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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. Fascinating stuff gentlemen. I presume that Ashton has a specific computer programme in mind. Are there any programmes in existence that are widely available. Such a database of timelines would serve researchers well, much as namebase has. These assets making in continuingly easier to conduct research and save time searching for sources and relevant books. One would assume that chronologies of the CIA's existence are to be found in histories of the agency. Books such as William Blum's 'Killing Hope', which are written in chronological order would prove useful in entering major events such as coup's abroad and who was involved in them. Tony Summers book's would also prove valuable as they frequently reference dates and whereabouts of many would-be Dealey Plaza participants. In order to gleam timelines from books that do not necessarily have a concurrent team would involve constant note- taking while re-reading such books. If you can follow what I'm trying to get at, you're a smarter man than I am! John
  2. Wim, Am I wrong in saying that Chauncey said that the forgery id that he gave harrelson was for the ATF? Just need to find out, it relates to something Harrelson said. Cheers, John
  3. I suppose I'm just going to have to cave and buy Armstrong's book. This stuff if just too bloody interesting not to follow up on it. John
  4. Dawn, I don't know if you are on the COPA mailing list, but they are trying to schedule conferences for Malcolm X in New York in February and Bobby Kennedy in L.A.. Thanks for the invite Dawn, looks like I'll be busy this summer. I told someone in West Virginia last year that I wanted to go to Dallas, but they told me that Austin was far nicer. All the best, John
  5. I was always a big fan of Paulo Di Canio, great player and wasn't afriad to show the ref how he felt!
  6. Hi Terry, Yes plans are already afoot to make it to D.C. again and I will most likely be making a trip out to the west coast (by soCal I assume you mean south california). I'd love to come out and have a good chat with you. I'm still planning on making the elusive trip to Dallas in November. I'm in the final year of my degree, so from next September I will be a free spirit, unless I choose to do a phd, which I would like to do on political assassinations, depending on funding of course. Of course I will know closer to the date what I will be doing and how much free time I will have. I've had the pleasure of meeting and talking to so many forum members, hopefully we can meet up. Thanks for your generosity Ter, All the best, John
  7. Sid, Ray never mentioned any of this to his attorney Dr.William Pepper, nor did he make any such claims in his book 'Who killed Martin Luther King junior'. I think there are a lot of ifs and buts involved to point the finger as Mossad. All the evidence points to military intel, the FBI and a few men in the Memphis police daprtment, not to mention the possibility of Robert Emmet Johnson and Mario Tauler Sague's possible involvement. I understand that you are only raising this point for the sake of discussion, but the evidence does not point anywhere near to Mossad and frankly I don't hold much faith in Collins Pipers assertions. There is nothing in MLK's character that would lead us to believe that he would tackle such a divisve issue as Israeli relations with the US. He was far more concerned, at that point, with the Vietnam war and was most likely killed because of his opposition to it. For an excellent read on the MLK assassination I would suggest 'An Act of State: The execution of Martin Luther King', which I am told will be coming out in a revised paperback edition soon. All the best, John
  8. Hi Francesca, Yes I will indeed be coming to canterbury also, I'm working on a presentation Charles Harrelson that is sure to raise a few eyebrows. I still have to book accommodation, but that will be easily sorted. John
  9. There are currently 100 videos and 42 members. I will continue to invite youtube users based on comments that they leave on videos. John
  10. I am hoping that members will inform me of a good alternative to google. Given what we have learned from their selective searching, I feel that they no longer merit our business. The cases of Les Albiston and Bernardo De Torres ar only two of the examples found on the spartacus sites that have had their links removed from the google database, one would assume that we are being deprived of a lot of other valuable information. Let us find a search egine of equal capacity, but with more integrity. Suggestions please John
  11. E. Howard Hunt's biography on Wikipedia is also quite small. Perhpas checking the edit history will tell if there has been recent alteration. Surely there was more material on Howard Hunt on the site at one point. John
