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1. A "blood spot" will not, and never has show up on a "Hard" radiographic image of the human head.

Therefore, it is irrelevant to the issue.

Upon reading over your remarks ... I may have been in error. It seems that someone doesn't have to have a break in the scalp to have holes in their head ... your responses have convinced me of this. For instance, the point you mentioned above had nothing to do with what I had stated.

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Personally, I could give the proverbial "Rat's A" as regards some "spot of blood" or for that matter even the autopsy photo which purports to show the cowlick entry into the scalp.

Kind of like looking at clouds and the Z-film. If one stares long enough, no telling what one may think that they see.

Well I am not going to waste my time on this foolishness. If you don't give a 'rats '''' ', then I shouldn't either. But believe it or not ... a bullet that didn't break the skin does not pass through the underlining bone, thus someone should give a 'rats '''' ' ... but it need not be you. I just wanted to point this out so others can have some food for thought when reading your thread.

Bill Miller

1. A "blood spot" will not, and never has show up on a "Hard" radiographic image of the human head.

Therefore, it is irrelevant to the issue.

2. A "blood spot" as determined by looking at a photograph, rates right up there with looking at JBC's actions at/around Z234 and then utilizing one's imagination as to exactly what is going on.

3. A "blood spot" on a photograph is a photographic image, that unless coupled with "First Person" testimony that this image is a "blood spot", is merely someone's concept as to what the image actually is.

4. As with the Clark and the HSCA panel, neither of which could state with "Certainty" that the photgraphic image of the "Cowlick" area of JFK's head contained a bullet entrance wound, I would have to contend the same, irrelavant and a "Rat's A" as to what I may or may not think.

The Anterior/posterior x-ray DEFINITIVELY shows the bullet preforation/entrance through the skull in this region.

Therefore, based on this, as well as common logic that a bullet can neither enter, nor exit the skull without having created a pathway through the scalp, common logic, as it did with the Clark Panel as well as the HSCA panel, dictates that the photograph of the scalp which depicts the "Cowlick" entry, is directly associated with the preforation through the skull which can also be readily observed in the anterior posterior X-ray in this exact same region.

Neither you nor I, the Clark Panel, nor the HSCA, can state as an absolute that the photo depicts an ENTRY or EXIT, as all that one can tell is that an anomaly exists in the photo which appears to have been a bullet entrance wound.


Mr. KELLERMAN. Entry into this man's head was right below that wound, right here.

Mr. SPECTER. Indicating the bottom of the hairline immediately to the right of the ear about the lower third of the ear?

Mr. KELLERMAN. Right. But it was in the hairline, sir.

Mr. SPECTER. In his hairline?

Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER. Near the end of his hairline?

Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes, sir.


In event that you did not bother to check, Dr. Humes; Boswell; and Finck have no confusion as regards where the entry into the scalp was, as they actually cut and removed scalp tissue from this area and examined it at a later point.


Skin Wounds

Sections through the wounds in the occipital and upper right

posterior thoracic regions are essentially similar. In each there is loss

of continuity of the epidermis with coagulation necrosis of the tissues

at the wound margins. The scalp wound exhibits several small

fragments of bone at its margins in the subcutaneous tissue.


Did you sleep through that portion of the course of instruction Bill?

Bill (& a few others):

In event my frequently "to the point/rude; crude; & socially unacceptable behavior and answers offends, then just write it off as a result of genetic inbreeding and/or the southern environement, which is not nearly as hospitable as many would lead one to believe.

However, do not, by the tone of my answer, think that I do not or have never had interest in the "Cowlick" scalp wound.

Far from being the truth!

Many years ago when I was ordering photographic and written records from NARA, the cowlick scalp entry was of primary importance, and attached is the "enlarged" version of this wound. (JFK Exhibit F-50).

The small black arrow points to the "purported" wound of the scalp, which the Clark Panel as well as the HSCA have associated with the Cowlick ENTRY through the skull.

Dr. Boswell could shed no light on this subject, and even though it was pointed out to Commander Humes during the HSCA and he virtually denied any knowledge as to what it was, I feel otherwise.

However, as stated, neither Dr. Humes nor Dr. Finck would even discuss the aspects of the autopsy, and at least from the limited conversation with Dr. Humes and additional conversations with Dr. Boswell, it became fully understandable as to why.

One has only to read in the many books how may previous authors have openly accused Dr. Humes as well as the others from everything to being an integral part of the "Giant Assassination Conspiracy and Coverup", to openly telling lies in regards to the autopsy, as well as being virtually incompetent fools.

Dr. Humes briefly touched on these subjects, and more or less stated that he had no further intentions of being misquoted or called an incompetent and/or xxxx by persons who did not even know enough to ask prudent and pertinent questions.

So, as a result of the AH-idiot actions of prior authors, two of three doors were completely closed to anyone who was merely looking for some answers to some confusing matters of the autopsy.

Fortunately, I was able to "win over" Dr. Boswell, and I am of course fully aware that he was discussing things with Dr. Humes.

It should be further noted, that even though there was no direct communications, I continued to send written correspondence to Dr. Humes, with no even asking for any communications.

And, since he had my home telephone number as well as address, had he not wanted to receive any more "junk mail" from me, all that he had to do was say so.

Dr. Humes was the principle person conducting the autopsy, with Dr. Boswell assisting, taking notes, and making drawings.

