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Leslie Sharp

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Posts posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. 33 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    New Forum drinking game: take a shot whenever Leslie spams this video. 

    This is a commercial promo? but Tucker's video of the shaman being led in circles prior to his appearance in the Chamber seen in this video as glaring evidence of his participation in the disruption of the peaceful transfer of presidential power is not spam?  You are not acting in good faith here, Matthew. Or perhaps better said, you are not here to act in good faith but to provoke and distract from "the inevitable results of the past [60] years".

  2. 5 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Why don't you try something else other than character assassination? Your attempts to make me wear your white supremest crown of thorns is a rather pathetic. 


    As long as you link to Posobiec, I'll consider you an adherent of his ideology.  Sorry, that's how it works.

    If you're acting in good faith, Matthew, can you talk through what you see and hear on this video?  


  3. 8 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

    Essential reading for some here. The mindset of these emotional, rabid animals is that anyone who doesn’t occupy their exact position or POV is Hitler. It’s intellectually lazy, lacking rationality or basic common sense. It’s also malicious. 

    I haven’t seen anyone ‘far right’, ‘fascist’, ‘National Socialist’ or anything like it on the forum. Nobody even close. Is there even anyone here who identifies with any of the totalitarian ideologies? We may have some authoritarians. At the drop of a hat, those incapable or debate or any sort of reasoning just throw the mud, hoping some will stick. It highlights what a poor state society is in. Imagine calling traditional libertarians, racists fascists or third-reichers.


    Imagine thinking in a world full of complexity with so much knowledge to be found for those looking, that they choose to look at the world in this tribal, myopic lens, where a human being can only be two things; ie in full support of the party and collectivism, or they’re a racist, transphobic, anti-semitic, far right, fascist, national socialist, white privileged, supporter of the patriarchy. The programming of media has left these types as social and intellectual vegetables. 


    It may be worth considering that these types are not driven by kindness, compassion or bettering humanity. The shroud of virtue signallers often slips off and reveals their macabre intentions. As many psychologists have pointed out, resentment is a powerful emotion. 


    I haven’t seen anyone ‘far right’, ‘fascist’, ‘National Socialist’ or anything like it on the forum. Nobody even close. 

    that they choose to look at the world in this tribal, myopic lens.

    It may be worth considering that these types are not driven by kindness, compassion or bettering humanity. 


    Did you watch the video, Chris.  Are you relegating it to the "alternate" version of Tucker Carlson's version of Jan 6 ? Do you not see and hear the shaman in this footage? 

    And speaking of tribal, how bloody ironic that a "friend" of Roger Stone founded Proud Boys in 2016.  The timing is purely coincidental, right? 

    Your card has been marked, and I venture that you and yours will be revealed as provocateurs on this forum, eventually.

    Roger Stone, the Proud Boys , & Stone’s nework of miscreants— Part 2 (2017–2018)

    For years, Stone & his associates have courted & elevated violent extremists & re-branded them as “patriots.”

    Even before the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, Donald Trump’s longtime confidante, Roger Stone, had created a dangerous new template for American politics, combining information warfare with physical intimidation. The Proud Boys, an extremist group founded by one of Stone’s friends in September 2016, were a key element of this template. Five Proud Boys leaders have since been indicted on sedition conspiracy charges relating to the insurrection.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    This is a teachable moment Leslie, here is where you link goes: 

    I bet you wouldn't have shared this if you actually knew who Tariq Nasheed is or that he's know for made up documentaries like Buck Breaking 😝🤣☠️👻 FWIW Thanks again for highlighting your skills as a researcher and why I don't take you seriously. 




    Inform me then, Matthew.  Does Stone know Posobiec personally?  Is Posobiec known for anti-Semitic, racists ideology? Has anyone filed a FOIA on Posobiec, or do you know anything about his stint in the Navy?  Was he discharged honorably?  I notice a lengthy report out of West Point on the threat of domestic terrorism that speaks directly to Proud Boys among other militant miscreants. I wonder if Posobiec was kicked out of the Navy? Questions you might be able to answer for us?

