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Not sure if this is going to work. If not I sent it to John and if he wants he can post it. The picture is a Dallas FBI taken in Dallas in Novermer 63 and was located a few months ago at the DPD.

What the heck is going on here? Where is the military record of Tosh Plumlee that was with his post.? That gave his ages, said "certified" etc. ??????????


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This looks like the document, and I am on the phone with Terry right now too and she is also looking at it, but the places that said "53-cpl" and "55 cpl" are not on this document.

Tosh told me he had sent you the same document that got removed.

For the record Tosh did not remove this document, and would like to know how it got removed.


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5. On 3 March 1954, after having utilized the USAR (Reserve Component) as a "stepping stone" into active duty, the applicant was assigned to active duty in the US Army.

Thereafter, on 2 July, 1954, the applicant was released from active duty in the US Army due to "Minority".


And, in that regards: "Enlisted 4 ?TG", as a general rule, meant that the individual had volunteered for "Active Duty for Training"


Definition: (DOD) A tour of active duty which is used for training members of the Reserve Components to provide trained units and qualified persons to fill the needs of the Armed Forces in time of war or national emergency and such other times as the national security requires. The member is under orders which provide for return to non-active status when the period of active duty for training is completed. It includes annual training, special tours of active duty for training, school tours, and the initial duty for training performed by nonprior service enlistees.




Basic trainee – 0006




(“Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum. I smell smoke in the auditorium...”),

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5. On 3 March 1954, after having utilized the USAR (Reserve Component) as a "stepping stone" into active duty, the applicant was assigned to active duty in the US Army.

Thereafter, on 2 July, 1954, the applicant was released from active duty in the US Army due to "Minority".


And, in that regards: "Enlisted 4 ?TG", as a general rule, meant that the individual had volunteered for "Active Duty for Training"


Definition: (DOD) A tour of active duty which is used for training members of the Reserve Components to provide trained units and qualified persons to fill the needs of the Armed Forces in time of war or national emergency and such other times as the national security requires. The member is under orders which provide for return to non-active status when the period of active duty for training is completed. It includes annual training, special tours of active duty for training, school tours, and the initial duty for training performed by nonprior service enlistees.




Basic trainee – 0006




(“Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum. I smell smoke in the auditorium...”),



"1959 - The Coasters tune, "Charlie Brown", was released. The tune went to #2 and stayed there for three weeks, but didn’t make it to the top spot of the charts. A catchy song (“Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum. I smell smoke in the auditorium...”), it was on the charts for a total of 12 weeks. And what song was at number one, preventing "Charlie Brown" from reaching the top, you ask? "Venus", by Frankie Avalon."

O.K. So, the lyrics go:

"Fee Fee Fi Fi Fo Fo Fum...I smell smoke in the auditorium.

Charley Brown, he's a clown...He's a clown, that Charley Brown."

What kind of code are you trying to run down, Purv? How about giving this dummy a leg up on what you mean?

Are you intimating that Plumlee is a clown?

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This looks like the document, and I am on the phone with Terry right now too and she is also looking at it, but the places that said "53-cpl" and "55 cpl" are not on this document.

Tosh told me he had sent you the same document that got removed.

For the record Tosh did not remove this document, and would like to know how it got removed.


Dawn Hope this attatches. Its VA Award... Not bad for an young boy who never saw combat and only had a MOS of 006 and was a Sherman Tank driver among other things in the years to come. I'll post the other part of the army file with the MOS etc that was taken off the Forum when I started this thread and the other ones, which have also been taken off... I would like to know why they were taken off? I backed up what I said with certified documents (and got attact and implied I was a xxxx... so much for my efforts. I am sure if this does attatch.., it too, wil be taken off... Do you see what I mean? When I get a chance and the time I'll catch up on the questions.... I am traveling at the moment and computer time is limited. As to that other thing and its posting just give it no time or space...It and they will soon go play in another sand box... they have a mission to disrupt good research and researchers to stroke their egos.

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Not sure if this is going to work. If not I sent it to John and if he wants he can post it. The picture is a Dallas FBI taken in Dallas in Novermer 63 and was located a few months ago at the DPD.