In event that ANY PERSON could see and recall the scalp penetration in the cowlick area, then it would have been and should have been Dr. Humes.

But, the opportunity to open this discussion was closed by some of our prior idiots, whose presence is sometimes seen here.

As stated, I am under the impression that Dr. Humes knew something of this scalp penetration.

This is of course based on pure circumstantial evidence, but!

There was the known penetration of the scalp down at the edge of the hairline, which was caused by the third shot/aka EOP/Altgens position impact, and which penetration the autopsy surgeons actually took a section of and examined it under a microscope several days later.

The ONLY other potential penetration in the back of the scalp is the COWLICK penetration, which though certainly not completely proven, the anterior/posterior X-ray demonstrates an ENTRY wound in the back of the head at this location, and one must assume as a general rule of fact that in order to penetrate the skull, the bullet had to first penetrate the scalp.

That happens to be the ONLY two penetrations in the back of the head.

Now, we must reconsider that when Dr. Humes first examined the head of JFK, that portion of bone (the skullcap section) which contained the cowlick bullet entrance wound, was not present.

Therefore, on initial examination, all that Dr. Humes had to examine would be the scalp and the corresponding hole which was also located in the BACK of the head of JFK.


Commander HUMES - I will label 388 with the letter "A" to indicate our opinion as to the wound of entrance into the skull.

I will label as Point "B" the area of exit of a portion of the missile that entered posteriorly, I say a portion because a small fragment was seen in the position previously noted which was recovered.



In the event that you were not looking, Specter & Company had Dr. Humes label CE 388 with an "A" as well as "B". WITH A PENCIL!

Now, the "A" is plainly seen, and if one looks closely enough they just may see the general outline of a handwritten "B", which happens to be in the cowlick vicinity of the skull with the top 1/2 of the "B" within the light area and the bottom 1/2 of the "B" in the darkened area.

Unfortunately, this too is about like looking for ships and butterfilies in the clouds.

However, Dr. Humes gave us another "clue" that he just probably saw the damage to the scalp in the cowlick area:


Commander HUMES - Scientifically, sir, it is impossible for it to have been fired from other than behind. Or to have exited from other than behind.


So, I once gave a big " R's A" about this particular issue. However, I also learned long ago of the futility of attempting to continue to ride a dead horse.

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Another good thread. Just a couple of questions for the moment:

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

(To fail to find one entrance/exit wound in the throat could be put down to bad luck. To fail to find two entrance/exit wounds looks like complete incompetence!)

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

Please excuse me if I take the "easy" one while I search/dig for your other answers.


Under "MISSILE WOUNDS, one may want to read all of the first paragraph.


(note the "missing" area in the drawing)



Mr. HUDSON - Well there was a young fellow, oh, I would judge his age about in his late twenties. He said he had been looking for a place to park and he walked up there and he said he finally just taken a place over there in one of them parking lots, and he come on down there and said he worked over there on Industrial and me and him both just sat there first on those steps. When the motorcade turned off of Houston onto Elm, we got up and stood up, me and him both. He was on the left side and I was on the right and so the first shot rung out and, of course, I didn't realize it was a shot, what was taking place right at that present time, and when the second one rung out, the motorcade had done got further on down Elm, and you see, I was trying to get a good look at President Kennedy. I happened to be looking right at him when that bullet hit him - the second shot.

Mr. LIEBELER - That was when the bullet hit him in the head; is that correct?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes; it looked like it ht him somewhere along about a little bit behind the ear and a little bit above the ear.

Mr. LIEBELER - On the right-hand side or the left-hand side?

Mr. HUDSON - Right hand.


When the President's automobile was very close to him and he could see the President's face very well, the President was seated, but was leaning forward when he stiffened perceptibly at the same instant what appeared to be a rifle shot sounded. According to BREHM, the President seemed do to stiffen and come to a pause when another shot sounded and the President appeared to be badly hit in the head. BREHM said when the President was hit by the second shot, he could notice the President's hair fly up, and then roll over to his side, as Mrs. KENNEDY was apparently pulling him in that direction.



"a second shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the Boss's head"


(there are more of these statements in event anyone desires to read them)

Item "A" of the attached autopsy X-ray demonstrates that "Skull Cap" portion of the top of JFK's skull which was blown off by the Z313/tangetial impact of the bullet and thusly flipped over onto the right side of his head.

Within this portion of the skull lies the entry wound for the "Cowlick entry, as well as the beginning exit point on the skull where the bullet initially began it's exit.

When Dr. Humes & Dr. Boswell began the "initial" inspection of JFK's head, this piece of skull was not present.

And, although I have attempted to resolve exactly how it came to be in the X-rays, which were taken considerably later, there exist only one plausible explanation.


Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed.


In discussions with Dr. Boswell on this subject, he clearly recalled that during the course of the autopsy, that the SS brought in a portion of the skull which had been located/found in the Presidential Limo.

From these limited amounts of information, it would appear that the "skull cap" portion of the skull of JFK, which was still hanging on the right hand side of the head after the Z313 headshot, was completely blown off by either the force of the third shot, or else torn off by the actions and efforts of Jackie Kennedy and/or Clint Hill.

For whatever reason, this piece of bone, which contained the entry as well as initial exit point, WAS NOT present when the autopsy surgeons began their initial examination of JFK's head wounds.

