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Candidates For Special Prosecutor

Tim Gratz

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Let us assume we WILL be able to persuade the US Congress to authorize a Special Prosecutor.

Not yet sure who would appoint him (or her).

But assume Congress could express its "interest" in one or more candidates.

Who would you like to see? I mean, assume now it might really happen.

I would suggest Alberto Gonzales now that he needs a job but I think that might be a difficult sell to Congress.

What about Robert Tannenbaum?

What about any U.S. attorneys (past or present) you believe have done an outstanding job or have the qualifications necessary.

Speaking of which, what qualifications or experience do you think would be helpful?

Experience in criminal cases--may need to apply some type of pressure to extract a "confession".

Experience in complex cases because of the voluminous number of documents that would need to be reviewed?

Ability to organize a large staff?

Ability to "think outside the box"?

Note: candidates need not have been prosecutors.

What about any staff counsel to either the Church Committee or the HSCA?

What about David Boies, very famous attorney whp worked on the Gore election battle in 2000?

What about Alan Dershowitz? Although he is noted primarily for appellate work.

Would appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you.

Dawn, I see you are reading this. Really would appreciate your thoughts as an attorney!

Edited by Tim Gratz
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Come on, guys (and gals!), Help me out here.

What about Barry Scheck who is with the Innocence Project and who gained fame (notoriety anyway) in the Simpson case? I think he might be good. What say you?


Hi T.G.,

I would suggest whomever is left from the original "Dream Team," along with Mark Lane and Alan Dershowitz. Wouldn't Dershowitz be able to switch gears for a case such as this one?

Your femme Nikita

Edited by Terry Mauro
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Come on, guys (and gals!), Help me out here.

What about Barry Scheck who is with the Innocence Project and who gained fame (notoriety anyway) in the Simpson case? I think he might be good. What say you?


Hi T.G.,

I would suggest whomever is left from the original "Dream Team," along with Mark Lane and Alan Dershowitz. Wouldn't Dershowitz be able to switch gears for a case such as this one?

Your femme Nikita

Dershowitz did write a very good book after the 2000 coup that exposed how the supreme court stole the election for Bush:


But then he said the results shouldn't be reversed, which makes me a little uncomfortable with him.

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Come on, guys (and gals!), Help me out here.

What about Barry Scheck who is with the Innocence Project and who gained fame (notoriety anyway) in the Simpson case? I think he might be good. What say you?

As admirable as his work with the Innocence Project is Tim, I think he's tainted by the OJ case.

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Come on, guys (and gals!), Help me out here.

What about Barry Scheck who is with the Innocence Project and who gained fame (notoriety anyway) in the Simpson case? I think he might be good. What say you?


Hi T.G.,

I would suggest whomever is left from the original "Dream Team," along with Mark Lane and Alan Dershowitz. Wouldn't Dershowitz be able to switch gears for a case such as this one?

Your femme Nikita

Mark Lane would be ideal, assuming he's healthy and able and such.

But we can't even get him to post here. And I've tried--written to him via Alex Jones and never heard back.

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You have to go with someone who has some conflict of interest, however seemingly slight or little known. Someone with no actual conflict of interest at all does not stand a chance, because there is no way he could be compromised.

Conflict of interest could be as little as being a DC "insider," i.e. someone who would not want to rock the boat or ship of state too much because he himself wants to stay in all the good graces necessary to become president himself someday, or a presidential laptop, or AG, or however high he can get.

As far as I could tell, Kenneth ("Foster committed suicide, just like the FBI says") Starr fit into this category. (He wanted to be president of Pepperdine.) Monica did Starr a big favor by handing him something safe (sex) that he could go after Clinton about, instead of things like treason or murder, for which Starr was determined to give him a free ride.

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I would suggest whomever is left from the original "Dream Team," along with Mark Lane and Alan Dershowitz. Wouldn't Dershowitz be able to switch gears for a case such as this one?

A younger Alan Dershowitz sporting a bushy head of hair was one of the commentators (along with Ramsey Clark and Jack Anderson) for the Showtime presentation of Bugliosi & Spence in a mock trial entitled Who Killed Kennedy: The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald

Edited by Michael Hogan
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What about Nancy Grace, Catherine Crier, Gloria Allred, Geraldo, or Greta van Susteren?

They all claim to be lawyers.

Seriously, though, Dershowitz has the greatest combination of gravitas and national visibility.

I suspect that he would also spoil for the opportunity to nail VB to the barn door.

I also think that he could parlay the matter into serious air time, which would inexorably be followed by his own book.

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You have to go with someone who has some conflict of interest, however seemingly slight or little known. Someone with no actual conflict of interest at all does not stand a chance, because there is no way he could be compromised.

Conflict of interest could be as little as being a DC "insider," i.e. someone who would not want to rock the boat or ship of state too much because he himself wants to stay in all the good graces necessary to become president himself someday, or a presidential laptop, or AG, or however high he can get.

As far as I could tell, Kenneth ("Foster committed suicide, just like the FBI says") Starr fit into this category. (He wanted to be president of Pepperdine.) Monica did Starr a big favor by handing him something safe (sex) that he could go after Clinton about, instead of things like treason or murder, for which Starr was determined to give him a free ride.

Thank you Ron,

TG is just fantasizing here.

First off, Congress has no authority to appoint special prosecutors.

Second off, there's no chance at all that a special prosecutor will ever be appointed for the JFK murder.

Forget Gratzing off on who, what's one to prosecute?

I think TG is playing the Pide Piper here.

His purpose here, it seems, is to divert us from ours.

Getting Congressional mandated Congressional oversight hearings on the JFK Act is an attainable goal in this Congress.

Getting Congress to do anything else is an illusion.


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