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Osama bin Laden's Views on the Assassination

Gary Buell

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And just because Bush wasn't privy to specific foreknowledge doesn't mean others in the government weren't.

If there were 9/11 conspirators within the government, I don't think they would risk including an idiot like Bush in their planning. His value to the conspiracy would be his power as president to manage the cover-up (just like LBJ after the JFK hit, whether involved in the hit or not), without Bush even knowing necessarily what he was doing, since he is told what to do.

Two incidents clearly illustrate his handlers' opinion of and approach to Bush. One occurred during the famous pet-goat story where he sat and did nothing for 7 minutes after being informed that "America is under attack." His press secretary held up a hand-scrawled sign to him that said, "Don't say anything yet." (Apparent proof that Bush at least has rudimentary reading ability.)

The other incident occurred in one of the 2004 debates with Kerry, when it became obvious that this incompetent oaf was wired. He was talking, and suddenly said, "Let me finish." There was no around who was trying to stop him. His time was not up. He was obviously talking to whoever was speaking to him through a piece in his ear.

Would anyone trust this man with a plan to attack America, and to keep it under wraps before, during, and after?

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And just because Bush wasn't privy to specific foreknowledge doesn't mean others in the government weren't.

If there were 9/11 conspirators within the government, I don't think they would risk including an idiot like Bush in their planning. His value to the conspiracy would be his power as president to manage the cover-up (just like LBJ after the JFK hit, whether involved in the hit or not), without Bush even knowing necessarily what he was doing, since he is told what to do.

Two incidents clearly illustrate his handlers' opinion of and approach to Bush. One occurred during the famous pet-goat story where he sat and did nothing for 7 minutes after being informed that "America is under attack." His press secretary held up a hand-scrawled sign to him that said, "Don't say anything yet." (Apparent proof that Bush at least has rudimentary reading ability.)

The other incident occurred in one of the 2004 debates with Kerry, when it became obvious that this incompetent oaf was wired. He was talking, and suddenly said, "Let me finish." There was no around who was trying to stop him. His time was not up. He was obviously talking to whoever was speaking to him through a piece in his ear.

Would anyone trust this man with a plan to attack America, and to keep it under wraps before, during, and after?


I agree with all of wjhat you say.

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But you missed my point the subject of this thread isn’t the collapse of the towers or 9/11 in general, there already are threads covering those issues. The 9/11 related debate here is revolving around bin Laden and the PNAC report.

Okay, Thread Cop, write me up and I'll be on my way...

When Len starts protesting about others drifting off topic, it's a sure sign Len is losing the debate.

Len, the thread title is 'OBL's views on the assassination', so by discussing Bin Laden and the PNAC report you've already started drifting. Stop acting like a moderator.

It's a fascinating thread, with several debates being conducted simultaneously. Cliff, I'm interested to hear the rest of your reasoning as to why DP and ground zero are uniquely connected. I can see the weapons and narcotics connections but not the oil connection insofar as DP is concerned. The one obvious connection is that both events were followed by feeble, half-hearted Government enquiries. It took much longer for the penny to drop in JFK's case because people were more trusting of officialdom in '63 (and there was no internet), but I agree the 9/11 facade is collapsing quicker than a pancaking tower building.

Len, it's a big ask arguing on three fronts all at once--especially against formidable opponents like Ron, Robert and Cliff. The fact that you're getting trounced notwithstanding, I truly admire your fighting spirit, which is matched only by your ability to go to any lengths of logic-bending denial in order to avoid confronting the truth.

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Cliff, I'm interested to hear the rest of your reasoning as to why DP and ground zero are uniquely connected. I can see the weapons and narcotics connections but not the oil connection insofar as DP is concerned.

Mark, thank you for your kind comments.

I'll be getting into this more in my response to my Brother Charles' bracing

challenge, which I wish to make as thorough as possible, and will take some

time to put together (Brother Drago deserves no less!)

Shorter take: the black markets in guns, oil and drugs have been facilitated

for 80+ years by the Harriman-Walker-Bush Crime Family. I suspect the JFK

assassination and the 9/11 attacks were rooted in the machinations of this

criminal legacy.

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In a reply to one of your earlier posts two or three pages back I referenced the issue of the "dancing Israeli" and the Israeli "art students". Are you familiar with the research regarding the activities of the above mentioned groups? IMO it is some of the most convincing evedence for prior knowledge of the 911 plots. At the risk of bheing leabled anti-semitic there is little doubt that the folks responsible for PNAC share the aura of who benfitted the most from the attacks with reactionary forces in Israel.


The issue of the fake Israeli art students was discussed a while back on this thread:


It remains a suspicious incident, imo, and drawing attention to the fact that 9/11 played right into the hands of the neocons in both the US and Israel does not make you anti-semitic.

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Nor, of course, does positing that the MOSSAD make one anti-Semitic.

It does seem strange however when one always comes down on a side that makes Israel look evil. One one is always condeming America, it is easy (and appropriate I subm,it) to consider them anti-American.

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Cliff, I'm interested to hear the rest of your reasoning as to why DP and ground zero are uniquely connected. I can see the weapons and narcotics connections but not the oil connection insofar as DP is concerned.

Mark, thank you for your kind comments.

I'll be getting into this more in my response to my Brother Charles' bracing

challenge, which I wish to make as thorough as possible, and will take some

time to put together (Brother Drago deserves no less!)

