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Will Barack Obama be Assassinated?

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Ian Mosley, the author of this piece is a columnist for White Civil Rights an openly anti-Jewish and anti-Black website run by David Duke where it originally appeared. Odd than an Israeli site would see fit to “reprint” some of his columns, it’s not like they can’t easily be found elsewhere.

Not really, Len, surely: Israel's murderous policies require an historical fig-leaf, and what better than an anti-semitic one. It would be fascinating to know just how many Nazis and prominent anti-semites are on the Mossad books.

It would be fascinating if you could actually offer any evidence, as opposed to idle speculation, that there are “(many) Nazis and prominent anti-semites are on the Mossad books"

But surely the great new threat is from disgruntled Red Army vets miffed at the latest piece of presidential contender "mis-speaking"/historical revisionism. According to Obama, the US army liberated Auschwitz. If he doesn't win the presidency, there's always Hollywood.

He confused Auschwitz with Buchenwald, I imagine you never made such an error?

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Ian Mosley, the author of this piece is a columnist for White Civil Rights an openly anti-Jewish and anti-Black website run by David Duke where it originally appeared. Odd than an Israeli site would see fit to “reprint” some of his columns, it’s not like they can’t easily be found elsewhere.

Not really, Len, surely: Israel's murderous policies require an historical fig-leaf, and what better than an anti-semitic one. It would be fascinating to know just how many Nazis and prominent anti-semites are on the Mossad books.

It would be fascinating if you could actually offer any evidence, as opposed to idle speculation, that there are “(many) Nazis and prominent anti-semites are on the Mossad books"

But surely the great new threat is from disgruntled Red Army vets miffed at the latest piece of presidential contender "mis-speaking"/historical revisionism. According to Obama, the US army liberated Auschwitz. If he doesn't win the presidency, there's always Hollywood.

He confused Auschwitz with Buchenwald, I imagine you never made such an error?

It is an easy mistake to make as US text books never mention that it was the Soviets that liberated Auschwitz.

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Interesting article by Ian Mosley in the Israel News today:


Ever since the Middle Ages, there has always been one act which has been strictly prohibited. It is forbidden to speak of the death of the King.

British Communist and Nobel Laureate Doris Lessing is 88 years old, and has either decided she’s old enough to disregard the taboo, or else she’s gone senile and has forgotten this taboo exists. Lessing told an interviewer for a Swedish newspaper that ‘If Barack Obama becomes the next US president he will surely be assassinated.’ Obama, who is vying to become the first black president in US history, ‘would certainly not last long, a black man in the position of president. They would murder him,’ Lessing, 88, told the Dagens Nyheter daily.”

The article goes on: “Lessing, who won the 2007 Nobel Literature Prize, said it might be better if Obama’s Democratic rival Hillary Clinton were to succeed in her bid to become the first woman president of the United States. ‘The best thing would be if they (Clinton and Obama) were to run together. Hillary is a very sharp lady. It might be calmer if she were to win, and not Obama,’ she said.”

Ms. Lessing is delusional if she thinks Obama will be assassinated by the Klan.

The US Government stamped out any organized illegal activity by the Klan and similar organizations decades ago. The Feds have gone on to persecute and harass LEGAL pro-White organizations to this day. Lessing is completely wrong about a threat from any racialist organization, but there may be other threats out there much more real.

Most assassinations in recent history have been done by rogue elements in our government or the MOSSAD. One little known fact is that JFK had opposed Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program while his successor Lyndon Johnson turned a blind eye to it (and even refused to allow US carrier aircraft to shoot down Israeli fighters attacking the USS Liberty).

The patsy for the JFK assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald, refused to go down quietly. Oswald was loudly protesting that he was a patsy during his two days in jail. Oswald was himself assassinated two days after JFK by Jack Ruby (formerly Jacob Rubenstein). The assassination of Bobby Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan appeared to be an early mind-control assassination, meant to create hostility between the US and Palestinians.

Arlen Spector (now a quasi-Republican Senator) invented the “single-bullet theory” to help cover up the JFK assassination. Lyndon Johnson appointed Gerald Ford to head the investigation even though Johnson considered Ford a bungling incompetent. Ford was later the target of two assassination attempts after he was appointed president with vice president Nelson Rockefeller.

