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I'm sure we all know by now that Caroline Kennedy (sans Schlossberg) endorsed Obama in the NY Times:


And now we're hearing that the great Ted Kennedy is endorsing Obama as well.


As huge as that is what really hit me was the location Senator Kennedy is chose to make his announcement:

"Kennedy confidantes told the Globe today that the Bay State's senior senator will appear with Obama and Kennedy's niece, Caroline Kennedy, at a morning rally at American University in Washington tomorrow to announce his support."

I'm very proud of Senator Kennedy for having the wisdom to take this stand... especially from this time and place.

"We must all, in our daily lives, live up to the age-old faith that peace and freedom walk together."

--John F. Kennedy

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I'm sure we all know by now that Caroline Kennedy (sans Schlossberg) endorsed Obama in the NY Times:


And now we're hearing that the great Ted Kennedy is endorsing Obama as well.


As huge as that is what really hit me was the location Senator Kennedy is chose to make his announcement:

"Kennedy confidantes told the Globe today that the Bay State's senior senator will appear with Obama and Kennedy's niece, Caroline Kennedy, at a morning rally at American University in Washington tomorrow to announce his support."

I'm very proud of Senator Kennedy for having the wisdom to take this stand... especially from this time and place.

"We must all, in our daily lives, live up to the age-old faith that peace and freedom walk together."

--John F. Kennedy

That totally jumped out for me too, Myra. I hope that Senator Kennedy will refer to his brother's beautiful speech of hope and peace when he makes his announcement. To this day I cannot read (or hear) those words without crying.


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Im miffed as to what people see in Obama that will bring any change. He campaigned for lieberman, Ziggy B. is his top fo po man. And yes he Did praise Reagan for bringing change, I dont care how they want to spin it. It is dangerously delussional and disinformational to compare the change brought by Reagan to any change whatsoever going in the other direction: one kind of change is swimming downstream the other is swimming upstream.

What would have happened to the Republican party if Goldwater had praised FDR and LBJ in 1964? Even if he had these praises would have been counterbalanced by hundreds of haymakers aimed right at the nogin of liberalism.

Obomb'em DID make such comments about Reagan the terrorist, and there is rarely even a rabbit punch at the war mongers. All of his anti-war credentials are based on a vote from the free-throw line in 2002 in Il State Leg. Does anyone remember his unbelievably reckless comments about pakistan, extremisms that hardly raised an eyebrow from the Corporate Press.... oh that would be because it is rightward extremsism. And this about a country with nukes, islamic extrmists, ISI-CIA snake dancers and tribalists who are often grumpy. Just might be considered a rash comment by anyone not watching harles Gibson on ABC!

Honestly, I just don't get the enthusiasm for Barack and Bomb'em Check out his corporate funding from Open Secret site. He is virtually identical to Hillary Rodham Bush.

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Im miffed as to what people see in Obama that will bring any change. He campaigned for lieberman, Ziggy B. is his top fo po man. And yes he Did praise Reagan for bringing change, I dont care how they want to spin it. It is dangerously delussional and disinformational to compare the change brought by Reagan to any change whatsoever going in the other direction: one kind of change is swimming downstream the other is swimming upstream.

What would have happened to the Republican party if Goldwater had praised FDR and LBJ in 1964? Even if he had these praises would have been counterbalanced by hundreds of haymakers aimed right at the nogin of liberalism.

Obomb'em DID make such comments about Reagan the terrorist, and there is rarely even a rabbit punch at the war mongers. All of his anti-war credentials are based on a vote from the free-throw line in 2002 in Il State Leg. Does anyone remember his unbelievably reckless comments about pakistan, extremisms that hardly raised an eyebrow from the Corporate Press.... oh that would be because it is rightward extremsism. And this about a country with nukes, islamic extrmists, ISI-CIA snake dancers and tribalists who are often grumpy. Just might be considered a rash comment by anyone not watching harles Gibson on ABC!

Honestly, I just don't get the enthusiasm for Barack and Bomb'em Check out his corporate funding from Open Secret site. He is virtually identical to Hillary Rodham Bush.

The only time I'm been impressed with Obama is when he makes a speech.

He's a great speaker.

However he's a standard issue politician from what I've seen.

My candidate, Dennis Kucinich, just dropped out of the presidential race to focus on reelection to congress.

No one else is in Kucinich's league.

Not even close.

At the same time none of the other Dem candidates are nearly as bad as Billary.

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I'm sure we all know by now that Caroline Kennedy (sans Schlossberg) endorsed Obama in the NY Times:


And now we're hearing that the great Ted Kennedy is endorsing Obama as well.


As huge as that is what really hit me was the location Senator Kennedy is chose to make his announcement:

"Kennedy confidantes told the Globe today that the Bay State's senior senator will appear with Obama and Kennedy's niece, Caroline Kennedy, at a morning rally at American University in Washington tomorrow to announce his support."

