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Leslie Sharp

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Everything posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. I've seen the article firsthand, and hopefully have it saved in a file. Will go in search.
  2. Kovacs, Ortiz and Joly There is no clear evidence that any of these three men, or a combination of, were present in Dallas on November 22, 1963, so perhaps the reader might question why they end up in these pages. Simply put, they appear among the outstanding items for research left on the desk of author Albarelli. A February 26, 1962 exposé “Neo-N-azis Linked to Algeria French” by correspondent Waverley Root, then living in Paris, published in The Washington Post, reveals that European extremists—known as Ultras—in Algeria were “now tied in with the worldwide clandestine neo-National Socialist organization which has existed ever since the end of the war, built around a core of Hitlerites who escaped post war justice. The head of this international N-azi underground has always been believed to be Madrid’s man of mystery, Otto Skorzeny, the SS trooper who rescued Mussolini from his captors.” More chilling, Root continues, “Skorzeny is reported to maintain contacts with former N-azis scattered throughout the world, especially in Latin America and the Middle East. They have not given up hope that N-azism may yet triumph throughout the world, and they seem prepared to lend their aid in any desperate venture of like political ideology which might achieve a Rightest authoritarian government anywhere.” (emphasis added.) Root’s informed sources said that “two of four defendants in the trial escaped and made their way to Spain.” The trial he refers to was the result of the arrest of those involved in the 1957 bazooka attack on General Raoul Salan. The far-right extremists were convinced that the general wasn’t fully on their side to halt the movement toward independence from France in Algeria. All charged with the attack had been found guilty. Among them was Doctor René Kovacs, who was sentenced to death in absentia following his escape. A physician by training, Kovacs was born in Algeria of [notably for our purposes] Hungarian parents. Along with his aide, Joseph Ortiz, a restaurateur and fellow far-right extremist, the two fled to Spain. Root contends that Algerian Europeans devoted to far-right politics had long been alleged to have international connections. “Thus gave birth to any imperfectly known organization called the Red Hand,” writes Root, referring to a mysterious terror group organized to counter the National Liberation Front (FLN) in Algeria. According to freelance journalist Joachim Joesten, among the earliest sleuths to arrive in Dallas in pursuit of the facts of the assassination of Kennedy, the creator of the Red Hand was none other than the head of France’s DST—a man readers are now familiar with—Roger Wybot. Author Ralph Ganis, who pursued Joesten’s findings in depth, tells us that the Red Hand operated in the manner of paramilitary groups that sprang up after WWI of which Otto Skorzeny participated. Writes Ganis, “It was also very similar to the old Cagoule, the ‘hooded ones.’ Waverley Root also concluded that Kovacs and Ortiz, both of whom fled to Spain, were involved in the Skorzeny ring. Rounding out the triad with Kovacs and Ortiz, Root tells us that Belgian citizen Pierre Joly, “turns up regularly in French extreme-right activities of a conspiratorial nature. Joly [whose duties appear to have included propagation of extremist ideology on the printed page] was among those who appeared in Madrid when the refugees from the revolt trial arrived there.” Root then summarizes the significance of these figures ending up in Spain: The existence in Madrid, on territory where extreme Rightists of all countries can reasonably expect to find political refuge of the headquarters of an international neo-N-azi organization, helps to encourage a funneling of all revolutionary Rightists groups into the same conspiracy. But political kinship tends in any case to throw the like-minded of all countries together, so that even without formal organization there has been built up an intricate maze of cross-relationships among Right extremists of all countries. From there, the correspondent highlights the current crisis in Katanga, a break-away province from the Republic of Congo, which had contributed to the January 17, 1961 assassination of Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. The success of the operation has been attributed to, among others, Otto Skorzeny. Root draws attention to the likely role played by Algerian Ultras operating outside Toulouse—long a hotbed of French Algerian activity—in delivering three French jet planes from a factory outside Toulouse to Katanga. Of note, on September 25, 1963, Pierre Lafitte writes “LeCatet”; research strongly suggests this could be a location within the commune of Montbeton, north of Toulouse where a number of airfields were located, perhaps related to training camps. As we learned, the American Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters included Jack Crichton, the Dallas oilman who had been in business with Otto Skorzeny since 1952 and served as his point man on the 22nd of November.
