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For Mike Williams

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nah.... not a good idea Otto. That's what Lone Nutters not only DO, but want..... Steal threads and divert attention. They can not, with any state of reasonableness, defend the Warren Commission Report. Complete state of denial...

Is the above a confession? I invite anyone to read the last 25 responses you have given, David ... and then read what you said above to see if the term 'the kettle calling a pot black' can be traced back to the Healy clan.

By the way ... is someone who has posted that they don't believe in alteration and that the have seen no proof of alteration .... all in the same thread a LNr or a CTs ... or just form of a hermaphrodite in the research community. (sigh~)

Bill Miller

your sounding a lot like a Lone Nut-xxxxx that haunts alt.conspiracy.jfk. Ya not slumming are ya...



Post #37


I am certainly no historian. And you are certainly free to follow whomever you chose.

I am simply smart enough to gather posts and review information. I suggest you do the same.

Personally Ill put my hat on proven professionals like Al and Sherry.

Son Tay, and the whole McDonald mess lends to credibility. Im sure you can figure this out with a little effort.



Since it is a relatively well established fact that Miller has, as of yet, demonstrated little if any capabilities for seperate and individual empirical research into the facts of the assassination, as well as a demonstrated ability of being a "faithful follower" of fools, then I will refrain from a continuation as to exactly how little factual information he has ever actually resolved and/or presented in regards to the assassination.



I am certainly no historian. And you are certainly free to follow whomever you chose.


An intelligent person would actually "follow" the facts! Irrelevant as to whether these facts are presented by a complete fool; a seasoned and experienced researcher; or an expert in the specific field of endeavor.

As a general rule however, it is usually quite simple to get a fool to follow other fools.

Whether into battle, or into the rabbit hole netherworld of the JFK assassination.

Personally Ill put my hat on proven professionals like Al and Sherry.


I am certainly no historian.


Someone, who was apparantly of considerable intelligence, once made a statement to the effect that those who fail to learn from History, are destined to remain stupid all of their life. (or words to that extent).


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nah.... not a good idea Otto. That's what Lone Nutters not only DO, but want..... Steal threads and divert attention. They can not, with any state of reasonableness, defend the Warren Commission Report. Complete state of denial...

Is the above a confession? I invite anyone to read the last 25 responses you have given, David ... and then read what you said above to see if the term 'the kettle calling a pot black' can be traced back to the Healy clan.

By the way ... is someone who has posted that they don't believe in alteration and that the have seen no proof of alteration .... all in the same thread a LNr or a CTs ... or just form of a hermaphrodite in the research community. (sigh~)

Bill Miller

your sounding a lot like a Lone Nut-xxxxx that haunts alt.conspiracy.jfk. Ya not slumming are ya...



Post #37


I am certainly no historian. And you are certainly free to follow whomever you chose.

I am simply smart enough to gather posts and review information. I suggest you do the same.

Personally Ill put my hat on proven professionals like Al and Sherry.

Son Tay, and the whole McDonald mess lends to credibility. Im sure you can figure this out with a little effort.



Since it is a relatively well established fact that Miller has, as of yet, demonstrated little if any capabilities for seperate and individual empirical research into the facts of the assassination, as well as a demonstrated ability of being a "faithful follower" of fools, then I will refrain from a continuation as to exactly how little factual information he has ever actually resolved and/or presented in regards to the assassination.



I am certainly no historian. And you are certainly free to follow whomever you chose.


An intelligent person would actually "follow" the facts! Irrelevant as to whether these facts are presented by a complete fool; a seasoned and experienced researcher; or an expert in the specific field of endeavor.

As a general rule however, it is usually quite simple to get a fool to follow other fools.

Whether into battle, or into the rabbit hole netherworld of the JFK assassination.

Personally Ill put my hat on proven professionals like Al and Sherry.


I am certainly no historian.


Someone, who was apparantly of considerable intelligence, once made a statement to the effect that those who fail to learn from History, are destined to remain stupid all of their life. (or words to that extent).


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In life, one will find those who write of historical events in history.

One will also find those who are actually participants in these events.

And then, there are those who are fortunate enough, for whatever the reasons, to be afforded the opportunity to participate in, as well as help write about such events.

