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Richard J. Smith

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Everything posted by Richard J. Smith

  1. Saturday July 29 at 9AM US Eastern time, , the Discovery documentary Kennedy and Castro: A Secret History will be broadcast on the Discovery Times Channel. This is the story behind the back door diplomacy that took place in the spring, summer and fall of '63. It is essentially the Lisa Howard story. http://times.discovery.com/tvlistings/epis...amp;channel=DTC RJS
  2. There was no tampering of LHO's body. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/parnell/xindex.htm Included here is the Norton Report and Duke Lane's 1992 essay Grave Doubts. I absolutely agree with Duke's assessment, particularly "There are enough strange goings-on, enough lies and obfuscations, enough unanswered questions about the JFK assassination without adding the improbable and unsubstatiated, into which categorization this scenario must certainly fall. It is preposterous and the facts simply do not bear out the theory." RJS
  3. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachus...net_1149775276/
  4. Hi James, Unfortunately, I never saw the photo of "Major Lopez", and getting info on his background is tough. He was the son of a State Department official(early 50s), and used the family name to which you refer throughout his early days. He was indeed killed in a bar brawl in 1982, apparently in Fayetteville, NC, home of Fort Bragg. Since I am a proponent of a south knoll shooter, IMO one of the Team 5 guys was stationed there, and took and made the head shot. If our "Major Lopez" was Lamp Post Man(and IMO PBM as we referred to him as), he was there to see his shooter do the job. Entirely possible other team members were assigned to different areas along the route from DP to the Trade Mart as a backup. Other shooters in DP were the other 2 sides of the triangular crossfire, with Cuban ex-patriots involved. While most would certainly disagree, I am still open to the possibility that LHO was somehow involved, even as the 6th floor shooter(JFK back shot), or at least got the shooter into place. IMO entirely possible if LHO hadn't been busted at the theater, Tosh may have been his air taxi out of Dallas without even knowing it beforehand. All great stuff my friend. If there's anyone who can solve this thing, it's you. All the best RJS
  5. John, Here's a comparison Allan Eaglesham did for me a few years ago. On the lower right is an overlay of Lamp Post Man and his "lookalike" from Laos. IMO, it's him. RJS
  6. Tosh, Although purely speculative since we most likely will never know, it is assumed that many of the "lookalikes" were in Dealey Plaza to watch the show. Lucien Conein, Rip Robertson, and others may or may not have been part of the planning(Conein more than likely having been involved in the Diem coup weeks prior). Anything is possible since we don't know for sure, but I am of the opinion that the guns that were aimed at Castro were turned on JFK, with Hunt and Phillips prominent figures(Hunt, IMO, was pictured walking across Elm St in the shooting aftermath and was not a tramp). I also believe that the coverup conspiracy was separate from the shooting. The same thing happened in the early 70's during Watergate, when a coverup ensued not to hide the burglary, but to cover up the covert operations such as that used in DP. Team 5 was active in Laos in 63, and if they were at one time aligned with JM/Wave, it is more likely that were used as assassins. IMO, at least one was stationed in the lot above the south knoll. Contrary to Mr Hemmings statements, I believe some of his associates may have been utilized as either shooters, spotters or diversions. If you were assigned as part of a compartmentaliized team to abort, you may consider you were used to get someone out after the fact, being led to believe the abort mission. Entirely possible and quite probable. It was a well planned operation for sure, and IMO, did not involve Hoover, LBJ or the other names in high places until immediate initiation of the coverup to, as was the case with Nixon, protect a US agency's involvement. Frankly, I believe if there was an abort mission, it was a diversion. Is it possible that if LHO wasn't arrested at the Texas Theater, he might have been your passenger on the flight out of Dallas? RJS
  7. John, You may also want to add this to your list: Files claimed in his most recent interview that he was assigned to the US Army's 82nd Airborne division, and was sent to Laos as part of Operation White Star in July 1959. Note that the operation in July 1959 was called Ambidexterous, then became Operation Hotfoot. The operation wasn't called White Star until 1961. Also note the 82nd wasn't sent to Laos, it was the 77th Special Forces Group led by LTC Arthur "Bull" Simons. I have information concerning the specialized training the 77th received prior to shipping out in July 1959, which will remain private until such time as someone can ask Files what his "training" consisted of at Fort Bragg in 1959. I'm willing to wait until hell freezes over, which will probably happen before Files or his fans will supply details of said training. RJS
