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Leslie Sharp

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Posts posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. 9 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

    The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

    The propaganda arm of the Atomwaffen Division.

    Steve Thomas

    So true, Steve.

    And for Matthew Koch's edification, a bit of historic propinquity that presages the continuity of the Dallas coup we're living through in real time. 

    Subsequent to the rescue of Mussolini, Skorzeny was warmly congratulated and promoted in rank by Hitler and, at the behest of German Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, appeared on “Deutschlander” radio, claiming that he was the man who liberated Mussolini, and embellishing the story with the tale of a non-existent gun battle. Further special operations tasks given to Skorzeny in the waning days of the Third Reich had mixed results, but his legend had been made. Winston Churchill pronounced the operation as being of “great daring,” and Western intelligence services took note of Skorzeny, foreshadowing post-war relationships. As Smith writes, another result of the Mussolini rescue was that “Skorzeny began to attract high-caliber military personnel of the type he had previously lacked…” . . .


    [Sir Oswald] Mosley [head of the British N-azi party] married his second wife Diana Mitford—one of six Mitford sisters who captured the maelstrom of British and American press in their day—in 1936 in the Berlin home of National Socialist propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels with Adolf Hitler as one of the guests. Mosley, who would become a lifelong friend of National Socialist Ulrich Rudel, endorsed Hitler's policies following the outbreak of World War II led to his internment after which he was shunned by the British establishment. . . .


    The operation had been a critical component of Hitler’s bolder goal of invasion of Britain once he had weakened British forces in France. Ireland was of huge strategic significance to the operation codenamed Operation Sea Lion. “ . . . weather reports were crucial, meaning Ireland once again became of significance to the Fuhrer who placed two of his most trusted lieutenants in charge, Grand Admiral Erich Raeder of the German Navy and Reichsmarschall Hermann Goring of the Luftwaffe. To underscore the significance of Ireland, Operation Green was compiled into five separate volumes which looked at the island from every conceivable military viewpoint including industry, transport, infrastructure, climate, and weather. When Mahr was called to Germany at the outset of the war, he was assigned to the head of Goebbels’ propaganda organ, Redaktion-Irland, coordinating broadcasts to neutral Ireland. Mahr decided to focus efforts on an anti-imperial, anti-partition and pro-neutrality campaign as well as efforts to use Irish-America as a tool to promote isolationism in the US which proved invaluable to Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels’ propaganda organization. Most likely Goebbels’ #2, Werner Naumann was closest to the specialized propaganda machine that involved Mahr. As noted, Nauman was integral to the operations of H. L. Lucht, tying him directly to Skorzeny and arms merchant Victor Oswald during the Cold War. . . .


    Hjalmar’s [Schacht — Hitler’s once favorite banker] other daughter, Munich attorney Cordula Schacht made headlines in 2015 when she represented the family of Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s minister of propaganda and one of his closest and most devout National Socialists. In headier days, Goebbels hosted the marriage ceremony of British fascist Sir Oswald Mosley to Diana Mitford in his Berlin home with the Fuhrer as honored guest. Years later, the rights to Goebbels’ writings were transferred by his siblings to a mysterious Swiss National Socialist financier, Francois Genoud who later transferred the rights to Cordula Schacht, the sister of Konstanze Schacht Spadafora. Ms. Cordula Schacht reportedly refused the publisher’s conditional offer of royalties that stipulated the funds be paid out to a Holocaust charity, insisting the monies be paid to the Goebbels family. Cordula prevailed and the courts ruled in favor of the Goebbels family. . . .


  2. 24 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Lols, Thanks for sharing Paul.

    Here is more info debunking the j6 "iNsUrReCtIoN"  narrative that is coming out of the Proud Boys trial about the FBI destroying evidence: 


    Matthew, you make it impossible to resist.

    Please provide a rebuttal of the assertions made here.



