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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. Bill, i think wim does not believe the armstrong theory that a different oswald came back from russia wim will explain himself john
  2. I didnt notice if it had been mentioned in this post before but didnt ralph yarborough see a military man in arnolds position John
  3. Hello everyone, Continually we hear of the dallas watergate connection, I have not heard any real theories summarized to this effect, does anyone know of any articles on this area or else we could just have a good old fashioned online chat. Any Opinions John also john and james great photos on the site. here is a link to non assassination photos they are quite good. http://images.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=http...3D%26ie%3DUTF-8 its a long one
  4. Wim, Yes i watched the interview. I was very surprised with the depth he goes into in some areas. There are some hazy areas and i have my doubts about a few things he said but a lot of what he says makes sense and appears to be truthful, I understand that there was a vsa (voice stress analysis) done on him and he passed. The several attempts on his life are quite astounding and very murky indeed. I know a lot of people don't take Files seriously but I have to say he warrants a second look and further in depth study, have you any plans to make a documentary with footage of interviews and other evidence intersliced? He seemed to have had trouble with your accent a few times! At first I thought that it may be a little tedious watching the same camera angle for a few hours but what he had to say was extremely interesting. Did Giancana ever mention him or did any other mob figure that you know of? He said Oswald could drive which was a bit odd, also Ed Hoffmans and Lee Bowers account of seeing 2 men by the fence is odd, perhaps he is beefing up his own reputation or is protecting someone else. Did he ever mention E Howard Hunt? A lot of questions there for you? Once again thanks for the dvd, great work. John
  5. Thanks Larry, Thats a shame, although im sure someone will chase it down as people always do ,such is the dedication. John
  6. has anyone checked this document out at nara? John
  7. John, I agree this forum is an invaluable asset, the same goes for Lancer. Brainstorming is the best way to gather information, many thanks for your hard work and the same goes to all those who continuosly post , sticking together will get us further. Knowledge is power.
  8. Dave, Great work on the lancer forum, we all cant wait to have it back and appreciate your hard work John
  9. Greg, Sounds like 'Fear and loathing in las vegas' you might want to ask Hunter s thomson where he was that day. Very intriguing indeed, anybody got any wild ideas of what he was up to? John
  10. Hi everyone, is it just me or is lancers forum not working at the moment? john
  11. I'm John Geraghty, I am a student of Economics at University College Dublin, I have a keen interest in the assassination of President John F.Kennedy. My principal belief is that it was a CIA operated and funded coup d'etat. I intend to study for a masters degree in film studies and to produce both film and documentary.
  12. Pat, I do agree with what you say about the amount of corruption being underestimated but as far as the assassination goes i would have to say that it was mostly a cuba/vietnam agenda in which the cia headed it and used anti castro cubans and to a lesser extent the mob co-operated. If only Jack Ruby could have told us more, he is still a dark horse, perhaps his involvement was to throw some blame at the mafias door. You have some good points though. john Geraghty
  13. Greg. I do think that the initiative has to be taken and I am going to persist with this although i live outside the us which makes things considerably more difficult, I am going to contact all whom I can and try to get a foundation to work on. Who is it trying to get a grand jury together etc? if you do not wish to post it here my email address is wereallgointaheavenlads@hotmail.com (a bit of a mouthful) , I would very much like your help should you be willing, that goes for anyone else who would like to help and brainstorm. John
  14. Hello all, First of all I apologise for the length of this thread but I feel I need to say this. I am a relative novice on the topic of the JFK assassination compared to others on this forum and I think that the work done on this forum and others is phenominal , that ordinary men and women care enough to look so deeply into a subject such as this. A lot has been done but I can't help but feel that we need to act now if we are going to get anything done about it. The Government are definitely not going to change the history books so I think that it is up to us to involve more people and let the truth be known. This may sound a bit utopian and lovey dovey but we need to work together to get our story to a bigger audience. We need to contact people who write the history books for schools and do our best to convince them to change from the official story, if everyone on this forum went to a few local schools and gave a brief talk about the assassination and its importance today or even showed gave the