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Ryan Crowe

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Posts posted by Ryan Crowe

  1. Add the initial stories about Oswald being arrested in the balcony and the one where Oswald was arrested and dragged out the back door as witnessed by Bernard Haire, and I believe we have nowhere near the truth about what happened when Oswald was arrested.

    Hi James,

    Bernard Haire's story has always caught my attention, makes one wonder who that person was who was arrested, I dont recall that arrest ever being in any police reports. I wonder if this person was there to get rid of Oswald or meet with him and his chance to do one or the other went out the window when Oswald got arrested.

  2. Pat makes some good points with Connelly's actions, maybe he was told someone was just going to come up out of the crowd and shoot the President ...Someone like DCM....

    His comment "They are going to kill us all" could be looked at as the first thing that went threw his mind after nobody walked up and shot the president and rifle shots instead of handgun shots are going off. Maybe he felt he was double crossed and he himself was going to die if need be, as long as they got the president.

    He lives and counts his blessings, he isnt going to say anything as to who "THEY" are, as it just put the scare of death in him that they killed the president and if he doesnt shut up he will be next.

    Just food for thought after reading Pat's post.

  3. In part 3 I found this interesting, its about the latin man Craig saw driving the Rambler.....

    I had several meetings with Jim Garrison. He showed me numerous

    pictures taken in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. Among them

    was a picture of a Latin male. I recognized him as being the same

    man I had seen driving the Rambler station wagon in which I had

    seen Oswald leave the Book Depository area. I was surprised and I

    asked Jim who the man was. Jim did not know but he did say this

    man was arrested in Dealey Plaza immediately after the

    assassination but was released by Dallas Police because he could

    not speak English!

    Does anyone know which photo this is??

  4. Most of the time smoke is caused by oil left in the barrel of a rifle after one cleans it, I have seen many times shooters forget to run a dry patch before shooting.

    Also there are powders that are very "dirty". Just the other day I was shooting one of my 1911's and was shooting wad cutters that a buddy had worked up for me for comp shooting, these are light loads at about 190 grains compared to the norm 230 grain, After the first shot it looked like I was shooting black powder ;) LOL Did I get some strange looks from fellow shooters. ......Man that stuff was dirty, powder was AA5, weight was 6.6, grain 190 with magma wad cutters, had to run a bore snake through it every 40 rounds or so, but it was very accurate ammo ;)

  5. Oh For god's sake it is Malcolm Liggett

    Oh for gods sake post the picture :)


    If you can post the picture that would be awsome, Has any researchers tried to contact John Liggets ex wife or other relatives for further research on this ?, or was there story pretty much told and nothing more to tell?

  6. If that is not Malcom Ligget in the photo, my question is, did the history channel even investigate this story, or did they just slap some things together and air it?? I dont remember them showing a photo to compare Malcom Ligget to the man with Ruby.

    Aslo if I remember correctly, didnt Ligget's ex wife say that Ferrie would come and visit there home?

    Question for Stephen Roy,

    Has John Ligget's name ever come up in your research into David Ferrie?

  7. If you belive Oswald was being used by U.S. intelligence as a "dangle" as I do, then standard practice would be to have him associate with any Cubans of whichever stripe and change his tune to match the circumstances. That gives maximum "production" and the agencies watching him would be interested in anybody who approached him from either direction.

    I agree with Larry,

    Oswald working both sides would make him feel as if he was doing his "job", which he was, little did he know, this all led to him being set up as the scape goat ....

  8. I agree with James, it was Oswald who visited Odio's residents.

    And I also would like to know where his HSCA testimony went to, Hemmings was made public, maybe Seymour had alot more "backing" then anyone thought he did.

  9. James,

    Funny you mention Seymour, I was thinking the same thing. Russo's description of Oswald does not sound like the Oswald we have seen..Whiskers with messy hair etc...Its been said that Seymour was a close look alike to Oswald, and some believe he went around posing as Oswald, well when you look at Seymour and Russo's description of Oswald, it sounds more like it was Seymour he was seeing...

    Oswald always looked as though he was well groomed, except in one photo....

    Hmmmmm :ph34r:

  10. Excellent stuff Stephen,

    I guess I read into these serial killers etc. from my father being a Homicide Det (Ret.)

    Have you ever researched the Zodiac killer??

