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Leslie Sharp

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Everything posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. Harlong B. Carter, SW Regional commissioner of INS in 1963 who went on to alter the character of the National Rifle Association, has made it into MSM. begin min. 1:20. https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house
  2. A word search for the term misogyny in your lengthy, purportedly balanced analysis of Mr. Tate comes up empty. Tell me if I missed reference to his condition, even if it's only one example? Otherwise, this reads like an advert for Andrew Tate. Was that your intention?
  3. "I'm like a representative of the American Media now — speaking to an exile in Romania and welcoming him back into the brotherhood of journalists." — newly released video of Tucker Carlson discussing a forthcoming interview with self-avowed misogynist Andrew Tate. https://www.salon.com/2023/05/01/i-dont-want-to-be-a-slave-tucker-caught-trashing-fox-news-streaming-in-leaked-video/ ANALYSIS Andrew Tate shows how fascists recruit online: Men fall victim to the insecurity-to-fascism pipeline Young men’s dating woes attract them to online misogynists, who then convert them to authoritarianism By AMANDA MARCOTTE, Aug 23, 2022 Across the English-speaking world, parents and teachers grew increasingly alarmed, hearing teenage boys and young men parroting Tate's woman-hating rhetoric. One teacher on Reddit last week complained about boys "saying dooky like 'women are inferior to men' 'women belong in the kitchen Ms____'.," and refusing "to read an article by a female author because 'women should only be housewives.'" . . . He's been linked with a number of far-right American and British influencers, and not just because he loves Trump. He's been photographed dining with former Infowars anchor Paul Joseph Watson, who was recently recorded ranting about how he wishes "to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth." He's also associated with Jack Posobiec and Mike Cernovich, far-right trolls who pushed Pizzagate and similar hoaxes. But the 17-year-old kid who starts following Tate because he's titillated by TikTok videos espousing "edgelord" opinions about women doesn't know any of this.' Andrew Tate is back: These are his latest controversial and misogynistic tweets He is causing offence on social media yet again. "Avoid women who go to festivals," one tweet began. "They're either on some losers table whos feeding them cocaine or in a crowd of sweaty peasants because they're a sweaty peasant. . . . On the same day, he shared a tweet which said: "If youre not gona listen to your man... what are you with him for? To argue?"
  4. . . .a letter from Joseph Milteer (himself a racist and far right associate of Willoughby and Walker) to Charles Askins pertaining to a forthcoming meeting of one of the myriad clandestine organizations that the radical right was running during the ’60s, indicating very “hush-hush” stuff. — Jeffrey H. Caufield, M.D. General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical-Right Conspiracy As seen below, Milteer’s letter to Askins was a personal invitation to a gathering on October 8,9,10, 1963. Under the heading "Joseph A. Milteer and the H. L. Hunt Oil Company”* Jeffrey Caulfield writes, What Miller’s “success” with Hunt Oil company was, in regard to the "SURVIVAL meeting” (as Milteer typed it in a letter) is not clear, although the Hunts were prodigious contributors to the far right. Evidence presented in Chapter Seven that Milteer handled money for the national far right was suggested by his establishment of a bank account in Provo, Utah, under an assumed name. In another letter, Milteer wrote to Colonel Charles Askins from San Antonio, Texas, and stated he had just written Colonel Stahl regarding a “SURVIVAL meeting” to be held near Montgo0mery, Alabama, on October 8, 9, and 10 and wished to invite Askins too. The group planned on meeting at the Coliseum Motel before moving to an undisclosed meeting place. Milteer wrote that a barbecue dinner was planned, prepared by a white person that they could trust. Milteer stated, “every precaution has been taken for our welfare and the meeting will not be bugged. Nor will there be any intruders. The nature of the meeting was not discussed. Milteer expected that twenty to thirty individuals would attend and some were noted to have an interest in the Constitution Party. He stated that there would be no publicity. Milteer wrote a similar invitation to William Ferrasie of New Jersey. In another letter, Milteer wrote “George” and stated that the “SURVIVAL meeting” could not be held in Atlanta, due to fears that it would be bugged. He told him, “We are anxious to get matters started our way and get the show on the road.” The meaning of the ’SURVIVAL meeting” remains a mystery, but given the distance the attendees were expected to travel, the meeting was evidently of great importance. Moreover, it was the first time Milteer spoke of attending a meeting where careful security measures were being taken . . . ‘ *Note: Caufield notes that Miller's meeting at Hunt Oil was in 1965, but it’s unclear whether he had known Hunt at the time of his correspondence with Askins et al in 1963.
