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Bill Brown

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Posts posted by Bill Brown

  1. On 3/2/2023 at 12:26 PM, Michael Crane said:

    You can also refer to it as the weight gaining theory.

    There was more weight in bullet fragments contained in Governor Connally's wrist than what was lost from Commission number 399.




    "There was more weight in bullet fragments contained in Governor Connally's wrist than what was lost from Commission number 399."


    This simply is not true.


    One hundred test bullets from the four lots were weighed.  It was determined (weighed on a precision balance) that the average of these test bullets weighed 160.8 grains.


    399 weighed 158.6 grains, 2.2 grains of lost weight (assuming for a moment that 399 was the median).


    Let me ask you, how many grains do you feel were "contained in Governor Connally's wrist"?


  2. On 3/2/2023 at 10:20 AM, Pat Speer said:

    Oh my. The fingerprint-wiping rag bit is just nonsense. You've seen the trigger guard prints. No one wiped the damn rifle, David. If you're gonna have a pet theory---which we all do--you should at least fine tune it to remove the nonsense.

    The rifle was not wiped down. Period. 


    "The rifle was not wiped down. Period."


    The rifle was not wiped down with 100% effectiveness.  But, still wiped down somewhat.

  3. On 3/1/2023 at 10:27 PM, Pat Speer said:

    Once again, you just don't know. The FPP signed off on the SBT under the proviso JFK was hit while behind the sign in the Z-film. For the SBT to work, they concluded, JFK would have to have been leaning sharply forward to an extent not shown in the film. So they said he must have leaned forward while behind the sign... Only...Only... No one bothered to tell them that the photography panel had concluded he was hit before going behind the sign. So they actually did not sign off on the HSCA's version of the SBT. Oops. 

    This is similar to the WC's gambit with Brennan. He ID'ed Oswald as the man on hr sixth floor under the proviso he was not wearing the dark brown shirt whose fibers were found on the rifle. The WC ignored him and pretended that both were true--that he ID'ed Oswald and that Oswald was wearing the shirt Brennan insisted was not the shirt worn by the shooter.

    It's called a whitewash. 


    "This is similar to the WC's gambit with Brennan. He ID'ed Oswald as the man on hr sixth floor under the proviso he was not wearing the dark brown shirt whose fibers were found on the rifle. The WC ignored him and pretended that both were true--that he ID'ed Oswald and that Oswald was wearing the shirt Brennan insisted was not the shirt worn by the shooter."


    Oswald was wearing only the white T-shirt while waiting up on the sixth floor.  After firing the shots, he wipes the rifle down with the brown arrest shirt as he makes his way across the sixth floor, causing a tuft of microscopic fibers to become lodged in the crevice between the butt plate and the wooden stock.


  4. On 3/1/2023 at 5:44 PM, Michael Crane said:


    The back wound that was about 6 inches down from JFK's neck did not transit.

    It penetrated less than a fingers depth.

    Nice try though  😉

    Visual reminders of assassination scattered across U.S.


    "It penetrated less than a fingers depth."




    This is not how bullets work in the real world.


    What kind of weapon and/or ammunition do you suppose was used which would result in a bullet penetrating less than three inches into soft tissue?


  5. On 5/10/2023 at 8:42 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    Interesting on the Billboard chart Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul and Mary was number 12.  Not on the other chart, a classic.  Number 13 by them also was Blowing in the Wind.  Another instrumental I liked years later by the Chantays at number 21 (also the Ventures) as done years later by a couple of guitar virtuosos. 



    Stevie Ray Vaughan grew up in Oak Cliff, was a frequent visitor of the Top Ten Records store on Jefferson and is buried in Laurel Land Memorial Park not far from J.D. Tippit.


  6. 13 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    I’m not questioning anything, just saying that you should provide a source. A lot of people aren’t just going to take your word for it that there were only three cells in cell block F, that Oswald was put in the middle cell, and that the side cells were empty. 