  11. I was wondering if any teachers have teached there students on Irish slaves? I found this article and thought I would post it......


    by Robert E. West

    PEC Illinois State Director*

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Records are replete with references to early Irish Catholics in

    the West Indies. Gwynn in Analecta Hibernica, states: 'The

    earliest reference to the Irish is the establishment of an Irish

    settlement on the Amazon River in 1612."(1) Smith, in Colonists

    in Bondage, reports: "a Proclamation of the year 1625 urged the

    banishing overseas of dangerous rogues (Irish Political

    Prisoners); kidnapping (of Irish) was common."(2)

    Condon states that the first considerable emigration from

    Ireland to the southern latitudes of America was to Guiana in

    1629.(3) Newton declares that Antigua and Montserrat were

    occupied as early as 1632 and that many emigrant Irish came out

    among the early planters and servants in these islands.(4) Dunn,

    in Sugar and Slaves, asserts that, in 1636, Ireland was already a

    prime source of supply for servants: as early as 1637, on

    Montserrat the Irish heavily outnumbered the English colonists,

    and 69 percent of Montserrat's white inhabitants were Irish.(5)

    Lenihan writes: in 1650 "25,000 Irishmen sold as slaves in Saint

    Kitt's and the adjoining islands, petitioned for a priest..."(6)

    In 1641, Ireland's population was 1,466,000 and in 1652,

    616,000. According to Sir William Petty, 850,000 were wasted by

    the sword, plague, famine, hardship and banishment during the

    Confederation War 1641-1652. At the end of the war, vast numbers

    of Irish men, women and children were forcibly transported to the

    American colonies by the English government.(7) These people were

    rounded up like cattle, and, as Prendergast reports on Thurloe's

    State Papers(8) (Pub. London, 1742), "In clearing the ground for

    the adventurers and soldiers (the English capitalists of that

    day)... To be transported to Barbados and the English plantations

    in America. It was a measure beneficial to Ireland, which was

    thus relieved of a population that might trouble the planters; it

    was a benefit to the people removed, which might thus be made

    English and Christians ... a great benefit to the West India

    sugar planters, who desired men and boys for their bondsmen, and

    the women and Irish girls... To solace them."(9)

    J. Williams provides additional evidence of the attitude of the English

    government towards the Irish in an English law of June 26, 1657:

    "Those who fail to transplant themselves into Connaught

    (Ireland's Western Province) or (County) Clare within six

    months... Shall be attained of high treason... Are to be sent

    into America or some other parts beyond the seas..."(10) Those

    thus banished who return are to "suffer the pains of death as

    felons by virtue of this act, without benefit of Clergy."(11)

    The following are but a few of the numerous references to

    those Irish transported against their will between 1651 and 1660.

    Emmet asserts that during this time, more that "100,000

    young children who were orphans or had been taken from their

    Catholic parents, were sent abroad into slavery in the West

    Indies, Virginia and New England, that they might lose their

    faith and all knowledge of their nationality, for in most

    instances even their names were changed... Moreover, the

    contemporary writers assert between 20,000 and 30,000 men and

    women who were taken prisoner were sold in the American colonies

    as slaves, with no respect to their former station in life."(12)

    Dunn claims in Barbados the Irish Catholics constituted the

    largest block of servants on the island.(13) Higham estimated

    that in 1652 Barbados had absorbed no less than 12,000 of these

    political prisoners.(14) E. Williams reports: "In 1656 Cromwell's

    Council of State voted that 1,000 Irish girls and 1,000 Irish

    young men be sent to Jamaica."(15) Smith declares: "it is

    impossible to say how many shiploads of unhappy Irish were

    dispatched to America by the English government," and "no mention

    of such shipments would be very likely to appear in the State

    Papers... They must have been very considerable in number."(16)

    Estimates vary between 80,000 and 130,000 regarding the

    amount of Irish sent into slavery in America and the West Indies

    during the years of 1651 - 1660: Prendergast says 80,000(17);

    Boudin 100,000(18); Emmet 120,000 to 130,000(19); Lingard 60,000

    up until 1656(20); and Condon estimates "the number of Irish

    transported to the British colonies in America from 1651 - 1660

    exceeded the total number of their inhabitants at that period, a

    fact which ought not to be lost sight of by those who undertake

    to estimate the strength of the Celtic element in this


    It is impossible to ascertain the exact number of those

    unfortunate victims of English injustice during this period, but

    we do know the amount was massive. Even though the figures given

    above are but estimates, they are estimates from eminent


    The flow of the Irish to the American colonies throughout

    the remainder of the 17th century was large and continuous, but

    not nearly as massive as between 1651 and 1660. Some of the many

    statements by historians give evidence of this Irish tide. Higham

    reports that in 1664 the Irish took the place of the French on

    St. Bartholomew's.(22) Smith claims that during the four years

    leading up to 1675, already 500 Irish servants were brought to

    Jamaica by ships from Bristol, England that stopped in Ireland

    for provisions.(23) During 1680 on the Leeward Islands, Dunn

    posits: "with so many Irish Catholic servants and farmers... The

    English planters became obsessed with the fear of popery."(24)