Nevertheless, it is present in the Anterior/Posterior X-ray, which was in fact taken AFTER Dr. Humes & Dr. Boswell had located the EOP entry, and thereafter determined this bullet entry to be the cause of death.

From the available information, the SS brought in this piece of skull and it's examination appears to have been completely ignored.

Thereafter, while Dr. Humes sat in an office and wrote his notes, this piece of skull was re-installed into it's position on JFK's head, the head was cleansed and photographs taken, and the anterior poster X-ray was taken.

Just a tad of additional information prior to attempting to move on to your other questions.

Commander HUMES - Having ascertained to our satisfaction and incidentally photographs illustrating this phenomenon from both the external surface of the skull and from the internal surface were prepared, we concluded that the large defect to the upper right side of the skull, in fact, would represent a wound of exit. A careful examination of the margins of the large bone defect at that point, however, failed to disclose a portion of the skull bearing again a wound of--a point of impact on the skull of this fragment of the missile, remembering, of course, that this area was devoid of any scalp or skull at this present time. We did not have the bone.

Commander HUMES - Turning now to Commission Exhibit 388, where we have depicted in the posterior right portion of the skull a wound which we have labeled "in" or a wound of entrance and a large roughly 13 cm. diameter defect in the right lateral vertex of the skull.

I mentioned previously that there was a large bony defect. Some time later on that evening or very early the next morning while we were all still engaged in continuing our examination, I was presented with three portions of bone which had been brought to Washington from Dallas by the agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Commander HUMES - Someone presented these three pieces of bone to me, I do not recall specifically their statement as to where they had been recover. It seems to me they felt it had been recovered either in the street or in the automobile, I don't recall specifically.

We were most interested in these fragments of bone, and found that the three pieces could be roughly put together to account for a portion of this defect.

Mr. SPECTER - How much remained unaccounted for, Dr. Humes?

Commander HUMES - I would estimate that approximately one-quarter of that defect was unaccounted for by adding these three fragments together and seeing what was left.

Mr. SPECTER - On the reconstruction of the three portions of the scalp which you described-----

Commander HUMES - Skull, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Skull, which enabled you to reconstruct a point of exit of the bullet, will you state at this point of the record that size of opening or exit path of the bullet?

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1. A "blood spot" will not, and never has show up on a "Hard" radiographic image of the human head.

Therefore, it is irrelevant to the issue.

Upon reading over your remarks ... I may have been in error. It seems that someone doesn't have to have a break in the scalp to have holes in their head ... your responses have convinced me of this. For instance, the point you mentioned above had nothing to do with what I had stated.

Also, the idea that there is a bullet hole in the cowlick of the head so to acount for a spot of blood is not supported by the total overall evidence IMO. Sure, I supposed that a odd shaped blook mark could be construed as a bullet hole, but then is it not fair to say that the bullet must have also entered the skull at that location as well. The X-ray of the head doesn't seem to support an entry wound at that particular spot from what I can see.

Hopefully, you will consider the possibililty, however remote it may be in your mind, that just perhaps the reason that you can not get an absolutely clear; concise; and specific answer is due to your inability to state a clear; concise; and specific question;.

Have you ever bothered to read the Clark Panel report as well as the HSCA evidence in regards to the "Cowlick" entry?

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Another good thread. Just a couple of questions for the moment:

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

(To fail to find one entrance/exit wound in the throat could be put down to bad luck. To fail to find two entrance/exit wounds looks like complete incompetence!)

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

Please excuse me if I take the "easy" one while I search/dig for your other answers.


Under "MISSILE WOUNDS, one may want to read all of the first paragraph.


(note the "missing" area in the drawing)



Mr. HUDSON - Well there was a young fellow, oh, I would judge his age about in his late twenties. He said he had been looking for a place to park and he walked up there and he said he finally just taken a place over there in one of them parking lots, and he come on down there and said he worked over there on Industrial and me and him both just sat there first on those steps. When the motorcade turned off of Houston onto Elm, we got up and stood up, me and him both. He was on the left side and I was on the right and so the first shot rung out and, of course, I didn't realize it was a shot, what was taking place right at that present time, and when the second one rung out, the motorcade had done got further on down Elm, and you see, I was trying to get a good look at President Kennedy. I happened to be looking right at him when that bullet hit him - the second shot.

Mr. LIEBELER - That was when the bullet hit him in the head; is that correct?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes; it looked like it ht him somewhere along about a little bit behind the ear and a little bit above the ear.

Mr. LIEBELER - On the right-hand side or the left-hand side?

Mr. HUDSON - Right hand.


When the President's automobile was very close to him and he could see the President's face very well, the President was seated, but was leaning forward when he stiffened perceptibly at the same instant what appeared to be a rifle shot sounded. According to BREHM, the President seemed do to stiffen and come to a pause when another shot sounded and the President appeared to be badly hit in the head. BREHM said when the President was hit by the second shot, he could notice the President's hair fly up, and then roll over to his side, as Mrs. KENNEDY was apparently pulling him in that direction.



"a second shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the Boss's head"


(there are more of these statements in event anyone desires to read them)

Item "A" of the attached autopsy X-ray demonstrates that "Skull Cap" portion of the top of JFK's skull which was blown off by the Z313/tangetial impact of the bullet and thusly flipped over onto the right side of his head.