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Perhaps one could get those such as "Dangerous Dan" to help the "Center" write up a story on the Maytag Repair Man and his responsibilities in regards to HALO insertion of a SADM device.

The Center is always looking for those who have a firm grasp on the accurate protrayal of SF Operations.

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You, not unlike others, entered this forum without sufficiently doing your "homework" on anything.

Which includes JFK assassination research as well as research into the factual background of those who now or have previously posted here.

Not only that, but you also immediately accepted as fact the qualifications of those who I long ago exposed as "Faithful Followers of Dangerous Dan Marvin/aka wannabee's who know nothing", as well as those who have somewhat "embellished" upon their training, etc;


Post #34

Professionals like Carrier and Sherry Feister are just mere idiots, although they managed to build a whole career around buffaloing folks.



Post #93

Rest assured that were my "research" capability as inept as yours would appear to be, and had I been stupid enough to "lap" of the BS as fed to you by "Dangerous Dan" Marvin, then I to would be somewhat reluctant to discuss the subject matter as well.



16, RE: Marvin on Pitzer: Error & Embellishment

Posted by Al Carrier

No Bob, he is a retired commissioned officer with the United States Army Special Forces and his title would be Lt. Col. Daniel Marvin, USA Retired. A formal address to show respect for what he has done and earned is Lt. Col. Marvin, or Col. Marvin. But you wouldn't understand that as it is not taught at Dick Clark Productions.

Lt. Col. Marvin, Dr. Eaglesham and others have questioned my loyalty to you here and I can understand why many are challenging many things you post as there are those who are at odds with you on the inside. I am in no way versed enough in these issues that you are at odds with these people, but I continue to support and show respect for you for this simple reason. Please do not take offense, but I did check you out. I was curious because of the conflicts in issues you have here and felt it neccessary. Because of what I found of your background and the stand you are taking now on the issues of SE Asia operations, I have to believe in what you are saying because it makes no sense for you to be motivated to fabricate. I felt it was worth the effort because you are one of so few who have came forward with critical issues, and we both know that there are so many who could.

I mean no disrespect to Dr. Eaglesham with this as he also appears to be a man of honor and great knowlege. He has said in the past that his degree is unrelated and the title of Doctor is not necessary, but I am from the old school and believe in respecting ones accomplishments by way of addressing them for what they earned.

Lt. Col. Marvin, if you do take offense to me looking into your background, you should consider that I am aware you have also checked me out and I not only do not take offense to that, I respect your thoroughness.


No Al, he is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army whose correct title is Dan Marvin, LTC Retired,

U.S. Army Quartermaster Supply Corps. (QMC).


Your great research capability should have told you that Special Forces did not become a career branch for officers until some time after the failed helicopter rescue of hostages in Iran, which was a considerable number of years after your "HERO" Dangrous Dan Marvin had retired.

Perhaps you can get someone to assist you in looking up exactly what activities it is that Quartermaster Supply Corps Officers are normally engaged in, as well as providing a little background as to why LTC Marvin wishes to misrepresent his career branch.

Had you further continued to "check out" LTC Dangerous Dan Marvin, you would have easily found many, many, items of absolute and pure BS, which should have indicated to anyone with even the "smurf" size extent of common sense that Dangerous Dan would in fact be quite dangerous. At least to himself!

As example:

1. I do believe that Dangerous Dan at one point makes reference to how "earmuff" charges are utilized to blow up earthen dams.

Both the Engineer School at Ft. Belvoir as well as the SF Engineer Course at Ft. Bragg would be highly interested in this revelation.

Since all known and published doctrine will state that an "earmuff" charge is worthless on an earthen structure, they would no doubt want to seek Dangerous Dan's method of demolition in which he achieved this unique example of usage of explosives.

Had you either known anything, or bothered to check this one out, not unlike a witness on the stand who has lost some credibility, Dangerous Dan's credibility rating would begin to take a nose dive.

2. I do believe that Dangerous Dan makes reference to the SADM device, and thereafter talks about how it was transported down in some 3/4 ton truck, etc; and that the "timer" was out of some washing machine type timer, etc.

Get Real!

Any idiot would recognize the BS in that one.

First off: I carry a Nuclear Weapons Officer skill rating, and I have never had my hands on a live nuke.