    Jack Posobiec is a political operative and internet performer of the anti-democracy hard right, known primarily for creating and amplifying viral disinformation campaigns. His disinformation typically focuses on making his political opponents seem dangerous or criminal, while ignoring or downplaying the corruption of authoritarians. Posobiec has repeatedly employed self-aggrandizement and acts of deception to boost his own profile. Researchers have noted the likelihood that automation, or “bots,” helped some of his posts trend on Twitter. Posobiec has used his prominence on Twitter to promote Russian military intelligence operations. He helped lead the “Stop the Steal” campaign, which cast doubt on the integrity of the 2016 and 2020 American presidential elections. He has also collaborated with white nationalists, antigovernment extremists, members of the Proud Boys, and neo-National Socialists in his capacity as an operative.



    “It’s time for real Christians to stand up and take this country back. … This country is not ours. This country is his. He is king. God is king. Christ is king. And, the minute we get that back, we get our country back.” – Colorado Christian University, Oct. 18, 2021

    Tweet feeding into a disinformation campaign that antifa stormed the Capitol building

    “Eyewitness reports one of the first people to break a window at the Capitol wearing a US flag shirt but took it off and tossed it in bush after. Others in dark clothing urging people to rush forward, starting anti-govt chants in crowd.” – Twitter, Jan. 6, 2021, feeding into a disinformation campaign that antifa stormed the Capitol building that day

    “[Jan. 6] will be something that no one’s seen before. … I think it’s going to be absolutely historic, and really codify America’s history not only for this time but for years to come.” – to The Epoch Times the night of Jan. 5, 2021, during the “Stop the Steal” event that preluded the attack on the U.S. Capitol

    “StoptheSteal 2020 is coming.” – Twitter, Sept. 7, 2020, a full two months before news outlets declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election

    “It’s all fun and games until the rooftops start speaking Philly.” – Twitter, June 2, 2020, referring to a group of armed, white vigilantes who positioned themselves on rooftops in response to antiracist demonstrations and rioting in Philadelphia

    “In the Russian point of view, modern warfare is information warfare. These modern wars take place in the psychological space – as pressure is applied through communications, politics, economics, and technology – suppressing an adversary’s will to act. Essentially, they have shifted from a war in the physical environment to war inside the human consciousness.” – 2018, from the book 4D Warfare: A Doctrine for a New Generation of Politics

    “The @ADL_National would be wise to remember what happened the last time people made lists of undesirables” – Twitter, July 20, 2017, referring to a Jewish nongovernmental organization, alongside a selfie taken at Auschwitz

    “Why shouldn’t white people also be allowed to speak at a racial seminar?” – Twitter, June 26, 2017, referring to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa’s disruption of a speaking engagement by Black civil rights activist Lutze Segu.

    “My ancestors are smiling at me. Can you say the same?” – Twitter, May 8, 2017, following the Russian military intelligence-backed #MacronLeaks operation, which he played a central role in amplifying

    “So why do we need organizations like this? I want to get this back on topic, okay? I want to get this back on topic. … What is the purpose of organizations like that? Like Proud Boys, like the Oath Keepers, that have been out there. I work very closely with the Oath Keepers. If you guys didn’t know that. … You know, they were out there all day today. … They were doing their support. … The Oath Keepers are already doing pre-security for the Trump rally in Harrisburg this Saturday. They’re letting me know what’s going on with that. Because of my background in the Navy and my background working, ah, ah, with the intelligence community, um, I’m very, very security minded.” – Periscope, April 2017, supporting the use of extremist groups as security

    “I heard, someone heard … they turned Kekistanis into soap. … [They’re] turning them into lampshades.” – Periscope, March 31, 2017, referring to an antisemitic meme while filming white nationalist Scott Greer’s book launch