  5. Evan, I'm not questioning whether you knew Canon and/or Askins personally, although I would note a significant age difference with Askins, and fairly significant difference with Canon so presumably they weren't exactly your peers. I assume you're not suggesting they would have told you about their involvement had they been in Dealey? And out of curiosity, what were the circumstances of your meetings with them? Professional, personal, casual, gun-related a.k.a. NRA; and remind me, did you know Harlon B. Carter? . . .a letter from Joseph Milteer (himself a racist and far right associate of Willoughby and Walker) to Charles Askins pertaining to a forthcoming meeting of one of the myriad clandestine organizations that the radical right was running during the ’60s, indicating very “hush-hush” stuff. As seen below, Milteer’s letter to Askins references a gathering on October 8,9,10, 1963. Under the heading "Joseph A. Milteer and the H. L. Hunt Oil Company”* Jeffrey Caulfield writes, What Miller’s “success” with Hunt Oil company was, in regard to the "SURVIVAL meeting” (as Milteer typed it in a letter) is not clear, although the Hunts were prodigious contributors to the far right. Evidence presented in Chapter Seven that Milteer handled money for the national far right was suggested by his establishment of a bank account in Provo, Utah, under an assumed name. In another letter, Milteer wrote to Colonel Charles Askins from San Antonio, Texas, and stated he had just written Colonel Stahl regarding a “SURVIVAL meeting” to be held near Montgo0mery, Alabama, on October 8, 9, and 10 and wished to invite Askins too. The group planned on meeting at the Coliseum Motel before moving to an undisclosed meeting place. Milteer wrote that a barbecue dinner was planned, prepared by a white person that they could trust. Milteer stated, “every precaution has been taken for our welfare and the meeting will not be bugged. Nor will there be any intruders. The nature of the meeting was not discussed. Milteer expected that twenty to thirty individuals would attend and some were noted to have an interest in the Constitution Party. He stated that there would be no publicity. Milteer wrote a similar invitation to William Ferrasie of New Jersey. In another letter, Milteer wrote “George” and stated that the “SURVIVAL meeting” could not be held in Atlanta, due to fears that it would be bugged. He told him, “We are anxious to get matters started our way and get the show on the road.” The meaning of the ’SURVIVAL meeting” remains a mystery, but given the distance the attendees were expected to travel, the meeting was evidently of great importance. Moreover, it was the first time Milteer spoke of attending a meeting where careful security measures were being taken . . . ‘ *Note: Caufield notes that Miller's meeting at Hunt Oil was in 1965, but it’s unclear whether he had known Hunt at the time of his correspondence with Askins et al in 1963.
  6. Great article and interview. Thanks, Douglas. Those like Bannon who are attempting to piggy back Trump onto the RFK Jr. candidacy should be called out at every opportunity. This is but one. DS: We need this study, and we need it done in a year, and here’s your million bucks. RFK Jr.: Right. We need this drug approved in a year, so we’re going to pay you extra to fast-track it. And that money, the regulatory agencies become dependent on it. December 8, 2020 Remarks by President Trump at the Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Summit We’re grateful to be joined by Vice President Mike Pence, who has done an absolutely incredible job on the Coronavirus Task Force. Mike, thank you. Stand up, Mike. (Applause.) Great job. We’re here to discuss a monumental national achievement. From the instant the coronavirus invaded our shores, we raced into action to develop a safe and effective vaccine at breakneck speed. It would normally take five years, six years, seven years, or even more. In order to achieve this goal, we harnessed the full power of government, the genius of American scientists, and the might of American industry to save millions and millions of lives all over the world. We’re just days away from authorization from the FDA, and we’re pushing them hard, at which point we will immediately begin mass distribution. Before Operation Warp Speed, the typical timeframe for development and approval, as you know, could be infinity. And we were very, very happy that we were able to get things done at a level that nobody has ever seen before. The gold standard vaccine has been done in less than nine months. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-operation-warp-speed-vaccine-summit/