  3. Apologies if I've overlooked your summation of what happened in Dealey, Marjan. Is it available on EF or elsewhere? It seems you're attempting to redirect the focus of this discussion from the series of significant revelations germane to the assassination in Dallas — specifically that Ilse Skorzeny and Hjalmar Schacht were at the Old Warsaw restaurant in the Maple/Oak Lawn neighborhood of Dallas on November 7, discussing $ with a character we are persuaded was Tracy Barnes — to whether or not Hjalmar Schacht was an astute banker. Am I mistaken?
  4. Paul, the reference was to the records maintained (i.e., kept) here: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/nuremberg-trial-defendants-hjalmar-schacht Admittedly, Marjan's responses are a bit confusing: MR: Yes there was a conspiracy -- but it was not on German soil. Once again that there wording is all krapp. Does he mean there — as in a location? or their, in which case — who are they? Does he mean the wording in our book is all krapp, or the wording in the initial post of this thread is all krapp? Or does he mean that the the thorough account of Schacht's role in Hitler's Reich is all krapp? MR: And, England & France declared war on Germany. Is he defending the N-azis and rationalizing the Holocaust? MR: All of that stuff is of interest to me but not worth arguing over today. Why then is he actually arguing today — albeit in soundbites?
  5. The record keepers referred to in my post are those whose ancestors experienced the Holocaust, Marjan. And according to their records, Hitler's former favorite banker Hjalmar Schacht should have been sentenced to a term in prison for his assistance in the earlier phase of the conspiracy was an important factor in enabling the conspirators to seize the German state and thus pave the way for their later crimes. You are diverting from the essence of the post which is to reveal that certain US authorities colluded to assure Schacht would resume his career in service to those responsible for his release, and that the relevance of his direct ties to Ilse and Otto Skorzeny and the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas surfaced during Albarelli's investigation.
  6. Your search - krappynomix - did not match any documents. Suggestions: Make sure all words are spelled correctly. Try different keywords. Try more general keywords.
  7. If you would like for us to believe you know more than the official record keepers, you'll need to expand beyond "there wording is all krapp," which, btw, makes no sense whatsoever. It's not worth arguing over today, yet you took the time to launch an argument? I'm curious why you bother with a thread that you consider "krapp"?
  8. JOSEPH MAIER DESCRIBES HJALMAR SCHACHT AT THE NUREMBERG TRIAL. . . with one exception — made the same impression on me, a very sad, drab impression — the one exception because he had an extraordinary I.Q. was Hjalmar Schacht ... the former Reichsmark president had a very good I.Q.... — Joseph Maier, from 1940 to 1943 assistant editor for a New York German-Jewish newspaper. In 1944, he worked in the American embassy in Britain as a propaganda analyst. He went to Nuremberg, Germany, as an interpreter in 1946. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/oral-history/joseph-maier-escribes-hjalmar-schacht-at-the-nuremberg-trial E. SCHACHT'S LOSS OF POWER DID NOT IMPLY DISAGREEMENT WITH THE CONSPIRATORS' PROGRAM OF AGGRESSIVE WAR. Finally, on 7 July 1937, Schacht and Goering signed an agreement of reconciliation in Berlin, wherein it was said that the tasks of Goering and Schacht "are being solved in closest mutual cooperation," and that "no doubt exists about the fact that the Commissioner General for War Economy has the position of a supreme authority of the Reich" Schacht resumed his duties as General Plenipotentiary with renewed vigor. On the day following his formal agreement with Goering, he wrote to General von Blomberg on "Measures for the preparation of the conduct of war," pledging continued cooperation in their mutual . . . . . . There is nothing to indicate that Schacht's withdrawal from the Ministry of Economics and the Office of Plenipotentiary for War Economy in