Within this portion of the skull lies the entry wound for the "Cowlick entry, as well as the beginning exit point on the skull where the bullet initially began it's exit.

When Dr. Humes & Dr. Boswell began the "initial" inspection of JFK's head, this piece of skull was not present.

And, although I have attempted to resolve exactly how it came to be in the X-rays, which were taken considerably later, there exist only one plausible explanation.


Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed.


In discussions with Dr. Boswell on this subject, he clearly recalled that during the course of the autopsy, that the SS brought in a portion of the skull which had been located/found in the Presidential Limo.

From these limited amounts of information, it would appear that the "skull cap" portion of the skull of JFK, which was still hanging on the right hand side of the head after the Z313 headshot, was completely blown off by either the force of the third shot, or else torn off by the actions and efforts of Jackie Kennedy and/or Clint Hill.

For whatever reason, this piece of bone, which contained the entry as well as initial exit point, WAS NOT present when the autopsy surgeons began their initial examination of JFK's head wounds.

Nevertheless, it is present in the Anterior/Posterior X-ray, which was in fact taken AFTER Dr. Humes & Dr. Boswell had located the EOP entry, and thereafter determined this bullet entry to be the cause of death.

From the available information, the SS brought in this piece of skull and it's examination appears to have been completely ignored.

Thereafter, while Dr. Humes sat in an office and wrote his notes, this piece of skull was re-installed into it's position on JFK's head, the head was cleansed and photographs taken, and the anterior poster X-ray was taken.

Just a tad of additional information prior to attempting to move on to your other questions.

Commander HUMES - Having ascertained to our satisfaction and incidentally photographs illustrating this phenomenon from both the external surface of the skull and from the internal surface were prepared, we concluded that the large defect to the upper right side of the skull, in fact, would represent a wound of exit. A careful examination of the margins of the large bone defect at that point, however, failed to disclose a portion of the skull bearing again a wound of--a point of impact on the skull of this fragment of the missile, remembering, of course, that this area was devoid of any scalp or skull at this present time. We did not have the bone.

Commander HUMES - Turning now to Commission Exhibit 388, where we have depicted in the posterior right portion of the skull a wound which we have labeled "in" or a wound of entrance and a large roughly 13 cm. diameter defect in the right lateral vertex of the skull.

I mentioned previously that there was a large bony defect. Some time later on that evening or very early the next morning while we were all still engaged in continuing our examination, I was presented with three portions of bone which had been brought to Washington from Dallas by the agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Commander HUMES - Someone presented these three pieces of bone to me, I do not recall specifically their statement as to where they had been recover. It seems to me they felt it had been recovered either in the street or in the automobile, I don't recall specifically.

We were most interested in these fragments of bone, and found that the three pieces could be roughly put together to account for a portion of this defect.

Mr. SPECTER - How much remained unaccounted for, Dr. Humes?

Commander HUMES - I would estimate that approximately one-quarter of that defect was unaccounted for by adding these three fragments together and seeing what was left.

Mr. SPECTER - On the reconstruction of the three portions of the scalp which you described-----

Commander HUMES - Skull, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Skull, which enabled you to reconstruct a point of exit of the bullet, will you state at this point of the record that size of opening or exit path of the bullet?

Just for the record!

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Another good thread. Just a couple of questions for the moment:

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

(To fail to find one entrance/exit wound in the throat could be put down to bad luck. To fail to find two entrance/exit wounds looks like complete incompetence!)

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Would it help any if one were informed that on May 25th, 1964, after the WC had completed their assassination re-enactment the previous day, (May 24th, 1964) Mr. Robert West left his office and returned over to Elm St. to pick up a few additional measurements which he needed in order to complete the WC Survey Plat?

And, upon coming to Elm St. at the TSDB, he observed members of the FBI re-enactment group with a "highlift" bucket truck and they were up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly under the sixth floor window of the TSDB.

Cutting and removing limbs from the top of the tree!

And, rest assured, this was documented and some relatively important persons were so informed long prior to Mr. West's death.

Anyway, there are actually several things which tell us that CE399 passed through some material of considerable density.

So, to begin with, the "Pristine" bullet is far from Pristine.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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"Scientifically sir,it is impossible for this wound to have not entered from behind or to have not exited from behind"

*or something to that effect

Dr. Humes

Warren Commission Testimony

Edited by Michael Crane
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Another good thread. Just a couple of questions for the moment:

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

(To fail to find one entrance/exit wound in the throat could be put down to bad luck. To fail to find two entrance/exit wounds looks like complete incompetence!)

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Would it help any if one were informed that on May 25th, 1964, after the WC had completed their assassination re-enactment the previous day, (May 24th, 1964) Mr. Robert West left his office and returned over to Elm St. to pick up a few additional measurements which he needed in order to complete the WC Survey Plat?

And, upon coming to Elm St. at the TSDB, he observed members of the FBI re-enactment group with a "highlift" bucket truck and they were up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly under the sixth floor window of the TSDB.

Cutting and removing limbs from the top of the tree!

And, rest assured, this was documented and some relatively important persons were so informed long prior to Mr. West's death.

Anyway, there are actually several things which tell us that CE399 passed through some material of considerable density.

So, to begin with, the "Pristine" bullet is far from Pristine.

Now, in the school of "Problem Resolution" which I attended, the first step always consist of a clear and concise statement of the problem.