  12. Haig was very certainly in the camp of George HW Bush and constantly played the angle to create a result in his favour. We know that Bush was a possibility as vice presidential nominee, though Gerald Ford eventually got it. Haig was very active in attempts to secure power for Bush on the day of the Reagan assassination attempt, he himself claimed authority in the situation room, despite the fact that the speaker of the house was in Washington D.C. at the time. The constitution clearly states that if both the president and vice president are incapacitated the position then falls to the speaker of the house. George HW Bush was not in a faction of his own, so it is not inconceivable that the actions were taken by Haig to benefit someone other than Bush, but that would be a likely scenario. The following is taken from an interview with John Judge on the ratical site http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/JohnJudge/112600.html One was when Bush helped to get Haig appointed as Secretary of State. The entire Cabinet staff underneath him was already pre-appointed and he wasn't allowed to pick or choose any of them, or fire any of them. So it was like he was a figure head put up at the head of this agency that he wasn't really allowed to run. Then just a few days before the shooting of Reagan, there was a switch where Bush replaced Haig as the head of an emergency preparedness committee or unit that they had at the White House. The press was asking Bush right after he was appointed in place of Haig -- this was just three days before the shooting -- `What constitutes an emergency for the purpose of this special office?' And Bush said, "The president will know it when he sees it." I think he meant that he -- Reagan -- would know it when he saw it lying on the ground dying. This I believe was a coup. The black box disappeared for several hours. . . There was that kind of transition-of-power going on -- who was actually going to control things and there were switch-overs about the Strategic Air Command bomber pilots, again, not having code books aboard on March 31, 81 like they didn't on November 22, 63. This was a classic transition-of-power situation. I think, the loyalists won the concession that Reagan will be allowed to stay alive but Bush would come into power and at that point Haig emerged from the situation room to the press and said, his famous quote, "Gentlemen, I am in charge here until the Vice-President returns." That meant two things: number one, that they were going extra constitutional -- beyond twenty-fifth amendment, a military take-over and Haig in this office of preparedness, prior to Bush and basically he's taking charge. The press were questioning What does this mean? It's not the twenty-fifth amendment which goes to the Speaker of the House or the Vice-President. What's happening that Haig can come up and say this? What they don't understand is all that Constitution stuff is pushed aside once they declare National Emergencies. Then they go into FEMA and they have whole other orders of succession that have to do more with the military and the Pentagon than with any of the civilian sector. So Haig is jumping into that breech. Haig has his own strange progress up the chain-of-command and at one point jumps over literally hundreds of other people that were in line to be promoted when Califono moves him up into these high positions to take over the White House for the removal of Richard Nixon. So Haig is part of their larger game. The second thing Haig is saying is `until the Vice-President returns.' Bush is said to be in a jovial mood on a flight between (of all places) Fort Worth and Dallas when he gets the news. There is no indication that his joviality diminished. He says that he'll come back in a few hours. There is no rush to get back on his part. Again this lack of any emergency response indicates to me that the thing is planned, they knew it was going to happen, the only thing that didn't work out right was that Reagan actually survived the shooting and survived this small disc going in under his arm. The full story of the attempt on Reagans life can be found at the link provided above. Haig was well and truly in the Bush camp. I recently saw parts of a film about the mess in the situation room following the attempt on Reagan, it was quite awful and made the whole thing seem like a bumbling mess ('The day Reagan was shot', starring Richard Dreyfuss as Alexander Haig). John Judge told me that it was originally Oliver Stone who was to make the film but passed on it during the research stage. John presented the evidence that he had to the new film maker, but he was uninterested and made what turned out to be an apology for Alexander Haig. The film portrayed the cabinet and the joint chiefs as spectators to events. All the best, John
  13. Welcome back Tim, I await with intrigue your continued input, John
  14. The 2007 AGM will be held in the downstairs function room, the Porter’s Bar, at The Green Man pub, 383 Euston Road, London, on Sunday 21st January. We will start meeting at 12:30 for a drink and a spot of lunch in the bar on the ground floor, the AGM will start at 2:00pm. After the business of the day, this should only take an hour or so, why not stay for a few more drinks and some convivial conversation. Due to refurbishment of this private room and the services of bar staff a small contribution to the hire of the facility is requested. I suggest £3.00 The Green Man is straight across the road from Great Portland Street tube station (Circle/Metropolitan lines) and within easy walking distance of Warren Street (Victoria/Northern lines) and Regents Park (Bakerloo line). It is also close to King's Cross and Euston mainline stations. Car parking is not a problem as there are no restrictions on Sundays (but you still have to find a place!) I shall be making my way accross to the agm. I would encourage people who are interested in the assassination in the UK and Ireland to make an effort to get to the AGM, non-members are welcome and you are always sure of some good chat and a few good pints of bitter. Stephen Turner, I'm looking in your direction. See the DPUK website for details of what the group is all about, its extensive library and its achievements. http://www.dealeyplazauk.co.uk I am aware that there are a number of people that monitor the forum, but are not members. Please give either myself or Barry Keane, the secretary of DPUK, an email and we can have a chat about the group. My email address is johnpetergeraghty@gmail.com All the best and I hope to see some of you there, John Geraghty