    Dunn also states that in Jamaica in 1685 the 2nd Duke of

    Aberlmarle, after his appointment by James II, a Catholic,

    mustered his chief support from the Irish Catholic small planters

    and servants and that the indentured servants who constituted the

    island militia were mainly Irish Catholic.(25) In reporting on

    Father Garganel's statements, Lenihan claims: "in 1699 Father

    Garganel, S.J., Superior of the island of Martinique, asked for

    one or two Irish Fathers for that and the neighboring isles which

    were 'fill of Irish' for every year shiploads of men, boys and

    girls, partly crimped, partly carried off by main force for the

    purposes of slave trade, are conveyed by the English from


    Smith has recorded that "Servants sailed from every port in

    the British Isles, but by far the greater number came from

    London, Bristol, Liverpool, Dublin and Cork, and, doubtless, it

    was principally the merchants of Bristol, Whitehaven and

    Liverpool which conducted trade with Ireland."(27) Emmet

    clarifies Smith's statement in detail by asserting: "the early

    and continued emigration of the Irish to this country during the

    17th century has been lost sight of in consequence of this change

    to English surnames and from the fact that no vessel was

    knowingly allowed to sail from Ireland direct, but by law was

    obliged first to visit an English port before clearance papers

    could be obtained. Consequently, every Irish emigrant (slave,

    servant, etc..) crossing in an Irish or English vessel from

    either England or Ireland, appeared in the official records as

    English, for the voyage did not begin according to law until the

    ship cleared from an English port, and all passengers on arrival

    in this country (American Colonies) were rated as English."(28)

    It is also of importance to be aware of the fact, as Dunn

    confirmed, that most population lists for Barbados, Jamaica and

    the Leeward Islands concern only parish registers of the Church

    of England, all other people were essentially ignored in the head


    The English government variously referred to Irish to be

    transported as rogues, vagabonds, rebels, neutrals, felons,

    military prisoners, teachers, priests, maidens etc. All

    historians call them servants, bondsman, indentured servants,

    slaves, etc., and agree that they were all political victims. The

    plain facts are that most were treated as slaves. After their

    land was confiscated by England, which drove them from their

    ancestral homes to forage for roots like animals, they were

    kidnapped, rounded up and driven like cattle to waiting ships and

    transported to English colonies in America, never to see their

    country again. They were the victims of what many called the

    immense "Irish Slave Trade."

    All writers on the 17th century American colonies are in

    agreement that the treatment of white servants or white slaves in

    English colonies was cruel to the extreme, worse than that of

    black slaves; that inhuman treatment was the norm, that torture

    (and branding FT, fugitive traitor, on the forehead) was the

    punishment for attempted escape. Dunn stated: "Servants were

    punished by whipping, strung up by the hands and matches lighted

    between their fingers, beaten over the head until blood ran,"

    --all this on the slightest provocation.(30) Ligon, an eyewitness

    in Barbados from 1647-1650 said, "Truly, I have seen cruelty

    there done to servants as I did not think one Christian could

    have done to another."(31)

    It is a matter of great importance to realize that most of

    the white slaves, servants and small farmers abandoned the West

    Indies for the mainland colonies in America. Dunn reports:

    "Between 1678 and 1713, Leeward sugar planters became more rich

    and powerful and controlled all local councils and assemblies so

    white servants and small farmers abandoned the Leeward

    Islands."(32) Craven said that between 1643 and 1667, about

    12,000 left Barbados for other plantations(33) and Dunn said the

    white population of the Leeward Islands was reduced by 30 percent

    between 1678 and 1708.(34) According to Craven, in Colonies in

    Transition, prior to the 1680's, the hopes which sustained the

    Carolina venture continued to depend chiefly upon the migration

    of settlers from the older colonies, especially from the West

    Indies.(35) Smith asserted that after 1670, the emigration of

    whites from the smaller islands at least equalled the

    immigration.(36) Condon declared: "In [the] course of time many

    of those who had been transported to the West Indies in this

    manner found their way to the colonies on the continent, in

    search of greater freedom and a more healthful climate."(37)

    All writers on the 17th century history agree that between

    one-half and two thirds of white immigrants in the British West

    Indies and mainland America were servants, most of them severely

    mistreated. Most all Irish immigrants were 'servants.' Irish were

    almost exclusively Catholic (at least they were when they left

    Ireland) and most were of ancient Irish families even though they

    appeared in English records as English, if recorded at all.

