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Leslie Sharp

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Posts posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. 2 hours ago, Ed Berger said:

    Synchronicity or revealing pattern?

    1957 issue of Red Island Lines News Digesdiscusses the creation of a railway and freight system set up to service the Great Southwest development project between Dallas and Fort Worth—the Great Southwest R.R. The article notes that many of the figures driving the construction and management of the line are the same as those running the Great Southwest project writ large. Angus Wynne, William Zeckendorf, Rockefeller Center and Amon Carter are all named, but then one unfamiliar: "Arthur Rubloff, Development Corporation of America". Zeckendorf appears to have been close to Rubloff, with the pair having conducted real estate business together since the late 1940s.

    The Development Corporation of America, the DCA, is meanwhile an intriguing entity. Items entered into a court case involving the company show that when the DCA carried out a public stock offering, one of the two underwriters it employed was Allen & Company. Given the amount of intrigue that Allen & Company and its leader, Charles Allen, bubble up in, this immediately raises a red flag. The ties are also very apparent: Rubloff appears on the board of the Grand Bahama Development Company (DEVCO), alongside Charles Allen. 

    Other board members on the list are intriguing. One of them is Patrick Hoy, who long worked with Harry Crown. Described by Jonathan Marshall as somebody who personified the interface between big business and organized crime in Chicago, Southern California, and Las Vegas", Hoy had worked for Crown's Material Services Corporation. When Material Services was absorbed into General Dynamics, which made Crown the largest shareholder in the defense contractor, Hoy became the company's vice president. 

    The chairman of the DCA, on the other hand, was H. Struve Hensel, a former general counsel for the Department of Defense (1952) and Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (1954). In summer of 1955, Hensel left the DoD, where he took up a position at the law firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett (which interlocked with General Dynamics stakeholder Atlas Corporation via William G. Dillon, also of Cosmos Bank). It was a month following his arrive at the firm when Hensel took the spot on the DCA board. 

    Hensel also appears as a key figure in Major Ralph Ganis' The Skorzeny Papers. Ganis writes:

    In 1952, Hensel would go on to serve as General Counsel for the Department of Defense and then later as head of the ISA. Hensel would leave government service in July 1955, returning to private legal practice. He would also become a major lobbyist for the German steel industry, representing the firm of Otto Wolff, of which Skorzeny was also a representative. Hensel is found in the Skorzeny papers in reference to Otto Wolff business transactions, confirming he was dealing with Skorzeny.

    Assuming the accuracy of Ganis' claims, this would place Hensel as a contact for Skorzeny at the time that Hensel was at DCA, as well as at the time when the DCA was investing into Great Southwest's blitz of projects and programs. (Boy, what I wouldn't give to see Ganis' papers...)

    In a footnote, Ganis adds the following:

    A key businessman linked to the Hensel-Skorzeny association includes one Leon Frenk. Frenk and Hensel were business partners in a number of companies (most likely U.S. intelligence cover organizations) including U.S. Electronics Corp, a subsidiary of American Aircraft Engineering Corporation, Mundial Trade Corp (Mondale Corporation associated with Permindex), World Recovery Corp., and Western Tube Division (linked to [Ferenc] Nagy). The Mondail [sic?] Corporation has been found in JFK conspiracy studies. The author regards the Mondail corporation as one facet in the overall military intelligence industrial structure, a facilitating entity for covert operations, but not the operation heart of that covert structure.

    The relationship between Henzel, this Leon Frenk, and the U.S. Electronics Corp is confirmed in a 1969 law suit. The case summary also hits on the other companies mentioned by Ganis: "Hensel simultaneously herewith also wishes to sever, determine and terminate all other business relationships heretofore existing between Hensel and Frenk, including, but not limited to, Mundial Trade Corp., World Recovery Corp., Western Tube Division and Technical Equipment Corp.".

     But I'm a little confused about his other comments. What relationship does Mundial Trade have to do with Permindex, and where are those connections laid out? And where does Mundial (oddly misspelled suddenly by Ganis as 'Mondail') appear in JFK conspiracy theory? And, finally, how did he link Western Tube Division with Ferenc Nagy (and thus, presumably, back to Permindex)? The company name does not appear, insofar as I've been able to determine, in Nagy's personal papers... 

     Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett: Francis Kernan, White Weld, United Fruit, JA Ranch.

    An atty. with STB was counsel to Youth House.

    Does Western Tube interlock with Lionel?  

  2. 23 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:


    "Radio Nord," the pirate radio entity that Gordon Barton McLendon was broadcasting from a converted fishing trawler, I believe was completely subsidized by Clinton Williams Murchison Jr. and some unidentified business partners Murchison had in Spain.


    Perhaps not so incidentally, "Radio Nord's," radio antenna was provided by Ling-Temco-Vought's Continental Electronics subsidiary.


    And the connections never end...


    to quote Albarelli, YUP!  (Eastland) Sweetwater, Clint Murchison along with the Wynne dynasty and Trammell Crow ... father of Harlan Crow who is the big daddy of the NO LABELS movement that is playing a role in the likelihood Trump will seize the WH in 2024.

    Continuity of the Coup.

    PS other potential significance: North Sea / Hughes' Glomar / and Texas Gulph Sulphur. Former Gov. Allan Shivers was a long-term director of TGS; McInerney and Sons in the Republic of Ireland served as local/political/business conduit for their operations. McInerney held the contract to build the first runway at Shannon Airport; Hank and Ganis suspected that Otto Skorzeny later played a role in Shannon construction.  (McInerney's were godparents to several of my in-laws. "you can't make this stuff up" regardless of how Santos-ish it must sound to some. 🙂


  3. 1 hour ago, Robert Montenegro said:


    We spoke about this before, LeslieJames Harrison Wilson Thompson, president of the World Commerce Corporation's, Bangkok branch was the original comptroller of Willis H. Bird's South East Asian Supply Incorporated, aka S.E.A. Supply Inc.


    Fascinatingly enough, James Harrison Wilson Thompson (president, WCC, Bangkok) said it was a former Office of Strategic Services officer by the name of Capt. Edwin Fahey Black that first approached him with getting involved with WCC, Bangkok.


    By the late 1970's, then United States Army Maj. Gen. Edwin Fahey Black was serving as Secretary to the Scientific Advisor to the Policy Council of the Joint Research and Development Board in the Pentagon’s Office of Special Defense—where Maj. Gen. Black oversaw the development of Nugan-Hand Bank with a close associate of Willis H. Bird, former OSS commander COL. Paul Lionel Edward Helliwell:



    Even stranger still, is the fact that one of the financiers of Thomas Dudley Cabot's Gibraltar Steamship Company (a CIA front company set up to cover the covert radio broadcast networks supporting Brigada Asalto 2506), was a man named Richard Samuel Greenlee, the former OSS Chief of Special Operations Branch, Detachment 404, in Ceylon-Sri Lanka.


    While Richard Samuel Greenlee was Special Ops Chief for Detachment 404, he oversaw the training and finaical support for Kuomintang narco-terrorist Lieutenant General Dai Li, commander of the KMT's intelligence service Bureau of Investigation and Statistics.

    Lt. Gen. Dai Li was such a brutal fascist, that OSS commandos nicknamed him, "China's Himmler."

    Rumors abound that Lt. Gen. Dai Li was murdered by his own OSS handlers in 1946, so they could take over Du Yuesheng's narcotics empire, dubbed "The Green Gang," which was a financial support network for Lt. Gen. Dai Li's bloodthirsty secret police called, "The Blue Shirt Society."


    After WWII, Richard Samuel Greenlee became a tax lawyer for Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine and by 1962, was secretary for a CIA front company called, Vanguard Service Corporation, which provided covert financial support for Thomas Dudley Cabot's Gibraltar Steamship Company—which, in turn, was a cover for covert CIA broadcasts into Cuba via Radio Swan.


    Perhaps not so incidentally, Radio Swan's broadcasts were co-opted by William Wayne Dalzell's "Radio Cuba Libre," which in turn was bing supported by Pan-American Radio Inc., a subsidiary of Thomas Dudley Cabot's Gibraltar Steamship Company.


    So, I guess, technically, William Wayne Dalzell was being subsidized in his covert radio message relay to anti-Castro elements in Cuba, via a series of front companies connected to James Harrison Wilson Thompson's World Commerce Corporation's, Bangkok branch.