any sense represented a break with Hitler on the ground of contemplated military aggression. He consented to retain his position as President of the Reichsbank, where he remained undisputed master, and accepted the post of Minister of Portfolio, in order to be Hitler's "personal adviser." In the letter accepting Schacht's resignation as Minister of Economics, Hitler said: As President of the Reichsbank, Schacht continued to carry out Hitler's policies. . . . . . . Although Schacht apparently sought to convey the impression to Ambassador Bullitt that he desired to stay Hitler's hand but was powerless to do so, it is clear that he was actually in complete sympathy with Hitler's objectives. Despite the mounting tension which followed his conversation with Ambassador Bullitt, Schacht remained as President of the Reichsbank, and in that capacity established, in advance of the invasion of Austria, the rate of exchange between Marks and Austrian Schillings which was to prevail after the absorption of Austria (EC-421). Moreover, under his direction, the Austrian National Bank was merged into the Reichsbank (Reichsgesetzblatt, 1938, I, 254). His speech of 21 March 1938, to the employees of the former Austrian National Bank on the occasion of its obliteration as an independent institution, betrayed his true feelings. After inveighing against "the dictates of Versailles and St. Germain", -Schacht stated: . . . (3) Conclusion. Schacht's assistance in the earlier phase of the conspiracy was an important factor in enabling the conspirators to seize the German state and thus pave the way for their later crimes. His 'work was indispensable to the rearmament of Germany and to the economic planning and preparation required to launch the German wars of aggression. As long as he remained in power, he worked as eagerly for the preparation of aggressive war as any of his co-conspirators. He personally was favorably disposed towards aggression, if "Lebensraum" for Germany could not otherwise be attained. He knew that Hitler intended to and would break the peace, and with this knowledge, he willingly and purposely contributed his efforts. His withdrawal from three of his four posts reflected no moral feeling against the use of aggressive warfare as an instrument of national policy; he withdrew for reasons wholly unrelated to Hitler's program of illegal aggression. By the time of his withdrawal from these three positions, he had already provided his co-conspirators with the physical means and economic planning necessary to launch and maintain their wars of aggression; and he continued in his lucrative fourth position (Minister without Portfolio) until January 1943-until, in short, it became doubtful ether the conspirators could maintain the successes which they had gained in the wars they had illegally launched and were waging. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/nuremberg-trial-defendants-hjalmar-schacht
  9. Michael, I'm not sure how you moved from SCJ Thomas to Col. Prouty, but I do find the analogy of Crow and Carto fascinating considering the latter's close affiliation with General Edwin Walker. That said, nothing I've read suggests that Trammell Crow was an extreme right ideologue in spite of his business dealings with those who were, including oilman Clint Murchison. Crow Sr. was in favor of anything that was pro-business, and Harlan appears to have inherited a similar political philosophy. A quick glance at one of his 501c.3s doesn't tell us much about his sense of social responsibility, although his brother seems to have put his shoulder to the wheel calls himself A Green Republican. I believe their sister carried on the family tradition of supporting the arts. Would you be curious about the conversations around the room that houses those "souvenirs" or while strolling thought the sculpture garden? Would an African American Supreme Court Justice discuss with his friends, the Crows, his ancestor's experiences? Would SCJ Thomas compare the atrocities of slavery with the Holocaust ... knowing that the Germans had first experimented with the concepts in Namibia? In general, do you think collecting "souvenirs" of heinous behavior educates or elevates?
