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Barack Obama or John McCain

John Simkin

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Notice how Hillary's reaction is reported: No IMMEDIATE comment. Ten bucks says Hillary is going to give this some cogitation before she tells Obama he can kiss her XXX (Kathy Beckett won't let me say ASS)

HC's campaign manager Maggie Williams weighs in: http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/p...you-racist.aspx

Now I'm reminded of Damon Runyan's proverb that THE ODDS ON ANY GIVEN PROPOSITION aRE 6 to 5 AGAINST, and I can still remember my first very first bet, on a 6 to 1 outsider named Cassius Clay.

You shoulda got 7-1 at least.

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I can't get sound on this computer, but I think the Empress Pelosi has just officially declared this contest



Meanwhile everyone I met today is suddenly talking about good old John McCain, looking like a real president as he heads off to hobnob with the European muckity-mucks.

Edited by J. Raymond Carroll
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A possible theory. Hilliary Clinton realizes she cannot win this year's nomination. If Barack becomes president her next opportunity is likely to be in 8 years time. An unlikely event. However, if Barack loses to McCain in November, she has a good chance of being the Democratic candidate in 2012. It is therefore in her interests to damage Barack as much as she can. Barack is aware of this and therefore refuses to get involved in a nasty fight with her that will only help McCain and the Republicans. Barack's strategy is aimed at the super delegates as in reality, they are now the only ones that matter.

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A possible theory. Hilliary Clinton realizes she cannot win this year's nomination. If Barack becomes president her next opportunity is likely to be in 8 years time. An unlikely event. However, if Barack loses to McCain in November, she has a good chance of being the Democratic candidate in 2012. It is therefore in her interests to damage Barack as much as she can.

It is certainly true that Hillary is shamelessly using the Karl Rove playbook in an effort to destroy Barack, but she has by no means given up on this years nomination.

Barack is aware of this and therefore refuses to get involved in a nasty fight with her that will only help McCain and the Republicans. Barack's strategy is aimed at the super delegates as in reality, they are now the only ones that matter.

The question is whether Barack's MISTER NICE GUY approach is impressing the Superdelegates, or whether they will see him as a weakling. The Karl Rove technique already sank two nice guys, Kerry & Gore, and Hillary is telling the superdelegates that they can't afford to send out another lamb to be slaughtered.

Hillary took a stand at the Alamo and lived to tell the tale. Now she takes her stand at VALLEY FORGE. Yesterday Bill Clinton said that Hillary has to WIN BIG in Pennsylvania, the Keystone State. The inference is that a big win for Hillary in the last BIG STATE should put Hillary over the top, now that Obama has failed to win a single major state outside of Illinois.

Exit polling from Mississipi showed that an alarmingly high percentage of Hillary supporters won't support Barack in a general election, and that Obama's share of the white vote has been shrinking steadily in southern states. Thus, Hillary sends out Geraldine Ferraro to play the race card. She is saying that African-Americans have nowhere else to go in November except to the Democratic candidate, so who needs Barack Obama when you can have a candidate who really has the killer instinct to do battle in the Fall.

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A possible theory. Hilliary Clinton realizes she cannot win this year's nomination. If Barack becomes president her next opportunity is likely to be in 8 years time. An unlikely event. However, if Barack loses to McCain in November, she has a good chance of being the Democratic candidate in 2012. It is therefore in her interests to damage Barack as much as she can.

It is certainly true that Hillary is shamelessly using the Karl Rove playbook in an effort to destroy Barack, but she has by no means given up on this years nomination.

Barack is aware of this and therefore refuses to get involved in a nasty fight with her that will only help McCain and the Republicans. Barack's strategy is aimed at the super delegates as in reality, they are now the only ones that matter.

The question is whether Barack's MISTER NICE GUY approach is impressing the Superdelegates, or whether they will see him as a weakling. The Karl Rove technique already sank two nice guys, Kerry & Gore, and Hillary is telling the superdelegates that they can't afford to send out another lamb to be slaughtered.

Hillary took a stand at the Alamo and lived to tell the tale. Now she takes her stand at VALLEY FORGE. Yesterday Bill Clinton said that Hillary has to WIN BIG in Pennsylvania, the Keystone State. The inference is that a big win for Hillary in the last BIG STATE should put Hillary over the top, now that Obama has failed to win a single major state outside of Illinois.