I'm very proud of Senator Kennedy for having the wisdom to take this stand... especially from this time and place.

"We must all, in our daily lives, live up to the age-old faith that peace and freedom walk together."

--John F. Kennedy

That totally jumped out for me too, Myra. I hope that Senator Kennedy will refer to his brother's beautiful speech of hope and peace when he makes his announcement. To this day I cannot read (or hear) those words without crying.


I have the same reaction Dawn.

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I feel similarly about Billary and Obama. They are hardly distinguishable.

I just am not going to buy the lesseroftwoevilism this time around. Not after four more years of having the Democrats prove that their true function is to make Rightwing extremism of the MIC SEEM mainstream by not speaking up about anything.

I think we have to step out of the fixed Corporate Election Game and criticize the whole thing, corporate democrats included. Even if the Corporate Dems win, they are not going to change anything. Suddenly we will find the legislative branch has risen from the dead and they will be calling war-mongering Democratic invaders of Pakistan "Leftists".

I dont know how anyone over 22 years old can come up with a workable lesseroftwoevilism type argument right now.


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I feel similarly about Billary and Obama. They are hardly distinguishable.

I just am not going to buy the lesseroftwoevilism this time around. Not after four more years of having the Democrats prove that their true function is to make Rightwing extremism of the MIC SEEM mainstream by not speaking up about anything.

I think we have to step out of the fixed Corporate Election Game and criticize the whole thing, corporate democrats included. Even if the Corporate Dems win, they are not going to change anything. Suddenly we will find the legislative branch has risen from the dead and they will be calling war-mongering Democratic invaders of Pakistan "Leftists".

I dont know how anyone over 22 years old can come up with a workable lesseroftwoevilism type argument right now.


I agree to a point and am done selecting the lesser of two evils.

However, there is a significant difference between Obama and the remaining Dem candidates; they voted to invade Iraq and he didn't. Therefore they can never have credibility on the subject whereas he can.

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Im miffed as to what people see in Obama that will bring any change. He campaigned for lieberman, Ziggy B. is his top fo po man. And yes he Did praise Reagan for bringing change, I dont care how they want to spin it. It is dangerously delussional and disinformational to compare the change brought by Reagan to any change whatsoever going in the other direction: one kind of change is swimming downstream the other is swimming upstream.

What would have happened to the Republican party if Goldwater had praised FDR and LBJ in 1964? Even if he had these praises would have been counterbalanced by hundreds of haymakers aimed right at the nogin of liberalism.

Obomb'em DID make such comments about Reagan the terrorist, and there is rarely even a rabbit punch at the war mongers. All of his anti-war credentials are based on a vote from the free-throw line in 2002 in Il State Leg. Does anyone remember his unbelievably reckless comments about pakistan, extremisms that hardly raised an eyebrow from the Corporate Press.... oh that would be because it is rightward extremsism. And this about a country with nukes, islamic extrmists, ISI-CIA snake dancers and tribalists who are often grumpy. Just might be considered a rash comment by anyone not watching harles Gibson on ABC!

Honestly, I just don't get the enthusiasm for Barack and Bomb'em Check out his corporate funding from Open Secret site. He is virtually identical to Hillary Rodham Bush.

Nat, I don't think you have to worry. Obama will not get in as President or even close. The powers that be, who decimated the Kennedy family, will have turned their blood-shot gaze on Obama. No way will a black man be President. Do you think the Rothschilds, the Morgans, the Bushes, the DuPonts, the Rockefellers, the Murchisons would allow that? Obama was raised in the Islamic faith. Now after 9/11, do you think anyone wants an Arab in the Presidency? Have people forgotten? They want to strike us from within (with help from the wealthy oil barons). Keep us in line. Keep us afraid. And I am afraid -- due to the Bushes of the world. But don't worry about Obama getting into office election day (if he's still alive). Another awful thing is going to happen. And Ted and Caroline have frosted the cake.


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Im miffed as to what people see in Obama that will bring any change. He campaigned for lieberman, Ziggy B. is his top fo po man. And yes he Did praise Reagan for bringing change, I dont care how they want to spin it. It is dangerously delussional and disinformational to compare the change brought by Reagan to any change whatsoever going in the other direction: one kind of change is swimming downstream the other is swimming upstream.

What would have happened to the Republican party if Goldwater had praised FDR and LBJ in 1964? Even if he had these praises would have been counterbalanced by hundreds of haymakers aimed right at the nogin of liberalism.

Obomb'em DID make such comments about Reagan the terrorist, and there is rarely even a rabbit punch at the war mongers. All of his anti-war credentials are based on a vote from the free-throw line in 2002 in Il State Leg. Does anyone remember his unbelievably reckless comments about pakistan, extremisms that hardly raised an eyebrow from the Corporate Press.... oh that would be because it is rightward extremsism. And this about a country with nukes, islamic extrmists, ISI-CIA snake dancers and tribalists who are often grumpy. Just might be considered a rash comment by anyone not watching harles Gibson on ABC!