1. State the Problem:------------------How did CE399 come to exist?

The next step in the problem resolution process consists of gathering ALL of the known information and facts relative to the subject matter.

And, in that regards, I personally do not see how any one could do this without either personally handling CE399, or else speaking with persons who had "First Source" knowledge.

And, one most assuredly can not properly evaluate CE399, without first knowing everything about the bullet.

(I had already made that "snap judgement" error in logic.)

2: Gather all known information and facts relative to the problem:--------------------See above, as well as below.

In that regards, FBI Agent Robert Frazier as well as FBI Agent John Gallagher, both of whom had physically handled the bullet, were most helpful.

Might I also recommend that in the event that anyone attempt to "sell" the "PRISTINE BULLET" scenario, that one ask exactly who all that they discussed the subject matter with in order to determine this MYTH, which has also been perpetrated.

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Have you ever bothered to read the Clark Panel report as well as the HSCA evidence in regards to the "Cowlick" entry?


If you get a good print of that blood spot and enlarge it, you should find that it appears that there is no actual hole.

You continue to confuse yourself as if I were some "newguy" to the subject matter.

Or else someone such as yourself who is erroneously under the impression that the issues of the assassination can be resolved by looking at photographs/aka films which are questionable in their image.

Was the "ENLARGED" photo of the cowlick scalp entry/exit/bloodspot/scabies/ringworm scar/whatever?

large enough and of sufficient quality to suit your needs?

It is the BEST that is available from NARA, along with it's regular size photo.

Now, in event you have some much better "first generation/actual photo" which demonstrates more than this does, then I would guess that you as well as I will have to settle with the photographic evidence available and either remain stuck and wallowing in the mud, or else move on the other relevant and verifiable issues.


"Have you ever bothered to read the Clark Panel report as well as the HSCA evidence in regards to the "Cowlick" entry?"


Did you understand it?

If not, I have provided a listing of some relatively "powerful"/aka knowledgeable persons who can most assuredly explain it far better thin this "lay" person can.

The "train" had an initial starting point long prior to your having gotten on board, and if you want to know about the previous scenery, perhaps you should take the time and effort to talk to some of the passengers who got on board at the beginning.

I already did!----It is often referred to as gathering information for research.

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Another good thread. Just a couple of questions for the moment:

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

(To fail to find one entrance/exit wound in the throat could be put down to bad luck. To fail to find two entrance/exit wounds looks like complete incompetence!)

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Would it help any if one were informed that on May 25th, 1964, after the WC had completed their assassination re-enactment the previous day, (May 24th, 1964) Mr. Robert West left his office and returned over to Elm St. to pick up a few additional measurements which he needed in order to complete the WC Survey Plat?

And, upon coming to Elm St. at the TSDB, he observed members of the FBI re-enactment group with a "highlift" bucket truck and they were up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly under the sixth floor window of the TSDB.

Cutting and removing limbs from the top of the tree!

And, rest assured, this was documented and some relatively important persons were so informed long prior to Mr. West's death.

Anyway, there are actually several things which tell us that CE399 passed through some material of considerable density.

So, to begin with, the "Pristine" bullet is far from Pristine.

Now, in the school of "Problem Resolution" which I attended, the first step always consist of a clear and concise statement of the problem.

1. State the Problem:------------------How did CE399 come to exist?

The next step in the problem resolution process consists of gathering ALL of the known information and facts relative to the subject matter.

And, in that regards, I personally do not see how any one could do this without either personally handling CE399, or else speaking with persons who had "First Source" knowledge.

And, one most assuredly can not properly evaluate CE399, without first knowing everything about the bullet.

(I had already made that "snap judgement" error in logic.)

2: Gather all known information and facts relative to the problem:--------------------See above, as well as below.

In that regards, FBI Agent Robert Frazier as well as FBI Agent John Gallagher, both of whom had physically handled the bullet, were most helpful.

Might I also recommend that in the event that anyone attempt to "sell" the "PRISTINE BULLET" scenario, that one ask exactly who all that they discussed the subject matter with in order to determine this MYTH, which has also been perpetrated.


3. Form an hypothesis based on the available information; facts and knowledge.

Which, based on the phyiscal condition of CE399 was quite simple as anyone who has even the most vague knowledge of bullets; their structure; and what could cause speficic forms of deformation, would immediately recognize that CE399 had passed through an object of considerable density.

Of course, some persons never were allowed to gain such information.


Mr. SPECTER - Doctor Humes, I show you a bullet which we have marked as Commission Exhibit No. 399, and may I say now that, subject to later proof, this is the missile which has been taken from the stretcher which the evidence now indicates was the stretcher occupied by Governor Connally. I move for its admission into evidence at this time.

The CHAIRMAN. It may be admitted.

(The article, previously marked Commission Exhibit No. 399 for identification, was received in evidence.)

Mr. SPECTER - We have been asked by the FBI that the missile not be handled by anybody because it is undergoing further ballistic tests, and it now appears, may the record show, in a plastic case in a cotton background.

Now looking at that bullet, Exhibit 399, Doctor Humes, could that bullet have gone through or been any part of the fragment passing through President Kennedy's head in Exhibit No. 388?

Commander HUMES - I do not believe so, sir.




Mr. SPECTER - Dr. Finck, have you had an opportunity to examine Commission's Exhibit 399?

Colonel FINCK - For the first time this afternoon, sir.