Exit polling from Mississipi showed that an alarmingly high percentage of Hillary supporters won't support Barack in a general election, and that Obama's share of the white vote has been shrinking steadily in southern states. Thus, Hillary sends out Geraldine Ferraro to play the race card. She is saying that African-Americans have nowhere else to go in November except to the Democratic candidate, so who needs Barack Obama when you can have a candidate who really has the killer instinct to do battle in the Fall.

HRC, her husband and her emissaries have all but called Obama "colored".

Who among us doesn't think that she's a monster?

Edited by Christopher Hall
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HRC, her husband and her emissaries have all but called Obama "colored".

Who among us doesn't think that she's a monster?

I just came across this blog from back on March 7. It gives some idea of the golden opportunity the Obamateurs threw away when they ignominiously fired Samantha Power:

We gave Power the Pulitzer for exposing the, well, monstrous indifference of the Clinton administration as it stared unblinkingly and immobile into the face of massive horror. But we give her a kick in the backside and throw her out the door when she has the temerity to publicly restate all that in one impolite word. Monstrous, indeed.


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Ten bucks says Hillary is going to give this some cogitation before she tells Obama he can kiss her XXX

On second thoughts Hillary told Ferraro "Let's keep my ass out of it, shall we?

Just tell him he can kiss YOURS"

So Ferraro is doing the rounds of TV shows tonight saying Obama is no more qualified to be Vice-President than she was, back in the day, and Hilary is appalled and thinks its time the two camps went back to focussing on the issues.

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A Hillary Clinton adviser has resigned over her comment that Barack Obama would not be ahead in the race for the White House if he were not black.

Geraldine Ferraro, a vice-presidential candidate in 1984, announced she was stepping down from an honorary role on Mrs Clinton's finance committee.

Earlier, she had told US network ABC that her remarks had been "spun by the Obama campaign as racist" but were not.

Mr Obama in turn rejected the idea that being black was a big advantage.

Mrs Clinton has distanced herself from the comments, quoted in a US newspaper interview last week.

The row flared up on Tuesday, the day of the Mississippi primary election, which was convincingly won by Mr Obama.

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A Hillary Clinton adviser has resigned over her comment that Barack Obama would not be ahead in the race for the White House if he were not black.

Geraldine A. Ferraro resigned Wednesday from Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign finance committee but remained unapologetic for citing Senator Barack Obama’s race as the decisive factor in his success.

“I am stepping down from your finance committee,” she wrote, “so I can speak for myself and you can continue to speak for yourself about what’s at stake in this campaign. The Obama campaign is attacking me to hurt you. I won’t let that happen.”

[You take the high road, and I'll take the low road]

Ms. Ferraro made no apologies. “Am I sorry? No, no, no,” she said. “I am sorry there are people who think I am racist.”

She accused the Obama campaign of misrepresenting her remarks to hurt Mrs. Clinton, saying: “They have played the race card time after time after time. The campaign has a goal, which is to attack Hillary. They have to find a way and they can’t do it on experience, on issues, so they look for places. They came up with this, and, well, here we go.”


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As far as an impact on JFK assassination research goes, it would be extremely significant for a Democrat to win the next election and put in place an Attorney General who will support the Emmett Till Bill and establish a Federal Task Force to investigate unsolved civil rights homicides of the 60s.

Such an Attorney General could also convein, or allow an Asst Fed DA to convein a Special Federal Grand Jury to review the evidence and determine if indictments can be brougtht in the case.

After the Assassination Records Review Board determined the Kefhaver Committee records on organized crime were NOT related to the JFK Assassination and NOT made part of its records, the 50 years lapsed for the regular release of Congressional records and I requested access to them.

I was denied because they said the Kef Com records still had to be sanitized before being released.

Then I read in the acknowledgements of Gus Russo's book on the Chicago Mob that he got access to the Kefhauver Committee records, thanks to the efforts of John McCain.