  15. When Hunt's book comes out in April it will present us with a tremendous opportunity to highlight the suspicions surrounding Hunt in the JFK assassination. John's page on Hunt currently stands third in the google rankings, with Wikipedia in first and ...wait for it .... Hunts own website in third. Yes, Howard Hunt has a website!, http://www.ehowardhunt.com/ and a poor one at that. Hunt gives current affairs commentary and provides an article about him, in which I states that he was the basis for the character ethan Hunt in the series 'Mission Impossible'. Hunts commentary is steadfastly anti-whateverlookslikecommunism, ranting about Chavez and Castro. Douglas, perhaps you could re-establish contact with your former client. I notice that both yourself and Hunt were well acquainted with William F. Buckley, is this still the case? I think renewing our discussion on Hunt in Dealey Plaza, Mark Lane's book about the legal proceedings involving liberty lobby and Hunts friendship with important figures in the case should be high on the forums priority list come March and April. The Wikipedia page on Hunt, surprisingly features only information on Hunt's possible involvment in the assassination of JFK, adding to this should be a priority so get your copies of Canfield and Weberman out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Howard_Hunt From an internet point of view, the ball is very much in our court. John
  16. Smitty, It was Dion of Dion and the Belmonts. Here is a topic that I started some time ago about music and the JFK assassination. I had most of the songs on my mp3 player, but it was stolen in June in Maryland. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...97&hl=music If anyone is interested here is a topic about tv shows and the assassination. I frequently see JFK assassinations references in tv shows, but I forget to add them to the topic. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...09&hl=music Bill, The benefit gig is an interesting gig, if we were to get one big act others would follow. This could aid in the museum fundraising or at least pay for campaigning. John
  17. One thing is certain, by mentioning this information Hunt secures a few more purchases of his book from the likes of ourselves in the research community. John
  18. You certainly give yourself a lot of importance Anthony. John
  19. I'm still working on my assessment of Cynthia McKinney, in the mean time here is the excellent documentary 'American Blackout'. The movie chronicles the disenfranchisement of black and latino voters in Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004. It also goes in depth in the medias coverage of Cynthia McKinney and the campaign to unseat her in 2002. If you have an hour and a half to kill I would recommend this movie. It comes in eight segments, which can be accessed one after another using the 'related' clip toolbar on the right hand side. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saxDKm3YpW8 Its very good viewing and was described as " a provocative look at the 2004 election" by the NY Times, "a sure thing" by variety and "a powerful examination of voting rights in America". All the best, John
  20. Hi Trygve,

    Good to see you here. If you have any questions about site navigation, I'm here to help.

    All the best,


  21. I'm still working on my assessment of Cynthia McKinney, in the mean time here is the excellent documentary 'American Blackout'. The movie chronicles the disenfranchisement of black and latino voters in Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004. It also goes in depth in the medias coverage of Cynthia McKinney and the campaign to unseat her in 2002. If you have an hour and a half to kill I would recommend this movie. It comes in eight segments, which can be accessed one after another using the 'related' clip toolbar on the right hand side. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saxDKm3YpW8 Its very good viewing and was described as " a provocative look at the 2004 election" by the NY Times, "a sure thing" by variety and "a powerful examination of voting rights in America". All the best, John
