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Donald Willis

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  1. I was quoting Gil. I know nothing about the Smith/Tippit story.
  2. You're saying that Richard Bertolino is SkyThrone is No True Flags Here is 19efppp?
  3. I don't think that W began as a fake. But when he put that "X" on the map, they knew he had to be weaned off the truth, or there'd be an unexplained time gap in Oswald's movements between the boarding house and 10th & Patton. LNs would have been forced into speculation re why he got to 10th & P five minutes before Tippit. Clearly, he did not go to 10th & P.
  4. But for the Commission, Whaley put a big "X" near the 1000 block of N.. Beckley for the spot where he dropped O off...
  5. Someone for the "Reclaiming History" team apparently found an interview which Whaley did not long after 11/22, in which he talked as he drove to the site where he (now) said he dropped off Oswald, several blocks below the boarding house. Unfortunately, he also added, as he dutifully drove there, that he turned onto N. Beckley at the 500 block (actually the 1000 block). Apparent upshot: Whaley thought the place that he dropped off Oswald--opposite the house--was the 500 block.
  6. All valid points. Because Hill had to take another car to Oak Cliff, we know that someone was using 207. As for Whaley--I used to discount him outright. But details like his saying (in his Rewriting History interview, drive) that, coming off the viaduct route, he turned left on N. Beckley at the 500 block (really the 1000 block) made me think otherwise. Don't think he could have made that mistake if he hadn't ferried Oswald to Beckley and thought that Oswald's "This will be fine" meant that the 1000-block drop-off was really the 500 block, as originally scheduled. And, yes, I noticed that Whaley died shortly after. And the Burroughs timing tracks--if Oswald left the rooming house just before 1pm, he would have arrived at the theatre not long after 1...
  7. All valid points. Since Hit the wrong button. Going to try again..., in his Reit
  8. To continue my reply to Richard Bertolino... If you can enlarge the page I just posted, about 10 minutes ago, you'll see that I have Oswald coming in to N. Beckley about 12:51 and alighting at the 1000 block. So, rooming house, about 12:52. Leaving it, about 12:55. Now to switch to Hill/Valentine: Hill radios dispatcher about 12:48: "Hill & Valentine en route to Elm & Houston". Arrival time there: circa 12:51. And they did arrive there, as shown in a photo on jfkinvestigators.wordpress.com. Hill interacts at the TSBD with Insp. Sawyer and a third-floor suspect, going up to & back down from the 3rd floor, with the suspect. No way, then, that he can be on Beckley before, say, 1:05, after Oswald has left. Even if a third officer borrowed their car, it's doubtful he could have been there between 12:51 & 12:55...
  9. Sawyer was informed by the dispatcher that the shooting had come from the 4th or 5th floor. He entered the building, as he testified, with a couple of officers. Sgt Hill testified that he was one of the two officers, and he had come to the TSBD with Valentine. Hill and Sawyer were apparently detoured by news of the discovery of a suspect on the 3rd floor. Hill apparently then continued on up, either with or after Valentine, leaving Sawyer on the ground floor. The original goal of 4th or 5th floor was then achieved, at least by Valentine, as per his report, which was apparently not vetted by the conspirators, who had helped Sawyer & Hill rework their stories, but had forgotten about Valentine, by the time of his report. The C's would not have wanted any suggestion of a report of shooting from the 5th floor. Hence, the "magical" transformation of the 5th floor into the 6th floor. done apparently without Valentine's help, or he would not later have reported "5th floor"...
  10. Good reason to fake-place Valentine on the 6th floor. According to his response to the questioning of every patrolman re where he was on 11/22/63 in the hour after the assassination, he wrote that he had been posted on the fifth floor. This, after entering the building with Insp. Sawyer & Sgt. Hill in response to Dealey officers (Harkness and Patrolman LL Hill) claiming that witnesses saw shooting from that floor. Sawyer, however, apparently stayed downstairs.
  11. Asked, at the hearings, to put an "X" on a map (CE 371) to indicate where he left off Oswald, Whaley marks a big "X" on the intersection of N. Beckley and Neches/El Dorado/Zangs, different names for a street which is actually continuous. And in the video, he calls that intersection the 500 block. Oswald threw him off when he changed destinations and said "This will do fine"--at the 1000 block, when he saw that the coast was clear...
  12. Then why did Whaley say that he "turned left at the 500 block of N. Beckley..."? Obviously, Oswald changed his mind about the original drop-off point when he saw that there were no police cars near the rooming house. And the taciturn (as Whaley noted) Oswald did not inform Whaley that the new drop-off point was in fact a change. So Whaley thought that the block he turned onto on Beckley was the 500 block.
  13. Markham did testify that she first saw the guy when he was "almost across Patton St." (v3p307)
  14. Two sections of Myers' 11/22/2023 recap here of the events of 11/22/63 have since been discredited. Brennan's supposed description of the man and rifle in the window came not from Brennan, but from an unnamed individual who saw the suspect run out of the depository "shortly after the shooting", according to FBI dispatches, including one from James R. Malley to Gordon Shanklin. And cab driver William Whaley did NOT drive Oswald to a spot "five blocks past his room". As Whaley recounted it, in a "Four Days in November" video segment, he "turned left at the 500 block of N. Beckley..." In total confusion, Whaley--both here and in his Commission testimony--has separated the "500 block" from the intersection of Beckley and Neely, 5 blocks south of the rooming house, and the actual 500 block. "No, sir. I didn't drive until I reached the 500 block. I drove until I reached Beckley and Neely", as he tells counsel Ball. However, he tells his video interviewer that he "turned left at the 500 block of N. Beckley", which turn onto Beckley was actually at the 1000 block. Either way, Whaley seems to be under the impression that he left Oswald off near his rooming house, whether the 500 block or the 1000 block. All that he seems to know for sure is that Oswald told him, 'This will do fine". Which instruction apparently happened at the 1000-block turn. Hence Whaley's mistaken designation of the latter as the 500 block, Oswald's original instruction. Letting Oswald off near the rooming house would take about five minutes off his subsequent travel time from the latter. If he were, then, actually heading towards 10th & Patton, he would have arrived there about 1:10. Some little speculation, then, would be required to have Oswald and Tippit together there as late as 1:14 or 1:15. Speculation aside, however, Oswald was not the man who encountered Tippit at about 1:14 or so.
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