  5. 14 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Gavin McInnes founded proud boys 




    Now I realize why you're so sensitive about former Naval intelligence officer Jack Posobiec.  

    According to [Richard the N-azi] Spencer, Posobiec introduced himself by saying, “I work for Roger Stone. I’m Roger Stone’s man.” In the photo below, Spencer is wearing the blue shirt and tie, and Posobiec is wearing the pink shirt. I have written previously about Posobiec. You can find that article here.

    Roger Stone protege Jack Posobiec has spread horrific lies and normalized antisemitism. He has 1.5 million Twitter followers.

    By Jennifer Cohn, 11/27/21


  6. 17 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Jordan Peterson said on Tucker Carlson last night that you can't use facts to argue with emotional people as were are seeing with you and your spamming of this "Edited" video. How many times have you posted it, like 5 now? 

    There was no 'iNsUrReCtIoN' stick to Facebook with your lame attempts to frame the argument and flood the thread with copy and paste full articles. Mommy bear is scorned that her little afterword is being threaten and your behavior in this thread reminds me of this movie: 



    Your poor mother.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Don't believe your lying eyes.

    Only believe what I tell you what your lying eyes saw.

    Steve Thomas

    Did you watch the video, Chris.  Are you relegating it to the "alternate" version of Tucker Carlson's version of Jan 6 ? Do you not see and hear the shaman in this footage? 

    How bloody ironic that a "friend" of Roger Stone founded Proud Boys in 2016.  The timing is purely coincidental, right? 

    Your card has been marked, and I venture that you and yours will be revealed as provocateurs on this forum, eventually.

    Roger Stone, the Proud Boys , & Stone’s nework of miscreants— Part 2 (2017–2018)

    For years, Stone & his associates have courted & elevated violent extremists & re-branded them as “patriots.”

    Even before the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, Donald Trump’s longtime confidante, Roger Stone, had created a dangerous new template for American politics, combining information warfare with physical intimidation. The Proud Boys, an extremist group founded by one of Stone’s friends in September 2016, were a key element of this template. Five Proud Boys leaders have since been indicted on sedition conspiracy charges relating to the insurrection.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    The Warren Commission and the J6 commission are very comparable: We are told an official narrative and later evidence is found that disproves that narrative..I love the irony of JFKA researchers defending a commission like that which did alot of the same things that they complain about the Warren Commission, Unfair representation one the board, not deposing all witnesses leaving out important info, now there are J6 commission members saying they didn't see the footage Tucker release and Liz Cheney is basically Allen Dulles 

    Trump is a Doppleganger, a Trojan Horse, and your efforts to equate the Jan 6 investigation with that of the Warren Commission is a corruption and erodes the progress in  the cold case murder investigation into Kennedy's death. One must ask if that is not your agenda here?

    Watch, and especially listen to this video, Matthew, otherwise you are here disingenuously.

     Any court would demand this footage be presented in contrast to the footage of shaman being led around in circles in the Capitol while the police decided what to do as the hoards proceeded unlawfully into the building. 


  9. 20 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    I’m with Tucker on J6.

    In fact, as far as 11/22 goes, I’ve seen lots of photos and film of Kennedy in Dallas and he looks fine.  Shaking hands, smiling and waving.

    Did the so-called Kennedy “assassination” really happen?  Given all the footage of a happy JFK in Dallas it sure looks like Fake News.

    Well done, Cliff! 

  10. 7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Naomi Wolf:

    "But you don’t have to agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos, to believe, as I do, that he engaged in valuable journalism simply by airing the footage that was given to him."

    I agree with this.

    Also, Carlson episodes on the JFKA and possible role of the CIA in it. 

    The sad part of this is---it should be left-wing, or liberal media, aggressively countering government narratives. But they are not. 