    A lot of people want to partake in ill-advised speculation about the Elrod story without knowing a damn thing about the real. actual testimonial record.


    The human mind craves a mystery more than it desires the truth.


  7. 9 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    It makes sense that they’d keep Oswald segregated, but I think a source on this and/or a map of the DPD cells would help make your point here. 


    Oswald was the only prisoner in Cell Block F.  What would a map of the cells tell you?  There were three cells in F Block and I'm pretty sure Oswald was kept in the middle cell.  The cells on each side were empty.


  8. 2 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:


    Look at the telephone records of calls placed from the jails that weekend.

    The cells were full of guys.

    Look at CD 1444 pages 5 - 16.


    Steve Thomas




    And where, other than Oswald, does it list any other prisoner from Cell Block F making or receiving calls?


    Oswald was placed in Cell Block F, which consisted of only three cells.  Oswald was placed in one cell; the other two were empty, i.e. Oswald was the only prisoner in the entire cell block.


  9. On 5/17/2023 at 3:11 PM, Steve Thomas said:

    I thought I had seen pictures of those jail cells before.

    Pause that Hard Copy film at the 1:21 mark.

    The jail cells in the Dallas Police Department were just a line of open bar cages. They were not separate rooms.

    Steve Thomas


    Yep, fully aware.


    But those cells were empty.  No other prisoners were anywhere near Oswald for that entire weekend.


    Oswald was placed in Cell Block F, which consisted of only three cells.  Oswald was placed in one cell; the other two were empty, i.e. Oswald was the only prisoner in the entire cell block.



  10. On 5/14/2023 at 6:42 PM, Matthew Koch said:

    Two of them did, I think extra or hard copy covered it when Bill O'Reily was there. A husband a wife duo the LaFontaines wrote a book about this and in their book they do an interview with one of the two surviving tramps and he told them that Oswald talked to him while in custody and said that he was investigating gun runners. I think the book was called Oswald Talked. 


    It's laughable to believe that Oswald would have been placed in a cell with (or alongside) other prisoners where he could have "talked" to them at all.

    The testimonial record tells you that Oswald was completely segregated.



  11. On 5/5/2023 at 9:31 AM, Greg Doudna said:

    Bill -- and Michael --

    Jimmy Burt's original story to the FBI that he drove a car and parked it the wrong way on the Tippit car side of the street cannot be dismissed, since Frank Wright reported seeing that very car, parked the wrong way on the Tippit car side of the street. 

    Also, as Michael brings out, Frank Wright doesn't see Burt and Wm Smith in his front yard when he goes out, but DOES see a man standing near the prone body of Tippit run to the Jimmy Burt car (parked the wrong way = Jimmy Burt's car described to FBI) and drive off.

    Then there are timing issues.

    A lot would make sense if (a) Burt and Wm Smith were covering up if e.g. Wm Smith was illegally driving that car (suspended license, whatever); and (b) both of them were already in the car, maybe parked near Burt's house, when they saw the gunman and Tippit down the street so as to be able to drive and get there immediately--within seconds. Solves the timing issue, solves why Frank Wright saw the car there by the time he got out to look rather than seeing both of them in his front yard. 

    Then imagine Frank Wright saw one of them down the street standing near the prone body of Tippit, then run and drive off in that car as Wright described, and Tatum was seeing the same thing, but Tatum misinterpreted it with that business of thinking it was the gunman running around the back end of of the Tippit patrol car. If Tatum saw Burt or Wm Smith do that and then point to Tippit to the other that could look from Tatum's distance like pointing a gun at Tippit ... Tatum, scared at that point, drives his car forward in a hurry and therefore misses seeing what Frank Wright saw next--the same man run to get into the Jimmy Burt car and drive off. 