  8. James, First of all, please forgive my rehashing an old topic regarding Lamp Post Man. As you know, I also spent a great deal of time trying to identify him. It is my very firm opinion he was a CIA case officer assigned to Laos in the early 70's, whom we came to know as Pakse Base Man(although the photo of him was taken at Long Tieng). I contacted several Raven FACs and others who worked in Laos during the Secret War, and they were quite helpful, until I started questioning them about this CIA guy. They dropped me like a hot potato, but not before confirming he was CIA. I also did some work on Tony Po, and tracked his "career" throughout Southeast Asia. I tried contacting a co-worker of his not long ago through an intermediary to no avail. Considering Poshepny's past, especially his operations in northern Laos, I question the statement that he and Rip Robertson were "like twins". Makes it sound like they were inseparable, but I've never come across anything that they even knew each other. I highly doubt Tony Po was in Dallas on November 22, 1963. As an aside, it is said that Tony Po was the basis for the Marlon Brando character Col Kurtz in Apocalypse Now. There is an A&E documentary available titled The Search for Kurtz, detailing author Adrian Levy's search to interview Poshepny(which he finally did). If you catch this documentary, I think you'd agree that LPM wasn't Tony Po. Sorry, but in my opinion, Tony Po looks nothing like Lamp Post Man. Not even close. LPM was Hispanic, leading some to think he was David Morales(appearance also not close IMO). A year or so ago, a fellow researcher was shown a photo of one Humberto(Bobby) Castillo-Leon, AKA "Major Lopez". He indicated the photo he saw was the spitting image of LPM and the CIA guy at Long Tieng. Lopez allegedly lead an assassination squad called Team 5. It was his belief at the time that Team 5 was the JFK hit squad. He was unable to secure a copy of the photo. As I've said for a few years now, and begging your indulgence, Lamp Post Man was the CIA case officer pictured at Long Tieng Laos, who may have been named Bobby Castillo-Leon. The comparison is much more than coincidental. RJS
  9. James, If you compare the ears, Orr's are way too small. IMO, not him. RJS John, I too saved this comment from Gerry. Odd how Little Joe was dancing in the street after hearing of JFK's demise, yet 4 days earlier said he would take a bullet for him. Doesn't make much sense does it? RJS
  10. Have you been taking lessons from Dankbaar? He pins Files disbelievers as spies, liars and LNs. Why is one pinned as a "lone neuter" for disputing Z film alteration? Why not stick Dankbaar on this committee and have him show his underwhelming Files "evidence"? A few years ago after the Peter Jennings documentary came out, the uproar in the CT community was as loud as it has ever been. Even Jim Fetzer agreed that a counter response should not involve controversial issues, that accepted proof and documentation should be used. I'm afraid this will go nowhere as usual. The real issues presented by Horne, Morley and others will be overshadowed by disputes over the Z film. It took years to get this stuff together, and it will all go up in smoke because of white sneakers vs black shoes. RJS
  11. From the article: Ah yes, the great Zapruder shoe switcheroo. This is where the conference will turn into the equivalent of an SNL comedy skit. No wonder Fox and ABC want to "buy it." Probably so they can end one of their news programs with a good laugh. I predict that the shoe switcheroo will be the sound bite that comes out of this conference. How unfortunate that with all the evidence of conspiracy, the heavily disputed Z film alteration issue will be on center stage. I agree Ron, Fox and ABC will jump on this with both feet. I disagree with the statement any publicity is good publicity. It only makes us look more "out there". RJS
  12. This is from memory, but I think in Mel Blancs? "Men in Tights", the Sherriff of Nottingham attempts to assassinate Robin Hood by having a crossbow sniper shoot Robin from the Nottingham Manuscript Depository. A more serious parallel is in "murder at 1600"? with Denzel Washington playing a Homicide Investigator investigating a murder in the White House. The movie seems to parallel the assassination in many ways. A number of references are made in the script. Including a kind of backdrop of Denzels character as a civil war 'historian', or....er, he liked to play with models of, and talk about and recreate, famous civil war battles. "This is from memory, but I think in Mel Blancs? 'Men in Tights'..." Mel Brooks. Mel Blanc did the Looney Tunes voices(Bugs, Daffy, Porky, etc) "A more serious parallel is in "murder at 1600"? with Denzel Washington..." Wesley Snipes was the DC detective, not Denzel Washington. Frankly I don't recall any parallel at all regarding JFK and Murder at 1600. An ambitious presidential aide(Alan Alda) tries to frame the president's son for murder to force the president to resign.