Shorter take: the black markets in guns, oil and drugs have been facilitated

for 80+ years by the Harriman-Walker-Bush Crime Family. I suspect the JFK

assassination and the 9/11 attacks were rooted in the machinations of this

criminal legacy.

Ah yes, Bush = Oil. Sorry I missed the connection.

I think GWH gets a few mentions in the JFK saga, although he maintains his status was nothing more than a humble CIA functionary. Didn't he try to finger an assassin shortly after DP?

Anyhow, I'll leave it to you to join the dots. I read Brother Charles's elegantly worded invitation. An esteemed member of the brethren.

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Cliff, I'm interested to hear the rest of your reasoning as to why DP and ground zero are uniquely connected. I can see the weapons and narcotics connections but not the oil connection insofar as DP is concerned.

Mark, thank you for your kind comments.

I'll be getting into this more in my response to my Brother Charles' bracing

challenge, which I wish to make as thorough as possible, and will take some

time to put together (Brother Drago deserves no less!)

Shorter take: the black markets in guns, oil and drugs have been facilitated

for 80+ years by the Harriman-Walker-Bush Crime Family. I suspect the JFK

assassination and the 9/11 attacks were rooted in the machinations of this

criminal legacy.

Ah yes, Bush = Oil. Sorry I missed the connection.

I think GWH gets a few mentions in the JFK saga, although he maintains his status was nothing more than a humble CIA functionary. Didn't he try to finger an assassin shortly after DP?

Anyhow, I'll leave it to you to join the dots. I read Brother Charles's elegantly worded invitation. An esteemed member of the brethren.

I can't wait. Do we get jackets and a secret handshake? Can we schedule breakfast meetings?

If so, I have a name for our group:

Bull and Scones.


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Nor, of course, does positing that the MOSSAD make one anti-Semitic.

It does seem strange however when one always comes down on a side that makes Israel look evil. One one is always condeming America, it is easy (and appropriate I subm,it) to consider them anti-American.

Your narrow definition renders most of this Forum anti-American. So why are you hanging out with a bunch of subversives?

My criticism of Israel doesn't contribute in tarnishing their image. They are doing an excellent job by themselves. Step out of your parallel universe and take a look.

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Cliff, I'm interested to hear the rest of your reasoning as to why DP and ground zero are uniquely connected. I can see the weapons and narcotics connections but not the oil connection insofar as DP is concerned.

Mark, thank you for your kind comments.

I'll be getting into this more in my response to my Brother Charles' bracing

challenge, which I wish to make as thorough as possible, and will take some

time to put together (Brother Drago deserves no less!)

Shorter take: the black markets in guns, oil and drugs have been facilitated

for 80+ years by the Harriman-Walker-Bush Crime Family. I suspect the JFK

assassination and the 9/11 attacks were rooted in the machinations of this

criminal legacy.

Ah yes, Bush = Oil. Sorry I missed the connection.

I think GWH gets a few mentions in the JFK saga, although he maintains his status was nothing more than a humble CIA functionary. Didn't he try to finger an assassin shortly after DP?

Anyhow, I'll leave it to you to join the dots. I read Brother Charles's elegantly worded invitation. An esteemed member of the brethren.

I can't wait. Do we get jackets and a secret handshake? Can we schedule breakfast meetings?

If so, I have a name for our group:

Bull and Scones.



World domination should be the first order of business.

After that, we persuade Rod Stewart to retire.

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I think GWH gets a few mentions in the JFK saga, although he maintains his status was nothing more than a humble CIA functionary. Didn't he try to finger an assassin shortly after DP?

Bush called the FBI in Dallas on 11/22/63 to tell them that a guy in Houston named Parrott had once threatened the president.

Can anyone think of a reason why he would do this? I think the most likely explanation is that he needed an excuse to make a phone call to authorities to establish a record of where he was (in Tyler, Texas) at the time of the assassination. (I know what Tim will say: he was just trying to catch the assassins!)

As I recall, General Walker did something similar, letting a bunch of passengers know on a commercial airplane flight that he was amongst them, and nowhere near Dallas.

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I think GWH gets a few mentions in the JFK saga, although he maintains his status was nothing more than a humble CIA functionary. Didn't he try to finger an assassin shortly after DP?

Bush called the FBI in Dallas on 11/22/63 to tell them that a guy in Houston named Parrott had once threatened the president.

Can anyone think of a reason why he would do this? I think the most likely explanation is that he needed an excuse to make a phone call to authorities to establish a record of where he was (in Tyler, Texas) at the time of the assassination. (I know what Tim will say: he was just trying to catch the assassins!)

As I recall, General Walker did something similar, letting a bunch of passengers know on a commercial airplane flight that he was amongst them, and nowhere near Dallas.

Thanks Ron. I think there was a thread on Parrott a while back.

I can't think of a better explanation than the one you provided. The call makes no sense to me either.

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I can't think of a better explanation than the one you provided. The call makes no sense to me either.

Bush followed his mentor's orders. Harriman decided (I suspect, and thus speculate)

to cut his losses and push the cover-up away from the Castro-did-it scenario.

If the "lone nut" scenario didn't hold through the weekend after the assassination,

a right-wing conspiracy was all framed up, Bush's call being part of that.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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I can't think of a better explanation than the one you provided. The call makes no sense to me either.

Bush followed his mentor's orders. Harriman decided (I suspect, and thus speculate)

to cut his losses and push the cover-up away from the Castro-did-it scenario.

And towards a lone Parrott instead.

But what's the point if it's the wrong lone nut?

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