    The main point is Frank Wright confirms--witnessed--the Jimmy Burt/Wm Smith car described by Jimmy Burt to the FBI. Therefore the Jimmy Burt car briefly parked the wrong way next to the Tippit patrol car moments after the shooting told by both Jimmy Burt to the FBI and seen by Wright, is fact. They (Burt and Wm Smith) did not get to the scene by walking or running there, as Wm Smith claimed, because the car is fact. And the motive for denying the role of the car (on the part of Wm Smith and in the changing stories of Burt) would be because of unwillingness to admit something illegal (but unrelated to the Tippit killing), such as illegally driving.

    What do you think Bill?

    If it was only Jimmy Burt telling the FBI he drove there that way it would be unclear since their stories differ. But in this case, Frank Wright--credible-- independently saw that Jimmy Burt/Wm Smith car there, and the "parked the wrong way" detail (Burt; Wright) independent stories removes any doubt that is the same car. 

    So the issue is not whether they got there by car, they did. The issue is why Jimmy Burt and Wm Smith are somehow denying or covering up the role of the car, and some illegal and potentially parole-violating or whatever consequences such as illegal driving with a suspended license (or whatever) would be a good reason for Burt and Wm Smith to dissemble over the role of the car, trying not to get self or their friend in trouble with the law over that. 


    What do you think Bill?


    I think Frank Wright gets outside and looks down the street way too fast for Burt and Smith to already be down there in the car.


    I think Burt and Smith were out in the front yard of the house at the corner of Tenth and Denver, exactly as Smith testifies to during his Warren Commission testimony and exactly as Burt describes to Chapman in the 1968 interview I linked to above.


  12. David Josephs said:


    "You're amazingly good at finding things.. any chance you can set your sights on what the "ID Number 54018" might reference and lead to, as that last entry on the copy on the left?"


    Steve Thomas said:



    No, but it;s larger than the number above it, and looks like it might be written in the same hand as the person who wrote

    "Assault to Murder OFF# (offense #?) F85964" about 2/3 of the way down the page.

    That's kind of what makes me think it's a District Attorney's reference number, rather than a Department of Police number

    Steve Thomas"


    @Steve Thomas@David Josephs

    54018 was the identification number assigned to Oswald for his mugshot.  Am I missing something obvious or did you two not know about this?  This is JFK Assassination 101.




  13. On 5/4/2023 at 5:02 PM, Tony Krome said:

    My question was; what do you estimate the time span was between the 1st & 2nd shots? 


    We're talking about a split second.  My opinion is that all of the shots were fired from across the hood in a period of two to three seconds from the first to the last.


  14. 53 minutes ago, Michael Kalin said:

    Really? Excerpt from Burt's FBI statement [100-16601 12/15/63]:

    JIMMY EARL BURT, General Delivery stated that on November 22, 1963 he was living at 505 E. 10th Street, Dallas, Texas which is the residence of his father—in—law, DAVID SHAEFER. He and a friend WILLIAM SMITH were sitting in his brother, BILLY BURT's house located at the corner of 9th and Denver Streets, Dallas. It was some time after lunch when they heard two gunshots. He and SMITH immediately ran from the house toward his car, a 1952 two—tone blue Ford which was parked facing south on Denver Street. As they ran from the house they heard four more shots making a total of six.

    BURT said he drove his car to the next intersection which is Denver and 10th Streets and turned west on 10th.

    I'll let the discerning reader decide how likely it was that the same corner existed at both "Tenth and Denver" and "9th and Denver."


    Bill Smith told the Warren Commission that he heard the shots and saw Tippit fall to the ground and the killer run off.

    He couldn't have seen such a thing from 9th and Denver. 