Not to mention having one driven down for me to look at by someone riding down the road in a 3/4 ton army truck.

Nuke security is tight. And if you want to get immediately shot, try to get around one.

Secondly: is the US Military Service supposed to employ the "Maytag Repairman" to ride along on missions in event the washing machine "timer" has trouble?

Dangeous Dan, had obviously "heard" the stories, and thereafter did not even bother to verify what they were about, just as you have not.

The "Timer" is in fact a combination Timer/Detonator/and PAL (Permissive Action Link) which prevents the weapon from being detonated by anyone other than those persons who are in possession of the security code to open the detonator train.

And, you can rest assured that this portion of the device did not come from the "Maytag" washing machine factory.

Thirdly: Your "Hero" references his attempt to insert a SADM by MFF (Military Free Fall/HALO) insertion into a denied area to blow up the Aswan Dam.

WHOA BOY, do I really love this one.

A. His HALO experience is absolutely "NIL", with the exception of being around the Parachute Rigger shed where the parachutes were packed.

B. Even after having graduated from the 5-week HALO/MFF school, one is still a "novice" and must thereafter continue with multiple training exercises with his team, their equipment, etc; etc; etc.

C. Jumping the SADM requires the absolute utmost in HALO experience due to the weight of the package.

In fact, some persons can not even jump it due to their body configuration and the added speed to free fall which it gives to the person carrying the device.

D. Your "Hero" references how he would jump the device and thereafer, utilizing his front hands for control, "glide" towards the target.-------YIKES!

First off, a covert HALO insertion is normally carried out at night. Not too sneaky with all of those opened canopies in the air during daylight hours.

Secondly, Unless on some friendly terms with the enemy, it is unlikely that the target will be sufficiently lighted enough that one can distinguish it in the dark.

Thirdly, The likelihood that anyone carrying the weight of a SADM device can do anything other than "fall" is quite slim, as it is somewhat difficult, with this added weight, to even manage to fall flat and stable.

Fourthly, the "Glide" to target concept goes against all military doctrine for MFF operations, in which no one is supposed to "fly/glide" around in the air.

To do so risk collision with other falling team members, therefore taking yourself as well as your team member OUT, and saving the enemy the trouble.

HALO/MFF concept is to exit as a team, fall flat and stable, open at the same altitudes, and then come together as a group (grouping) while under canopy, in order to attempt to land in a relatively close proximity to one another, it has absolutely nothing to do with "gliding" to a target.

And were one to "glide" to the target and thus open, who knows where they would land, as the old MFF canopies placed the jumper entirely at the mercy of the wind, which fequently "drifted" one a long, long way.

E. As to insertion of a nuke device into a denied area, LTC Marvin should have read up a little more on the subject matter prior to attempting to sell this BS.

Exactly what kind of idiot is it that thinks that we would allow a nuclear device to be inserted into a denied area, without some security forces on the ground to safeguard the device.

Otherwise, it would be somewhat like merely handing over a nuke to the enemy.

This one is an absolute NO BRAINER!.

Prior to any type insertion of a tactical nuclear weapon, at minimum, half of the Team would be inserted to provide physical security for the device upon it's insertion. And in all liklihood, an entire Team would be required for this security.

F. Nevertheless, let's continue with "Dangerous Dan's) scenario in which he places the device and sets the "Maytag Timer" which continues to function properly and therefore eliminates the need to insert the "Maytag Repairman" to fix it.

Absolutely NO team member contains the PAL security code which will allow the detonator train to be activated.

This can be acquired from only the highest COMMAND, and although the device could have been inserted a considerable length of time prior to implementation, secure COMMO is required in order to receive the PAL Security Code before the device can be armed.

G. Nevertheless, should "Dangerous Dan" manage to achieve all that he thinks he can, then he truely becomes "DANGEROUS" when he, in his targeting plan, ends up creating a nuclear cloud of radioactive particles, dust, etc, which would be so large as to enter the upper atmosphere and be carried to numerous surrounding countries, as well as possibley our own shores.

Now, we know exactly why and how "Dangerous Dan" got his handle.

The single most efficient utilization of any explosive device to take out a dam, is utilized on the WATER side of the dam.

The water, since it will not compress, assists in directing the majority of the force against the structure.