  22. I just found an article written by John in the steamshovel press. It is a quite excellent assessment of the perception of the 'conspiracy theorist' and the falacies of the methods employed by some paranoids. This applies to some of the wilder 9/11 theories, which disenfranchise the legitimate questions being raised. Read on... "Conspiracy" Theories vs. "Coincidence" Theories by John Judge OK. You can call me a Conspiracy Theorist if you call everyone else a Coincidence Theorist. But n-o-o-o-o, only conspiracies are "theories", well. that and Evolution. Ya, right, if this is Intelligent Design, what is a BAD idea? I keep seeing all these so-called journalists barking at Conspiracy Theorists who think anything the government or the rich do could be less than benign. You might get away with criticizing the government for stupidity or incompetence, but if you even hint at intent or intelligent design on their part, you¹re ONE OF THEM --­ a Conspiracy Theorist! Of course you could just take recent headlines and imagine saying them, say, even a year before they broke in the New York Times or the Washington Post, and who would have believed you then? There you are before 9/11 saying: The President is deliberately manipulating intelligence reports to sell a war with lies. The President has asked the NSA to start wiretapping citizens getting or making calls with someone suspect of being a terrorist abroad, and won¹t reveal the mechanism that allows the NSA to find such people, that's Top Secret. The President and the intelligence agencies have the names of some potential terrorists; they suspect they are "suicide hijackers". They know their method of attack is using planes as weapons and the specific terrorist targets include the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the Capitol, and they have prepared to defend themselves against just such an attack. They have also gotten warnings from past and current National Security Advisors and many foreign intelligence agencies and leaders about the timing and imminence of such attacks. The President got a clear warning about Osama bin Laden planning attacks inside the US on August 6 and they never warned us. Colin Powell has told all the surrounding countries that the US would invade Afghanistan that October back in July, 2001, before any terrorist attacks have happened. I know, by now I¹m sounding like a madman and grabbing your collar ­"You HAVE to listen!" Another conspiracy nut, right? But in real fact every sentence above is based on hard truth and people were blowing those whistles even back then. The President's NSA, Pentagon and FBIsurveillance is currently implementing the Tom Charles Houston plan, at least the part that was made public during Watergate, and maybe the rest, a plan that was called "fascist" by Senator Frank Church¹s committee that put an end to it back then. But, there I go again, Conspiracy Theorizing - unless you READ it. Funny, when the mainstream press reports something, then it's correctible and democracy has saved us once again. Ever hear of selective declassification? It¹s a coincidence that James Riser's story on the NSA surveillance broke the morning of the Senate vote on the Patriot Act, right? Even though he submitted it a year before? And it must be a coincidence that the Senate vote to restore the Patriot Act came the day after they were locked in the basement of a Senate building for three hours because of a sensor alarm indicating a chemical agent attack, right? And one more coincidence that on the eve of the initial passage of the Patriot Act envelopes with anthrax arrived in the offices of the two main Senate opponents of that Act and scared the bejesus out of Congress? It¹s about whole ways of looking at the world as benign or malignant. After all, how many coincidences does it take to convince you believe in a conspiracy? (Conspiracy means two or more people engaged in secret plans to do something illegal). Even the left admits there are SOME conspiracies, but they all get exposed and crushed real quick,because the people in power HATE them, and someone eventually spills them to Bob Woodward (I¹m quoting Chomsky here, but you probably think I¹m making that up too.) So, back to my point, how many coincidences does it take to make a conspiracy? I¹ve been collecting them. I haven¹t put enough on the plate yet? OK, here¹s two more. Brother, can you paradigm? For some people, the world and the government will never be anything but benign at heart, with maybe a few screw-ups by well-intentioned people, but certainly nothing really evil, secret, well-planned and successful. Someone would talk! Never mind that they ARE talking, which is why I know about it. Never mind that many die trying. Sometimes they talk about each other, ya know. The left paints the whole ruling class as one monolithic Structure, and then calls me a Conspiracy Theorist! I make one or two important links and they act like they meant to say "Entropy!" all along. Their conspiracy operates by way of a hidden, mystic hand. They can¹t look at a tree, for fear of missing THE FOREST. Meanwhile, I study the trees, their branches, even their entwined roots, they make up THE FOREST. Ishmael Reed says in Mumbo Jumbo, "The real history of the world is a history of competing conspiracies." And it makes me wonder. After all, we seem to have no problem compiling REAL coincidences when it comes to our prejudices against groups we dislike and disdain, or are taught to hate. They can be ascribed malign intent in a nanosecond. THOSE PEOPLE. So, the powerless are really evil and the powerful are benign? In fact, we make excuses for them all the time. The Vietnam war? - that was just a policy mistake; the war on Iraq? ­ misguided but in the end worth it; the use of 9/11 to gut the Constitution and create a dual-legal system? - just overreaching in a crisis. They didn't really mean it. It was Hermann Goering in 1936 who said, "I know two types of law because I know two types of men, those who are with us and those who are against us." He