Honestly, I just don't get the enthusiasm for Barack and Bomb'em Check out his corporate funding from Open Secret site. He is virtually identical to Hillary Rodham Bush.

The only time I'm been impressed with Obama is when he makes a speech.

He's a great speaker.

However he's a standard issue politician from what I've seen.

My candidate, Dennis Kucinich, just dropped out of the presidential race to focus on reelection to congress.

No one else is in Kucinich's league.

Not even close.

At the same time none of the other Dem candidates are nearly as bad as Billary.

I don't think Obama is a great speaker. I think he can be awkward and inconsistent. Perhaps after having to endure years of listening to Bush our standards have been lowered radically. Obama isn't in the same class as JFK, for instance.

Edited by Otto B Cornejo
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Im miffed as to what people see in Obama that will bring any change. He campaigned for lieberman, Ziggy B. is his top fo po man. And yes he Did praise Reagan for bringing change, I dont care how they want to spin it. It is dangerously delussional and disinformational to compare the change brought by Reagan to any change whatsoever going in the other direction: one kind of change is swimming downstream the other is swimming upstream.

What would have happened to the Republican party if Goldwater had praised FDR and LBJ in 1964? Even if he had these praises would have been counterbalanced by hundreds of haymakers aimed right at the nogin of liberalism.

Obomb'em DID make such comments about Reagan the terrorist, and there is rarely even a rabbit punch at the war mongers. All of his anti-war credentials are based on a vote from the free-throw line in 2002 in Il State Leg. Does anyone remember his unbelievably reckless comments about pakistan, extremisms that hardly raised an eyebrow from the Corporate Press.... oh that would be because it is rightward extremsism. And this about a country with nukes, islamic extrmists, ISI-CIA snake dancers and tribalists who are often grumpy. Just might be considered a rash comment by anyone not watching harles Gibson on ABC!

Honestly, I just don't get the enthusiasm for Barack and Bomb'em Check out his corporate funding from Open Secret site. He is virtually identical to Hillary Rodham Bush.

Nat, I don't think you have to worry. Obama will not get in as President or even close. The powers that be, who decimated the Kennedy family, will have turned their blood-shot gaze on Obama. No way will a black man be President. Do you think the Rothschilds, the Morgans, the Bushes, the DuPonts, the Rockefellers, the Murchisons would allow that? Obama was raised in the Islamic faith. Now after 9/11, do you think anyone wants an Arab in the Presidency? Have people forgotten? They want to strike us from within (with help from the wealthy oil barons). Keep us in line. Keep us afraid. And I am afraid -- due to the Bushes of the world. But don't worry about Obama getting into office election day (if he's still alive). Another awful thing is going to happen. And Ted and Caroline have frosted the cake.


Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised in a forum such as this that there is a sensitivity about the unthinkable happening to Obama should he become the Democrats choice for the presidency. To some of you this kind of conspiracy is a very real possibility. Although I agree with many here that JFK's assassination was driven by conspiracy, I'm not so sure that Obama falls so easily into the category of "radical" despite his race or his upbringing. I am not sure he is that far away from being part of the machine.

At any rate, I notice that Mr Plumlee has started a thread about his fears of the past repeating itself, here:



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Obama is on the right track. His statements re Reagan were accurate. Reagan made people feel good about being an American, and they voted for him even though he didn't represent their interests. Obama is trying to get people to feel good about being an American and vote for him, even though he does represent their interests.

While I'm somewhat partial to Edwards, in that he's declared war on the special interests running Washington, I think Obama has the potential to reverse the course of history, and return America to a position of respect, instead of fear.

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Obama is on the right track. His statements re Reagan were accurate. Reagan made people feel good about being an American, and they voted for him even though he didn't represent their interests. Obama is trying to get people to feel good about being an American and vote for him, even though he does represent their interests.

While I'm somewhat partial to Edwards, in that he's declared war on the special interests running Washington, I think Obama has the potential to reverse the course of history, and return America to a position of respect, instead of fear.

I feel there are elements of truth in all of the posts that have been submitted on this thread, but I think maybe an understated position, even excluding the religious connotations, is that people in all walks of life, need hope, and if Obama is just another product of the machine, then hope is arguably non-existent in the 2008 campaign.

I was watching Marvin Kalb on CSPAN-3 last night talking about the nightmarish State of the Union regarding the American media, his most salient point was, that the words "I think" have no place in authentic journalism, and that many opinion/editorializing pieces are brazenly passed of as news. I believe part of the problem in getting America back on track is getting rid of the culture of idiocracy, which is a big part of why politics can seem so nauseating these days.

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