Not only this, but it creates virtually NO fallout cloud for contamination of foreign countries.


Now Big Al, if you had even the "smurf smidget" of research capability, then you would have known that "Dangerous Dan" has a severe credibility problem with those of us who just may know a little on the subject matter.

That you can not even see through the BS of Dangerous Dan, which is easily researched, would appear to demonstrate a severe lack of factual research capability.

And, from where those of us who have actually "been there" see this, it demonstrates the "know nothing" capability of anyone who has fallen for the Dangerous Dan storyline.


Al Carrier Wed Sep-25-02 03:58 PM

Charter member


#4036, "RE: Mannlicher-Carcano 91/38 6.5 mm in general"

In response to Reply # 5

Hey Chris.

What you are referring to here is the gravitation pull effect that I have reported on several times on the forum. I was first trained to compensate for this at The Scout Sniper School at the Marathon Station in the keys over twenty years ago.


Now! Neither Gerry P. Hemming, nor I am aware of some obviously "covert" Scout Sniper School at Marathon Station (Marathon Key) in Florida, where U.S. Army MP's are sent to become shooters.

Which by the way brings out the question? Is this where you obtained your "Scout Sniper" qualification as well, or did the USMC actually send you to the true Scout Sniper School.


So, as a "Follower/Believer" of the great shooter Al Carrier (and his "Canyon Shoot" BS), this would, by association it is assumed also make you a follower of the "Dangerous Dan Marvin" line of BS'er's as well?


This forum is not the "Spanky & Our Gang" grouping over on Lancer.

And, although there are those here (as at Lancer and elsewhere) who will believe about anything and/or anyone who comes up with anything against the US Government complicity in the assassination, along with mythological multiple assassins; body snatchers and wound alterations specialists, and most anything else that by far exceeds the realms of reality, there are also some pretty intelligent researchers here as well.

And, rest assured, were my "credentials" not sufficent as well as my research that lacking, then I would have been "LNer'd" off this forum long ago by persons who far exceeded anything which you may think that you know about the assassination.

As example, your work on the "Carcano Clip" over on Lancer has gained you your own following of "believers".

However, if you will actually conduct a little research here on the "Education Forum", then you will find that here too I long ago demonstrated that I can make a Carcano Clip hang up EVERY SINGLE TIME; make a Carcano clip fall out EVERY SINGLE TIME;, or if so desired, make the clip merely hang until the last round/casing is ejected from the chamber and the "Clip Release Button" within the trigger housing is pressed.

So, other than your proclaimed ability with a rifle, you entered this forum with a severe lack of credibility in judgement of whom to and not to believe, as well as a severely lacking ability to determine factual information.

Which I might add goes right along with an obviously complete failure to examine the WC's presented evidence, as well as a study and examination of the other forensic; ballistic; pathological; and physical evidence.

In other, and simple words, you, not unlike and entire flock of other "sheeples", have merely believed what you have been told, without expending the effort to verify for yourself the actual facts of what is stated.

There mere fact that you have apparantly never given consideration that just perhaps the WC was not telling us the facts and truths in regards to THE SHOT THAT MISSED, is clear evidence that you are severely lacking in the ability to think for yourself.

Which may tend to demonstrate exactly why I was in Special Forces, and you spent a career in the USMC.

P.S. Perhaps, had Al Carrier actually known anything (Which Bill Miller accepts and believes the Al Carrier/CSI---BS), then he would have known and understood the direct correlation between the shallow depth of penetration of JFK's back wound, that the base of CE399 is deformed to 4mm X 7mm in size; that the "puncture" type wound in the back of JFK measured exactly 4mm X 7mm in size and had relatively clean cut edges; that the entering bullet carried with it, down into the wound of entry, considerable cloth from the coat and shirt of JFk, while also "punching' out a hole in the shirt, which not unlike the wound in JFK's back, exactly matches the dimensional form and outline of the base of CE399.

And, as an "old shooter" who is quite familiar with "wadcutter" bullets, it does not take even a "fifth grader" to resolve exactly which end of CE399 struck JFK in the back.

Which by the way, you also apparantly neglected to investigate!

So! Irrelevant as to your (or for that matter my) credentials, why not amaze us with your knowledge of the facts of the JFK assassination.