    Why doesn't Rachel Maddow demand the Biden Administration release the JFK Records immediately? 

    Why doesn't CNN air the Mr. Buffalo Horns footage (now public), and say, "Well, this sure looks like new information on what on what happened inside the Capitol. This requires explanation, not censorship." 

    If Tucker Carlson presents the only non-government narrative, then I take my hat off to him. 

    Benjamin, why didn't Trump release all of the records?  And I hope you don't roll out Napolitano and the suggestion "he was just too afraid".  Where was all this bluster from the new and corrupted research community when Trump backed down? Has anyone asked Roger Stone about this?

  11. On 3/7/2023 at 7:37 AM, Michael Griffith said:

    Believe it or not, I actually belonged to the JBS for a number of years, starting when I was 18. By the time I decided that the JBS was no longer for me, I had belonged to three JBS chapters in three states and had attended several large JBS conferences. Virtually everyone I met in the society was very pro-Israeli. I think I only encountered two members who I suspected of being anti-Semitic.  In the three chapters that I was in, you could get your membership revoked in a hurry for expressing anti-Semitic ideas, since most members were pro-Israeli and since the JBS leadership voiced opposition to anti-Semitism. 

    As a previous post noted, the California Senate investigated this issue and found “no evidence of anti-Semitism on the part of anyone connected with the John Birch Society in California, and much evidence to the effect that it opposes racism in all forms.”

    However, the JBS did, and I suspect still does, float some far-fetched conspiracy theories, which was one reason that I left the group. Another reason I left was the group's all-or-nothing attitude. Politicians who did not agree with at least 90% of the society's positions were viewed with suspicion. Some JBS members believed that Goldwater and Reagan were phony conservatives who were doing the bidding of our enemies.

    I think Marc Thiessen has a point about the need for both liberals and conservatives to repudiate the extremists in their ranks.


    Of possible interest, Michael, related to the plot to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas . . .

    A portentous January 1968 affidavit sworn by Aginter Press assassin and Jean Rene Souetre associate Jacques Godard reveals the group’s relationship with certain American persons and organizations: “In the course of our services we had relations with certain persons and organizations like, for example, President Tschombe and with Biafra. We likewise were in charge of relations with the John Birch Society, which was an American political group financed especially by Texas oil producers whose activity is absolutely anti-communist. Everywhere where there is a struggle, either open or covert, with communists, the John Birch Society [JBS] lends its financial aid to the people who are struggling against international communism.”               The reader encounters the significance of the Texas oil producers and the Dallas branch of the JBS in Chapter 1, “Lay of the Land,” to further understand the width and breadth of influence of Aginter Press and similar fascist organizations. . . .

    Lester Logue was a political associate of US Representative John Rousselot, an ardent member of the John Birch Society which received significant funding from among others, H. L. Hunt. In 1975, a man named Harry Dean, who claimed to have been a former undercover agent for the FBI and the CIA, reported that, in 1963, he had covertly infiltrated the John Birch Society where he learned that Rousselot, in partnership with fellow archconservative and Dallas resident, US Army General Edwin Walker, had hired soldier of fortune, Loran Hall, and Trafficante associate and gun for hire Eladio del Valle who had been a young legislature in Batista’s government, to kill President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. Dean had no evidence to back up this bold claim, but credible reports that Hall and del Valle had been in Dallas on the fateful day made easy dismissal difficult. Lee Harvey Oswald, it may be recalled, allegedly had attempted to murder General Walker. Walker will be dealt with in depth in a later chapter. 

    As mentioned previously, Loran Hall intimated that he initially met Tom Davis through Carolyn Hawley Davis who had briefly worked in Texas “doing accounting chores” for H. L. Hunt . . .