didn¹t mean it. Did the Nazis set the Riechstag afire to pass the Emergency Act or did they just cash in on it? Does it make a difference? Or is it really just that some day, while we have no aspiration to ever be one of THOSE PEOPLE, we secretly keep out the hope that we might become rich or powerful? And because of that, we give them a free ride? After all, what will people say of us when we control the violence of privilege against them? How many genocides does it take to make a fascist? How many war lies to make a dictator? How much theft to make a Senator? "You should have stolen a railroad," Mother Jones suggested to the shoe thief. How much bad result does it take to suggest a bad intent? Is it that if they did mean it, we¹re REALLY in trouble and have to act? How many Brownshirt "idiots" to make a Nazi Party? How many distortions did it take to erase History? How many conspiracies did it take to make you believe in coincidence? It doesn't help that nowadays anybody with a suspicion and a bone to pick can be a Conspiracy Theorist, all you need is a website. If the latest rumor you hear fits your paranoid paradigm it must be true. If someone challenges it, they must be an agent of the conspiracy. If the facts or the photos don't fit your theory, they are really clever fakes. The LACK of evidence, at least that you have bothered to collect, PROVES you are right. Never mind scientific approach, logic, history, everyone is an expert once they see the video twice over, and whatever it is they SEE. And a real expert in the field who disagrees, well THEY would all lie anyway. How many IF TRUEs to make a THAT¹S THE TRUTH? If we had some eggs, we could have ham and eggs, if we had some ham. The political paralysis in America is based on the fact that we are allowed to BELIEVE anything but to KNOW nothing, Martin Schotz said so perceptively in History Will Not Absolve Us. And belief is the easiest of all methods aimed at finding the TRUTH, it takes almost no work and lots of prejudice. "I have a right to my opinion" now replaces the necessity to inform that opinion. Intellectual debate and growth are reduced to one single word now ­ "Whatever!" Post-literate, post historical, post-logical, post-methodical, we are a nation of BELIEVERS. It almost makes us THEORISTS look rational. Try to get your head around this profound insight of Thomas Merton in 1936, the same year the revelation but not the light was coming to Herr Goering: "If America fights Hitler, it will become Hitler." Whatever could he have meant? Must have been a Conspiracy Theorist, way back then. Just as I rolled off this set of thoughts a song came to me, since the only real nasty SIN of the ruling class is having illicit sex. THAT we can credit them with, probably because we are jealous. I thought about Clinton and Monica again and the words started rolling: WHAT DID HE DO? What did he do? Did he recreate the DNA for the Tyrranosaurus Rex? Did he manipulate some profit off the Stock Index? Did he sell out to the Military-Industrial Complex? Did he override the Congress, all Balances, no Checks? Did he tell the NSA to spy on us and read our rolodex? Did he drop another bomb on the Slovaks and the Czechs? WHAT did the President do? Why - haven't you heard? The President, THE PRESIDENT had SEX!!!!! Well you get the idea. Where is Monica when we need her? My chant,back when Clinton renewed the bombing of Bosnia on the eve of his ownimpeachment, was "Lies and Murder Are What They Teach. Now Here's A Crime They SHOULD Impeach" Even Christopher Hitchens liked that one and quoted me in The Nation. How many bombs does it take to make you believe in war? * John Judge promises that his web site, www.judgeforyourself.com, will be working soon.
  23. Hello everyone, I have established a group entitled 'Political Assassinations' on you tube, the video upload site. The aim of the group is to bring all relevant documentaires, interviews and footage currently available on youtube together in an easily accessible format. There are currently 54 videos on the groups page with more on the way. The videos available include the last three episodes of 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy' -('The Guilty Men', 'The Love Affair' and 'The Smoking Gun'), the Shane O'Sullivan newsnight special, the documentary 'RFK', interviews with Madeleine Brown, John Connally and Chauncey Holt, and a whole range of other material. Members are allowed to add videos of their own or ones that they have found on youtube. I would encourage members of this forum to subscribe to the new youtube group as it will continue to grow and has some intriguing content and rare documentaries. I am hoping to get a large membership, as this will encourage people to view the content and will enable a higher search rating on youtube. Please make use of the group, http://www.youtube.com/group/assassination Here is a list of audio and video resources that I have previously compiled. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...;hl=video+audio All the best, John Geraghty
  24. Indeed. He said that he may reveal all if all did not go his way, did he not? John
  25. Allow me to introduce you to the word AN. If your critical thinking is as bad as your grammar, then I have little confidence in your deductions in this case. Why a national disgrace as opposed to an international one? John
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