Established governments almost never in the past used assassination as a tool until the rise of mind-control assassination techniques. Even then, assassination appeared to be largely a tool by rogue elements of the CIA to eliminate political undesirables within the US. Only the Israelis appear inclined to assassinate foreign politicians since they are immune from criticism in the Western press, and the MOSSAD has been largely successful at blaming certain terrorist events and assassinations on the Muslims.

The Bush and Clinton crime families seem to have their own private assassins working for them. The Clintons left a body trail from Arkansas to Washington, DC. A remarkable number of finance managers for the Clintons died mysteriously –burying any evidence of illegal mob money or foreign donors. Vince Foster famously wound up dead in a park while Clinton operatives ransacked his office. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, who threatened to go public about Clinton criminal activities, conveniently died as Air Force Two flew into a mountain in Croatia.

George H.W. Bush was vice president for Ronald Reagan, who was shot only two months after becoming president. The shooter, John Hinckley was the son of a major contributor to the Bush campaign. John Hinckley’s brother, Scott was going to have dinner with Bush’s son, Neil, the day of the shooting. George H.W. Bush had earlier been head of the CIA, which was rumored to be experimenting with mind-control assassinations. Perhaps, the younger Hinckley brother was seen as a weak-minded individual, who could be molded into such an assassin.

In the case of George W. Bush, a highly inconvenient woman, Margie Schoedinger, who dated Bush back in Texas, complained in 2002 that she had been kidnapped, drugged and raped. The police actually confirmed that Bush had dated Schoedinger years earlier, but this story never gained national attention. Margie Schoedinger was a Black woman, and Bush’s reputation as a normal, acceptable sort of guy would have been badly shaken if his predilection for dating Black women had become public. Schoedinger actually filed a lawsuit against George Bush claiming that he was behind the drugging and kidnapping. Margie Schoedinger was found dead shortly afterwards in 2003, and no one in the mainstream media has bothered to focus any attention on this death.

And what lies ahead for Barack Hussein Obama? There is widespread suspicion that he will be assassinated during the primary much like Robert Kennedy, clearing the way for Hillary. The assassination of a political candidate is much more forgettable than someone, who goes on to become president. If the Israelis carried out the mind-control assassination of Bobby Kennedy in 1968, then they may be brainwashing another Palestinian (or Saudi or Egyptian) even now. It would be very hard to imagine the Israelis tolerating an American president with the middle name “Hussein.” One key benefit for the Israelis is the fact that most Americans would suspect that Hillary was behind the assassination and not them.

It’s highly possible a significant number of Americans would vote against Hillary if an assassination took place since many would suspect she had a role in it. This could produce a victory for the otherwise unelectable John McCain. The Israelis don’t care if Hillary or McCain becomes president. Both are equally pro-Israel.

If Hillary is ordering the assassination, she will pull it off until it becomes necessary. If she can defeat Obama in the primary, then there’s no point in assassinating him. Hillary may resort to massive vote-stealing to win as she apparently did in New Hampshire.

In view of the high body count associated in the past with people who got in the way of Bill and Hillary Clinton, if I were Obama, I’d be ordering a set of Kevlar underwear.

Right on the money, imo.

Re Bobby, blaming a Palestinian for this was always too cute to be true. So Sirhan believed RFK might have 'turned' US foreign policy into pro-Israel? Very funny. A very successful mind control assassination it was. Not that hard if you control the western media, I guess.

The western media itself is just a giant mind control exercise. Judging by the millions who would laugh at this suggestion, they have been highly successful.

Edited by Mark Stapleton
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In looking at other article titles in Israel News, I got the distinct impression that it's an anti-Israel website. But I guess they couldn't call it Anti-Israel News if they want to maintain any subtlety.

Anti-Israel or just honest?

It's a fine line.

IMO it has a dishonest name. If a "news" website is going to be anti-Israel or "just honest" about Israel, it should be up front about it instead of using what sounds like an establishment name.

It had me fooled initially. As I was reading the article, I was wondering why an article that is so blase or accepting of the Mossad going around assassinating whomever it pleases would appear on an "establishment" website. Then I looked around and saw that it is not "establishment" at all. The Jerusalem Post, for example, might view the Mossad quite differently (whether honestly or not).

