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Interesting photo oddity

Jack White

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So, according to Jack White, we have 2 Zapruder film's, 2 Lee Oswald's, 2 Margarita Oswald's and now...2 Bill Miller's. Oh well, could be worse, at least we dont have 2 Jack White's and 2 Healy's. God forbid!!! :blink: LOL

Analyze this for us please!


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Denis...look at these photos. Do they all show the same man?


Jack, These photos are not new to me, I've seen them a thousand times before and YES, IMO they do indeed show the same man. I could show you many photos of myself were I look totally differant in each, as I'm sure many here could. Besides, if one followed your take on the photo's, there wouldn't just be 2 LHO's but at least SIX, as ALL the photo's APPEAR differant. Denis.

Edited by Denis Pointing
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Bigfoot! I should of known..... ROTFLMFAO!

you Bill's gopher these days, Kathy? Or is he at his maximum, if so why is the forum giving him a break.

No David, thats not a cast of Bigfoot, its a cast of YOUR foot.....you know, the one you always put in your own mouth. ROTFLMFAO! :lol:

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Denis...look at these photos. Do they all show the same man?


Jack, These photos are not new to me, I've seen them a thousand times before and YES, IMO they do indeed show the same man. I could show you many photos of myself were I look totally differant in each, as I'm sure many here could. Besides, if one followed your take on the photo's, there wouldn't just be 2 LHO's but at least SIX, as ALL the photo's APPEAR differant. Denis.

Now we are getting somewhere; you say "there wouldn't just be 2 LHO's but at least SIX, as ALL the photo's APPEAR differant."

Now you are beginning to see the problem.

It is apparent that in addition to Harvey and Lee, there were at least three LHOs in Russia; plus, there were others in

the US who were different from Harvey and Lee. I agree with you that SIX is a good number to start with.

Check on whether it is possible for the human calvarium to change size, shape, dimensions. If the skulls are different sizes

and shapes, the photos are NOT of the same persons.


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Thanks, Miles. "Miller" could settle this by naming the large company from which he told

me he had retired. He seems unwilling or unable to do so. Unless he does so, I will continue

to believe he is not the same person who approached me in Dealey Plaza years ago...long

before the "present Miller" ever surfaced. That person looked nothing like the present



So my true identity lies with what company that I said that I worked for at one time ... what a boneheaded thing to say. In fact, I don't recall telling you what company I had worked for, nor would there have been a reason to do so ... but I supposed its possible.

Let me ask you this simple question, Jack .... you and Groden are friends, so what did Robert tell you pertaining to who it was that he sent some distance of about 60 feet to show you the 8" X 10" Dillard negative that I gave you? If you have not ever asked him, then shame on you.

When we met, there wasn't 12 people on the knoll, so how many Bill Miller's do you think were handing out 8" X 10" Dillard negatives on that day.

Also, I gave a talk at Lancer's conference that year and was wearing the same suit and haircut seen in my forum photo, so tell me what efforts have you made to view Lancer's conference video to see if I am the same guy? If nothing, then shame on you again!

Now one more thing, we have been through this stupid nonsense before and you said that if I was the same guy, then what did I give you that day we met and I have said many times that it was the 8" X 10" Dillard negative. You also told me that the shading on some of the windows in the negative looked to be touched up, which is typical for you. The fact that the blinds in some of them escaped you.

Now having gone through this nonsense once again, who gives a rats behind what company I used to work for???

Bill Miller

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Thanks, Miles. "Miller" could settle this by naming the large company from which he told

me he had retired. He seems unwilling or unable to do so. Unless he does so, I will continue

to believe he is not the same person who approached me in Dealey Plaza years ago...long

before the "present Miller" ever surfaced. That person looked nothing like the present



So my true identity lies with what company that I said that I worked for at one time ... what a boneheaded thing to say. In fact, I don't recall telling you what company I had worked for, nor would there have been a reason to do so ... but I supposed its possible.

Let me ask you this simple question, Jack .... you and Groden are friends, so what did Robert tell you pertaining to who it was that he sent some distance of about 60 feet to show you the 8" X 10" Dillard negative that I gave you? If you have not ever asked him, then shame on you.

When we met, there wasn't 12 people on the knoll, so how many Bill Miller's do you think were handing out 8" X 10" Dillard negatives on that day.

Also, I gave a talk at Lancer's conference that year and was wearing the same suit and haircut seen in my forum photo, so tell me what efforts have you made to view Lancer's conference video to see if I am the same guy? If nothing, then shame on you again!

Now one more thing, we have been through this stupid nonsense before and you said that if I was the same guy, then what did I give you that day we met and I have said many times that it was the 8" X 10" Dillard negative. You also told me that the shading on some of the windows in the negative looked to be touched up, which is typical for you. The fact that the blinds in some of them escaped you.

Now having gone through this nonsense once again, who gives a rats behind what company I used to work for???

Bill Miller

Still avoiding the question.

You were wearing a GREEN SUIT??? Now I know you're not the guy I met, who was

dressed conservatively.


Edited by Jack White
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Still avoiding the question.

You were wearing a GREEN SUIT??? Now I know you're not the guy I met, who was

dressed conservatively.


Yes, Jack ... Groden is wrong - Mack is wrong, Al Carrier is wrong, Conway is wrong, Ed Hoffman who saw my presentation and spoke to me was wrong, the filmed conference is wrong or altered, and I am wrong. You failed to mention my giving you the 8" X 10" Dillard negative or your mentioning how the windows looked to be retouched throughout the TSBD ... or do you think that I was briefed by the CIA as to what really happened that year because of the new rain-sensors in the Plaza that was listening in on your discussion with the real Bill Miller.

Yuuuppppppp!!! You got me, Jack ... it was the day I landed on the knoll in my flying saucer, which means that I was wearing my little green man costume ... nothing gets past you.

Bill Miller

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I don't think the suit in the Bill's avatar is green.

Be careful, Kathy ... it is dangerous to wake a 'sleep-researcher'! Its not whether or not that Jack met me that is the issue, but whether or not my suit was green or not is what's important ... this is critical research going on here.

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I don't think the suit in the Bill's avatar is green.

Which of us is color blind?


An interesting question from a purely a photographic chromatic point of view.

Setting aside the comic nature of the subject matter & focusing only on the color of the coat, here are some samples:


Green is my vote.

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I don't think the suit in the Bill's avatar is green.

Which of us is color blind?


Jack, don't be a dope! Your monitor can make some colors appear different than someone else's. The suit is blue on my screen as it must appear to be on Kathy's. My suit was dark blue. It was dark blue as I spoke to Groden when you came onto the knoll, it was dark blue during the Lancer conference.

So you first want to argue that the Miller you met was in casual wear and now you wish to debate Kathy on what color my suit is in my forum picture. You sure know how to focus in on the important things - don't you!!!

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I don't think the suit in the Bill's avatar is green.

Which of us is color blind?


Jack, don't be a dope! Your monitor can make some colors appear different than someone else's. The suit is blue on my screen as it must appear to be on Kathy's. My suit was dark blue. It was dark blue as I spoke to Groden when you came onto the knoll, it was dark blue during the Lancer conference.

So you first want to argue that the Miller you met was in casual wear and now you wish to debate Kathy on what color my suit is in my forum picture. You sure know how to focus in on the important things - don't you!!!

What do you mean "as I spoke to Groden when you came onto the knoll"?

You do not even remember where I was "when you met me"? Tell me more.

You were wearing a green suit? You met me on the knoll? You told me the

name of the company you "retired from" and now you don't remember?

Remember, this is a test.


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