  7. Will Trump testify? Updated Apr 27, 2023 - Politics & Policy Key takeaways from E. Jean Carroll's civil rape trial against Trump Jeff Knutson, AXIOS Kaplan previously said Trump was under no legal obligation to testify or attend the trial. The judge said Carroll had indicated she did not intend to call him as a witness. Trump's lawyers previously asked Kaplan to instruct jurors that Trump "wishes to appear" at the trial but his presence would be too logistically burdensome on the courthouse and New York City. Kaplan pushed back on the claimed burden of Trump's appearance and denied the request, saying it was "premature." https://www.axios.com/2023/04/25/e-jean-carroll-civil-rape-trial-donald-trump
  8. I thought the excerpt would provide you some insight that the assassination was an extension of the Cold War. Considering it through an Americentric lens has stalled the investigation for decades. The question of "who/what got rich" from Vietnam is equivalent to asking, "how long is a piece of string?" The team of US team is identified — Canon, Askins, Johnson, and those who served as spotters — all of whom were fueled by extremist ideology bound up in fifteen years' loyalty to Willoughby and those he aligned with. Kennedy needed to go. The international team was handpicked by Otto Skorzeny and Jean Souetre ... do you really think they didn't have a pool of loyal psychopaths to draw from — La Cagoule-types whose motives were ideologically driven? Americans believe Dallas was "special, one of a kind, the murder of the century." This was just another assassination in their world.
  9. On the wings of murder. The pigeon way for unsuspecting Lee. Clip, clip his wings. —Lafitte datebook, November 9, 1963 What do France in December 1942, World War II, and the French Resistance—precisely where our story begins—have to do with the assassination of the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, the event that shattered the American landscape? This chapter will begin to reveal that the roots of our great American tragedy dive deeply into European soil two decades back, at a time when democracies and monarchies hung by mere threads in the face of National Socialist Germany’s military juggernaut and when all hands and all means were called upon to save the Allies from defeat. As we shall read, the comrades in this monumental effort produced strange bedfellows and shifting expedient alliances that joined anti-National Socialists with French pro-fascist terrorists and gangsters, anti-communists, anti-monarchists, Allied commandos, all of whom exploited the means of assassination to advance their collective and sometimes contradictory ends. It’s clear from the outset that this chapter, and the fullness of the book, will not argue that the assassination in Dallas was a new weapon in the arsenal of war and international affairs. Far from it. The beginnings, described here, establish the foundation for what eventually evolved into a complex set of interrelated aims, enterprises, individuals and methods that ultimately triggered the murder of an American president. The events described in this chapter provided the tip of the spear for what ultimately became a kind of assassination incorporated. . . . Returning now to the assassination of Darlan which serves as template for the future set-up of Lee Harvey Oswald as “the perfect patsy” on November 22, 1963, soon after the execution of Francois Darlan’s assassin, Fernand Bonnier, there were scattered and persistent reports that the young Frenchman had been a patsy of sorts and that he was not an avid monarchist but was only an impressionable, somewhat naïve, youth, who had been manipulated toward murderous ends by skillful others. This belief stems from the fact that Bonnier’s “friend,” Henri d’Astier, while active in La Cagoule, on several occasions joined Filliol in carrying out a devious tactic for ridding La Cagoule of suspected double-agent members by manipulating them into veiled assassination efforts during which it would be highly likely that they would be captured or killed. Filliol dubbed this manipulation “the pigeon way.” Here, one is easily reminded of the quote by CIA official Miles Copeland: “You can sometimes gain points in the war of dirty tricks by killing an expendable person on your own side and blaming it on the other when considering this type of lethal deception.” And in mid-November 1963, Pierre Lafitte, in New Orleans, would jot down in his datebook: “On the wings of murder. The pigeon way for unsuspecting Lee [Oswald]. Clip, clip his wings,” no doubt a reference to Jean Filliol’s tactic of manipulation within his assassin camps. — H. P. Albarelli Jr.
  10. @W. Niederhut Hilarious! You made my day. I'm going out on a limb here and speculate they didn't perform that little tune ever again!