Mr. McCLOY - From your examination of Exhibit 399, can you identify the caliber of that bullet?

Colonel FINCK - The caliber of this bullet, if I could measure it, but I cannot touch it.

The CHAIRMAN - We can.


Gotta love anyone who can pull such as this off!

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Another good thread. Just a couple of questions for the moment:

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

(To fail to find one entrance/exit wound in the throat could be put down to bad luck. To fail to find two entrance/exit wounds looks like complete incompetence!)

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Would it help any if one were informed that on May 25th, 1964, after the WC had completed their assassination re-enactment the previous day, (May 24th, 1964) Mr. Robert West left his office and returned over to Elm St. to pick up a few additional measurements which he needed in order to complete the WC Survey Plat?

And, upon coming to Elm St. at the TSDB, he observed members of the FBI re-enactment group with a "highlift" bucket truck and they were up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly under the sixth floor window of the TSDB.

Cutting and removing limbs from the top of the tree!

And, rest assured, this was documented and some relatively important persons were so informed long prior to Mr. West's death.

Anyway, there are actually several things which tell us that CE399 passed through some material of considerable density.

So, to begin with, the "Pristine" bullet is far from Pristine.

Now, in the school of "Problem Resolution" which I attended, the first step always consist of a clear and concise statement of the problem.

1. State the Problem:------------------How did CE399 come to exist?

The next step in the problem resolution process consists of gathering ALL of the known information and facts relative to the subject matter.

And, in that regards, I personally do not see how any one could do this without either personally handling CE399, or else speaking with persons who had "First Source" knowledge.

And, one most assuredly can not properly evaluate CE399, without first knowing everything about the bullet.

(I had already made that "snap judgement" error in logic.)

2: Gather all known information and facts relative to the problem:--------------------See above, as well as below.

In that regards, FBI Agent Robert Frazier as well as FBI Agent John Gallagher, both of whom had physically handled the bullet, were most helpful.

Might I also recommend that in the event that anyone attempt to "sell" the "PRISTINE BULLET" scenario, that one ask exactly who all that they discussed the subject matter with in order to determine this MYTH, which has also been perpetrated.


3. Form an hypothesis based on the available information; facts and knowledge.

Which, based on the phyiscal condition of CE399 was quite simple as anyone who has even the most vague knowledge of bullets; their structure; and what could cause speficic forms of deformation, would immediately recognize that CE399 had passed through an object of considerable density.

Of course, some persons never were allowed to gain such information.


Mr. SPECTER - Doctor Humes, I show you a bullet which we have marked as Commission Exhibit No. 399, and may I say now that, subject to later proof, this is the missile which has been taken from the stretcher which the evidence now indicates was the stretcher occupied by Governor Connally. I move for its admission into evidence at this time.

The CHAIRMAN. It may be admitted.

(The article, previously marked Commission Exhibit No. 399 for identification, was received in evidence.)

Mr. SPECTER - We have been asked by the FBI that the missile not be handled by anybody because it is undergoing further ballistic tests, and it now appears, may the record show, in a plastic case in a cotton background.

Now looking at that bullet, Exhibit 399, Doctor Humes, could that bullet have gone through or been any part of the fragment passing through President Kennedy's head in Exhibit No. 388?

Commander HUMES - I do not believe so, sir.




Mr. SPECTER - Dr. Finck, have you had an opportunity to examine Commission's Exhibit 399?

Colonel FINCK - For the first time this afternoon, sir.

Mr. McCLOY - From your examination of Exhibit 399, can you identify the caliber of that bullet?

Colonel FINCK - The caliber of this bullet, if I could measure it, but I cannot touch it.

The CHAIRMAN - We can.


Gotta love anyone who can pull such as this off!


Our resident CIA operative must be quite busy. The attachement came through with no wording.



Apply the hypothesis:

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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Another good thread. Just a couple of questions for the moment:

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

(To fail to find one entrance/exit wound in the throat could be put down to bad luck. To fail to find two entrance/exit wounds looks like complete incompetence!)

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Would it help any if one were informed that on May 25th, 1964, after the WC had completed their assassination re-enactment the previous day, (May 24th, 1964) Mr. Robert West left his office and returned over to Elm St. to pick up a few additional measurements which he needed in order to complete the WC Survey Plat?

And, upon coming to Elm St. at the TSDB, he observed members of the FBI re-enactment group with a "highlift" bucket truck and they were up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly under the sixth floor window of the TSDB.

Cutting and removing limbs from the top of the tree!

And, rest assured, this was documented and some relatively important persons were so informed long prior to Mr. West's death.

Anyway, there are actually several things which tell us that CE399 passed through some material of considerable density.

So, to begin with, the "Pristine" bullet is far from Pristine.

Now, in the school of "Problem Resolution" which I attended, the first step always consist of a clear and concise statement of the problem.

1. State the Problem:------------------How did CE399 come to exist?

The next step in the problem resolution process consists of gathering ALL of the known information and facts relative to the subject matter.

And, in that regards, I personally do not see how any one could do this without either personally handling CE399, or else speaking with persons who had "First Source" knowledge.

And, one most assuredly can not properly evaluate CE399, without first knowing everything about the bullet.

(I had already made that "snap judgement" error in logic.)

2: Gather all known information and facts relative to the problem:--------------------See above, as well as below.