P.P.S. Might I advise that you watch out, as those who have been here long enough and know the protocal for factual research, can easily recognize BS!


""covert" Scout Sniper School"

Hey Purv! Now, I FINALLY get what you were referring to in that PM you sent me. ROFLMAO!!! HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! :blink:

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You, not unlike others, entered this forum without sufficiently doing your "homework" on anything.

Which includes JFK assassination research as well as research into the factual background of those who now or have previously posted here.

Not only that, but you also immediately accepted as fact the qualifications of those who I long ago exposed as "Faithful Followers of Dangerous Dan Marvin/aka wannabee's who know nothing", as well as those who have somewhat "embellished" upon their training, etc;


Post #34

Professionals like Carrier and Sherry Feister are just mere idiots, although they managed to build a whole career around buffaloing folks.



Post #93

Rest assured that were my "research" capability as inept as yours would appear to be, and had I been stupid enough to "lap" of the BS as fed to you by "Dangerous Dan" Marvin, then I to would be somewhat reluctant to discuss the subject matter as well.



16, RE: Marvin on Pitzer: Error & Embellishment

Posted by Al Carrier

No Bob, he is a retired commissioned officer with the United States Army Special Forces and his title would be Lt. Col. Daniel Marvin, USA Retired. A formal address to show respect for what he has done and earned is Lt. Col. Marvin, or Col. Marvin. But you wouldn't understand that as it is not taught at Dick Clark Productions.

Lt. Col. Marvin, Dr. Eaglesham and others have questioned my loyalty to you here and I can understand why many are challenging many things you post as there are those who are at odds with you on the inside. I am in no way versed enough in these issues that you are at odds with these people, but I continue to support and show respect for you for this simple reason. Please do not take offense, but I did check you out. I was curious because of the conflicts in issues you have here and felt it neccessary. Because of what I found of your background and the stand you are taking now on the issues of SE Asia operations, I have to believe in what you are saying because it makes no sense for you to be motivated to fabricate. I felt it was worth the effort because you are one of so few who have came forward with critical issues, and we both know that there are so many who could.

I mean no disrespect to Dr. Eaglesham with this as he also appears to be a man of honor and great knowlege. He has said in the past that his degree is unrelated and the title of Doctor is not necessary, but I am from the old school and believe in respecting ones accomplishments by way of addressing them for what they earned.

Lt. Col. Marvin, if you do take offense to me looking into your background, you should consider that I am aware you have also checked me out and I not only do not take offense to that, I respect your thoroughness.


No Al, he is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army whose correct title is Dan Marvin, LTC Retired,

U.S. Army Quartermaster Supply Corps. (QMC).


Your great research capability should have told you that Special Forces did not become a career branch for officers until some time after the failed helicopter rescue of hostages in Iran, which was a considerable number of years after your "HERO" Dangrous Dan Marvin had retired.

Perhaps you can get someone to assist you in looking up exactly what activities it is that Quartermaster Supply Corps Officers are normally engaged in, as well as providing a little background as to why LTC Marvin wishes to misrepresent his career branch.

Had you further continued to "check out" LTC Dangerous Dan Marvin, you would have easily found many, many, items of absolute and pure BS, which should have indicated to anyone with even the "smurf" size extent of common sense that Dangerous Dan would in fact be quite dangerous. At least to himself!

As example:

1. I do believe that Dangerous Dan at one point makes reference to how "earmuff" charges are utilized to blow up earthen dams.

Both the Engineer School at Ft. Belvoir as well as the SF Engineer Course at Ft. Bragg would be highly interested in this revelation.

Since all known and published doctrine will state that an "earmuff" charge is worthless on an earthen structure, they would no doubt want to seek Dangerous Dan's method of demolition in which he achieved this unique example of usage of explosives.

Had you either known anything, or bothered to check this one out, not unlike a witness on the stand who has lost some credibility, Dangerous Dan's credibility rating would begin to take a nose dive.

2. I do believe that Dangerous Dan makes reference to the SADM device, and thereafter talks about how it was transported down in some 3/4 ton truck, etc; and that the "timer" was out of some washing machine type timer, etc.

Get Real!

Any idiot would recognize the BS in that one.

First off: I carry a Nuclear Weapons Officer skill rating, and I have never had my hands on a live nuke.