    “On Election Day, Stop the Steal operated in realtime [sic], with volunteer data input and broadcast directly on StoptheSteal.com. The program was found to be highly accurate in the end, especially in PA, OH, and FL. It success [sic] can be duplicated in any race, at any level, and will be an effective tool in the 2018 midterm elections, and Donald Trump’s re-election in 2020.” – 2017, from the book Citizens for Trump: The Inside Story of the People’s Movement To Take Back America, referring to the anti-democracy campaign that eventually spawned the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    “I was honored to be among such company.” – 2017, from the book Citizens for Trump: The Inside Story of the People’s Movement To Take Back America, referring to a group of extremists that included Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys member Joe Biggs

    “#PizzaGate may be bigger than we suspected.” – Twitter, Nov. 21, 2016, less than two weeks before a gunman opened fire in Comet Ping Pong pizzeria

    “Surrounded by (((them))) at Peter Thiel press conference” – Twitter, Oct. 31, 2016, singling out Jewish journalists with an antisemitic meme.


  3. Deceit  

    . . . the action of concealing or misrepresenting the truth. — Oxford

    . . . causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid. — Merriam Webster

    . . . dishonest or illegal methods used by a person or organization in order to get something or to make people believe that something is true when it is not. — Cambridge U.

    Carlson has admitted to deceiving his audience in the past.  Capitol Police Chief Manger calls attention to his latest deceit.

    Capitol Police Chief Debunks Fake News From Tucker Carlson On Fox
    . . . While there, somebody — or a group of people — put up a gallows, and a portion of the crowd chanted in favor of hanging Mike Pence, who was then the vice president but was perceived as insufficiently loyal to the Trump cause. Officers were crushed, beaten with all sorts of implements makeshift or otherwise, and threatened with death, and members of the crowd broke windows, through which some of the rioters climbed, besides trying to get inside elsewhere, like in the tunnel in the area of the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace. It was face-to-face physical fighting, for hours — but Carlson tried to discredit the idea of the seriousness of what happened, also disputing even the documented violence, some of which he dismissively called vandalism. Tom Manger, who’s leading the U.S. Capitol Police, subsequently fact-checked Carlson.

  4. On the question of deception

    . . . from Middle America . . . 

    Fair And Balanced?

    Friday, March 10, 2023 1:00 AM
    Editor, Times-Union:

    Calling all Fox “News” viewers! It’s not too late to save face. You all have surely heard the latest real news, right? Oh, maybe you have not since your favorite so-called news source is not reporting the most explosive real news of 2023. (Instead they are making a last ditch effort to con you with a false rewrite of the explosive real news of January 6, 2021.) It turns out there may be consequences for broadcasting lies.

    It is now truly and positively evident that Fox anchors been lying to you for years. In spite of their own true beliefs — from the owner of Fox at the top, down through the entire corporation to its morally bankrupt program hosts — they have chosen to repeat and expand the lies of the former president and his minions in order to maintain your viewership and increase their profits.  (emphasis added.)

    Don’t believe me? Read some national newspapers. Use your computer search engines. Watch or listen to some other, or all other, news outlets. In case you haven’t heard, Fox is being sued by Dominion (you know, the manufacturers of voting machines) for causing them irreparable harm with their lies. Documents from that suit are being released nightly, and proof of their lies has been exposed in the very words of the Fox owners, business staff, and TV anchors themselves by way of texts, emails, and depositions. In the exact words of Tucker Carlson, self-appointed purveyor of falsehoods, “We are very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait ….. I hate him passionately.”

    Fox people did not believe what they were telling you but chose to continue their deception because they were afraid you would stop watching, they would lose money, and the person they disliked and feared the most would be angry and turn his wrath against them. You deserve to know what all the Fox personnel really believed about the 2020 election. You deserve to know what they really thought about all the creators and peddlers of the Big Lie. You were always of the utmost importance to their success mainly because your loyalty ensured them of lucrative commercial backing, and they wanted to continue to give you what they believed you wanted rather than what you deserved to know — the truth. But you were blatantly played and conned just to keep them in business.