  15. 52 minutes ago, Michael Kalin said:

    Really? Excerpt from Burt's FBI statement [100-16601 12/15/63]:

    JIMMY EARL BURT, General Delivery stated that on November 22, 1963 he was living at 505 E. 10th Street, Dallas, Texas which is the residence of his father—in—law, DAVID SHAEFER. He and a friend WILLIAM SMITH were sitting in his brother, BILLY BURT's house located at the corner of 9th and Denver Streets, Dallas. It was some time after lunch when they heard two gunshots. He and SMITH immediately ran from the house toward his car, a 1952 two—tone blue Ford which was parked facing south on Denver Street. As they ran from the house they heard four more shots making a total of six.

    BURT said he drove his car to the next intersection which is Denver and 10th Streets and turned west on 10th.

    I'll let the discerning reader decide how likely it was that the same corner existed at both "Tenth and Denver" and "9th and Denver."




  16. 1 hour ago, Tony Krome said:

    Personally, I would duck down and mash the gas pedal. If someone was willing to shoot a cop, I wouldn't risk presenting myself as another target.

    While I have your attention, and using Benavides' testimony, what do you estimate the time span was between the 1st & 2nd shots? 


    You don't understand. 


    The shooting occurred as Benavides was approaching the patrol car. He heard the shots and hit the brakes about fifteen feet before reaching the spot. If he would have "mashed the gas pedal", he would have placed himself in the line of fire had the shooting continued. 


  17. On 4/30/2023 at 10:06 AM, Michael Kalin said:


    Burt & Smith were not poised in the front yard at 505 E. 10th Street, as if adroitly positioned to observe an event about to take place 400 feet away. For one thing, Burt knew nothing about this. For another, here's what Smith told the FBI:

    SMITH advised that his reason for being in the area was that he was visiting a friend of his, one JIMMY BURT, who was living with his father-in-law, DAVID SCHAFFER at 505 East 10th Street. He said he thought JIMMY might have seen the shooting also but he was not certain for he believed he had arrived at JIMMY's house prior to the time of JIMMY's arrival. [100-10461 12/12/63]

    This means Burt was not present with Smith in the front yard at 505 E. 10th, although it's unclear why Smith thinks Burt might have seen the shooting anyway. Surely anyone who can tell a man's height, age & weight at 400 feet would know when his buddy was standing next to him a few feet away. Burt told the FBI he was with Smith at 9th & Denver when they heard shots and saw nothing. Anyway you slice it this is a muddle with Smith's suborned 4/2/64 WC testimony the least likely version to be true. It violates both his own & Burt's FBI statements.

    BTW 505 E. 10th is not at the corner of Denver & E. 10th. Look closely and you might find Frank Wright of 501 E. 10th standing there, who claimed to rush out immediately after Tippit "had just fallen down." Evidently Smith & Wright were transparent to each other while purportedly observing in tandem the scene of the same distant event!

    I'm looking through you, where did you go?
    I thought I knew you, what did I know?

    Benavides was not present at Tippit's murder. This is why his WC testimony regarding the appearance of Tippit's killer is nonsense. What he described was Belin's appearance to Belin himself, who came unglued during the interrogation. [6H450-1]

    Produce Benavides' lost DPD & FBI statements made on 11/22/63 and we just might make a break with the long entrenched tradition of reposing purblind belief in his uncorroborated eyewitness statements.


    Both Jimmy Burt and Bill Smith tell us that they were in the front yard of the house on the corner of Tenth and Denver and saw Tippit talking to a man who was walking. 


  18. 21 minutes ago, Michael Kalin said:

    Only Markham saw "the whole thing go down." Burt was with Smith at 9th & Denver. Scoggins' view was blocked by shrubs. Benavides did not arrive until it was all over (see Guinyard's WC testimony).

    Markham did not see CE162. The entire issue was done & dusted with the link provided by Gil Jesus relative to the procrustean theme of this inane thread. Here it is again:

    Oswald’s Jacket


    Burt and Smith were in the front yard at Tenth and Denver and literally watched Tippit pull over and they saw the guy walk over to the patrol car.


    Benavides was 15 feet away when the shooting occurred.