I have tried to attatch the documents which were taken off once again. Why were they taken off in the first place?

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Dear Mr. Plumlee,

For some reason you can not receive personal messages. So here is my reply to you.

Thank you for your reports. I have now edited the not permitted curse words from the post you reported. Unfortunately we can not allow cursing on the Forum as this is an educational forum for students and teachers.

See rule:


You reported a post of your own. You can of course edit your own posts yourself, and therefore reporting your own posts is unnecessary. In my posting from earlier, (replying to the double standards, you raised), I mentioned that members ought to report posts which are offensive or otherwise in violation of Forum rules, by this I of course meant that members ought to report posts by other members, but I guess this works as well though.

As a reply to your question:"If you want me to get off this forum and not "breath your air" or help in any way..., then just tell me. And I am gone."

Please don't get me (or other moderators) wrong, we are not trying to chase you off the Forum in any way, we have been given this moderation task with a goal to keep members adhering to Forum rules, that's all we're trying to do.

Kind regards,

Antti Hynonen


Education Forum

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Dear Mr. Plumlee,

For some reason you can not receive personal messages. So here is my reply to you.

Thank you for your reports. I have now edited the not permitted curse words from the post you reported. Unfortunately we can not allow cursing on the Forum as this is an educational forum for students and teachers.

See rule:


You reported a post of your own. You can of course edit your own posts yourself, and therefore reporting your own posts is unnecessary. In my posting from earlier, (replying to the double standards, you raised), I mentioned that members ought to report posts which are offensive or otherwise in violation of Forum rules, by this I of course meant that members ought to report posts by other members, but I guess this works as well though.

As a reply to your question:"If you want me to get off this forum and not "breath your air" or help in any way..., then just tell me. And I am gone."

Please don't get me (or other moderators) wrong, we are not trying to chase you off the Forum in any way, we have been given this moderation task with a goal to keep members adhering to Forum rules, that's all we're trying to do.

Kind regards,

Antti Hynonen


Education Forum

SIR I am not the one who did the cussing! You did not read the post I was making reference and Why I calll Double Standards... Its useless...

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5. On 3 March 1954, after having utilized the USAR (Reserve Component) as a "stepping stone" into active duty, the applicant was assigned to active duty in the US Army.

Thereafter, on 2 July, 1954, the applicant was released from active duty in the US Army due to "Minority".


And, in that regards: "Enlisted 4 ?TG", as a general rule, meant that the individual had volunteered for "Active Duty for Training"


Definition: (DOD) A tour of active duty which is used for training members of the Reserve Components to provide trained units and qualified persons to fill the needs of the Armed Forces in time of war or national emergency and such other times as the national security requires. The member is under orders which provide for return to non-active status when the period of active duty for training is completed. It includes annual training, special tours of active duty for training, school tours, and the initial duty for training performed by nonprior service enlistees.




Basic trainee – 0006




(“Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum. I smell smoke in the auditorium...”),



"1959 - The Coasters tune, "Charlie Brown", was released. The tune went to #2 and stayed there for three weeks, but didn’t make it to the top spot of the charts. A catchy song (“Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum. I smell smoke in the auditorium...”), it was on the charts for a total of 12 weeks. And what song was at number one, preventing "Charlie Brown" from reaching the top, you ask? "Venus", by Frankie Avalon."

O.K. So, the lyrics go:

"Fee Fee Fi Fi Fo Fo Fum...I smell smoke in the auditorium.

Charley Brown, he's a clown...He's a clown, that Charley Brown."

What kind of code are you trying to run down, Purv? How about giving this dummy a leg up on what you mean?

0006-------Basic Trainee

Are you intimating that Plumlee is a clown?

Either that or implying that someone likes to "blow smoke"! Or possibly both!

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5. On 3 March 1954, after having utilized the USAR (Reserve Component) as a "stepping stone" into active duty, the applicant was assigned to active duty in the US Army.

Thereafter, on 2 July, 1954, the applicant was released from active duty in the US Army due to "Minority".