    After 20,000 Puritans arrived in the American colonies from

    1630-1640, migration of English colonists all but subsided. Some

    writers say after 1640 only a trickle of English colonists

    arrived. In 1632, many Irish were on Antigua. In 1637, 69 percent

    of whites on Montserrat were Irish. In 1650, 25,000 Irish were on

    St. Kitt's and Nevis and some were on other Leeward islands. In

    1652, prior to the wholesale transportation of Irish, most of 12

    thousand political prisoners on Barbados were Irish.

    From 1651 to 1660, between 80,000 to 130,000 Irish were

    transported. From 1660-1700, there was a large steady flow of

    Irish immigrants. Most whites, especially servants, slaves and

    small farmers went to the American mainland for more freedom, a

    healthier climate and economic betterment.

    There are no verifiable records on the white population of

    all the American colonies in the 17th century. Some estimates

    include blacks, some do not. Some list only members of the Church

    of England. Estimates are made for Barbados for a certain year

    while estimates are made for the Leeward Islands for other years.

    The same applies to Jamaica and the mainland colonies. One

    estimate for the mainland colonies, white and black included, was

    given at 204,000 in 1689.

    In the absence of reliable records, I believe it is necessary

    to take the following into very serious consideration: migration

    trends, prolificness of people of varying national origin, laws in

    effect in the country from which people migrated; the prevailing

    conditions in the country undergoing emigration; the amount of

    control the emigrating people had over their own destiny; and the

    fact that all American colonies both mainland and the West Indies

    were very intertwined,

    Well over one-half of white immigrants to the

    West Indies during the 17th century were Irish Catholic servants,

    most who, in the course of time, abandoned the West Indies for

    the mainland American colonies.

  12. I read the topic on slaves by John, which was very interesting. I found this artice and was wondering why this topic of slavery is never talked about in history classes to high school kids or middle school for that matter?

    IMHO Slavery in all aspects should be teached, it wasnt just African's that were used as slaves, but many other race's of people were used as slave as well......


    by Robert E. West

    PEC Illinois State Director*

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Records are replete with references to early Irish Catholics in

    the West Indies. Gwynn in Analecta Hibernica, states: 'The

    earliest reference to the Irish is the establishment of an Irish

    settlement on the Amazon River in 1612."(1) Smith, in Colonists

    in Bondage, reports: "a Proclamation of the year 1625 urged the

    banishing overseas of dangerous rogues (Irish Political

    Prisoners); kidnapping (of Irish) was common."(2)

    Condon states that the first considerable emigration from

    Ireland to the southern latitudes of America was to Guiana in

    1629.(3) Newton declares that Antigua and Montserrat were

    occupied as early as 1632 and that many emigrant Irish came out

    among the early planters and servants in these islands.(4) Dunn,

    in Sugar and Slaves, asserts that, in 1636, Ireland was already a

    prime source of supply for servants: as early as 1637, on

    Montserrat the Irish heavily outnumbered the English colonists,

    and 69 percent of Montserrat's white inhabitants were Irish.(5)

    Lenihan writes: in 1650 "25,000 Irishmen sold as slaves in Saint

    Kitt's and the adjoining islands, petitioned for a priest..."(6)

    In 1641, Ireland's population was 1,466,000 and in 1652,

    616,000. According to Sir William Petty, 850,000 were wasted by

    the sword, plague, famine, hardship and banishment during the

    Confederation War 1641-1652. At the end of the war, vast numbers

    of Irish men, women and children were forcibly transported to the

    American colonies by the English government.(7) These people were

    rounded up like cattle, and, as Prendergast reports on Thurloe's

    State Papers(8) (Pub. London, 1742), "In clearing the ground for

    the adventurers and soldiers (the English capitalists of that

    day)... To be transported to Barbados and the English plantations

    in America. It was a measure beneficial to Ireland, which was

    thus relieved of a population that might trouble the planters; it

    was a benefit to the people removed, which might thus be made

    English and Christians ... a great benefit to the West India

    sugar planters, who desired men and boys for their bondsmen, and

    the women and Irish girls... To solace them."(9)

    J. Williams provides additional evidence of the attitude of the English

    government towards the Irish in an English law of June 26, 1657:

    "Those who fail to transplant themselves into Connaught

    (Ireland's Western Province) or (County) Clare within six

    months... Shall be attained of high treason... Are to be sent

    into America or some other parts beyond the seas..."(10) Those

    thus banished who return are to "suffer the pains of death as

    felons by virtue of this act, without benefit of Clergy."(11)

    The following are but a few of the numerous references to

    those Irish transported against their will between 1651 and 1660.