    Again, The REAL witnesses, people who were actually outdoors at the time and watched the whole thing go down (people like Bill Smith, Jimmy Burt, Domingo Benavides, Helen Markham and William Scoggins) all describe Tippit encountering only one man and that he fled on foot down Patton.


  19. On 4/27/2023 at 1:01 PM, Michael Griffith said:

    Every time you and others get on this forum and defend whacky theories such as the 9/11 Truther nuttiness, you discredit this forum as a place for serious discussion on the JFK assassination. Such garbage has no business appearing in a forum on the JFK case. It has nothing to do with the case. 

    There is something wrong when people who advocate fringe theories don't care that 99% of the experts who have examined those theories reject them as not just wrong but also as bizarre and ridiculous. 

    JFKA conspiracy theorists who also peddle 9/11 Truther claims are a dream come true for lone-gunman theorists. If I were the CIA and wanted to discredit this forum, I would pay people to do exactly what you are doing. 



    Well said.  You and I can agree on this.


  20. 4 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

    Interestingly, Oswald reportedly told his interrogators that he went straight to the Texas Theater from his boarding house. That rings true. Two witnesses said Oswald entered the theater just a few minutes after 1:00 and remained there until he was arrested. 

    The key point about the Tippit shooting is that the case against Oswald is literally plastered with holes. Contradictions and implausible assumptions abound. No one has yet come up with a rational, believable innocent explanation for why Tippit was even in Oswald's neighborhood in the first place. Nor can anyone provide a rational, credible explanation for why Tippit would have stopped the assailant if the assailant was Oswald.

    The ballistics evidence was clearly tampered with. An experienced cop is not going to confuse revolver shells for automatic shells, and vice versa. It is easy to tell them apart, especially since .38 automatic shells are marked ".38 AUTO" on the bottom. Conveniently missing initials on shells, even though clear instructions were given to mark them.

    The wrong fingerprints on the front passenger door and the right front fender of Tippit's car. Markedly contradictory descriptions of the shooter and of the number of shooters and of how they left the scene. A shooter who was supposedly so utterly stupid that he emptied his shells in the immediate vicinity of the crime--yup, that's totally believable.

    Police lineups that were egregiously unfair and designed to ensure that witnesses who viewed them would pick Oswald. A rigged reenactment with the alleged cab driver to avoid admitting that the timing doesn't work.

    And on and on we could go. 


    The ballistics evidence was clearly tampered with. An experienced cop is not going to confuse revolver shells for automatic shells, and vice versa. It is easy to tell them apart, especially since .38 automatic shells are marked ".38 AUTO" on the bottom.


    This is just silly.


    First, are you even aware of exactly how many witnesses described watching the killer manually remove the shells from the revolver?  You realize the killer would not need to manually remove shells from an automatic weapon.  Right?


    Second, automatic shells are ejected automatically (duh) from the weapon after each round is fired off.  If these shells were automatic shells, how did they come to be found as far away as 100 feet from where the killer was standing as he fired each round?  If these shells were automatics, they would have been found on the ground right there at the patrol car.



    The wrong fingerprints on the front passenger door and the right front fender of Tippit's car.


    But, if the killer didn't touch the car, then the prints aren't relevant.



    Markedly contradictory descriptions of the shooter...


    Happens all the time.  If four witnesses watch a guy rob a convenient store at gunpoint, the police are most likely going to get four different physical descriptions.  Welcome to the real world.



    ...and of the number of shooters and of how they left the scene.


    The REAL witnesses, people who were actually outdoors at the time and watched the whole thing go down (people like Bill Smith, Jimmy Burt, Domingo Benavides, Helen Markham and William Scoggins) all describe Tippit encountering only one man and that he fled on foot down Patton.



    A shooter who was supposedly so utterly stupid that he emptied his shells in the immediate vicinity of the crime--yup, that's totally believable.


    Again, you don't know what you're talking about here.


