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Vince Palamara

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A warm welcome to you.

FWIW, I place you at the top of my list of researchers I most admire, along with the likes of Mark Lane, Penn Jones, Jim Garrison, Larry Hancock, John Simkin, among a select group.

Although I don't have Survivors Guilt, I have read most of it online and once again complement you on an outstanding piece of research, on one of most difficult areas of reseach surrounding the JFK assassination.

I won't bombard you with a series of questions but instead just ask one,

There are many 'people of interest' within the SS. Emory Roberts, Bill Greer, Paul Paterni, David Grant, Floyd Boring to name a few. My question is do you think that the sudden appearance of Democratic National Committee representative Jack Puterbaugh in the lead car was suspicious?

I ask this because of my personal suspicion that the DNC, being largely funded by wealthy interests, may have been a part of the plot.

There's no hurry, as you will probably be asked a lot of questions.

Once again, welcome to the Forum.

Edited by Mark Stapleton
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Welcome Vince.i,too,am a huge fan of your outstanding body of work.I agree with Mr. Jack White that your compilation of witnesses stating that the limo stopped is a crucial piece in debunking the official story and shedding light on how the moments that ended JFK's life played out.A couple of other areas you've touched on that intrigue me greatly are the Rybka stand down ordeal when leaving the airport and the early reports of the "dead SS agent".In regards to the Rybka incident,i first became aware of this after veiwing your piece in TMWKK.To me,the Rybka ordeal is as important as any in exposing how JFK was stripped of his closest protection just moments before he was murdered.Can you add anything on Rybka? is he still alive? if not,when did he die? are there any surviving family members of Rybka? was the scenerio involving Rybka at the airport discussed by the Warren Commission or the HSCA? when was the Rybka/airport scene first known by researchers?..........and with regards to the early reports of a " dead secrect service agent",if this report was true it would make the lone nut assassin theory that more difficult to prove.Why would this be reported early on if it were not true?'It's obvious why the official story would want to discredit the "dead SS agent" story but why would this be out there in the beginning if there wasn't a legitimate reason? Thanks again, Vince. Mark

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A warm welcome to you.

FWIW, I place you at the top of my list of researchers I most admire, along with the likes of Mark Lane, Penn Jones, Jim Garrison, Larry Hancock, John Simkin, among a select group.

Although I don't have Survivors Guilt, I have read most of it online and once again complement you on an outstanding piece of research, on one of most difficult areas of reseach surrounding the JFK assassination.

I won't bombard you with a series of questions but instead just ask one,

There are many 'people of interest' within the SS. Emory Roberts, Bill Greer, Paul Paterni, David Grant, Floyd Boring to name a few. My question is do you think that the sudden appearance of Democratic National Committee representative Jack Puterbaugh in the lead car was suspicious?

I ask this because of my personal suspicion that the DNC, being largely funded by wealthy interests, may have been a part of the plot.

There's no hurry, as you will probably be asked a lot of questions.

Once again, welcome to the Forum.


Thanks so much. <_<

Hmmm...I'm not very suspicious of Jack Puterbaugh. Among other reasons, he said the "ballistics stuff doesn't add up" in the WC investigation and he just didn't seem to say or do anything to warrant suspicion.


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Welcome Vince.i,too,am a huge fan of your outstanding body of work.I agree with Mr. Jack White that your compilation of witnesses stating that the limo stopped is a crucial piece in debunking the official story and shedding light on how the moments that ended JFK's life played out.A couple of other areas you've touched on that intrigue me greatly are the Rybka stand down ordeal when leaving the airport and the early reports of the "dead SS agent".In regards to the Rybka incident,i first became aware of this after veiwing your piece in TMWKK.To me,the Rybka ordeal is as important as any in exposing how JFK was stripped of his closest protection just moments before he was murdered.Can you add anything on Rybka? is he still alive? if not,when did he die? are there any surviving family members of Rybka? was the scenerio involving Rybka at the airport discussed by the Warren Commission or the HSCA? when was the Rybka/airport scene first known by researchers?..........and with regards to the early reports of a " dead secrect service agent",if this report was true it would make the lone nut assassin theory that more difficult to prove.Why would this be reported early on if it were not true?'It's obvious why the official story would want to discredit the "dead SS agent" story but why would this be out there in the beginning if there wasn't a legitimate reason? Thanks again, Vince. Mark


Thanks; much appreciated (that compilation of witnesses was basically the first major paper I ever did, started in 1991).

Rybka died 12/25/75 of a heart attack. Debra Conway alleged (via e-mail), seemingly offhand years ago, that Rybka's family contacted her but, when I asked her for details, I never recieved them. The WC, the HSCA, and everyone else didn't even mention the Rybka/ Roberts incident until I first brought it up in 1994 (at COPA in 1995)--as former agent Larry Newman told me, "I had never seen that before" and didn't have any explanation for it.

See my online book for more details re: this and the dead agent 'stories'. The 'stories' may be ultimately untrue, but they provided a cover story for the Secret Service to take the President's body under their control, etc.


