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Ryan Crowe

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Posts posted by Ryan Crowe

  1. I wonder if Malcom and his wife have a lawsuit against John Liggets ex wife? and if there going to say anything about this.....

    Interesting Ron, thanks for posting this, I will look for it tomorrow morning..I also wonder if this is going to be something like "Sorry for breaking into the regular scheduled program".... I looked at the History Ch site and didnt see any mention of this..

  2. First of all, Ryan is quick to rule out military snipers due to the number of shots and misses. What he is not taking into consideration is that we are dealing with a moving target that is not a norm for sniper training to begin with, plus a mover that is moving a varying speeds and angles, which makes a constant pan impossible and causes the shooter to rely on anticipation.

    Just after President Kennedy's limousine passed the front steps of the TSBD, five witnesses saw a bullet strike the pavement on Elm Street near the right rear of the limousine. Witnesses saw this bullet kick up concrete toward the car...Thats just not a miss, that is FUBAR

    No its not the norm for military snipers shooting at moving targets I agree, yet they do it everday in Iraq. Yes varying speeds and angles, but they were not drastic moves and angles, Did the limo slam on its breaks as a shot was fired? Then I could understand missing the limo all together, or did the ss agent put the peddle to the floor?

    When I think of shooting and skill from a elevated position by a sniper, I think of SGT. Hancock who has the longest confirm kill's in Iraq, 1050 yards from a elevated position/building....

    These are just my opinions, I state nothing on fact, And nobody else can when it comes to how the shots were fired. All anyone can do is give a opinion.

    IMHO These were decent shooters firing at the president, IMHO Cuban exiles/ and there trainers, I have seen more evidence leading to these people being the feet on the ground then anyone else.

    This is something that Al and I will have to agree to disagree.

  3. No problem James, glad I could help.

    I have always wonderd what the noise level was when the motorcade was going by when the shots were fired..I also wonder if anyone in the limo actually heard any of the rounds whiz by, a noise nobody forgets once they have been shot at..

  4. Hi James,

    Good questions...

    am really curious about the missed shot. First question is, how could someone with rifle experience actually miss everything?

    I have always believed that it wasnt the best shooters in the world (military snipers) firing that day.. Buck fever is a horrible thing to get while shooting, imagine the stress factor that shooters were going through while looking at the president through there scopes or sights, with that its only human for one to be thinking about there escape while still going into there shooting routine...

    Now for missing the entire limo, to me says somebody "jumped the gun" meaning somebody jerked the trigger in a nervous state, I see this alot with new shooters due to the fact they are scared of the gun or recoil and anticipate the recoil and miss there target that is only 10 yards in front of them and actually hit the dirt in front of a target while shooting pistol/handguns...This is in a controled enviorment.

    Im not saying that the shooters just flat out sucked or were scared of the recoil or rifle,If this is the case then it was more like they were scared of what they were about to do, and im sure in the back of there mind were scared if they tried to back out after already being set up to do the shooting....afraid of being killed themselves for not following through, and what they knew.....ALOT OF STRESS..

    Could the strike on the curb which nicked Tague in reality have been a fragment from hitting something else first? Is that realistic?

    This is realistic, it could be a deflection off of some hard target, or glanced off a target, or it could be a piece of the jacket (fragment) from the round itself, the Tague incident I feel is something we will never get to the bottom of unless the round or piece of jacket (fragment) could be found...

    Is it possible that two teams were present in the Dal-Tex? One high, one low?

    IMHO Anything could have been possible except the TSBD and the LN :blink: The key to me is triangle cross fire, or ambush, this will mean no escape for the president as the limo hase no where to go except right into it, this is why no shots were fired when the limo was on Houston, which was the easiest shot from the TSBD and a LN shooter, but a miss from there and that limo can hit reverse and get the hell out of dodge, this is why they waited for the limo to turn onto elm and get some distance down elm before firing the shots IMHO....There is that old saying "You have nowhere to run"...

    Hope that helps.........

  5. Actually, the WC DID say the first shot would be the best, and believed that the first shot was indeed the single-bullet shot.

    The problem I have with that is, it isnt the most accurate shot, the head shot/ kill shot was the most accurate.....

    The HSCA ruled then that Oswald must have accomplished this shot through "point-aiming," meaning pulling the trigger while aiming in a general direction without spotting the target in the site.This is equally idiotic. What are the chances of hitting a moving target under such circumstances?

    Now this is the first time I have heard of "point shooting" being used in the assassination LOL...This is worse then stationary targets being fired at, at a flat trajectory..Point shooting is good for pistols/handguns within 7 yards, or full auto fire in the direction of the enemy aka spray and pray...This isnt the movies where you can just look through a scope and pull the trigger, one must control breathing, stress makes the heart beat faster which needs to be controled to steady the rifle and oneself.