    There were witnesses who literally watched the killer throw shells to the ground.


  21. 1 hour ago, Michael Griffith said:

    Your ability to robotically make pro-WC assumptions and ignore contrary evidence is truly impressive. First off, Markham said that she was alone with Tippit for "about 20 minutes" after he was shot, and that Tippit tried to talk to her during this time. In her FBI interview on the day of the shooting, she also said the killer had a "red complexion." But, nah, just never you mind the truck-sized holes in her story, right? Just cherry-pick the few things she said that support your mythology and ignore everything else.

    As for Benavides, before he knew what he was supposed to say, he logically and credibly told Ted Calloway that after the shots rang out, he fell down to the floorboard of his truck because he was scared to death, and "stayed there":

              When I heard that shooting, I fell down into the floorboard of my truck and I
    stayed there. It scared me to death.

    Gee, does this sound like he only "stayed" in the truck for a few seconds? No, of course not. This makes no sense. But common sense goes out the window whenever you guys need it to disappear to avoid admitting the lone-gunman theory is implausible and contrary to the best evidence.

    When Benavides initially explained how long he "stayed there," he gave the entirely logical and believable answer of "a few minutes." Let's read Benavides' explanation for why he waited a few minutes before getting out of his truck:

              Mr. BENAVIDES. After that, I set there for just a few minutes to kind of, I thought he went in back of the house or something. At the time, I thought maybe he might have lived in there and I didn’t aant to get out and rush right up. He might start shooting again. 

              That is when I got out of the truck. . . . (6 H 448)

    This makes total sense. It's what any rational person would do in such a situation. It's completely understandable. If you were only 25-50 feet away from a shooting and feared you could be the next target, how long would you wait until coming out into the open? I guarantee you that you'd wait a lot longer than a few seconds.

    But, shucks, if we accept Benavides' first account, the one that makes complete sense and that matches what he initially told another witness, this wreaks havoc on the lone-gunman theory's timeline for the Tippit shooting. So, the only alternative, since truth and logic are off the table, is to go with the "few seconds" claim that Benavides made many years later.


    Your ability to robotically make pro-WC assumptions and ignore contrary evidence is truly impressive. First off, Markham said that she was alone with Tippit for "about 20 minutes" after he was shot, and that Tippit tried to talk to her during this time. In her FBI interview on the day of the shooting, she also said the killer had a "red complexion." But, nah, just never you mind the truck-sized holes in her story, right? Just cherry-pick the few things she said that support your mythology and ignore everything else.


    You're all over the place.  No one's talking about Markham.



    As for Benavides, before he knew what he was supposed to say, he logically and credibly told Ted Calloway that after the shots rang out, he fell down to the floorboard of his truck because he was scared to death, and "stayed there":

              When I heard that shooting, I fell down into the floorboard of my truck and I
    stayed there. It scared me to death.

    Gee, does this sound like he only "stayed" in the truck for a few seconds? No, of course not. This makes no sense.


    No. You're confused.


    No one is saying that Benavides stayed in his truck for a few seconds.  Benavides stayed in his truck for probably 45 seconds to a minute.  He stayed in his truck while watching the killer go around the corner and THEN he waited a few seconds before getting out.



    But common sense goes out the window whenever you guys need it to disappear to avoid admitting the lone-gunman theory is implausible and contrary to the best evidence.


    So claiming that Whaley picked Knapp out of the lineup instead of Oswald (even though Whaley specifically tells us that he picked out the guy who was bawling out the police and and was complaining about being placed alongside teens) is using common sense?



    This makes total sense. It's what any rational person would do in such a situation. It's completely understandable. If you were only 25-50 feet away from a shooting and feared you could be the next target, how long would you wait until coming out into the open? I guarantee you that you'd wait a lot longer than a few seconds.