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In a 5/27/98 post on alt.conspiracy.jfk, you commended author Richard Trask for his book “That Day in Dallas.” You referred to p. 34 of this book and said, "Agent Thomas “Lem” Johns is seen running toward the camera car. . ." (as captured in Tom Dillard's photo with a man in the street running alongside camera car #1). Unfortunately, you were wrong. It was not Johns but rather White House cameraman Tom Atkins.

Then five and a half years later in an 11/27/03 post on the same alt.conspiracy.jfk forum, you said Johns "was left behind VERY briefly on the ROAD and hitched a ride in one of the camera cars as verified by the film record" (emphasis yours). You never clarified at this later time just why you believed the film record verified this, so one can only assume that you were still under the mistaken impression that Atkins was Johns in the Dillard photo.

It's a little hard for me to believe that in five and a half years no one in the entire research community ever advised you -- or that you never found out in any other way -- that you were wrong back in 1998, i.e. that Lem Johns is not the man seen running alongside camera car #1 in Dillard's photo. But maybe no one did, and maybe you never became aware of any evidence that you were wrong.

The problem is, you've been on the record, and apparently still are, with incorrect information that has helped to unnecessarily quash an important area of research.

Here's the correct information. The film and photo record does NOT verify that Lem Johns hitched a ride out of Dealey Plaza in camera car #1 that day. That's not to say that he didn't. It's just that no photo or film frame taken that day captures him in that car from the time it approaches the grassy knoll until it is about to enter the triple underpass.

So. . . Have you, by any chance, cleared up all this confusion at any time since 11/27/03 and admitted that you were in error? If you have, and I've missed it, then my apologies. If not, then now is the time to set the record straight.

Do you agree that the film and photo record does NOT verify that Lem Johns left Dealey Plaza in camera car #1? Or are you still of the same opinion? If so, then why?



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In a 5/27/98 post on alt.conspiracy.jfk, you commended author Richard Trask for his book “That Day in Dallas.” You referred to p. 34 of this book and said, "Agent Thomas “Lem” Johns is seen running toward the camera car. . ." (as captured in Tom Dillard's photo with a man in the street running alongside camera car #1). Unfortunately, you were wrong. It was not Johns but rather White House cameraman Tom Atkins.

Then five and a half years later in an 11/27/03 post on the same alt.conspiracy.jfk forum, you said Johns "was left behind VERY briefly on the ROAD and hitched a ride in one of the camera cars as verified by the film record" (emphasis yours). You never clarified at this later time just why you believed the film record verified this, so one can only assume that you were still under the mistaken impression that Atkins was Johns in the Dillard photo.

It's a little hard for me to believe that in five and a half years no one in the entire research community ever advised you -- or that you never found out in any other way -- that you were wrong back in 1998, i.e. that Lem Johns is not the man seen running alongside camera car #1 in Dillard's photo. But maybe no one did, and maybe you never became aware of any evidence that you were wrong.

The problem is, you've been on the record, and apparently still are, with incorrect information that has helped to unnecessarily quash an important area of research.

Here's the correct information. The film and photo record does NOT verify that Lem Johns hitched a ride out of Dealey Plaza in camera car #1 that day. That's not to say that he didn't. It's just that no photo or film frame taken that day captures him in that car from the time it approaches the grassy knoll until it is about to enter the triple underpass.

So. . . Have you, by any chance, cleared up all this confusion at any time since 11/27/03 and admitted that you were in error? If you have, and I've missed it, then my apologies. If not, then now is the time to set the record straight.

Do you agree that the film and photo record does NOT verify that Lem Johns left Dealey Plaza in camera car #1? Or are you still of the same opinion? If so, then why?



Hi Ken,

Yes, several (many? LOL) of my early online (newsgroup) errors have since been corrected via my online books and so forth (I always considered myself to be a 'work-in-progress'...aren't we all? lol). I SPOKE TO LEM JOHNS IN 2004: he told me adamantly that he was only on the road a mere few ***seconds***, time enough to catch his ride, never leaving the road...so much for those who think he was the agent of unknown repute. The allegation (that ***Johns*** was the mysterious agent by the knoll and so forth) has been quashed. Time to move on.

vince :)

Edited by Vince Palamara
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A warm welcome to you.

FWIW, I place you at the top of my list of researchers I most admire, along with the likes of Mark Lane, Penn Jones, Jim Garrison, Larry Hancock, John Simkin, among a select group.

Although I don't have Survivors Guilt, I have read most of it online and once again complement you on an outstanding piece of research, on one of most difficult areas of reseach surrounding the JFK assassination.

I won't bombard you with a series of questions but instead just ask one,

There are many 'people of interest' within the SS. Emory Roberts, Bill Greer, Paul Paterni, David Grant, Floyd Boring to name a few. My question is do you think that the sudden appearance of Democratic National Committee representative Jack Puterbaugh in the lead car was suspicious?

I ask this because of my personal suspicion that the DNC, being largely funded by wealthy interests, may have been a part of the plot.

There's no hurry, as you will probably be asked a lot of questions.

Once again, welcome to the Forum.


Thanks so much. :)

Hmmm...I'm not very suspicious of Jack Puterbaugh. Among other reasons, he said the "ballistics stuff doesn't add up" in the WC investigation and he just didn't seem to say or do anything to warrant suspicion.