    The basics are three long breaths, letting the third breath go half way out and hold, gently pulling back the trigger until it breaks, all this while panning/leading your target... What they want us to believe is the first shot was the most accurate which is false, second the last two shots were hurried shots and one of those were the kill shot, the head shot being the most accurate.

    Military snipers are trained to "area shoot" meaning a man's torso, why because it gives you a larger target to shoot at with a much higher succes rate. Police snipers are taught to precision shoot, lots of head shots, to eliminate the target as quickly as possible incase there is a hostage situation, most of there shooting is done within 100 yards. Where is military snipers shooting's can go 1000 yards and beyond.

    Now you ask what are the chances of point shooting and naking those shots Oswald was suppose to have made, that would be like everyone on this forum winning the lottery LOL.

  6. They also did this idiotic test to see if the supposed shots by Oswald could be duplicated in under 6 seconds or whatever it was. Three stationary targets were laid out at intervals matching the supposed timing. The shooter fired from a flat trajectory and indeed made the shots.

    Ryan Crowe would have fallen off his chair laughing at the stupidity and invalidity of this moronic test. All it proved was how determined they were to back-up the official findings.

    :D These tests would prove nothing, even shooting from a elevated position at stationary targets would prove nothing, I even laugh at shooting at a moving target from a elevated position not acceptable due to the fact you take out the human stress factor (buck fever).The only reason for a test with a moving target firing from a elevated position is to see if the rifle/scope itself is accurate enough to make those shots, because we all know Oswald was GARBAGE with a rifle and this is coming from him shooting a M1 Garand, a rifle much much more accurate then the Carcano. What alot of folks dont realize is how difficult the TSBD position is for a firing position, especially for a right handed shooter, even with a great rifle.

    Trying to get off 3 accurate shots in the said amount of time, from that location, under that condition, with that crap of a rifle is in my book just about if not impossible...Lets not forget your first shot will ALWAYS be thee most accurate because every shot after is going to be a hurried shot, but the WC didnt find this to be true :rolleyes:

    From my exp of being a shooter I cannot tell you how pissed off/frustrated I get when hearing of these tests, because most of the American public at that time bought this garbage and some still do, not knowing the difference........And lets face it, the Govt knew this would be a weakness for the public, and thats why they sold it....

    Its after 1 am, I need a beer and some sleep, good night all....

  7. Again excellent photo James..

    This is a much easier location to fire from then the 6th floor TSBD, LOS is good, one just needs to know how to take a lead shot. Also this location, one can take more time to place an accurate shot..IMHO 1 no more then 2 shots can come from this location....

    This is a great photo thanks James...

  8. Hey Robin,

    Good to see you to buddy...Thanks for that photo, now its time for me to put on my shooting cap and think for a while...

    I just cant get the records building out of my mind when it comes to the shooting, I wish I could stand on these roof tops and get a shooters eye view......

  9. Tim,

    I dont think Hall's testimony is as important as Seymours since it has never been made public. Think of everyone whose testimony was made public but not Seymours Hmmm...I wonder what he said :rolleyes:

    And yes, answering your own post can qualify you for the padded room :lol:

  10. A couple of my questions for WC supporters has always been and ive never got a straight answer is.....Where did Oswald learn to shoot from a elevated position? Also where did Oswald learn to make adjustments to his scope to shoot from elevated positions and on moving targets, please explain where this training had taken place?

    This isnt something you read in a book and on the first day achieve success, that even the greatest sniper in U.S military history couldnt achieve when trying to duplicate Oswalds shooting that the WC said he did.

    Please do not answer from the Marines as this is false, they do not train to shoot from elevated positions in Boot Camp, nor do they train in firing with a scope. Thats unless Oswald went to Sniper School in which we all know he did not.

    One must know to compensate for "bullet drop", how to pan targets and take lead shots, this isnt skeet shooting with gran daddy's shotgun, it takes skill to shoot from a elevated position and ALOT of practice, something Oswald had neither of, skill or practice. And I wont even get into what the WC wants us to believe, that he used the worst POS rifle known to man kind, he might as well used a 1803 flint lock........

  11. William Seymour, there is a name that keeps showing up, that for some strange reason nobody talks about.............

    I agree with James, I have no doubt in my mind that is Alfredo Duran in those photo's in DP after the shooting.

  12. Hi James,

    Either nobody can get there stories straight, which I cant believe or there was 3 arrests going on all around the same time at the theater.

    With atleast one witness saying there was a arrest outside and to the rear of the theater, plus Oswald's arrest, this third on the balcony just throws you for a loop.

    Makes you wonder with so many officers at one scene if there orders were to arrest anyone who looks suspect. This is speculation of course but maybe they knew something might happen to Oswald in the theater?

    Does anyone know how many officers were at this scene and a round about figure on how many went inside the theater?

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