  10. A researcher recently brought to my attention that Christopher Simpson's Splendid Blonde Beast details the machinations of certain US authorities, including OSS Chief "Wild" Bill Donovan, to ensure that Hitler’s (former) favorite banker Hjalmar Schacht was acquitted following indictment for war crimes. Despite Judge Robert Jackson’s objections, Schacht was released to resume his career. I urge all to read those sections if you have the book, bearing in mind that Robert Storey (director of RNB Dallas) and Leon Jaworski (attorney for Houston-based Schlumberger who maintained a Dallas presence in RNB Dallas) reported to Judge Jackson. Storey’s recently released diaries indicate he dined with Donovan on occasion during the Nuremberg ordeal. Storey later served as the exclusive Dallas liaison to Allen Dulles and the Warren Commission. As we know, Bill Donovan, along with Allen Dulles and William Stephenson created the World Commerce Corporation, a vehicle that served Dulles and his corporate clients especially, but was also used by Otto Skorzeny to advance a visionary agenda shared by Hans-Ulrich Rudel who along with Skorzeny established the Kammerandenwerke (escape routes and support for N-zis after the war), Resist Party leader Leon Degrelle, and financial, resource and commodities purveyor Joannes Bernhardt, all of whom had been instrumental in defending the Third Reich. It’s now apparent that the path to who actually financed the Dallas plot likely begins — and possibly ends — with the banker long-considered one of the brightest minds in world-banking, Hjalmar Schacht, operating in league with those who permitted him to resume his financial career instead of going to prison (or worse) as a convicted N-azi war criminal. Simpson’s research is a fascinating account that emphasizes just how essential Schacht — referred to by Ilse and Otto Skorzeny as “uncle” — was to American interests in pre-post WWII Germany. Well worth the read because it also provides an even deeper appreciation for just how the mechanics of Ilse’s eventual role in the plot to kill Kennedy worked. It was Donovan’s chief of security, Archbold van Beuren who founded the global real estate concern Previews Inc. Van Beuren returned to Cue Magazine and Previews Inc. after the war, and within several years, Ilse Skorzeny was on board Previews, providing her access and cover for travel on a global scale. We also know that in the lead up to the assassination, Ilse could use the newly opened Dallas office of Previews — a building that can be traced to Dallas developer Leo Corrigan who was Ruby’s landlord and an investor in properties in the Bahamas with Clint Murchison, both of whom relied on the Caribbean contacts of Schacht and Sir Stafford Sands) — as justification for arriving and departing Dallas throughout the summer and fall of 1963. And, we wouldn’t know any of this without Pierre Lafitte. . . From Coup Ilse remains “dormant” in Pierre’s world until October 15 when another meeting is held in New York at the offices of Previews Inc., 49 East 53rd, involving General Charles Willoughby. On the 24th, Ilse meets with “T,” and on the 30th, one day following the forty-eight-hour planning session for Lancelot, Pierre makes a note to call Ilse. To date, the identity of the individual or individuals who served as liaison between the Dallas contingency and Schacht has yet to be determined, but considering that Howard Corp. (an off the books entity of Republic National Bank) was a member of the Texas syndicate in Spain, we can assume someone within the Howard Corp./Republic Bank cabal was directly involved. This places National Socialist banker Hjalmar Schacht in the middle of the Dallas oil and finance community as early as 1952. 11:30 meet [Old] Warsaw [restaurant] ( + Hotel) with T. and Hjalmar / Ilse - Get $ November 7, 1963 Hjalmar Schacht is the key to determining how exactly the bulk of the funds for Lancelot Project flowed. As referenced above, it was likely through the banking black hole of Otto Skorzeny’s business partner, Algur Meadows, executive of Howard Corp, the off-the-books account derived from West Texas Crude lodged in Republic National Bank of Dallas.