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Some people have claimed that John Kennedy signed his own death warrant when he selected Lyndon Johnson as his VP running-mate. The same was said about Abraham Lincoln when in 1864 he ditched the radical Hannibal Hamlin and selected the arch conservative, Andrew Johnson as his VP running-mate. It was argued at the time that Johnson would balance the ticket (Johnson was the as his running mate in the 1864 presidential election. Hamlin was a Radical Republican and it was felt that Lincoln was the governor of Tennessee, who had previously made it clear that he was a supporter of slavery).

The VP decisions of Kennedy and Lincoln provided a good political motive for assassinating them. Maybe Obama's best hope of keeping alive is to appoint a woman with a liberal reputation as VP.

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Some people have claimed that John Kennedy signed his own death warrant when he selected Lyndon Johnson as his VP running-mate. The same was said about Abraham Lincoln when in 1864 he ditched the radical Hannibal Hamlin and selected the arch conservative, Andrew Johnson as his VP running-mate. It was argued at the time that Johnson would balance the ticket (Johnson was the as his running mate in the 1864 presidential election. Hamlin was a Radical Republican and it was felt that Lincoln was the governor of Tennessee, who had previously made it clear that he was a supporter of slavery).

The VP decisions of Kennedy and Lincoln provided a good political motive for assassinating them. Maybe Obama's best hope of keeping alive is to appoint a woman with a liberal reputation as VP.

If he's going to appoint a VP as insurance, then he should go with Al Sharpton or Cynthia McKinny, ha ha.


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In looking at other article titles in Israel News, I got the distinct impression that it's an anti-Israel website. But I guess they couldn't call it Anti-Israel News if they want to maintain any subtlety.

Anti-Israel or just honest?

It's a fine line.

IMO it has a dishonest name. If a "news" website is going to be anti-Israel or "just honest" about Israel, it should be up front about it instead of using what sounds like an establishment name.

It had me fooled initially. As I was reading the article, I was wondering why an article that is so blase or accepting of the Mossad going around assassinating whomever it pleases would appear on an "establishment" website. Then I looked around and saw that it is not "establishment" at all. The Jerusalem Post, for example, might view the Mossad quite differently (whether honestly or not).

Splitting hairs, Ron. Israel e-news is an apt description of what lies within the site, although maybe it should be called 'the Israel e-news that Rupert and friends don't want you to read'.

There are plenty of articles on the web that are blase and accepting of the CIA assassinating whomever they please, and this barely raises an eyebrow.

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maybe it should be called 'the Israel e-news that Rupert and friends don't want you to read'.

That would be better and would make more sense. It pays to advertise.

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Some people have claimed that John Kennedy signed his own death warrant when he selected Lyndon Johnson as his VP running-mate. The same was said about Abraham Lincoln when in 1864 he ditched the radical Hannibal Hamlin and selected the arch conservative, Andrew Johnson as his VP running-mate. It was argued at the time that Johnson would balance the ticket (Johnson was the as his running mate in the 1864 presidential election. Hamlin was a Radical Republican and it was felt that Lincoln was the governor of Tennessee, who had previously made it clear that he was a supporter of slavery).

The VP decisions of Kennedy and Lincoln provided a good political motive for assassinating them. Maybe Obama's best hope of keeping alive is to appoint a woman with a liberal reputation as VP.

It has been announced that Barack Obama has asked Caroline Kennedy to vet potential VP candidates. She is to join Jim Johnson and Eric Holder in this process.

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I ended up volunteering to stand behind one of the security gates (there were 10) at the Excel Center Tuesday night. We each stood behind the security people at each electronic gate, directing people to the section currently being filled, and the SS stood behind us. Everyone had to walk through the metal detector gate and put everything in their pockets into trays. In addition, all cameras and cel phones had to be turned on going through security. It took over two hours to fill the X to its capacity of about 20k.

About half of the floor was taken up by press desks and risers with cameramen/women. There was still quite a crowd left outside, and, unfortunately, arrangements had not been made to broadcast Obama's speech via the outdoor trinitron screen, nor for audio coverage, so I'm sure many were disappointed. Those who had spent the day waiting to get in were placed on the floor directly in front of the stage; the volunteers were huddled behind the podium. Barak and Michelle were gracious to everyone and shook hands following the speech with everyone around the stage area. The ambience of the X was amazing; to look 360 and see and hear the excitement was breathtaking. SS men stood around the stage on the floor, eyes on the crowd. Security seemed to work well on this occasion. I felt honored to be a part of history.

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  • 1 month later...


Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Obama, JFK Parallels, Real or Political Hype?


He's fired up youth with eloquent oratory and a message of change. He has the pearl-wearing wife and two adorable little kids. He's making plans for a huge speech in Berlin.

So ask - or ask not: Is Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama channeling John F. Kennedy?

Republicans practically roll their eyes at the Camelot question - and Obama's not even the official nominee yet.

"If Michelle starts wearing a pillbox hat, or they get a pony named Macaroni - look out," sighs Bill Whalen, Hoover Institution research fellow.

The parlor game of finding comparisons between the young president from Massachusetts and the young senator from Illinois heated up last week.

For starters, there was the announcement that Obama will aim to deliver an address in Berlin, a campaign event that has had German politicians battling over its propriety. But no one can escape the rich symbolism of a young Democrat speaking to the world from the same city where Kennedy delivered his famed "Ich bin ein Berliner (I am a Berliner)" speech in the midst of the Cold War.

Then there's the planned Aug. 28 nomination acceptance speech at a public rally before 75,000 people in a stadium - not a convention hall - in Denver.

That prompted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, speaking to The Chronicle last week, to draw the JFK parallel. She recalled how she was present with her parents in 1960 when the Democratic nominee did the same at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. That JFK appearance was a "thrilling" event that gave her what she called the political memory of a lifetime.

A common Dem practice Democratic strategist Garry South said the Camelot reach isn't too much at all.

"Every Democrat since JFK has tried to channel JFK," he said. "He is, for all kinds of reasons, an icon in the Democratic Party because his life was cut short, and he departed when he was 46, and there is the feeling of a lot of unfulfilled potential."

And it's not like it hasn't been done before on the other side, "just like every Republican candidate tries to channel Ronald Reagan," said GOP consultant Dan Schnur.

No kidding - GOP candidates have had a fondness for cowboy boots, a ranch, elegant wives wearing St. John knit suits, along with the appeals to patriotism and strength.

The presumed Republican presidential candidate, Arizona Sen. John McCain, has at least a few of those goodies in his campaign grab bag.

But when it comes to the current race - and the Camelot connection - former JFK speechwriter Ted Sorenson has argued the case for what he said are some uncanny parallels between the wealthy Bostonian and the former Chicago community organizer.

Both Harvard-educated men wrote inspirational books, struggled with a perceived lack of experience, and a heritage (Catholic for Kennedy, African American for Obama) viewed as groundbreaking.

Their oratorical skills have been an obvious connection. "Kennedy's speeches in early 1960 and even earlier, like Obama's in early 2007 ... focused on several common themes: hope, a determination to succeed despite the odds, dissatisfaction with the status quo, and confidence in the judgment of the American people," Sorensen has written. "In sprinkling their remarks with allusions to history and poetry, neither talked down to the American people."

Then, there are the connections on the more personal front: family and personal style.

Last week's heralded TV interview with Obama, his wife, Michelle, and two spirited young daughters nearly summoned the spirit of Hyannis Port - especially when the girls were asked what it would be like to live in the White House. (The answer: "Cool.")

They're getting a dog - not exactly the Caroline Kennedy pony named Macaroni. But the Kennedys had an army of dogs at Hyannis Port - a Welsh terrier named Charlie, an Irish spaniel named Shannon, and a German shepherd named Clipper, as well as Pushinka, a present from Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev. So the Obamas could score more Camelot points here - as long as Dog Obama is not "frou-frou, like a Labradoodle," Whalen said.

Boost from Caroline Kennedy

And, don't forget that that same Caroline Kennedy is helping Obama vet his vice presidential candidate.

When it comes to scoring on style matters, Michelle Obama has shown plenty of instinct: The Jackie-esque thing has been especially potent with her elegant jewel-colored dresses and fabulous sheaths, as well as the flip hairdo and signature pearls that positively channel the revered first lady.

Obama himself hasn't done too badly on that front. Like JFK, he has won kudos from the A-list of the fashion world, including designers Donatella Versace and Tom Ford, for his classic, metrosexual, sleeves-rolled-up urban cool.

Still, some political observers say the whole Camelot thing is just the creation of a headline-hungry, celebrity-soaked media culture.

"I don't think Kennedy was trying to create Camelot, and I don't think Obama is trying to present himself as if he were Kennedy," said Democratic strategist Phil Trounstine, an Obama backer. "Come on, it's a People magazine worldview. And Michelle Obama is who she is," he said. Besides, "Jackie Kennedy's pearls were real."