  11. Returning now to the assassination of Darlan which serves as template for the future set-up of Lee Harvey Oswald as “the perfect patsy” on November 22, 1963, soon after the execution of Francois Darlan’s assassin, Fernand Bonnier, there were scattered and persistent reports that the young Frenchman had been a patsy of sorts and that he was not an avid monarchist but was only an impressionable, somewhat naïve, youth, who had been manipulated toward murderous ends by skillful others. This belief stems from the fact that Bonnier’s “friend,” Henri d’Astier, while active in La Cagoule, on several occasions joined Filliol in carrying out a devious tactic for ridding La Cagoule of suspected double-agent members by manipulating them into veiled assassination efforts during which it would be highly likely that they would be captured or killed. Filliol dubbed this manipulation “the pigeon way.” Here, one is easily reminded of the quote by CIA official Miles Copeland: “You can sometimes gain points in the war of dirty tricks by killing an expendable person on your own side and blaming it on the other when considering this type of lethal deception.” And in mid-November 1963, Pierre Lafitte, in New Orleans, would jot down in his datebook: “On the wings of murder. The pigeon way for unsuspecting Lee [Oswald]. Clip, clip his wings,” no doubt a reference to Jean Filliol’s tactic of manipulation within his assassin camps.
  12. . . . What do France in December 1942, World War II, and the French Resistance—precisely where our story begins—have to do with the assassination of the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, the event that shattered the American landscape? This chapter will begin to reveal that the roots of our great American tragedy dive deeply into European soil two decades back, at a time when democracies and monarchies hung by mere threads in the face of National Socialist Germany’s military juggernaut and when all hands and all means were called upon to save the Allies from defeat. As we shall read, the comrades in this monumental effort produced strange bedfellows and shifting expedient alliances that joined anti-National Socialists with French pro-fascist terrorists and gangsters, anti-communists, anti-monarchists, Allied commandos, all of whom exploited the means of assassination to advance their collective and sometimes contradictory ends. It’s clear from the outset that this chapter, and the fullness of the book, will not argue that the assassination in Dallas was a new weapon in the arsenal of war and international affairs. Far from it. The beginnings, described here, establish the foundation for what eventually evolved into a complex set of interrelated aims, enterprises, individuals and methods that ultimately triggered the murder of an American president. The events described in this chapter provided the tip of the spear for what ultimately became a kind of assassination incorporated. — Albarelli, Coup in Dallas
  13. Aspen Institute had been there for over a decade. (We lived in Vail 1986-88 and drove that route a number of times.) https://www.aspeninstitute.org/about/heritage/ Tks for Asleep at the Wheel!
  14. Agree, Roger, and I would add that the Souetre inquiry should resume with the INS in Dallas; where are the Bailey and Norwood reports?* Were they withheld or destroyed? And what role might SW Region commissioner of the INS Harlon B. Carter have played? It's clear by October 9 that Souetre — identified by Lafitte in ten entries in his 1963 datebook, beginning April 25 — is integral to the Dallas operation. The day before, October 8, it's clear that Charles Askins has been added with the apparent blessing of Harvey as in William King of ZRRifle. We know from earlier entries that Charles Askins was being considered along with Jack Canon (September 12 and 14 respectively) based on Canon's long history with Gen. Willoughby and the Z org. And from Askins, we arrive full circle, Dallas INS Harlon B. Carter who had been friends with Askins for a decade if not longer,having served together in the US Border Patrol. Could Carter assure Souetre's entry via Mexico, or turn a blind eye when he (or someone impersonating him) was detained in Dallas, or might Harlon have orchestrated the detention and expulsion himself? A search for official records of Harlon B. Carter is ongoing. *Both [J. Gary] Shaw and [Bud] Fensterwald, without benefit of the evidence revealed in the records of Pierre Lafitte, had astutely suspected that the failure of Texas officials to hold Souetre or possible accomplices for questioning revealed a potentially explosive breakthrough in the investigation into the assassination. Fensterwald wrote of the arrests: “. . . An INS Inspector named Virgil Bailey picked up a Frenchman at an apartment on either Gaston or Ross Street in Dallas. He believes the arrest was on Sunday, November 24, 1963, but can remember none of the details other than the person arrested was French, and that the matter was top priority. . . . Another INS Inspector named [Howell] Norwood received two urgent calls from INS Headquarters in Washington, stating that they wanted Mr. X (named unrecalled by INS), a foreigner, picked up immediately. Norwood was very surprised to find that Mr. X was already in the hands of INS Dallas; he had been picked up on November 22nd or 23rd as the result of a call from the Dallas police, who had apprehended him.” Not only had authorities failed to pursue their own arrests made in the first forty-eight hours of the assassination—with one spectacular exception, the arrest of the patsy Lee Harvey Oswald—but for decades, the responsible agencies deflected investigations into Jean Souetre and the clues he left behind that would expose the hierarchy behind Project Lancelot.