    Of course, COL. Paul Lionel Edward Helliwell (Willis H. Bird's partner in administering South East Asian Supply Incorporated, aka S.E.A. Supply Inc. day-to-day activities), was running a network of CIA-connected narcotics money laundering schemes connected to supporting anti-Castro operations, such as Red Sunset Enterprises, Bank of the Caribbean, Ltd., Mercantile Bank of the Americas, Ltd., Castle Bank & Trust, Underwriters Bank, Ltd., Mercantile Bank Freeport, Inter Maritime Bank, International Diversified Corporation, Diaz-Nanette-Poirrotte Enterprises, & Benguet International—Paradise Island Bridge Company.


    It is difficult to identity any aspect of the funding of anti-Castro operations from an entity that isn't intrinsic to the phenomenon of international narco-terrorism.


    And appearently, all roads lead to World Commerence Corporation.


    What was it that John Garrett Underhill Jr. (himself the former Chief Editor of the War Department's Military Intelligence Division during WWII, and later military affairs advisor to Time-Life) said about the forces that murdered President Kennedy, right before his apparent suicide in May, 1964:





    "...The friends whom Underhill visited say he was sober but badly shook. They say he attributed the Kennedy murder to a CIA clique which was carrying on a lucrative racket in gun-running, narcotics and other contraband, and manipulating political intrigue to serve it's own ends.

    Kennedy supposedly got wind that something was going on and was killed before he could 'blow the whistle on it.'

    Although the friends had always known Underhill to be perfectly rational and objective, they at first didn't take his account seriously. "I think the main reason was,' explains the husband, 'that we couldn't believe that the CIA could contain a corrupt element every bit as ruthless—and more effective—as the mafia.'..."




    Sure as Hell sounds like Gary Underhill knew about some aspect of World Commerence Corporation activities in the Caribbean, got wise to it, but failed to recognize what it really was, since he mistakenly attributed the activities to CIA proper.


    In any case, Gary Underhill was correct about one thing—the Kennedy Administration did get wise to this narco-terrorist empire that World Commerence Corporation & CIA was running, because as Mr. Berger pointed out, US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy was targeting Willis H. Bird, who in 1962, was president of a WCC subsidiarySouth East Asian Supply Incorporated, aka S.E.A. Supply Inc.


    If I were CIA or WCC and I saw that the President and his Attorney General sidekick kid brother were going to muck up a multi-billion dollar covert narcotics slush-fund—I'd organize their murders as soon as humanly possible, and use every asset at my disposal to pull it off—segregationist right-wing yokels, anti-Castro Cuban commandos, Mafia hitmen, military intelligence, security agents for defense contractors, international neo-fascist reactionaries, and yes, even revanchist veterans of the Third Reich...


    ...a full-court press to aligned interests.


    A fascist paramilitary "Unite The Right" watershed moment took place in Dallas, Texas, on 22 November 1963.



    Great material, @Robert Montenegro I had forgotten Dalzell's Radio Swan connection.  A fella on FB years ago published an extensive body of research into Radio Caroline.  We might should dig that out as well and see if there is crossover; it linked to Gordon McLendon, and to a small town in Texas (where my mother was born!) 🙂

  4. 1 hour ago, Ed Berger said:

    Leslie, the name Werner von Arx definitely rings a bell for me. Let me check the papers I have from the Nagy archive collection—it's possible that I recognize it through that, but I don't think I know the name outside of a Permindex context (assuming I'm thinking of the right guy in the first place!)

    Do you know the name of Meyer Sr.'s development company? I'm at the point where the words 'development company' alone send up massive red flags.

    As for the Bird bit—just checked out PDS's citation, a New York Times article from February 2nd, 1962. Viewable here: https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1962/02/02/89495746.html?pageNumber=8


    I think I featured Dr. von Arx  in an EF Thread.  I'll find the title.

    Cord Meyer Development Co. as far as I recall.  I'll track down my file.

    Agree, "development" suggests "cover" although I think he made a serious fortune in construction.

    Tks for link to NYT.

  5. 2 hours ago, Ed Berger said:

    An Intriguing document in the CIA reading room dated March 4th, 1949...

    1. On 10 Jan 1949, Luang Pibul sent Major Narong Salirathavibhaya to Willis H. Bird's office to ask for assistance in buying approximately $1,000,000 worth of arms for the Siamese Army. The Army wants carbines, sub-machine guns, machine guns, rifles, jeeps, weapons carriers, and tanks.