    Emmet asserts that during this time, more that "100,000

    young children who were orphans or had been taken from their

    Catholic parents, were sent abroad into slavery in the West

    Indies, Virginia and New England, that they might lose their

    faith and all knowledge of their nationality, for in most

    instances even their names were changed... Moreover, the

    contemporary writers assert between 20,000 and 30,000 men and

    women who were taken prisoner were sold in the American colonies

    as slaves, with no respect to their former station in life."(12)

    Dunn claims in Barbados the Irish Catholics constituted the

    largest block of servants on the island.(13) Higham estimated

    that in 1652 Barbados had absorbed no less than 12,000 of these

    political prisoners.(14) E. Williams reports: "In 1656 Cromwell's

    Council of State voted that 1,000 Irish girls and 1,000 Irish

    young men be sent to Jamaica."(15) Smith declares: "it is

    impossible to say how many shiploads of unhappy Irish were

    dispatched to America by the English government," and "no mention

    of such shipments would be very likely to appear in the State

    Papers... They must have been very considerable in number."(16)

    Estimates vary between 80,000 and 130,000 regarding the

    amount of Irish sent into slavery in America and the West Indies

    during the years of 1651 - 1660: Prendergast says 80,000(17);

    Boudin 100,000(18); Emmet 120,000 to 130,000(19); Lingard 60,000

    up until 1656(20); and Condon estimates "the number of Irish

    transported to the British colonies in America from 1651 - 1660

    exceeded the total number of their inhabitants at that period, a

    fact which ought not to be lost sight of by those who undertake

    to estimate the strength of the Celtic element in this


    It is impossible to ascertain the exact number of those

    unfortunate victims of English injustice during this period, but

    we do know the amount was massive. Even though the figures given

    above are but estimates, they are estimates from eminent


    The flow of the Irish to the American colonies throughout

    the remainder of the 17th century was large and continuous, but

    not nearly as massive as between 1651 and 1660. Some of the many

    statements by historians give evidence of this Irish tide. Higham

    reports that in 1664 the Irish took the place of the French on

    St. Bartholomew's.(22) Smith claims that during the four years

    leading up to 1675, already 500 Irish servants were brought to

    Jamaica by ships from Bristol, England that stopped in Ireland

    for provisions.(23) During 1680 on the Leeward Islands, Dunn

    posits: "with so many Irish Catholic servants and farmers... The

    English planters became obsessed with the fear of popery."(24)

    Dunn also states that in Jamaica in 1685 the 2nd Duke of

    Aberlmarle, after his appointment by James II, a Catholic,

    mustered his chief support from the Irish Catholic small planters

    and servants and that the indentured servants who constituted the

    island militia were mainly Irish Catholic.(25) In reporting on

    Father Garganel's statements, Lenihan claims: "in 1699 Father

    Garganel, S.J., Superior of the island of Martinique, asked for

    one or two Irish Fathers for that and the neighboring isles which

    were 'fill of Irish' for every year shiploads of men, boys and

    girls, partly crimped, partly carried off by main force for the

    purposes of slave trade, are conveyed by the English from


    Smith has recorded that "Servants sailed from every port in

    the British Isles, but by far the greater number came from

    London, Bristol, Liverpool, Dublin and Cork, and, doubtless, it

    was principally the merchants of Bristol, Whitehaven and

    Liverpool which conducted trade with Ireland."(27) Emmet

    clarifies Smith's statement in detail by asserting: "the early

    and continued emigration of the Irish to this country during the

    17th century has been lost sight of in consequence of this change

    to English surnames and from the fact that no vessel was

    knowingly allowed to sail from Ireland direct, but by law was

    obliged first to visit an English port before clearance papers

    could be obtained. Consequently, every Irish emigrant (slave,

    servant, etc..) crossing in an Irish or English vessel from

    either England or Ireland, appeared in the official records as

    English, for the voyage did not begin according to law until the

    ship cleared from an English port, and all passengers on arrival

    in this country (American Colonies) were rated as English."(28)