  15. incorrect again? Ironically, only this morning a friend shared the following observation related to Chris Licht's abrupt restructuring of how the news is covered at CNN. You might recognize the relevance: When asked if there was a Lemon-Carlson parallel, Licht said both men were hired during a time when "people like them" were on the rise; America had moved on. "Like" them? That can only mean one thing: people who want to be free to speak confrontationally. In fact, word is that Lemon's (somewhat harsh) pushback against a bat-dooky crazy, machine gun-mouth guest who was spouting Trumpery (but never should have been on the damned show) was the last straw for Licht. And so you have good analysts of the likes of John Berman and Brianna Keillar (the former morning team) forced to wander about on-set, trying not to say anything that might be seen as confrontational . . . anything. I wonder if Licht opposes on-air utterance of the word "N-azis" even in historical context? How might a compére pronounce N-azi?
  16. I believe it was Joe Bauer who recently remarked that Mae Brussell was [paraphrasing] sometimes a bit manic, and I thought, would that more Americans had paid heed to her alarms and those of Carl Oglesby. Would we be here today, parsing whether or not fascism is on our doorstep having marched here from Dallas? Encouraging "calm" while enthusiastically endorsing, or at best calmly defending, the screeching diatribes of faux journalists like Carlson has allowed rapid acceleration of alt-right extremism in our country since Jan 6. And MAGA is preparing to nominate Trump who promises them, "I AM YOUR JUSTICE"? wtf indeed! [exclamation intended.]
  17. Larry, you may not have followed the exchanges with Chris. When challenged, he resorts to psychoanalysis rather than addressing facts head on. I'm fairly certain he doesn't pull the "emotion" card from his deck when addressing the male participants in the same conversation. It's a tactic, and well-worn as no doubt you're aware. If you can identify when "animal spirits" have inveigled their way into my particular discourse, let me know? I must say I'm a bit disappointed you've engaged in "explaining" things to me.
  18. I wasn't certain, Chris. Thank you for verifying. Transparency clears the air.
  19. A bit of deflection, Chris? When was the last time you registered to vote in a US election?
  20. If your comments catch my attention, and I believe they're worthy of challenge, I will continue to "engage" ... you're not obliged to respond.
  21. You're not seriously equating yourself with my doctor or my policeman? Until you convince me otherwise, I presume you're not as "independent" as you would like us to believe. Transparency builds trust, and I think it's a waste of time to engage with you if I can't trust you are indeed here in good faith. When was the last time you registered to vote in US elections?
  22. Jack Teixeira and Me JEFF STEIN, SpyTalk APR 27, 2023 “If anybody thinks this is just a kid playing around on Discord, please go look at the charging documents, which feature the ideological writings, and the weapons, of Teixeira,” she wrote Thursday on Twitter. “Also, in case you haven't yet heard me say this, when it comes to the white power movement, THERE ARE NO LONE WOLVES,” she added (her caps). “Actors work WITHIN A MOVEMENT and we have to study both. DO NOT allow this to remain a narrative about one disaffected young man.” It’s not. The movement is here, and metastasizing, it seems. How the military, especially, deals with it, is one hell of a problem—for us all. ### — Emma L. Briant, propaganda expert https://www.spytalk.co/p/jack-teixeira-and-me?r=3zjty&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email&fbclid=IwAR12fCAugOd5zV8M-1v9ZG8yhIuxChfezYAkYRJ_2iM9C1eQNEQvpScdF64 Jack Posobiec on Jack Teixeira two weeks ago: https://humanevents.com/.../posobiec-congress-must... HUMANEVENTS.COM POSOBIEC: Congress must evaluate whistleblower protections for the Ukraine papers leaker. On the question of metastization: Posibiec on "America First with Sebastian Gorka" back in October 2021: https://www.sebgorka.com/video/is-america-first-winning-jack-posobiec-with-sebastian-gorka-on-america-first/
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