  13. Hi James, You're right about The Simpsons. My favorite is an "Itchy and Scratchy" with the LHO/Ruby shooting scene in the DPD basement(Itchy shoots Scratchy). I also recall a King of the Hill, where the guys have to travel from Arlen(now that's spooky in itself) to Dallas, and Dale asks Hank if they're going to go by the building where Lee Harvey Oswald SUPPOSEDLY shot JFK from. RJS
  14. Hi Larry, IMO, you picked up where Gaeton Fonzi left off. Someone Would Have Talked is perhaps the best book of all the JFK related material I own. I also have a suggestion for those that have the original who plan to buy the revised edition. Give the original to a fellow researcher who doesn't have it or can't afford to buy the new one. I plan on doing exactly that. Very much looking forward to the book's release, and thanks for the time you spent(and continue to spend) gathering this critical information. RJS
  15. 63 does indeed indicate the year. 352 is a consecutive number indicating Tippit's autopsy was the 352nd autopsy performed in Dallas in 1963. Since LHO's was 356, that would indicate there were 3 autopsies performed between Tippit's on Friday 11/22 and LHO's on Sunday the 23rd. If JFK's autopsy had been performed in Dallas, his autopsy number would have been somewhere around 63-352. I would think the JFK autopsy would have been given priority over Tippit's. Since JFK's autopsy was performed at Bethesda Naval Hospital, it was the 272nd autopsy performed there in 1963. Not sure of the "A" alphabetical designation at Bethesda, or the "M" in Dallas. Autopsies are not only performed in murder cases, but in most non-natural deaths, such as suicide, accidents, etc. Natural death autopsies can be requested by next of kin. RJS Robin, It's on the autopsy report. Appendix IX of the Warren Commission Report: http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...eport_0281b.htm
  16. I just saw it the other night and I am sure it was on a document. There was a crease or line going through the top of the numbers. The numbers for JFK were, now this is strictly from memory, 63 272. I will do my best to find it for you so we can be sure of the numbers. Chuck A63-272
  17. Before we jump to conspiratorial conclusions, has anyone considered that the "odd" photo was manipulated by whoever came up with it? What's the source of this photo, where did it come from, and where is it now? RJS
  18. Just a few of the many. Coincidence? I think not. Hunt Conein-DeTorres Conein "Pakse Base Man"(CIA case officer Laos circa 1970) "Lamppost Man"(corner of Main and Houston)
  19. Mr McCoy, In your research, did you ever come across this person in Laos or elsewhere? I've been trying to put a name to this face for several years. RJS
  20. Yes Nancy, JFK dedicated I95 in Maryland(it was a week prior to Dallas, did you know THAT?). And only that 50 mile section in Maryland was renamed the JFK Memorial Highway. You missed the whole point of Mary Ferrell's words. http://www.mdta.state.md.us/mdta/servlet/d.../JFKHighway.jsp