And, in that regards: "Enlisted 4 ?TG", as a general rule, meant that the individual had volunteered for "Active Duty for Training"


Definition: (DOD) A tour of active duty which is used for training members of the Reserve Components to provide trained units and qualified persons to fill the needs of the Armed Forces in time of war or national emergency and such other times as the national security requires. The member is under orders which provide for return to non-active status when the period of active duty for training is completed. It includes annual training, special tours of active duty for training, school tours, and the initial duty for training performed by nonprior service enlistees.




Basic trainee – 0006




("Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum. I smell smoke in the auditorium..."),



"1959 - The Coasters tune, "Charlie Brown", was released. The tune went to #2 and stayed there for three weeks, but didn't make it to the top spot of the charts. A catchy song ("Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum. I smell smoke in the auditorium..."), it was on the charts for a total of 12 weeks. And what song was at number one, preventing "Charlie Brown" from reaching the top, you ask? "Venus", by Frankie Avalon."

O.K. So, the lyrics go:

"Fee Fee Fi Fi Fo Fo Fum...I smell smoke in the auditorium.

Charley Brown, he's a clown...He's a clown, that Charley Brown."

What kind of code are you trying to run down, Purv? How about giving this dummy a leg up on what you mean?

0006-------Basic Trainee

Are you intimating that Plumlee is a clown?

Either that or implying that someone likes to "blow smoke"! Or possibly both!

Nothing personal Tomas, but I think you are both here as yourself and as a front for your buddy GPH who [for reasons unclear] has an ax to grind with Plumlee. You are the one looking for the one 'shoelace' untied to discredit the whole of Plumlee's statements on the Forum [iMO]. But you are entitled to your 'opinions' and efforts - it is still [for another year or so] a partially free country. You are [iMO] trying to spin Plumlee's story the way you spin the Magic-Fantastic Bullet that you say was fired by one Oswald, of several. Just a few doc

 [FBI] on Plumlee from the period just before the events of Dallas - referring to some very suspicious money transfers. By the way the locker did co

tain real money and not a pair of binoculars - the FBI or one of its agents lied about that somewhere along 

the line. Too complex to parce out fully here, now. When someone who believes th

 composit of Lee and Harvey Oswald were shooter (one apparently related in so

e way to you) and/or fired a Magic-Fantastic Bullet talks about blowing smoke - it is just about something 

more than meets the eye...I don't know about...but suspect -

an old feud or opposite sides of the fence, so to speak, on

 something bigger than meets the eyes, here on the Forum. It also brings up the issue of just who is blowing smoke at whom. I'd bet my life that there was no magic bullet, nor one fired by the Oswald, likely Harvey, killed by another member of the plot, Jack Ruby two days later, as Tippit who was to finish him off when he got off the bus -didn't get his chance, and the next chance at the theatre failed. IMO. The whowhole of 11/22/63 was a false-flag hit and psyop on the American People. Apparently you want to keep on keeping on with that....your right, but don't expect any 'help' from me. I think out Nation's Honor and Future are at stake. Say hello to Mr. 'Norton' [you know, Ralph Cramdon's buddy...Xa,Xa,Xa]. Sadly for you and Mr. Hemming, and others who are out to 'get' Plumlee these documents seem to show he was a 'bit' more than just an airline mechanic inless you want to put the 'mechanic' in quotes...... While the 'devil may be in the details.....it is the more important details....all of you black operatives have had your documents and pasts obscured and made contradictory and subject to being easily discredited - tradecraft.

America is now a victim of all this 'tradecraft'.....in fact about to collapse from moral decay and robbery of its wealth and democracy. The coup d'etat on 11/22/63 and the subsequent mini-coups, lies, black-ops, psyops, and the 'big one' recently in NYC are all part of the same essential plot

....well some of us are willing to stand up and shout "not in my name and not on my watch"!. In fact Basta! with all the bull!; all the phony history; altered documents; sequestered evidence; phony investigations; Military and Intelligence being the 'muscle' for the Oligarchs and not the People. Democracy is from the Greek Demos - the People...not the Ruling Elite. Semper Fidelis, but to what? It should be the the Constitution and Democracy, not Plutocracy and the Oligarchs and their smoke and mirrors.

