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Man with telephoto on cam in Oswald window?

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re: left / right handed. Maggie, make sure you ask did he shoot a rifle left-handed.

I'm right-handed, shoot a pistol right-handed, but shoot a rifle left-handed.

Yes Evan. You are right. I am left handed for most things but I shoot (any weapon) with my right hand but sight my target with my left eye. If that makes sense. Been a long time in any case.

It just seems a very awkward corner to be shooting down Elm Street from. Not having seen this place in real life and only having pictures to go on I can't really tell. It seems it would be much better to focus on a target coming down Houston Street. Because of the turn it would be going really slow and would be right ahead. Should be easy. Why wait till Elm and almost out of view. Much more tricky.

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The backyard photos of Oswald or whoever it was holding the rifle was a right-handed person... his pistol is on the right, gripping a rifle with his left hand shows a person who shoots with his right hand. If you have proof to Oswald being left-handed then you might have a case.


His mother told the Warren Commission Lee was left handed but she didn't know if he used a weapon with his left or right hand. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=175 Mothers know these things.

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The backyard photos of Oswald or whoever it was holding the rifle was a right-handed person... his pistol is on the right, gripping a rifle with his left hand shows a person who shoots with his right hand. If you have proof to Oswald being left-handed then you might have a case.


Don, the back yard photos show Oswald holding his rifle in both hands and the second photo showing Oswald on the firing range firing right handed. Whatever Oswald's mother said I'm inclined to belive Oswald was right handed, remember in Russia he cut his LEFT wrist using his RIGHT hand. Actruly on just reading the above link from Maggie, it would seem Oswald's mother was really saying Oswald was both left and right handed.



Edited by Denis Pointing
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The oft-maligned Tom Purvis has suggested that the scope, as mounted on C2766, would appear to have been in pretty fair [but not perfect] alignment for a right-handed shooter who was left-eye dominant. Whether that would describe LHO or not might never be determined at this late date.

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This is a very interesting post, and okay lets say that there is a hand holding a pipe in the window in question and that the picture was taken 30 seconds after the last shot, also possible, but it seems to me that almost everyone is missing the big picture here, look in the window just below and to the left there is someone peeking out of the left side of that window, my thoughts here are that if I was on the floor below and I heard some ear popping noises (ever hear gunshots without ear protection?) would I still be standing there looking out that window? I think not!

Just a thought....Scott

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If someone appears out of the shadows on the 5th floor, what appears out of the shadows on the 6th floor.



I thought the identity of the person on the fifth floor was established...Bonnie Ray Williams. And he may look like he's in the shadows, but I've definitely seen pics of the 5th floor window after the shots were fired, and he is basically hanging out of it looking down on the crowd.

I know this thread is related to the "pipe" in the 6th floor window, but there's something that's always bothered me about Williams and his account of the shots allegedly fired in the window above him. From pictures I've seen, the 6th floor window is what, five feet above the 5th floor window? If that? That's a pretty close "earwitness", the shots would have been fired practically right on top of him. And yet, although he testified that he heard three shots and the shells hitting the floor, did he even bother to yell down to the street and get the attention of police or anybody? Did he race upstairs?

I know this is easy to point out given hindsight and all, but it just seems kind of odd that a witness just a few feet below the "sniper's nest" didn't have more of a reaction at the time.

(by the way, if I have confused Williams with another man, my apologies. The main point still stands, even if I am mistaken about the name)

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If someone appears out of the shadows on the 5th floor, what appears out of the shadows on the 6th floor.



I thought the identity of the person on the fifth floor was established...Bonnie Ray Williams. And he may look like he's in the shadows, but I've definitely seen pics of the 5th floor window after the shots were fired, and he is basically hanging out of it looking down on the crowd.

I know this thread is related to the "pipe" in the 6th floor window, but there's something that's always bothered me about Williams and his account of the shots allegedly fired in the window above him. From pictures I've seen, the 6th floor window is what, five feet above the 5th floor window? If that? That's a pretty close "earwitness", the shots would have been fired practically right on top of him. And yet, although he testified that he heard three shots and the shells hitting the floor, did he even bother to yell down to the street and get the attention of police or anybody? Did he race upstairs?

I know this is easy to point out given hindsight and all, but it just seems kind of odd that a witness just a few feet below the "sniper's nest" didn't have more of a reaction at the time.

(by the way, if I have confused Williams with another man, my apologies. The main point still stands, even if I am mistaken about the name)

Hard to tell how anyone would react after seeing someone getting their brains blown out, was he stunned perhaps? As for rushing to the floor above to confront an armed killer....if it was me, no way. Denis.

Edited by Denis Pointing
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