  21. Hi Terry, Think I'll be hanging around here a little more often.
  22. John, As you know, the peace brokering was well in effect throughout 1963, through Attwood, Lisa Howard, Jean Daniel, Carlos Lechuga, etc. It makes one wonder regarding the allegations in Ultimate Sacrifice that the Kennedys were secretly planning a 2nd invasion of Cuba while secretly offering an olive branch to Castro through back door diplomacy. RJS
  23. Ref: Plumlee ".... DEA FILES INFORMATION: DEAfiles.pdf DEA Mexico OPS: These documents make reference to "Guatemalan Guerrillas" training at a ranch owned by Drug Lord CARO- Quintero in Vera Crus, Mexico. It was reported at the time this was a CIA training site where weapons were exchanged for drugs in support of the Contra effort in Nicaragua and Costa Rico. DEA Agent Enrique Camarena (KIKI) and his pilot found out about this operation known as "The CIA Thing" and were killed because of this knowledge. Plumlee and other American undercover pilots had flown into this ranch many times as reported in various sections within these documents and other news media leaks in Mexico and America. The operation was known as "AMSOG" and, as reported to Senator Gary Hart and his Senate investigators in early 1983, was an "illegal" smuggling operation through Mexico into the United States, supported by the US Military, Panama Southern Command. Ref: DEA Secret Class 2 documents investigators Susand Baldwin and Hector Berelliz DEA. Documents can be found at toshplumlee.info in PDF foremat. Tosh, Thanks for the confirmation. In fact, the retired DEA guy I spoke of knew you. At the time(about 2 years ago), he wanted to get in touch with you. This was after you had left Lancer and went on "hiatus" because you ended up in the middle of the Dankbaar/Vernon mess. Someone also mentioned Nixon earlier in this thread. I recall that Nixon started the DEA, obstensively to get control of the drug trade away from the CIA. He recruited none other than Lucien Conein(who IMO was photographed at the corner of Main and Houston in Dallas on November 22, 1963). And I don't believe for a minute that Pablo Escobar or any other Columbian cartel bigshot had Barry Seal whacked. What a small world. No "meatball" here RJS
  24. Pat, A good start, I agree the SBT is disprovable, and not necessarily using the Z film. The medical evidence and statements from 5 autopsy witnesses would prove to be the key. James Sibert would make a fabulous witness, as he said in the William Law interviews regarding Arlen Specter, "what a xxxx". Regarding recent demonstrations on the SBT that were to prove not only its feasability but likelihood, I did a presentation at Lancer using video captures from the Beyond the Magic Bullet Discovery program. So many people were convinced who had been on the fence that I took a closer look. In the Australian reenactment using the manufactured torsos, the bullet entered the back in the approximate location of JFK's wound(as shown in the autopsy photos), but exited the mid chest. Without using video captures or very slow motion, you couldn't tell the bullet didn't exit the throat area. The 30+ rear head wound witnesses (although several are no longer with us) is another viable option. The Z film using captured enhanced stills, shows clearly the avusion on the rear of the head. Eyewitness statements from Parkland and Bethesda place a large gaping wound of exit in the rear of the head. The simple fact that many of these statements and corresponding drawings made by them were kept secret for almost 20 years would raise more than a few jurors' eyebrows. After a parade of these witnesses, perhaps Finck and Boswell would finally tell the truth under threat of indictment for participating in a coverup conspiracy. I wonder if statements made to the HSCA by witnesses now deceased, such as by Thomas Robinson, could be presented. Not sure why they couldn't, since they were made under oath. The Jeff Morley expose "What Jane Roman Said" proves beyond reasonable doubt that the CIA had something going on with LHO right up until 6 weeks prior to the assassination. The Scelso documents and and Blahut incident are icing on the cake. Photos taken in Dealey Plaza show several "lookalikes" who certainly could be Howard Hunt (NOT one of the tramps), Lucien Conein, Rip Robertson, James Lewis, Bernardo DeTorres, Alfredo Duran, and a host of others, including who we refer to as PBM. Umbrella Man and Dark Complected Man (take your pick, Gordon Novel/Hargraves/Vidal/Bosch). Posada Carrilles may be of use. All one needs to do is mention extradition to Venezuela. Further study of the acoustic tests/dictabelt comparisons were to be done according to a fairly recent documentary. This is crucial. Just a sampling, there's so much more. RJS
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