  11. A researcher recently brought to my attention that Christopher Simpson's Splendid Blonde Beast details the machinations of certain US authorities, including OSS Chief "Wild" Bill Donovan, to ensure that Hitler’s (former) favorite banker Hjalmar Schacht was acquitted following indictment for war crimes. Despite Judge Robert Jackson’s objections, Schacht was released to resume his career. I urge all to read those sections if you have the book, bearing in mind that Robert Storey (director of RNB Dallas) and Leon Jaworski (attorney for Houston-based Schlumberger who maintained a Dallas presence in RNB Dallas) reported to Judge Jackson. Storey’s recently released diaries indicate he dined with Donovan on occasion during the Nuremberg ordeal. Storey later served as the exclusive Dallas liaison to Allen Dulles and the Warren Commission. As we know, Bill Donovan, along with Allen Dulles and William Stephenson created the World Commerce Corporation, a vehicle that served Dulles and his corporate clients especially, but was also used by Otto Skorzeny to advance a visionary agenda shared by Hans-Ulrich Rudel who along with Skorzeny established the Kammerandenwerke (escape routes and support for N-zis after the war), Resist Party leader Leon Degrelle, and financial, resource and commodities purveyor Joannes Bernhardt, all of whom had been instrumental in defending the Third Reich. It’s now apparent that the path to who actually financed the Dallas plot likely begins — and possibly ends — with the banker long-considered one of the brightest minds in world-banking, Hjalmar Schacht, operating in league with those who permitted him to resume his financial career instead of going to prison (or worse) as a convicted N-azi war criminal. Simpson’s research is a fascinating account that emphasizes just how essential Schacht — referred to by Ilse and Otto Skorzeny as “uncle” — was to American interests in pre-post WWII Germany. Well worth the read because it also provides an even deeper appreciation for just how the mechanics of Ilse’s eventual role in the plot to kill Kennedy worked. It was Donovan’s chief of security, Archbold van Beuren who founded the global real estate concern Previews Inc. Van Beuren returned to Cue Magazine and Previews Inc. after the war and within several years, Ilse Skorzeny was on board Previews, providing her access and cover for travel on a global scale. We also know that in the lead up to the assassination, Ilse could use the newly opened Dallas office of Previews, Inc. — a building that can be traced to Dallas developer Leo Corrigan who was Ruby’s landlord and an investor in properties in the Bahamas with Clint Murchison, both of whom relied on the contacts of Schacht and Sir Stafford Sands) — as justification for arriving and departing Dallas throughout the summer and fall of 1963. And, we wouldn’t know any of this without Pierre Lafitte. . . From Coup Ilse remains “dormant” in Pierre’s world until October 15 when another meeting is held in New York at the offices of Previews Inc., 49 East 53rd, involving General Charles Willoughby. On the 24th, Ilse meets with “T,” and on the 30th, one day following the forty-eight-hour planning session for Lancelot, Pierre makes a note to call Ilse. To date, the identity of the individual or individuals who served as liaison between the Dallas contingency and Schacht has yet to be determined, but considering that Howard Corp. (an off the books entity of Republic National Bank) was a member of the Texas syndicate in Spain, we can assume someone within the Howard Corp./Republic Bank cabal was directly involved. This places National Socialist banker Hjalmar Schacht in the middle of the Dallas oil and finance community as early as 1952. 11:30 meet [Old] Warsaw [restaurant] ( + Hotel) with T. and Hjalmar / Ilse - Get $ November 7, 1963 Hjalmar Schacht is the key to determining how exactly the bulk of the funds for Lancelot Project flowed. As referenced above, it was likely through the banking black hole of Otto Skorzeny’s business partner, Algur Meadows, executive of Howard Corp, the off-the-books account derived from West Texas Crude lodged in Republic National Bank of Dallas.
  12. It has been established with near certainty that the Michel Roux, known personally to the Gachmans of Fort Worth is not the "Roux" detained in Dallas. The "Gachman's Roux" was not a known, trained assassin. Without the Dallas INS reports, we have no official record that either of the two Frenchmen detained — one of whom was collected from jail and the other near Gaston Ave — used the alias "Roux". The operative word in this ongoing debate is, "alias."
