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Just received troubling info from a source

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Sorry Dave Weaver -- Debra needs to do the heavy lifting here, simple yea or nay, from Debra, 'are there talks/negotiations of a merger between the two forums'?

Do you ever post an intelligent response. Isn't there a saying that says that it is best to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. And if you are going to at least do the latter ... let it be over the JFK assassination evidence.

sitdown Miller, as you are associated with her and her board, you're now ruining Debra's credibility.... Hi Gary....


I just received information that lancer staff was pressed by dark forces (feat. goddess) to throw you out there. Seems you are

too much of a danger for them.

Although I have heard no rumours (sc british) yet, that Bill Miller paid for it,I am sure you will be convinced

of his knee deep involvement anyway.

What a bad world this is.

Edited by Dave Weaver
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sitdown Miller, as you are associated with her and her board, you're now ruining Debra's credibility.... Hi Gary....

Psychotic delusion: Psychosis is a symptom or feature of mental illness typically characterized by radical changes in personality, impaired functioning, and a distorted or non-existent sense of objective reality.

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sitdown Miller, as you are associated with her and her board, you're now ruining Debra's credibility.... Hi Gary....

Psychotic delusion: Psychosis is a symptom or feature of mental illness typically characterized by radical changes in personality, impaired functioning, and a distorted or non-existent sense of objective reality.

lmfao... you certainly know when you've no place to turn, eh? So, dance sweet gloria, DANCE. Seeya round the hood chump! I'm outt'a here for awhile... A few compositing jobs beckon :ph34r:

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sitdown Miller, as you are associated with her and her board, you're now ruining Debra's credibility.... Hi Gary....

Psychotic delusion: Psychosis is a symptom or feature of mental illness typically characterized by radical changes in personality, impaired functioning, and a distorted or non-existent sense of objective reality.

lmfao... you certainly know when you've no place to turn, eh? So, dance sweet gloria, DANCE. Seeya round the hood chump! I'm outt'a here for awhile... A few compositing jobs beckon :)

That's Healy's way of saying his due back at the institution. lol :lol:

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lmfao... you certainly know when you've no place to turn, eh? So, dance sweet gloria, DANCE. Seeya round the hood chump! I'm outt'a here for awhile... A few compositing jobs beckon :lol:

The 'imbecility' of your responses never cease to amaze me.

imbecility n. , pl. -ties . Great stupidity or foolishness. Something, such as conduct or an act, that is stupid or foolish.

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That's Healy's way of saying his due back at the institution. lol :lol:

I assume that when David says, 'See ya round the hood chump' ... that he is talking about during visiting hours. (smile) Someone please wake me up if he ever post anything related to the JFK assassination ... something like that must only happen once in a lifetime and I don't want to miss it.

Edited by Bill Miller
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That's Healy's way of saying his due back at the institution. lol :lol:

I assume that when David says, 'See ya round the hood chump' ... that he is talking about during visiting hours. (smile) Someone please wake me up if he ever post anything related to the JFK assassination ... something like that must only happen once in a lifetime and I don't want to miss it.

In your signature, you posted that you uncovered new info on the Kennedy Assassination, which won you the Mary Ferell award. What was it you uncovered?


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That's Healy's way of saying his due back at the institution. lol :lol:

I assume that when David says, 'See ya round the hood chump' ... that he is talking about during visiting hours. (smile) Someone please wake me up if he ever post anything related to the JFK assassination ... something like that must only happen once in a lifetime and I don't want to miss it.


3rd article from the top, I suspect what got me the invite here, enjoy and have a nice week!

Miller, you're a third rate researcher with a over blown ego, that is running recklessly, completely, out of control.

I believe Ms. Collins asked you a question, I know a few lurkers have asked me the same, fess up Studley!

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In your signature, you posted that you uncovered new info on the Kennedy Assassination, which won you the Mary Ferell award. What was it you uncovered?


One of the awards was for putting an old myth to rest by getting Robert Groden to retract some past mistake(s) he had made. If you would like to order my presentation or why I was chosen for the award ... email Debra Conway for more information.

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Miller, you're a third rate researcher with a over blown ego, that is running recklessly, completely, out of control.

I believe Ms. Collins asked you a question, I know a few lurkers have asked me the same, fess up Studley!

Your remarks don't mean much, David ... especially when this third rate researcher got you to admit that you had seen no proof of alteration.

Its also nice to see you so concerned about what any lurkers might want to know. I am guessing that if any lurkers really wanted to know why I received an award for anything, then they would have contacted the institution that chose me for that award.

Now that you are wanting some more attention - lets give it to you ... maybe you'd like to address those same lurkers who want to know why you posted on this forum that after all the evidence you had seen up to that time - why did you say that you have not seen any proof of alteration? They also might want to know why you never seem to post anything of actual data on the JFK case rather than acting like some silly person who tries to cover-up his obvious lack of knowledge on this case by constantly trolling for attention?? After all, inquiring lurkers want to know!

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