schools a lend of JFK the movie (flawed though it is, it is still a huge asset), if any author writing on the topic gave links to websites in their books so that people may be able to follow up any interest they have because at present if they stumble upon the Mcadams site first they are going to think that a conspiracy is laughable. We need to help producers by any means possible to make documentaries and films as it is through film and television that breakthroughs are going to be made. Should John Kerry be elected there is a slightly better chance of documents being released and if we can collectively contact politicians (non-corrupt that is) to let them know that the assassination still matters to many people. We could set up an international panel of experts which would bring credibility to the case e.g. Mark Lane, Prof. Cyril Wecht. We need to establish a database of articles and books written on this topic for easy reference to any would be researchers. This would all be difficult work but it is my belief that it needs to be done in order to move forward. As every year goes by more and more research is done yet the chance of having anything come to light lessens . Perhaps I am being a fool as this is a huge workload to undertake for such a small amount of people but everybodies interest has taken them this far so why not go the whole hog. I want answers and I know that everyone else does too. Please give me your feedback good, bad, or indiferent. Regards John Geraghty
  15. jack, thanks jack i get the jist anyhow. regards john
  16. Did you know that the only reason that Mcdonalds put gurkins on burgers is because otherwise it would be labelled confectionary due to the amount of sugar in it. In my opinion advertising has a lot to do with the various foods and the lack of nutritional education in schools. In an extreme case some schools in the us are sponsored by Coca Cola and only Coke products may be sold on school grounds and students must watch 10 mins of Coke adverts per day, thats capitalism gone crazy.
  17. Wim, Im confused, what does jim marrs believe happened to the penagon and who did it and why?????? john
  18. wim, i believe you are on the right track with george bush snr, have a read of a book called 'the bush dynasty,the most powerful and dangerous family in america' , it has excellent information on bush snrs father and his business connections, it does much to clarify their link with the military industrial complex. an excellent read john
  19. Jack, hi john geraghty here. would you be able to tell me if that is the sixth floor in the dillard photo and when it was taken, many thanks john geraghty
  20. hi again, just looking at wims www.jfkmurdersolved.com i saw a comparison photo between holt and the third tramp and i have to say that it is extremely convincing, wim i hope you dont mind me posting this picture, i will take it off if you dont want it here. the second photo shows a comparison with a photo of gedney as the tall tramp and i have to say that the facial structure just doesnt really fit (in my unqualified opinion) john i cant get the photos to upload so i will just show the link to wims site http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/lois3.htm both photos are on this page, the holt comparison is the second last one and the gedney one is the fifth from top.
  21. larry, thanks i will get on it straight away john
  22. Just looking at the photos again, Hunt has that narrow face look about him which is more like the tramp than Holt, but hey I'm no expert. I would be interested to hear what Larry Hancock has to say about the tramps. Where (if at all) do they fit into the grand scheme of things. Wim, if indeed the Holt story is true, holt has nothing to do with the shooting, do you believe Harrelson to be on a part of the knoll or in tsbd ? where would Harrelson and Rogers be positioned in order for files to be a shooter also. Do you believe in the Badgeman story also? I would be interested to hear your thoughts, I'm just confused as to the positioning of the shooters or if Rogers was a shooter and Harrelson a spotter or vice versa?
  23. wim, do you know of any other facial expert that has looked at the tramps as it would be even more convincing for two experts to give their opinion that there is a match. Wasn't the last available photo of rogers taken around 1953 or am i mistaken, i would have thought that this would make the process somewhat more difficult. My mind is by no means made up on this subject, are there any photos of sturgis in 1963 as in all the photos i have seen his weight seems to show that he could not have been the first tramp. we need to find someone that knew harrelson around 1963 and see what they think of the photos. The third tramp looks quite older than hunt and holt at that time although i think hunt would have more brains than to let himself get picked up. if there were 20 people arrested that day and not logged in, wouldn't that make an escape, perhaps that is a bit too far fetched , although with holts story they did not expect to be picked up. john
  24. thanks larry, shall i order it directly through lancer? john
  25. thanks larry, shall i order it directly through lancer? john
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