In that regards, FBI Agent Robert Frazier as well as FBI Agent John Gallagher, both of whom had physically handled the bullet, were most helpful.

Might I also recommend that in the event that anyone attempt to "sell" the "PRISTINE BULLET" scenario, that one ask exactly who all that they discussed the subject matter with in order to determine this MYTH, which has also been perpetrated.


3. Form an hypothesis based on the available information; facts and knowledge.

Which, based on the phyiscal condition of CE399 was quite simple as anyone who has even the most vague knowledge of bullets; their structure; and what could cause speficic forms of deformation, would immediately recognize that CE399 had passed through an object of considerable density.

Of course, some persons never were allowed to gain such information.


Mr. SPECTER - Doctor Humes, I show you a bullet which we have marked as Commission Exhibit No. 399, and may I say now that, subject to later proof, this is the missile which has been taken from the stretcher which the evidence now indicates was the stretcher occupied by Governor Connally. I move for its admission into evidence at this time.

The CHAIRMAN. It may be admitted.

(The article, previously marked Commission Exhibit No. 399 for identification, was received in evidence.)

Mr. SPECTER - We have been asked by the FBI that the missile not be handled by anybody because it is undergoing further ballistic tests, and it now appears, may the record show, in a plastic case in a cotton background.

Now looking at that bullet, Exhibit 399, Doctor Humes, could that bullet have gone through or been any part of the fragment passing through President Kennedy's head in Exhibit No. 388?

Commander HUMES - I do not believe so, sir.




Mr. SPECTER - Dr. Finck, have you had an opportunity to examine Commission's Exhibit 399?

Colonel FINCK - For the first time this afternoon, sir.

Mr. McCLOY - From your examination of Exhibit 399, can you identify the caliber of that bullet?

Colonel FINCK - The caliber of this bullet, if I could measure it, but I cannot touch it.

The CHAIRMAN - We can.


Gotta love anyone who can pull such as this off!

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Another good thread. Just a couple of questions for the moment:

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

(To fail to find one entrance/exit wound in the throat could be put down to bad luck. To fail to find two entrance/exit wounds looks like complete incompetence!)

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Would it help any if one were informed that on May 25th, 1964, after the WC had completed their assassination re-enactment the previous day, (May 24th, 1964) Mr. Robert West left his office and returned over to Elm St. to pick up a few additional measurements which he needed in order to complete the WC Survey Plat?

And, upon coming to Elm St. at the TSDB, he observed members of the FBI re-enactment group with a "highlift" bucket truck and they were up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly under the sixth floor window of the TSDB.

Cutting and removing limbs from the top of the tree!

And, rest assured, this was documented and some relatively important persons were so informed long prior to Mr. West's death.

Anyway, there are actually several things which tell us that CE399 passed through some material of considerable density.

So, to begin with, the "Pristine" bullet is far from Pristine.

Now, in the school of "Problem Resolution" which I attended, the first step always consist of a clear and concise statement of the problem.

1. State the Problem:------------------How did CE399 come to exist?

The next step in the problem resolution process consists of gathering ALL of the known information and facts relative to the subject matter.

And, in that regards, I personally do not see how any one could do this without either personally handling CE399, or else speaking with persons who had "First Source" knowledge.

And, one most assuredly can not properly evaluate CE399, without first knowing everything about the bullet.

(I had already made that "snap judgement" error in logic.)

2: Gather all known information and facts relative to the problem:--------------------See above, as well as below.

In that regards, FBI Agent Robert Frazier as well as FBI Agent John Gallagher, both of whom had physically handled the bullet, were most helpful.

Might I also recommend that in the event that anyone attempt to "sell" the "PRISTINE BULLET" scenario, that one ask exactly who all that they discussed the subject matter with in order to determine this MYTH, which has also been perpetrated.


3. Form an hypothesis based on the available information; facts and knowledge.

Which, based on the phyiscal condition of CE399 was quite simple as anyone who has even the most vague knowledge of bullets; their structure; and what could cause speficic forms of deformation, would immediately recognize that CE399 had passed through an object of considerable density.

Of course, some persons never were allowed to gain such information.


Mr. SPECTER - Doctor Humes, I show you a bullet which we have marked as Commission Exhibit No. 399, and may I say now that, subject to later proof, this is the missile which has been taken from the stretcher which the evidence now indicates was the stretcher occupied by Governor Connally. I move for its admission into evidence at this time.

The CHAIRMAN. It may be admitted.

(The article, previously marked Commission Exhibit No. 399 for identification, was received in evidence.)

Mr. SPECTER - We have been asked by the FBI that the missile not be handled by anybody because it is undergoing further ballistic tests, and it now appears, may the record show, in a plastic case in a cotton background.

Now looking at that bullet, Exhibit 399, Doctor Humes, could that bullet have gone through or been any part of the fragment passing through President Kennedy's head in Exhibit No. 388?

Commander HUMES - I do not believe so, sir.




Mr. SPECTER - Dr. Finck, have you had an opportunity to examine Commission's Exhibit 399?

Colonel FINCK - For the first time this afternoon, sir.

Mr. McCLOY - From your examination of Exhibit 399, can you identify the caliber of that bullet?

Colonel FINCK - The caliber of this bullet, if I could measure it, but I cannot touch it.

The CHAIRMAN - We can.


Gotta love anyone who can pull such as this off!