There are a number of files about money transfers involving Roselli [Col. Ralston of the CIA, honorary].....they paint a strange and tantalizing picture that needs to be explored more fully and someday by a Grand Jury.

NB - sorry the page on right is not fully in frame and the accompanying pages not avaible to me at the moment. I have seen these and have them...a funny thing happened to me on the way to writing a book about Plumlee - including death threats and the seizure of all I owned, including money, and my life fell apart and I have all my docs in storage half a world away. These were sent to me, but I can confirm they are Plumlee files from FBI I have seen, and there are many more on the topic. There are others that show many other interesting things...from Plumlee flying 'Col.' Roselli around the USA to very interesting locations [!] before 11/22 and being part of a raid [allowed by the powers that be, but made to look rogue] for 'theft' [really transfer] of military equiptment...standard operational method sometimes used to get weapons and munitions for black ops.....little cat and mouse games. We the People have lost in all these games which are still being played. Which side are YOU on?[the YOU not addressed to Thomas - but to all of us!] Hey, Gerry, common...pipe in on all this....cat got your tongue?

Which side are YOU on?[

As an old Columbian Major friend of mine once told me, "I vote for the winner"!

That way, one can always survive in times of political turmoil, and if necessary, continue to fight.

Hint!: Factually, a dead man has never been known to win in a fight. However, in event his philosophical and factual representations are sociologically correct, and are actually made known, then history will most probably afford him credit for the change which such an endeavor in his name may have achieved.

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Peter...in all fairness to Tom Purvis...you apparently haven't been paying attention to his "seminars" that actually DISprove the Specter Magic Bullet theory. While I don't think Purvis has proven that LHO was the gunman simply because he "coulda" "did da deed," I think Purvis' explanation of three shots IS sufficient to explain why "Ol' Doc Specter's Magical Bullet Elixir" shouldn't be taken internally. I just don't think Tom proves the case that LHO is the ONLY suspect as the triggerman, or that one or more of the shots couldn't have been fired from the southWEST corner of the 6th floor of the TSBD.

But Purvis CERTAINLY doesn't believe in the Specter-imagined Magic Bullet...and you'd know that, if you had actually READ Purvis' posts and considered any of the facts he presents.

But I do believe that it all ties in to the events of today, with November 22, 1963 being the beginning of the end for freedom in America.

Oh, yeah, Peter...George Wallace was shot in 1972, not '68...but I think that was done to bring the "lessons" of '68 back into focus for those who might challenge those who [are] were truly in control.

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I'm more interested in why Thomas and with the [i believe] wink and nod, if the prod of GPH [iMO] is posting to try to discredit Plumlee

Left alone, most "wannabee's" generally have a way of exposing themselves.

That most neither have the training and/or experience to recognize such exposure is merely a result of one's "Life experiences".

Therefore, if I point to a few "discrepancies" which tend to cast doubt onto the "Tosh" story, then perhaps one should either blame Mr. Plumlee or else attempt to get a factual and correct story from him.



Date of Discharge or Release:-------------2 Jul 54


Can you read? Be nit pick thats fine.... I supplied the documentation, and you failed to interp it corectly... not me... Point being I was arrested on Feb 22,1952 and in the National Guard the following Oct 22,1952 thu Feb 8,1953 went in one month before my 15th birthdday. (4 mo after my arrest) thansfered to the FOURTH ARMY RESERVE Sept 28 1953 to March 2, 1954 the next day March 3 1954 into the regular Army at Ft Bliss as a Cpl until 2 July 1954.


Post #34

June 5, 1954 shot in the butt


How do you know I was not in a war zone? I have a full VA disability. I was going to post the VA award which mentions KOREAN VET. but I do not have the space So much for your law. You seem to make bold statements. Please post your references and documentation as I have.


After some years that got me full VA because started having bad trouble with my back, legs and hip.., because at the time of the gun shot I was also ran over my a jeep


(note: I was ran over by a jeep at Ft Bliss in 1954 and was at Wm Baumont Army Hospital for 14 days.)



