guess is that Putin sets the attack date for sometime in September.
  8. So I guess JFK Records threads really were just a way to have political discussions... The press is trying make Biden quit, because Biden is old and boring, and doesn't get the clicks they need to stay employed. But once again, I remind folks that if Biden were to leave, Kamala Harris would be at the top of the ticket. That is not even in question, And for Gavin Newsom fans, he would not be the VP pick for two reasons: 1. You can't have a ticket with both of the people from the same state. 2. The adventurous social life Newsom led prior to his current marriage would be a major distraction for the entirety of the four months he would be campaigning, and most certainly would not help the Dems beat Trump.
  9. I assume this is sarcasm, but I can remind everyone that Nixon won both his terms by getting Dems to dump their candidate 6 months before the election.
  10. Former Biden aides, eh? I'm guessing they weren't part of the group hanging out with him at the Waffle House until 2 AM after the debate then. Nah, probably not. Still waiting for anyone to come forward and prove his debate performance was anything but aberrative behavior for him. He was drugged.
  11. Someone drugged Biden before the debate. https://www.newsweek.com/did-cold-medications-affect-bidens-debate-performance-1919099 “In recent weeks, Biden has made several high-profile public appearances on the world stage. He commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France, attended press briefings at the G7 Summit in Italy, and engaged with the public and world leaders. Journalists who have been beside Biden closely these past few weeks reported no such impairment, aligning with bullish sentiment from the Biden debate prep team. Everyone would have noticed if Biden exhibited even a fraction of what he displayed at the debate.”
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