Our resident CIA operative must be quite busy. The attachement came through with no wording.



Apply the hypothesis:


Amend or correct the hypothesis as required, even to the extent if necessary of returning to Step#1.

Fortunately, as expected, no corrections were required.

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Another good thread. Just a couple of questions for the moment:

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Secondly, why did the pathologists performing the autopsy fail to find one of the two entrance wounds on the back of the skull?

(To fail to find one entrance/exit wound in the throat could be put down to bad luck. To fail to find two entrance/exit wounds looks like complete incompetence!)

Firstly, is there any proof that a bullet struck a branch of the oak tree?

Would it help any if one were informed that on May 25th, 1964, after the WC had completed their assassination re-enactment the previous day, (May 24th, 1964) Mr. Robert West left his office and returned over to Elm St. to pick up a few additional measurements which he needed in order to complete the WC Survey Plat?

And, upon coming to Elm St. at the TSDB, he observed members of the FBI re-enactment group with a "highlift" bucket truck and they were up in the top of the live oak tree which is located directly under the sixth floor window of the TSDB.

Cutting and removing limbs from the top of the tree!

And, rest assured, this was documented and some relatively important persons were so informed long prior to Mr. West's death.

Anyway, there are actually several things which tell us that CE399 passed through some material of considerable density.

So, to begin with, the "Pristine" bullet is far from Pristine.

Now, in the school of "Problem Resolution" which I attended, the first step always consist of a clear and concise statement of the problem.

1. State the Problem:------------------How did CE399 come to exist?

The next step in the problem resolution process consists of gathering ALL of the known information and facts relative to the subject matter.

And, in that regards, I personally do not see how any one could do this without either personally handling CE399, or else speaking with persons who had "First Source" knowledge.

And, one most assuredly can not properly evaluate CE399, without first knowing everything about the bullet.

(I had already made that "snap judgement" error in logic.)

2: Gather all known information and facts relative to the problem:--------------------See above, as well as below.

In that regards, FBI Agent Robert Frazier as well as FBI Agent John Gallagher, both of whom had physically handled the bullet, were most helpful.

Might I also recommend that in the event that anyone attempt to "sell" the "PRISTINE BULLET" scenario, that one ask exactly who all that they discussed the subject matter with in order to determine this MYTH, which has also been perpetrated.


3. Form an hypothesis based on the available information; facts and knowledge.

Which, based on the phyiscal condition of CE399 was quite simple as anyone who has even the most vague knowledge of bullets; their structure; and what could cause speficic forms of deformation, would immediately recognize that CE399 had passed through an object of considerable density.

Of course, some persons never were allowed to gain such information.


Mr. SPECTER - Doctor Humes, I show you a bullet which we have marked as Commission Exhibit No. 399, and may I say now that, subject to later proof, this is the missile which has been taken from the stretcher which the evidence now indicates was the stretcher occupied by Governor Connally. I move for its admission into evidence at this time.

The CHAIRMAN. It may be admitted.

(The article, previously marked Commission Exhibit No. 399 for identification, was received in evidence.)

Mr. SPECTER - We have been asked by the FBI that the missile not be handled by anybody because it is undergoing further ballistic tests, and it now appears, may the record show, in a plastic case in a cotton background.

Now looking at that bullet, Exhibit 399, Doctor Humes, could that bullet have gone through or been any part of the fragment passing through President Kennedy's head in Exhibit No. 388?

Commander HUMES - I do not believe so, sir.




Mr. SPECTER - Dr. Finck, have you had an opportunity to examine Commission's Exhibit 399?

Colonel FINCK - For the first time this afternoon, sir.

Mr. McCLOY - From your examination of Exhibit 399, can you identify the caliber of that bullet?

Colonel FINCK - The caliber of this bullet, if I could measure it, but I cannot touch it.

The CHAIRMAN - We can.


Gotta love anyone who can pull such as this off!


Our resident CIA operative must be quite busy. The attachement came through with no wording.



Apply the hypothesis:


Amend or correct the hypothesis as required, even to the extent if necessary of returning to Step#1.

Fortunately, as expected, no corrections were required.

Now, the 5-step process to complicated problem resolution is an excellent tool which I have found useful throughout many varied problems in life.

However, in many instances, the actual outcome/final answer can be easily influenced by one's on experiences, misconceptions,

and perceptions.

Therefore, I have always felt that a "Step#6" should be added which would be:

Take the resolution to someone who is far smarter than you on the subject matter, and conceiveably would have the qualifications to be classified as an "Expert Witness" in any Court of Law.

Therefore, the resolution to CE399 was long ago reviewed by Mr. James Looney, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation Firearms and Toolmarks Examiner (Mr. Looney's name can be found within the AFTE website), as well as retired Special Agent of the FBI, James Worrell, along with a host of others who are familiar with ballistics as well as the pathology of such a bullet impact. Especially Dr. Jack Doyle, Retired Military Surgeon and avid hunter.

"I could do what you have already done, but the results would be the same."

Mr. James Looney to Tom Purvis


"What you have here is physical fact."

Retired FBI Agent James Worrell to Tom Purvis


"That is so simple that anyone could figure it out."

Dr. Jack Doyle to Tom Purvis.


Actually, it is nothing more than mere common sense, coupled with a little more in the way of firearms and ballistic experience than the everyday person.

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