Thanks for your reply, Vince. I'm still a tad suspicious. I might see what I can dig up and ask a follow-up later.

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I'd suggest that Jack P. may not be suspicious in and by himself...but recall that he was reporting to Cliff Carter daily

and that Cliff did go to Dallas in advance as well. Given that Carter was LBJ's advance man of choice, ask why they

picked Jack to advance Dallas (having no experience in Texas politics at all) and not Cliff himself (Johnson's lead aide

in Texas politics). One answer would be that he functioned as a nice cut-out, being privy

to all the motorcade and security planning without being involved as a matter of record - Jack gets called

to provide testimony, Cliff stays in the background.

Interesting to recall that Carter is also supposedly on tape admitting to a conspiracy...

-- Larry

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Cliff Carter's brother, Johnny Carter, was an official in the Post Master General's Office in Washington. Do know if he had any communication with Harry Holmes?

As to his supposed confession, there were some rumors that Carter had said things to his family. His mother died in early 1964 of a heart attack. She was 66.



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Myra, I do mention it briefly in the book - but I cover it in depth in the two white papers on Estes/Carter/Wallace that are

in the white paper section of this forum.

There are at least two individuals on record as having heard Cliff Carter describe to Estes his participation in

a conspiracy, taking orders from Johnson and involving Malcolm Wallace. At one point Estes even offered

this to the Justice Department - before backing out.

Unfortunately, in his final self-published book, Estes does a lot to muddy the waters on all this, even denying one

of these sources. However there seems to be good reason to belive Carter did make the remarks - shortly

before his somewhat mysterious death.

In addition to the white papers I would refer you to Glen Sample's book The Men on the Sixth Floor. I'd also

refer you to a source book on the whole thing but it has not been distributed in the US and not in English.

-- hope that at least takes you in the right direction, Larry

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I'd suggest that Jack P. may not be suspicious in and by himself...but recall that he was reporting to Cliff Carter daily

and that Cliff did go to Dallas in advance as well. Given that Carter was LBJ's advance man of choice, ask why they

picked Jack to advance Dallas (having no experience in Texas politics at all) and not Cliff himself (Johnson's lead aide

in Texas politics). One answer would be that he functioned as a nice cut-out, being privy

to all the motorcade and security planning without being involved as a matter of record - Jack gets called

to provide testimony, Cliff stays in the background.

Interesting to recall that Carter is also supposedly on tape admitting to a conspiracy...

-- Larry

Very interesting observations indeed, Larry. Makes perfect sense to me.

Regarding the taped admissions, like Myra I'm curious to know more......

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Mark, hopefully my reply to Myra will give you what you need as well.

If not or if either of you have more questions don't hesitate to post or email if you


You might also want to check out Glen Sample's web site for The Men on the Sixth Floor,

a search will find it for you and you will find some key documents there.

-- Larry

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Mark, hopefully my reply to Myra will give you what you need as well.

If not or if either of you have more questions don't hesitate to post or email if you


You might also want to check out Glen Sample's web site for The Men on the Sixth Floor,

a search will find it for you and you will find some key documents there.

-- Larry

Thanks, Larry.

I'll have a look at the Glen Sample site. The section in the Forum dealing with Glen's book is decidedly sparse.

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Welcome Vince.i,too,am a huge fan of your outstanding body of work.I agree with Mr. Jack White that your compilation of witnesses stating that the limo stopped is a crucial piece in debunking the official story and shedding light on how the moments that ended JFK's life played out.A couple of other areas you've touched on that intrigue me greatly are the Rybka stand down ordeal when leaving the airport and the early reports of the "dead SS agent".In regards to the Rybka incident,i first became aware of this after veiwing your piece in TMWKK.To me,the Rybka ordeal is as important as any in exposing how JFK was stripped of his closest protection just moments before he was murdered.Can you add anything on Rybka? is he still alive? if not,when did he die? are there any surviving family members of Rybka? was the scenerio involving Rybka at the airport discussed by the Warren Commission or the HSCA? when was the Rybka/airport scene first known by researchers?..........and with regards to the early reports of a " dead secrect service agent",if this report was true it would make the lone nut assassin theory that more difficult to prove.Why would this be reported early on if it were not true?'It's obvious why the official story would want to discredit the "dead SS agent" story but why would this be out there in the beginning if there wasn't a legitimate reason? Thanks again, Vince. Mark


Thanks; much appreciated (that compilation of witnesses was basically the first major paper I ever did, started in 1991).

Rybka died 12/25/75 of a heart attack. Debra Conway alleged (via e-mail), seemingly offhand years ago, that Rybka's family contacted her but, when I asked her for details, I never recieved them. The WC, the HSCA, and everyone else didn't even mention the Rybka/ Roberts incident until I first brought it up in 1994 (at COPA in 1995)--as former agent Larry Newman told me, "I had never seen that before" and didn't have any explanation for it.

See my online book for more details re: this and the dead agent 'stories'. The 'stories' may be ultimately untrue, but they provided a cover story for the Secret Service to take the President's body under their control, etc.


Thanks for the reply,Vince.

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