    2. Bird stated that he would be unable to buy the arms directly and would have to get someone to make the purchase. He has written to the World Commerce Company (Stettinius Group) to see if they can procure the arms.


    3. On 11 Jan, Bird was called to see Major Phao Sriyanon in reference to weapons for the Police Force. Phao wants tear gas bombs and police riot disbursing equipment. Bird showed Phao a substantial order from the Siamese Navy for similar types of equipment. 

    From Peter Dale Scott, The War Conspiracy:

    ...William H. Bird, the CAT [Civil Air Transport] representative in Bangkok, is said to have coordinated CAT airdrops to Li Mi's troops in the "fertile triangle." In 1960, after CAT began flying in Laos through "the great Laos fraud," his private engineering firm Bird and Son began the construction of short airstrips in Meo territory which were soon used for the collection of Laos opium, some of it destined to be manufactured into heroin in Marseilles, and forwarded to the National Crime Syndicate in the United States. Soon Bird and Son had its own airline of fifty planes flying US contract airlift to the opium- growing tribesmen, and rumors soon arose that these planes, like Air America's in the same area, were not infrequently used for smuggling.

    William Bird's brother or cousin in Bangkok, China OSS veteran Willis Bird, headed the Bangkok office of a "trading company" called Sea Supply, Inc. As we noted before, Sea Supply first supplied arms to the KMT troops of General Li Mi, and later trained Phao Sriyanon's Thai border police who were also implicated in KMT opium- smuggling activities. Like William, Willis Bird also branched into construction business on his own. In 1959, as vice-president of the "Universal Construction Company," Bird was said by a Congressional committee investigating corruption in Laos to have bribed an ICA aid official in Vientiane. In 1962, when President Kennedy was struggling to bring the CIA hawks in Thailand under control, his brother, the attorney-general, belatedly returned an indictment against Willis Bird, who has never returned to this country to stand trial.

    In 1962, when President Kennedy was struggling to bring the CIA hawks in Thailand under control, his brother, the attorney-general, belatedly returned an indictment against Willis Bird, who has never returned to this country to stand trial.

    Did not know this.
    (We were discussing Sea Supply last night, and whether it was the airline that Dulles et al  were entirely comfortable traveling under.)

    This is significant confirmation that WCC was in the drugs and arms business from the outset!

    Have you come across Dr. Werner von Arx earlier than the Permindex document in the late 1960s?

    (as a purely side note, another developer construction company of that era was Cord Meyer Sr. who cofounded CAP)


  6. 7 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    My brand new copy of A Terrible Mistake came in Monday.  The first thing I did was check out the end notes for the chapters on White and Laffite (22 and 23 pages in each chapter).  I'm no literary or historical critic but they seem pretty extensive to me, how thorough I can't say for sure yet but they are both about a page and a half of very fine print each.  The first (White) consists of 13 separate entries, the second (Laffite), 24 entries.  At least one long paragraph in each, and many of the entries have further references within them.

    I just finished reading these two chapters today.  Fascinating.  More later from them but they led me to look around a bit where I found this 1969 Time article on Laffite, The Gourmet Pirate.

    "December 3, 1963, he posted a $25,000 bail and vanished. . . . turning up again two years ago (1967) in New Orleans."

    Nation: The Gourmet Pirate - TIME

    While looking I also found this EDU thread I thought I'd link here instead of bumping.


    I think I shared the TIME Magazine article on another thread recently or perhaps earlier on this one. It's one of the more flagrant puff pieces on the enigmatic Lafitte, published just eight months after Shaw was acquitted with no mention of their history;  Lafitte was the lead Chef at the Plimsoll Club housed in Shaw's new ITM building at the time he was picked up by the Feds for a seven year old indictment.  You really can't make this up.

    Notice Anthony Frewin's appearance here? I encourage you to read the essay, Clay Shaw, Pierre Lafitte, and Two Degrees of Separation . . . posted on an independent thread under that title. That essay was in prelim draft when I first met Hank; I had no idea he knew Frewin.

  7. 5 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

    I hope Leslie Sharp will address this issue, or perhaps Alan Kent. 

    Hi Michael,  I hope you will follow the updates and most recent deliberations on the original thread: Pierre Lafitte Datebook, 1963.