Bill Kelly

I was about to say "amen" to David Gyatt's brilliant post til I read this. Just one more reason to not let McCain get this. Though the Dems seem determined to implode. Yes Ray I too am greatly enjoying your analysis and agree. Hillary and now Jerry; the "race" is indeed on. They will stop at nothing. I am ashamed to be a woman. After Hillary's little "McCain is better fit to be commander in chief" comment her true colors became clear to me- at last. She just gave him the election. And he'll give us 100 more years in Iraq, and the Gus Russo's of the world will receive classified docs while true searchers of the TRUTH will be told to get lost.


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Hillary and now Jerry; the "race" is indeed on. They will stop at nothing.

Like many people, I thought Ferraro was dead and buried years ago. Now I discover that she had a campaign job raising money for Hillary. When she "stepped down" yesterday, she never promised to stop raising money and Hillary never promised to stop accepting it. I would guess that Ferraro will raise even more money now, after blitzing every TV network and cable channel yesterday on Hillary's behalf, calling Obama a racist, with no opposition from anyone, and many of the regular TV pundits declaring that Ferraro DOES have a point.

Edited by J. Raymond Carroll
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Latest Rasmussen Poll:

Sixty-two percent (62%) of Black voters believe Ferraro’s comments were racist. Just 23% of White voters agree.
Overall, 44% believe Clinton will do better in the fall campaign against John McCain. Thirty-seven percent (37%) believe Obama will be the better general election candidate


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Jeffrey Rachlinski is one of the most brilliant young academics in America. He is a Law Professor AND an experimental psychologist. As it happens, he has just published a study on race and gender in the 2008 election and this interview with Newsweek was recorded just before the Ferraro firestorm.


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How Sex Will Decide the Democratic Nominee

Rachslinski's study deals only with biases of race and gender, but have you noticed how sex seems to be involved in nearly everything these days?

Yet there's been no talk of sex (the REAL thing] by Barak or Hillary?

So let's go beneath the bedcovers, and maybe we will find the answer to the question everyone is asking with SIX LONG WEEKS to go till Pennsylvania:


It may turn out that the most important recent poll is the one that shows BILL CLINTON"S PRESIDENTIAL RATINGS in serious decline.

BIll was hoping that Hillary would go down in glory at the Alamo, like Davy Crockett. He's had enough of this happy horsexxxt to last a lifetime, SO watching his own legacy dragged in the gutter by these shameless hussies is no fun for him OR ANY OF HIS BUDDIES playing golf in the sun as a reward for a lifetime of effort and achievement.

Make no mistake, Bill CLinton is a hurtin'puppy right about now. He suffers the ultimate male indignity, a petticoat government.

A co-presidency with Hillary would be the twilight zone.

Michelle Obama, on the other hand, has her mind set on the White House and she has absolutely nothing to lose in this campaign. Once upon a time Michelle vs. Bill would have been an uneven match, but I have inside information that Michelle has promised our bold Barack a night to remember, if he wins the nomination, while poor Bill can look forward to two cookies and a pat on the xxx.

Barak is beginning to get his Mojo back on the campaign trail after weeks of moping and groping, and soon the people of Pennsylvania begin to realize that Barak isn't kidding when he says "TO KNOW ME IS TO LOVE ME"

(he doesn't use those exact words).

Bill will wake up one of these fine days and read Samantha Power's book where I believe it highlights some rather indefensible inaction by Bill in regard to the small matter of genocide. Samantha Power can say nice things about Hillary, but that does Bill no good if she's badmouthing him.

Suppose some enterprising reporter in Philadelphia does a story on what the Clinton's don't want you to know about GENOCIDE, citing Power's work?

(I bet no one will speak in favor of genocide).

Bill Clinton's image problem mirrors the nation's concern with its self-image and its image in the world. INSTANT KARMA with Barack Obama.

Michelle will never let hubby quit now, but I predict that BIll will wake up one of these fine days and pull the plug on Shrillery. He alone is capable of throwing in the towel, and I believe he has the guts to do it publicly, if need be.

John Simkin suggested earlier that Hillary is prepared to kill the party's chances in '08 and it looks as though this prediction could come true if Hillary keeps this up. even if Bill were cynical enough to allow that to happen, he cannot allow his own legacy to be squandered.

In the interests of full disclosure I campaigned for Bill back in 92, and thought he did a pretty decent job in the most insane environment (before I heard about Power's book on genocide)

Edited by J. Raymond Carroll
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