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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. Hi Harry, can you tell me anything about HL Hunt and his family as you seem to know a thing or two about the birchers. cheers john
  2. one more thing, anything on john lennon? i heard that the doorman was a cuban exile john
  3. thanks everyone, i think that i will spend a bit more time looking into this. john
  4. In hunts book, he claims that he wanted the money to help him with his legal bills and believed that the money was owed to him for services rendered. undercover, howard hunt john
  5. In order to get a better understanding of the JFK case perhaps it would be good to take a step back and look at the assassinations of RFK and MLK, there are people who intersect in some of these cases, eugene hale brading and HL Hunt to name but two. I am quite unknowledgable with regard to the assassination of RFK, can anybody suggest any books on the assassiantion or perhaps put me in contact with a researcher of the case ,my email address is wereallgointaheavenlads@hotmail.com (long one) . thanks in advance john
  6. I think one way of tackling the Vietnam issue with regard to the military industrial complex would be to pick out the biggest contractors for the war, and find out who had large stakes in them and also those who had multiple interests in weapons manufacturing and when there is a short list we can start to look at who had relationships with people in military intel etc. Does anyone know of any books or anything else with inforamtion on HL Hunt and his sons as they seemed to be key players in MLKs assassination and also JFKs, take a look at the book 'Act Of State' on MLKs assassination , there are some figures that overlap with JFK and others that may warrant investigation. john
  7. Mr. Plumlee. It is excellent to see this article as the information on this mission is somewhat scattered. Is there any reason or explanation for the code name 'Zapata'?
  8. Great article Tim. I have been looking for a lot of Dallas/Watergate material and this summed it up perfectly, I feel we need to make contact with Hunt. He may be unwilling but its worth a try
  9. A lot of Cuban related material there, which I must admit I am not clued up on, I still have to read Larrys 'someone would have talked', I have a few quid now so i must get it. If anyone has any other CIA suggestions that is where i think we can find a lot out, I might take Howard Hunt. John
  10. just putting this to the top for those of you who havent signed it yet, it only takes a minute, give it a go john
  11. Hi as promised here is both an online petition and also a form you can print off, I shall make arrangements for the written petitions in a few days and tell you where to send them. many thanks for your help, please at least sign the online petition, I will start circulating this and posting it up on the web and various other forums, if others could also do so that would be a great help, lets try to get this into the top 10 petitions, number one now has over 37,000 signatures. If we can all get ten people to sign this we will have a fairly hefty number. Here is the link: http://www.petitiononline.com/lepopres/petition.html Here is the petition to print off, please number it and get signatures and places of residence. Many thanks.
  12. john,greg cheers perhaps it will be useful if people also post online resource sites which may make the job easier, for example there are sites where you can check whether people are still alive. david atlee philips sirely needs to be looked into more. his nephew is a musician called shawn philips, i shall tyr to contact him. keep posting john
  13. Hi, I was reading John's thread on Fred Korth and how there has been little investigation into him. There seems to be a lot of topics where we know that we need to look into it more perhaps we could all post areas that need to be further looked into and when we have a list everyone might be good enough to pick one and follow it up and return back with what they find possibly in another online seminar or just normally in the forum. thoughts? John
  14. thanks nic, its worth noting that the petition for an inquest into the 2004 elections has 36,000 signatures and this is online alone, i believe we could achieve many more signatures if we were also to do it offline. I will set up a petition and post it back and also make a petition that people are able to sign and perhaps one of our washington members could hand it to congress. john
  15. When a head of state dies it is traditional for others to sign the book of condolences, is anybody aware whether Castro signed it or not. Its an interesting fact that when Hitler died the Irish president Eamonn de Valera (born in America) signed the book as it was customary and Ireland was a neutral country (although they did help the British considerably.)
  16. I was just thinking that perhaps a petition both online and off could be circulated in a lobby for the release of documents relating to the assassination, it may not get anything done but if we get a sufficient amount of signatures we may get a small bit of newspaper coverage and show that it does still effect us and it may interest others to get involved. I believe you can set up free petitions online and also if there is interest I shall gladly make a sheet for signatures and post it for people to print off. Anybody willing to give it a try?
  17. wim, thanks, that puts a whole new light on things, also with rogers girlfriend identifying rogers and him using the same ice rink as dave ferrie did to make calls. cheers john
  18. wim, thanks for that. i emailed lois gibson myself a few months ago just to make sure that she still sood by her findings and she said that it was indeed rogers, harrelson and holt. The difficulty in identifying rogers is the lack of photographs of him at the time of the assassination, perhaps some more tests could be carried out by another expert to either prove or disprove the findings. john
  19. hi wim, its written very strangely in that he tells the story as if he is in the room while it happens, it is unlike all the factual assassination books. He paints a good scenario but it was always at the back of my mind if these assumptions are based on fact and interviews he may have made, its an odd one alright. with rogers knowledge of spannish he could easily have been re-deployed in south america by the CIA alright, in referring to harrelson and rogers knowing eachother at a young age this seems interesting though unlikely, also harrelsons affiliation with oswald. they are very precise in saying that oswald and harrelson turned up at the gerharts looking for rogers on the 25th of september 1963 which would show that the gerharts had reported their visitors. john
  20. with the amount of people connected to the assassination that were in the plaza on the day in question does anybody believe that there were other people who could be set up as oswald had been, is it possible that the tramps (one of them being harrelson) were brought in in case oswald got away and they had to pin it on someone else, perhaps the mafia? any thoughts? john
  21. I read the book 'the man on the grassy knoll' by john r craig and philip a rogers a few months ago and i just want to know what the actual facts are in this book as there seems to be a lot of speculation and the book is written in an unusual manner. for example there is a suggestion that lho charles harrelson both ate at a house neighboring charles rogers. Is there any factual basis to this and were the couple interviewed? if anybody has contact details for either mr.craig or mr. rogers would they be so kind as to email them to me at wereallgointaheavenlads@hotmail.com (its a long one) i talked to wim about this before perhaps he knows more? thanks john
  22. thanks dawn, looks like i have a few lawyers, clerks to get in contact with john
  23. Hi, Can anyone tell me how i might go about finding information on trials, for example trial transcripts, lawyers records etc? Many thanks in advance.
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