    Don’t you think it is time to end their power over you? Isn’t it time to show them your power — by speaking out, speaking up, turning the channel? What they have done and continue to do is keep you in the dark, keep you angry, and keep you watching. It was not and is not fair or balanced. It is dangerous and destructive. Stand up for yourselves. Demand the truth!

    Jeanne Schutz

    Winona Lake, via email




  5. Carlson's partner in deception . . . 

    Sean Hannity admits in deposition he didn’t believe Trump voter fraud claims
    Fox News host Sean Hannity admitted under oath that he “did not believe” for “one second” there was mass voter fraud in the 2020 election.

    I wonder if Carlson had these deposition transcripts in mind when he negotiated with McCarthy to have eclusive access to the Jan 6 tapes? Damage control? He's causing a collective whiplash for his viewers ... I deceived you about the election, but trust me on this one?

  6. 4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:



    See new Tweets


    Roger Stone relied on deception to make unpopular views appear more popular than they were. “Facebook removes fake accounts posing as Floridians linked to Roger Stone” 7/8/20 1/
  7. 4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


    'In the days and weeks after the 2020 elections, Fox News Channel repeatedly broadcast false claims that then-President Donald Trump had been cheated of victory.

    Off the air, the network's stars, producers and executives expressed contempt for those same conspiracies, calling them "mind-blowingly nuts," "totally off the rails" and "completely bs" — often in far earthier terms. 

    The network's top primetime stars — Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity — texted contemptuously of the claims in group chats, but also denounced colleagues pointing that out publicly or on television.'

    LISTEN· 3:523-Minute ListenPLAYLIST


  8. On 3/8/2023 at 6:45 AM, Chuck Schwartz said:

    Leslie, when Tracy Barnes left the CIA , he went to work at Yale, which is about a half hour to hour ride from Bridgeport, Ct.- probably does not mean much in the grand scheme.

    I hadn't thought about that, Chuck. 

    Bridgeport holds a lot of secrets of the Military Industrial Complex, and I still think Barnes is one of the most enigmatic characters of the investigation.. 

  9. On 3/5/2023 at 7:15 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    Not to digress too much from this interesting and important thread.  The "small world" in 1963 made me think back.  I don't really remember the roadways much in 1963.  Irving boulevard yes.  183 through Hurst by Bell Helicopter where dad worked and Euless to Irving, where grandmother and grandad lived.

    Somewhere in the mid 60's they built the turnpike from Fort Worth through Arlington, now I-30 to Dallas.  Dad took mother and I for a ride on the two lanes each way divided toll road with no stop lights to celebrate.  Then in 1967 or 68 they started building Airport Freeway right behind our 14 acres, at 11-12 I rode my horse under the now Bedford road overpass.  Now Hwy 121, with express lanes, now 6 lanes wide at points.  Four of them often backed up.  I hate driving in the metromess anymore.  It's dangerous.  Sorry to ramble here.  I guess it does relate to the difference in escape routes then and now.  

    If Soutre or whoever might have been flown out of Fort Worth, there was no freeway to get there from Dealy Plaza in 1963.

    Ron, I remember the turnpike as well. It's surreal to return every few years and navigate in and out of D-FW. You must remember the groundbreaking ceremony?

    Lafitte indicates Silverthorne flew Souetre out of  "Red" - presumably Redbird - airport, south of Dealey / downtown Dallas, not Fort Worth.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:


    I'm sorry, but is this you saying, or Scott?

    Are you, or Scott saying that Crichton's 488th was an official unit of the United States Army Reserve?

    I looked into it once, and the Title, Commander of Army Reserve Units in East Texas doesn't exist.

    If   Crichton "organized", with "himself ultimately responsible" for the 488th, how could Whitmeyer be " in direct control" of it? 

    Steve Thomas


    Yes, Steve, we rely on Prof. Scott. 

    I believe we had the discussion regarding the 488th last week on another thread.  I would add that Crichton had a day job running a number of oil schemes, some private and some on behalf of Empire Trust, plus running for governor in '63 so delegating tasks is logical. But to your point, wouldn't it be likely  Col. Whitmeyer had his own ego to massage?