  13. The party who shared the DST photos with caption insisted it was pulled directly from an official agency file. When I challenged his assertion, pointing out that it appeared to me to be a commercial media publication, he became obstinate and insisted that he had been "inside" French officialdom at some point in his career so of course he knew the source. He also claimed to know members of the Souetre family as well as Mertz's relatives, and warned me they might show up on my doorstep. The threat is not entirely dissimilar to recent threats I have received stating that Hungarian Lajos Marton - who as you know Hank wrote was traveling with Jean Souetre — the subject of this very debate — might sue us. Said party who issued the threat has now contacted our publisher, so I'm in the process of determining whether his alleged credential with the University of Arizona is even valid, and why has he taken it upon himself to carry the legal mantle on behalf of an accused assassin living in Europe? The coincidences are intriguing: the vehement defense of Souetre on Ed Forum, and vehement defense of Lajos Marton by someone who apparently follows the forum from the shadows. In what Hank might refer to as High Strangeness, I received a menacing phone call within two weeks of my posting excerpts from Coup in Dallas on the Ed Forum, many of which seem to have stirred the particular ire of a now former EF member. Within days of his expulsion, having apparently waited some months if not a year or so of reading Coup, said ex-member posted a negative review of our book — his prerogative, obviously, but the timing suggests "revenge" might have been the motivator. Three days after the review and the menacing call, I received the Marton-related emails — the most recent of which referenced having followed Steve Thomas on Ed Forum — that threaten law suit. High strangeness indeed. I determined that the best armor is sunlight so I took the string of coincidences public. The threats, legal and physical, have subsided; however, I've yet to hear directly from said ex-forum member so we will not drop our guard.
  14. If you are referring to our private exchanges, Chris, you have my permission to copy / paste verbatim. It's even more obvious to me that you and a former member of the forum share a predisposition for silly memes in lieu of complete sentences to convey your frustrations.
  15. The caption to the left of Souetre standing is roughly translated from French, This poor quality photograph is a unique piece. It is the agent of the DST Michel Mertz, from two difference angles, he was in Dallas November 22 where he pretended to be Souetre. His presence in Texas is proof that the French services knew that Kennedy was going to be assassinated that day. Obviously the standing photos are of Jean Rene Souetre. My source for the article insisted this was pulled directly from official French files. Unfortunately he disappeared just days after sharing it when I asked for clarification of the date of the publication, and why a French agency would misidentify Souetre.
  16. Steve, @Roger Odisio, I agree. From what we know about his training, discipline, and loyalty it would be totally out of character and therefore implausible for Souetre to "get drunk" and implicate himself and those he had served and trained with for years. I think the Montreal scene does however fit to a degree with what is known about Mertz. I also agree that the following are problematic and hint to a possible deliberate obfuscation on the part of some or all who were involved in this communique. “Subject [singular] is believed to be identical with a Captain who is a deserter..." If he was "well known" to the French, they would never say, "he was believed to be..." If the French knew he was deported, how could they not know when or where? Until we establish whether the Dallas INS reports were either destroyed or remained classified for the past sixty years, we can only speculate why the French reached out in early 1964. And until we get to the bottom of the status of the files the HSCA received from Shaw/Fensterwald as well as those Blakey later referred to as "still classified so I have to be careful", those who refuse to consider Lafitte's records will continue to shadow-box. We on the other hand are moving swiftly to determine the chain of command within INS that caused the expulsion of French citizen(s), incidents that may well have been red herrings. We do know Souetre flew out in a plane piloted by Joseph Silverthorne. Aeeemit-Tessandier's reporting wouldn't and shouldn't be accepted as solid evidence on its own, and a similar standard should apply to Souetre's own claims not to mention those of his friends that he wasn't in Dallas. It's possible SDECE Philippe de Vosjoli's fingerprints are on this, regardless of the official record asserting he had resigned earlier. Resignation does not insist that one has severed all contacts with one's peers and subordinates.
  17. I hadn't read about the real estate transaction Judge Thomas failed to disclose. Propublica only published this today (which btw I should probably delete from this thread to avoid the ire of those who seem uncomfortable with historical context).
  18. David, do you have another link? I don't seem to be able to connect. thanks.
  19. Courts Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal. by Justin Elliott, Joshua Kaplan and Alex MierjeskiApril 13, 2:20 p.m. EDT https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-real-estate-scotus
  20. Courts Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal. by Justin Elliott, Joshua Kaplan and Alex MierjeskiApril 13, 2:20 p.m. EDT https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-real-estate-scotus
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