    It is also of importance to be aware of the fact, as Dunn

    confirmed, that most population lists for Barbados, Jamaica and

    the Leeward Islands concern only parish registers of the Church

    of England, all other people were essentially ignored in the head


    The English government variously referred to Irish to be

    transported as rogues, vagabonds, rebels, neutrals, felons,

    military prisoners, teachers, priests, maidens etc. All

    historians call them servants, bondsman, indentured servants,

    slaves, etc., and agree that they were all political victims. The

    plain facts are that most were treated as slaves. After their

    land was confiscated by England, which drove them from their

    ancestral homes to forage for roots like animals, they were

    kidnapped, rounded up and driven like cattle to waiting ships and

    transported to English colonies in America, never to see their

    country again. They were the victims of what many called the

    immense "Irish Slave Trade."

    All writers on the 17th century American colonies are in

    agreement that the treatment of white servants or white slaves in

    English colonies was cruel to the extreme, worse than that of

    black slaves; that inhuman treatment was the norm, that torture

    (and branding FT, fugitive traitor, on the forehead) was the

    punishment for attempted escape. Dunn stated: "Servants were

    punished by whipping, strung up by the hands and matches lighted

    between their fingers, beaten over the head until blood ran,"

    --all this on the slightest provocation.(30) Ligon, an eyewitness

    in Barbados from 1647-1650 said, "Truly, I have seen cruelty

    there done to servants as I did not think one Christian could

    have done to another."(31)

    It is a matter of great importance to realize that most of

    the white slaves, servants and small farmers abandoned the West

    Indies for the mainland colonies in America. Dunn reports:

    "Between 1678 and 1713, Leeward sugar planters became more rich

    and powerful and controlled all local councils and assemblies so

    white servants and small farmers abandoned the Leeward

    Islands."(32) Craven said that between 1643 and 1667, about

    12,000 left Barbados for other plantations(33) and Dunn said the

    white population of the Leeward Islands was reduced by 30 percent

    between 1678 and 1708.(34) According to Craven, in Colonies in

    Transition, prior to the 1680's, the hopes which sustained the

    Carolina venture continued to depend chiefly upon the migration

    of settlers from the older colonies, especially from the West

    Indies.(35) Smith asserted that after 1670, the emigration of

    whites from the smaller islands at least equalled the

    immigration.(36) Condon declared: "In [the] course of time many

    of those who had been transported to the West Indies in this

    manner found their way to the colonies on the continent, in

    search of greater freedom and a more healthful climate."(37)

    All writers on the 17th century history agree that between

    one-half and two thirds of white immigrants in the British West

    Indies and mainland America were servants, most of them severely

    mistreated. Most all Irish immigrants were 'servants.' Irish were

    almost exclusively Catholic (at least they were when they left

    Ireland) and most were of ancient Irish families even though they

    appeared in English records as English, if recorded at all.

    After 20,000 Puritans arrived in the American colonies from

    1630-1640, migration of English colonists all but subsided. Some

    writers say after 1640 only a trickle of English colonists

    arrived. In 1632, many Irish were on Antigua. In 1637, 69 percent

    of whites on Montserrat were Irish. In 1650, 25,000 Irish were on

    St. Kitt's and Nevis and some were on other Leeward islands. In

    1652, prior to the wholesale transportation of Irish, most of 12

    thousand political prisoners on Barbados were Irish.

    From 1651 to 1660, between 80,000 to 130,000 Irish were

    transported. From 1660-1700, there was a large steady flow of

    Irish immigrants. Most whites, especially servants, slaves and

    small farmers went to the American mainland for more freedom, a

    healthier climate and economic betterment.

    There are no verifiable records on the white population of

    all the American colonies in the 17th century. Some estimates

    include blacks, some do not. Some list only members of the Church

    of England. Estimates are made for Barbados for a certain year

    while estimates are made for the Leeward Islands for other years.

    The same applies to Jamaica and the mainland colonies. One

    estimate for the mainland colonies, white and black included, was

    given at 204,000 in 1689.

    In the absence of reliable records, I believe it is necessary

    to take the following into very serious consideration: migration

    trends, prolificness of people of varying national origin, laws in

    effect in the country from which people migrated; the prevailing

    conditions in the country undergoing emigration; the amount of

    control the emigrating people had over their own destiny; and the

    fact that all American colonies both mainland and the West Indies

    were very intertwined,

    Well over one-half of white immigrants to the

    West Indies during the 17th century were Irish Catholic servants,

    most who, in the course of time, abandoned the West Indies for

    the mainland American colonies.

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