    It's my understanding from Alan, as recently as last evening in fact, that he has no plans to spend time and energy on this forum on this issue. Perhaps he will change his mind at some point, but the authentication process has been my responsibility since Hank left us.


  8. 4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Funny, how someone who claims to be "Orthodox" will defend Hunter Biden's pictures of him having sex with a prostitute, and will slander a movie about stoping the sextrafficing of children as QAnon while bearing false witness against the former POTUS and attempting to link someone who said they don't support MAGA as being mAgA. The kicker and best part is; all while claiming be a moral authority LOL!! 

    Guess you really aren't conservative!! ; ) 




  9. 50 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Apologize for what, Mathew?  Telling the truth?

    What "sin" are you referring to?  Do tell.

    Meanwhile, my spiritual advice for you (and other MAGAs) is to focus on your own sins.

    If you are interested, I can list some rather glaring examples of GOP hypocrisy about sexual peccadilloes.

    (P.S.  I'm Dr. Niederhut.)

    Trust me, don't mess with Tridentine traditionalists, especially those who dabble in the occult.  😞


  10. @Matthew Koch I bet that's why RFK Jr turned your stupid datebook down because his father worked for the guy that your CID book claims radicalized Donald Trump!!

    Matthew, Robert Montenegro has nothing to do with the Lafitte datebook, nor our M/s of Coup in Dallas or its subsequent publication November 19, 2021.

    Please, do elaborate on RFK Jr. turning down the datebook. What is your basis for that declarative statement?

    For the record, which you seem utterly oblivious of, RFK Jr. left McCarthy's staff BECAUSE of Roy Cohn, Trump's future business and political mentor. Years later, on November 22, Robert Kennedy  was in a luncheon meeting with Morgenthau to discuss the pending indictment of  Roy Cohn when he received Hoover's call.  

    Why don't you get your facts straight.

  11. 1 hour ago, Evan Marshall said:

    If people involved in this operation were calling Charley a nickname Charly never used, how well did they actually know him? When I knew Charley he preferred Smith revolvers. What names I have, and I only have some-were given to me in confidence and I respect that. 

    Like I've said before I only have bit and pieces, but they are enough to convince who was responsible. Since I have absolutely no interest in writing a JFK book, I'm satisfied what I know is enough.

    We aren't saying that Lafitte referenced Askins as "Boots." He did not.

    Once we identified Lafitte was referencing skilled marksman Charles Askins who had been posted at the American Embassy in Madrid (at the same time as CIA officer Al Ulmer) when Skorzeny and Ilse "set up shop" in the Spanish capitol with the blessing of Franco himself, the nickname "Boots" surfaced repeatedly in credible source material. There is at least one document from the early '50s that indicates Askins' superiors were inquiring about the Skorzenys' activities.

    Holding names close that were given you in confidence is admirable; in a murder investigation is that sufficient justification for protecting the identify of suspects? 


  12. 12 minutes ago, David Boylan said:

    We do know that there was a commando group called the Black Falcons. This was made up of a few familiar names. Some of these guys would go on to join Alpha 66 and later Commandos - L. One of the leaders was AMCHEER-1 - Julio Garcia Garcia. Were any of these guys involved? Possible but not probable.



    Is that "Al  S m I t h"?

  13. 7 hours ago, Ed Berger said:

    The George Hunter White papers archive is out at Stanford University in California. The archive inventory has a lot of entries for White's "daily appointment book", which might be it? 

    EDIT: Box 5, folder 6 contains "George White affidavit re. Jean Pierre Lafitte". Could be a cool thing to get a copy of... 

    I believe both O'Neill and Morley have notes from White's diaries as well although they weren't focused on Lafitte.  It might be worthwhile to ask about the affidavit. 


    O'Neill did uncover that Ilse Skorzeny had been in California.

  14. 3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    There is also a section in A Terrible Mistake taken from an unpublished Lafitte memoir. And Hank refers to White’s ‘datebook’ in A Terrible Mistake’.

    Right.  Hank had access to a portion of the memoir that Rene had hoped would one day be published.

    Hank made at least two, possibly three trips to CA to study the White diaries. I believe both Tom O'Neill and Jeff Morley have reviewed the diaries as well. White probably provided the deepest insight into Lafitte of any of Hank's sources.

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