When I was about 16 someone fired off a shot gun and I started

running along with a few other family members. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Post #22

And received flight training under the GI Bill in 54..




I took flying lessons at White Rock Aviation in 1953. "Smitty" was my flight instructor. I soloed at White Rock in June of 53



Post #1

I do not expect anyone to respond to these questions... I am just sending documentation out there to pull a chain or two... a signal if you like... Whatever, it is now recorded before the fact....... not after. I still hold an Ace.




Post #23

If you want people to simply take your word that there was something inexplicable going on without any definable historical context - that's fine. You'll find no shortage of gullible types here ready for acolyte status. I've got better things to do.



In the event that anyone has interest in how an "underage" enlistee in the armed forces, who is "run over by a jeep" while on active duty (be it for training in the Reserves or RA duty), and who thereafter spent some purportedly 14 days in a military hospital as a result of said injuries, could in later life file a "VA" claim that such injuries were responsible for later medical problems, then let me know and I will explain it to the forum.

Certainly nothing new, as literelly thousands of those who got old and had no form of benefits (retirement/SS/medical), have done the same.

The VA is FULL of such cases, of which the good old American Taxpayer gets to pay the bill.

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I'm more interested in why Thomas and with the [i believe] wink and nod, if the prod of GPH [iMO] is posting to try to discredit Plumlee.

I apologize if I am reading this incorrectly,but it looks like someone is saying that Tom Purvis is a sock puppet. I can't think of anything further from the truth. Purvis is NO ONE's sock puppet. I am laughing thinking about it.

Right or wrong, he is his own person.

Not everyone who disagrees is on the other side or out to get someone. We get to the truth by asking questions. The way we ask them is unique to each of us. You can read a post here, and almost guess, if you didn't know, who the poster really was.

A debate can be a wonderful learning tool for those who participate. We learn much from the opponent, and many times it gives us pause to rethink our position, or reinforce it. To label someone just because they don't agree, or imply that they are allied with the "dark side" is counterproductive, and, this, IMO, is what creates the bickering on the boards.

Purvis is NO ONE's sock puppet. I am laughing thinking about it.

I thought that I heard someone else laughing!

But then again, just passed it off as senile dementia!

Application of seperate and independent thought will be the only key to unraveling the Warren Commission lies, and such thought will not occur so long as one "chases" the mythological stories of those who would mislead.

Therefore, ANYONE who misrepresents themselves in order to convince others of the validity of their theory, etc;, is subject to, and should be openly revealed.

As to my association (or lack thereof) with GPH, if one will check back in history they will find that even GPH was under the misconceived idea that there were multiple assassins in Dealy Plaza.

Personally, I am under the impression that GPH may possess some personal knowledge of many of those "characters" who are in this event. Especially Wm Pawley, and possible a few others.

So much of this "tie" information has been lost throughout the years due to the deaths (accidential/natural/un-natural) of many of the players. It is therefore critical that whatever remaining knowledge of these persons be openly preserved and presented.

In that regards, I have not only urged GPH to reveal what he knows, but have also attempted to get the JFK Center Historian to interview him and thusly "get it into the record" if possible.

The possibility exists that the "key" to making the connections between the Pawley; Martino; New Orleans, etc; group which were behind LHO's actions, may still exist, and if so then one should welcome any opportunity to get this into the record before it is in fact forever lost.

GPH is "welcomed" among the true SF/SOF Warriors who remain around Bragg, as he has actually (of record) been involved with such things.

And, many of 2506 as well as their "Son's" have and continue to serve within these groupings, and consider GPH as almost one of their own.

Lastly, despite what anyone may say to the contrary, this remains the "EDUCATION" forum, and its discussions; arguments; etc; remain far and above what one will find on either Lancer and/or the McAdams sites.

There are many here such as yourself who are not willing to be "lead by the nose" by any of us and our rantings.

That, believe it or not, is all that anyone should be willing to ask for!

And, in that regard, I often receive emails from those who are Pillars of the true/factual research community, and they frequently visit this forum for their own extension of knowledge.

Might I also add that you have demonstrated yourself to be a credit to this forum!

Tom Purvis

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