"So there's plenty to say about Obama," he said with a laugh. "But the idea that he is channeling John Kennedy is a cheesy, cheap shot - something you guys are good at."

Schnur said this isn't the first time that the press has tried to go cheap and cheesy on this subject.

"Four years ago, everyone was talking about how John Kerry's initials were JFK," said Schnur. "So to some degree this happens every four years."

"Though Obama," he said, "does seem to be pushing it more than most."

Is Barack Obama channeling JFK?

Democratic nomination acceptance speech

Obama: Aug. 28, 2008. Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium, Denver

JFK: July 15, 1960. Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum

Inspirational books

Obama: "Dreams of My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance," "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream."

JFK: "Profiles in Courage"

First major-party candidate to be

Obama: African American

JFK: Roman Catholic


Obama: Sheath-wearing, (fake) pearl-wearing, flip-haired Michelle

JFK: Sheath-wearing, pearl-wearing, flip-haired Jackie


Obama: Two adorable daughters, Malia and Sasha

JFK: One adorable daughter, Caroline, and one adorable son, John

Family pets

Obama: Coming soon: dog

JFK: pony, dogs, parakeet, rabbit

E-mail Carla Marinucci at cmarinucci@sfchronicle.com.

Edited by William Kelly
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  • 4 weeks later...


Man held in Fla. on charge of threatening Obama By CURT ANDERSON, AP Legal Affairs Writer1 hour, 37 minutes ago

A man who authorities said was keeping weapons and military-style gear in his hotel room and car appeared in court Thursday on charges he threatened to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Raymond Hunter Geisel, 22, was arrested by the Secret Service on Saturday in Miami and was ordered held at Miami's downtown detention center without bail Thursday by a federal magistrate.

A Secret Service affidavit charges that Geisel made the threat during a training class for bail bondsmen in Miami in late July. According to someone else in the 48-member class, Geisel allegedly referred to Obama with a racial epithet and continued, "If he gets elected, I'll assassinate him myself."

Obama was most recently in Florida on Aug. 1-2 but did not visit the South Florida area.

Another person in the class quoted Geisel as saying that "he hated George W. Bush and that he wanted to put a bullet in the president's head," according to the Secret Service.

Geisel denied in a written statement to a Secret Service agent that he ever made those threats, and the documents don't indicate that he ever took steps to carry out any assassination. He was charged only with threatening Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, but not for any threat against President Bush.

Geisel's court-appointed attorney declined comment. The charge of threatening a major candidate for president or vice president carries a maximum prison sentence of five years.

The Obama campaign declined comment Thursday on the alleged threat.

In the interview with a Secret Service agent, Geisel said "if he wanted to kill Senator Obama he simply would shoot him with a sniper rifle, but then he claimed that he was just joking," according to court documents.

A search of Geisel's 1998 Ford Explorer and hotel room in Miami uncovered a loaded 9mm handgun, knives, dozens of rounds of ammunition including armor-piercing types, body armor, military-style fatigues and a machete. The SUV, which has Maine license plates, was wired with flashing red and yellow emergency lights.

Geisel told the Secret Service he was originally from Bangor, Maine, and had been living recently in a houseboat in the Florida Keys town of Marathon, according to court documents. He said he used the handgun for training for the bail bondsman class, had the knives for protection and used the machete to cut brush in Maine.

Authorities in Maine said Geisel pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal threatening after a 2007 incident and spent 48 hours in a Bangor jail.

Police in Hampden, a town just outside of Bangor, received a complaint from Geisel's brother on Oct. 18, 2007 that Geisel had threatened him with a knife, Hampden police Sgt. Dan Stewart said. Geisel was charged with criminal threatening and terrorizing; the second charge was later dropped.

The Secret Service affidavit said Geisel told agents that he suffered from psychiatric problems including post-traumatic stress disorder, but he couldn't provide the names of any facilities where he sought treatment.


Associated Press writer Glenn Adams in Augusta, Maine, contributed to this report.

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Simply, Yes, yes he will be.





I gotta tell you you schleps on the left SUREEEEEEEEEEEEE know how to pick em!



Mike, you can't blame anybody on the left for electing the next president of the United States. The one and only person you can blame is George W. Bush.


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