    This confirms for me that you don't know what you're talking about.  Benavides was fifteen feet away.  Your biggest fault seems to be that you are clueless on most of the subjects you post about.  And again, No one is saying Benavides waited only a few seconds before getting out.  You seem to be unaware that Benavides said he waited a second or two AFTER the killer went around the corner.



    "At the time I was just approaching the squad car, I noticed this young white male with both hands in the pockets of his zippered jacket leaning over the passenger side of the squad car. This young white male was looking into the squad car from the passenger side." -- Jack Tatum (to HSCA investigators Jack Moriarty and Joe Basteri)


  23. On 4/22/2023 at 9:11 AM, Michael Griffith said:

    From my critique of Dale Myers' With Malice:

    The standard lone-gunman explanation is that Benavides waited in his truck only for a
    matter of seconds and not for a few minutes. But this flies in the face of common sense,
    not to mention that it ignores what Benavides himself initially said, which was that he
    waited in his truck for "a few minutes." If you were only 25-50 feet away from a shooting
    and feared you could be the next target, how long would you wait until coming out into
    the open again? Understandably, and by all accounts, Benavides was scared to death
    by the shooting. He told the WC he waited in his truck "a few minutes" after he heard
    the shots. According to fellow witness Ted Calloway, Benavides told him the day after
    the shooting that,

    When I heard that shooting, I fell down into the floorboard of my truck and I stayed there. It scared me to death. (p. 220, emphasis added)

    Years later Benavides changed his story and told CBS he only waited a few seconds,
    not a few minutes. Predictably, Myers chooses to accept Benavides' belated change of
    story and rejects his original statements (pp. 86-87).

    If, as seems likely, Benavides did in fact wait in his truck for a minute or two after the
    shots rang out, then the case against Oswald collapses, unless one is willing to assume
    some unknown person gave Oswald a ride to the Tippit shooting scene. Myers is willing
    to speculate that this might have happened, suggesting that a person who gave Oswald
    a ride would not have come forward to tell about it because he would have been too
    embarrassed (p. 352). But why would Oswald have wanted to be dropped off at 10th
    and Patton?

    The problem of getting Oswald to the Tippit crime scene in time to commit the crime has
    always vexed the lone-gunman theory. Oswald's rooming house was nearly a mile from
    the spot on 10th and Patton where Tippit was shot, right around nine-tenths of a mile.
    Even walking at a very brisk pace, Oswald would have taken a minimum of 10 minutes
    to reach the Tippit scene, and bear in mind this does not allow time for him to
    supposedly walk a block and a half past 10th and Patton and then supposedly spin
    around after seeing the police car approach.

    Importantly, Mrs. Roberts said that when she looked out the window a short time after
    Oswald left the boarding house, she saw him standing near the street. This was a few
    minutes after 1:00, around 1:03 or 1:04.

    As mentioned, Myers says the shooting occurred at 1:14:30. A very brisk pace would
    have put Oswald at the Tippit scene at 1:14, if we assume he began his speed walk at
    1:04, but that would not have left enough time for him to walk past 10th and Patton, spin
    around, start walking the other way, get stopped by Tippit, have a "friendly chat" with
    Tippit, wait while Tippit got out of the car, and then shoot Tippit. And note that this whole
    scenario assumes Oswald suddenly started sprint-walking toward the Tippit scene right
    after Mrs. Roberts saw him standing near the road in front of the rooming house. It also assumes that Benavides waited only a few seconds before coming out from hiding and
    approaching the police car. It just does not work.


    In his Warren Commission testimony, Benavides used a figure of speech when he said he waited in his truck for a few minutes.


    To Eddie Barker in 1967 (CBS - The Warren Report, part 3), Benavides stated that he watched the killer go around the corner and then waited for "maybe a second or two".


    If you really do believe that Benavides actually waited in his truck for a few minutes before getting out, then it means you also believe that Benavides was cowering inside his truck as Helen Markham, Frank Cimino, Jimmy Burt, Bill Smith and others were standing over the body.

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