    When questioned by the FBI, Albert Osborne advised that he was an ordained Baptist Minister, and that he had not seen John Bowen since October 1963, contravening claims that Bowen had died in the late 1950s, but he believed that Bowen could be located at the Hotel Jung in New Orleans. According to a Louisiana State Police document, on November 20, 1963, General Edwin Walker met with some thirty-five conservative business leaders at the Hotel Jung, and again on the 21st, he was meeting with another ninety people at the Jung. Two years prior to these meetings, President John Kennedy had encouraged Walker to resign from his leadership role when in 1961, he violated his military oath by distributing political literature produced by the John Birch Society. That literature promoted accusations that his commander-in-chief was a traitor.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Well, it is conjectural o course...

    1. Sure, one can favor immigration...but illegal immigration? 

    2. Maybe JFK, touring Detroit, would have more nuanced views on the effects of free trade. 

    Globalists say trade breeds goodwill...there was more trade than ever between Russia and Europe in 2022...and then Russia invaded Ukraine, and sent missiles into Ukrainian civilian populations.  

    Beijing is becoming increasingly hostile after trade volumes surged...

    Interesting topic....

    It is indeed.

    Would that Kennedy had lived. But no one can guarantee what choices he would have made.  I think his greatest  gift to our collective was his firm belief in the potential of true democracy. 

  13. 23 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Hi Leslie.  Just to clarify for others I thinks this post was directed at Ben who I was quoting.  I've agreed with pretty much everything you've posted since my days on JFKFACTS as Ronnie Wayne when we conversed a little there.

    Ah, I had no idea.  I remember Ronnie well!!!

    Do you engage on Morley's site these days?

  14. 1 minute ago, Benjamin Cole said:



    The Capitol Police report to the legislative branch, not to the executive branch. Trumpers had zero authority over the Capitol Police on 1/6...in fact, ultimate authority rested with Pelosi.  

    Why the Capitol Police  showed up with light force on 1/6, had no effective communications systems working, and then stood down, and then ushered Mr Buffalo Horns around the Capitol...

    Something is fishy. 

    Stay skeptical. 


    WHY did the Capitol need to be on alert, Benjamin?  This is insane.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I have high regard for JFK, and I suspect he would have loathed Trump...but not sure how JFK would have felt about Trump Administration policies on interventionism, trade, and immigration. 

    JFK may have come to believe, as I do, that the globalist positions result on expensive and counter-productive military entanglements, the destruction of the American economy, and lower wages and living standards. 

    I happen to support Biden on Ukraine. 

    And I'm guessing we agree that Kennedy was flawed. He intervened when it suited his base as do most presidents. His faith and family history informed his perspective regarding immigration so I think you're off base there. Trade/commerce breeds friendships — and friendship was a cornerstone of his foreign policy, or at least his idea of, so I think he would have cautiously pursued free trade.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    Well, we are worlds apart in our views. That is fine. 

    I think I have addressed this many times: "And please, would you kindly address the fact this was taking place instead of our elected leaders exercising their duty to ensure the peaceful transfer?"

    As I have said, there is a possibility that what we witnessed on 1/6 at the Capitol was a manufactured event. 

    Just as what we witnessed on 11/22 was not the act of a lone gunman...despite the WC "investigation." 

    So, we have different outlooks. That is fine. I respect your views. 


    Oh, it was indeed a manufactured event, from HQ at the Willard Hotel. 

    You are choosing to ignore the evidence that Eastman, and those surrounding Trump as the election was called, immediately set in motion an operation that would culminate at the Capitol on Jan 6. That, in my view, was an attempt to nail the coffin in our democracy ... the finale of the coup in Dallas. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I share your sentiments regarding intentionally created political divisions.

    There are 165 million Americans who work for a living---they should vote as a bloc, and sideline other cultural issues. 

    Is it wrong to compare 1 /6 to 11/22?

    The same patterns exist--an event, a subsequent official narrative at the ready, an "investigation" that confirms the narrative, the role of the M$M, the suppression of evidence.

    Stay skeptical, and I respect your views. 