    I realize those are purely subjective observations.  If you have anything to establish that Crichton wasn't 'ultimately responsible' for the 488th he established (according to his own claims), let me know? 


  11. 9 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    I already told you stoopaloop that everyone on the right who isn't a white supremist thinks he's a Fed, and we make fun of him for it and his failure to bring people into his alt right..  

    The statement disavow what your slander means I'm not going to since it's obvious the game you are playing "Agree with me or you're a Richard Spencer supporter" meanwhile you are the one who will do things for far right if the price is right, I think there's a better word for that, I won't use here.. 

    Your poor daughter, real or imagined.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Meanwhile in reality: 

    Richard Spencer Reiterates Support for Biden, Disavows 'Useless' and 'Traitorous' GOP

    White nationalist Richard Spencer reiterated his support for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden Tuesday, days after a spokesman for the Biden campaign rejected Spencer's endorsement.

    Replying to a tweet Tuesday morning, Spencer wrote that he recognized how "ineffective, useless, and traitorous the GOP is," reaffirming his decision to vote for Biden in the November election.



    This is laughable.  Spencer isn't supporting Biden's progressive policies, he's admiring his savvy political strategy. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Meanwhile in reality: 

    Richard Spencer Reiterates Support for Biden, Disavows 'Useless' and 'Traitorous' GOP

    White nationalist Richard Spencer reiterated his support for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden Tuesday, days after a spokesman for the Biden campaign rejected Spencer's endorsement.

    Replying to a tweet Tuesday morning, Spencer wrote that he recognized how "ineffective, useless, and traitorous the GOP is," reaffirming his decision to vote for Biden in the November election.



    You asked what I meant by disavow Spencer, and I provided you a specific statement he made in 2014.

    Spencer seems to be angry with middle of the road Republicans. Does he espouse Biden's policies or is he simply using this as an opportunity to make headlines?  It has the whiff of Roger Stone's dirty tricks. Have you asked Posobiec why Spencer jumped ship?

  14. 2 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Disavow what, your attempted slander?


    Richard Spencer's 2014 remarks for starters?

    Richard Spencer, Radix Journal, May 8, 2014

    For more than 20 years, American Renaissance and Jared Taylor have set the standard for a White consciousness movement. Others have undertaken this mission: William Pierce, Revilo Oliver, Willis Carto, among them. But Jared has been most successful in adhering to the norms of modern political organization. AmRen has, for two decades, focused on a few key issues that are (or should be) harmonious with “American values”: free association, the legitimacy of group interests, and the scientific study of genetic differences.

    I'm genuinely curious Matthew, when was his conversion?

  15. 15 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:
    23 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Your attempts to connect Spencer are very pathetic especially since he voted for Joe Biden and has embraced liberalism.. 

    Thanks for showing earlier with your HL Hunt post that you were just guessing to who the names in the date book are, this is why your book should be taken with a grain of salt because it's guilt by association and guess work based on extreme liberal bias. Unfortunetly you are too dense to understand why Feds like Spencer would try to associate themselves with MAGA so that low iq alarmist would think that it was the new 4th Reich.. Meanwhile non of the alarmism came true which is why your book isn't aging well.  

    A handful of amateur researchers have expressed frustration that we left room for alternative interpretation of several of the Lafitte entries, but I put it down to their insatiable need for immediate gratification.

  16. Just now, Leslie Sharp said:
    8 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Your attempts to connect Spencer are very pathetic especially since he voted for Joe Biden and has embraced liberalism.. 

    Thanks for showing earlier with your HL Hunt post that you were just guessing to who the names in the date book are, this is why your book should be taken with a grain of salt because it's guilt by association and guess work based on extreme liberal bias. Unfortunetly you are too dense to understand why Feds like Spencer would try to associate themselves with MAGA so that low iq alarmist would think that it was the new 4th Reich.. Meanwhile non of the alarmism came true which is why your book isn't aging well.  