    My position is that Trump is a Doppelgänger, a Trojan Horse, and under the guidance of dirty trickster Roger Stone (who infiltrated the assassination research community), Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, Peter Thiel, et al was positioned as the white knight who would save America in a similar fashion as Kennedy attempted. Do you think it's a coincidence that Stone captured K researchers fancy ... he knew how to manipulate the concept of "conspiracy", and manipulate and distort he did. You seem to confuse Dallas with the Jan 6 ... playing into Stone's hands.

    I suspect you'll agree that Kennedy would have scorned Donald Trump and his ilk ... he knew "nut country" when he encountered it.  

  18. 3 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    Yes, I am skeptical presently of the editing and narratives from all sides on the 1/6, but probably most skeptical of official government narratives (as usual).  

    I remain skeptical about what triggered the 1/6 event, and the role of federal provocateurs, and the performance of the Capitol Police. 

    Even the videos you have posted, and those of the New Yorker, present the inside of the Capitol as rather tame, despite editing. 

    It appears there were a few hooligans, or possibly Proud Boys or Oath Keepers, or possibly provocateurs inside the Capitol on 1/6. All three answers are possible.

    It is clear that Mr Buffalo Horns was not violent inside the Capitol, and was treated rather chummily by Capitol Police officers. If things were so violent inside the Capitol...the behavior fo the Capitol Police officers is inexplicable. 

    You, and I, do not know know who those very few active individuals inside the Capitol were or are on 1/6. 

    I submit we know less about 1/6 than we knew when the Warren Report was published. 

    I respect your views. 

    With all due respect, Benjamin, do you expect to be taken seriously when you argue, 

    Even the videos you have posted, and those of the New Yorker, present the inside of the Capitol as rather tame, despite editing. 

    It appears there were a few hooligans, or possibly Proud Boys or Oath Keepers, or possibly provocateurs inside the Capitol on 1/6. All three answers are possible.

    If that crowd landed on your doorstep, I suspect you would have guns drawn. (Apologies if you choose not to be armed in your own home.) The audio alone sends alarms.  

    And please, would you kindly address the fact this was taking place instead of our elected leaders exercising their duty to ensure the peaceful transfer?  How can you ignore that fact and maintain credibility here?

  19. 11 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I am not supporting the breach of the Capitol. 

    I am skeptical of M$M narratives of 1/6, and what triggered the event.

    Some people are skeptical of the Secret Service on 11/22. I respect that valid skepticism, although I tend to think the actual JFK conspiracy was small and tight-knit. 

    I am also skeptical of the performance of the Capitol Police on 1/6, and the M$M narrative thereafter. Something fishy there. 

    People who want to suppress evidence about 11/22 and 1/6 are surely in the  wrong. 

    Why does the Donk-Biden Administration aggressively suppress evidence about 11/22, and implement plans to suppress such evidence in perpetuity?  

    Is that defensible? Why be angry at me, and not the Biden Administration? 

    Benjamin, As I shared recently, I've been astonished by the tone of this particular thread which I assumed was related to the inevitability of what has transpired in the past 56 years because the assassination of Kennedy was never resolved.  In the words of a PA attorney and good friend  of Vince Salandria who actually disagreed with Vince's position that Kennedy was murdered as a result of a sophisticated conspiracy (my words not his), but argued nonetheless,  It's Not Over Until It Is Fully Over.  It is not fully over, and we here (presumably) know it.  Getting to the bottom of cooptation by the alt-right of the term Deep State is a start in my opinion. Kennedy was assassinated at the behest elements within the Military Industrial Complex on an international scale and we should have stuck to that clear and indefensible designation ... not distort the fact with a blanc mange phrase like "deep state".  Everything Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham, et al, as well as Newsma , OANN, Human Events, The Federalists, Daily Wire and Caller, etc., represent moves us that much closer to the disturbing possibility of final and complete success of the slow rolling coup in Dallas.

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