    When was Spencer's conversion?  

    Richard Spencer, Radix Journal, May 8, 2014

    For more than 20 years, American Renaissance and Jared Taylor have set the standard for a White consciousness movement. Others have undertaken this mission: William Pierce, Revilo Oliver, Willis Carto, among them. But Jared has been most successful in adhering to the norms of modern political organization. AmRen has, for two decades, focused on a few key issues that are (or should be) harmonious with “American values”: free association, the legitimacy of group interests, and the scientific study of genetic differences.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Your attempts to connect Spencer are very pathetic especially since he voted for Joe Biden and has embraced liberalism.. 

    Thanks for showing earlier with your HL Hunt post that you were just guessing to who the names in the date book are, this is why your book should be taken with a grain of salt because it's guilt by association and guess work based on extreme liberal bias. Unfortunetly you are too dense to understand why Feds like Spencer would try to associate themselves with MAGA so that low iq alarmist would think that it was the new 4th Reich.. Meanwhile non of the alarmism came true which is why your book isn't aging well.  

  18. 25 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    That's a great way to sum up your research "Guilt by association" I'll make sure to include that when I review your book on Amazon 😉


    4 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    Do you know the difference between  guilt by association and propinquity?

    And I notice that you seem unwilling, or perhaps unable? to challenge facts.


    Posted on May 9, 2014

    Richard Spencer, Radix Journal, May 8, 2014

    For more than 20 years, American Renaissance and Jared Taylor have set the standard for a White consciousness movement. Others have undertaken this mission: William Pierce, Revilo Oliver, Willis Carto, among them. But Jared has been most successful in adhering to the norms of modern political organization. AmRen has, for two decades, focused on a few key issues that are (or should be) harmonious with “American values”: free association, the legitimacy of group interests, and the scientific study of genetic differences.

    America was confronted by "Renaissance" ideology in the lead up to the assassination in Dallas.   

    As if to prove his point, mobs of white hecklers came out in force to harass and attack the picketers. Mostly white youths, “kids looking for kicks or race hate,” in Farmer’s words, they crammed the targeted locations of the restaurant chain. The mob jeered and waved Confederate flags, pelting protestors with eggs, rocks, and hot coffee. WHITE CASTLE NOT BLACK CASTLE, one of their signs proclaimed. Adding to the mounting tension, the New York neo-N-azi group the National Renaissance Party (NRP) arrived one night to distribute their literature, provoking the crowd into a frenzy before fleeing the scene. . . .A subsequent search of one NRP member’s home turned up eight rifles, a battle axe, a shotgun, a sawed-off .32 caliber rifle, and “thousands and thousands of rounds of ammunition.” Eight NRP members, including their leader James Madole, faced charges of advocating criminal anarchy, attempting to riot, and possessing unlicensed firearms. . . .the origins, affiliations, and offshoots of the National Renaissance Party are a reminder that they did not operate in fringe isolation. Instead, the NRP thrived within a growing regional and global network of rightwing extremism. — Anna Dunsing. https://www.gothamcenter.org/blog/an-american-organization-a-hundred-per-cent

    A relevant vignette published in Coup related to Willis Carto who Richard Spencer appears to revere . . . On the other side of Lafitte’s chronology that refers to “d. Valle,” Pedro wrote to Wickliffe Vennard, the leader of the Constitution Party living in South Texas on July 2nd. Further pursued in an endnote to Chapter 6 of this book, Vennard was involved with the transfer of ownership of Russell Maguire’s American Mercury magazine to N-azi Willis Carto with General Walker retaining influence over content of the publication. In July ’63, del Valle advises Vennard that he has been in touch with a worldwide Christian movement headquartered in Madrid, Spain, “whose objectives are in accord with yours.”  [this is a veiled reference to the plot being considered by Otto Skorzeny.]

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