Not to mention having one driven down for me to look at by someone riding down the road in a 3/4 ton army truck.

Nuke security is tight. And if you want to get immediately shot, try to get around one.

Secondly: is the US Military Service supposed to employ the "Maytag Repairman" to ride along on missions in event the washing machine "timer" has trouble?

Dangeous Dan, had obviously "heard" the stories, and thereafter did not even bother to verify what they were about, just as you have not.

The "Timer" is in fact a combination Timer/Detonator/and PAL (Permissive Action Link) which prevents the weapon from being detonated by anyone other than those persons who are in possession of the security code to open the detonator train.

And, you can rest assured that this portion of the device did not come from the "Maytag" washing machine factory.

Thirdly: Your "Hero" references his attempt to insert a SADM by MFF (Military Free Fall/HALO) insertion into a denied area to blow up the Aswan Dam.

WHOA BOY, do I really love this one.

A. His HALO experience is absolutely "NIL", with the exception of being around the Parachute Rigger shed where the parachutes were packed.

B. Even after having graduated from the 5-week HALO/MFF school, one is still a "novice" and must thereafter continue with multiple training exercises with his team, their equipment, etc; etc; etc.

C. Jumping the SADM requires the absolute utmost in HALO experience due to the weight of the package.

In fact, some persons can not even jump it due to their body configuration and the added speed to free fall which it gives to the person carrying the device.

D. Your "Hero" references how he would jump the device and thereafer, utilizing his front hands for control, "glide" towards the target.-------YIKES!

First off, a covert HALO insertion is normally carried out at night. Not too sneaky with all of those opened canopies in the air during daylight hours.

Secondly, Unless on some friendly terms with the enemy, it is unlikely that the target will be sufficiently lighted enough that one can distinguish it in the dark.

Thirdly, The likelihood that anyone carrying the weight of a SADM device can do anything other than "fall" is quite slim, as it is somewhat difficult, with this added weight, to even manage to fall flat and stable.

Fourthly, the "Glide" to target concept goes against all military doctrine for MFF operations, in which no one is supposed to "fly/glide" around in the air.

To do so risk collision with other falling team members, therefore taking yourself as well as your team member OUT, and saving the enemy the trouble.

HALO/MFF concept is to exit as a team, fall flat and stable, open at the same altitudes, and then come together as a group (grouping) while under canopy, in order to attempt to land in a relatively close proximity to one another, it has absolutely nothing to do with "gliding" to a target.

And were one to "glide" to the target and thus open, who knows where they would land, as the old MFF canopies placed the jumper entirely at the mercy of the wind, which fequently "drifted" one a long, long way.

E. As to insertion of a nuke device into a denied area, LTC Marvin should have read up a little more on the subject matter prior to attempting to sell this BS.

Exactly what kind of idiot is it that thinks that we would allow a nuclear device to be inserted into a denied area, without some security forces on the ground to safeguard the device.

Otherwise, it would be somewhat like merely handing over a nuke to the enemy.

This one is an absolute NO BRAINER!.

Prior to any type insertion of a tactical nuclear weapon, at minimum, half of the Team would be inserted to provide physical security for the device upon it's insertion. And in all liklihood, an entire Team would be required for this security.

F. Nevertheless, let's continue with "Dangerous Dan's) scenario in which he places the device and sets the "Maytag Timer" which continues to function properly and therefore eliminates the need to insert the "Maytag Repairman" to fix it.

Absolutely NO team member contains the PAL security code which will allow the detonator train to be activated.

This can be acquired from only the highest COMMAND, and although the device could have been inserted a considerable length of time prior to implementation, secure COMMO is required in order to receive the PAL Security Code before the device can be armed.

G. Nevertheless, should "Dangerous Dan" manage to achieve all that he thinks he can, then he truely becomes "DANGEROUS" when he, in his targeting plan, ends up creating a nuclear cloud of radioactive particles, dust, etc, which would be so large as to enter the upper atmosphere and be carried to numerous surrounding countries, as well as possibley our own shores.

Now, we know exactly why and how "Dangerous Dan" got his handle.

The single most efficient utilization of any explosive device to take out a dam, is utilized on the WATER side of the dam.

The water, since it will not compress, assists in directing the majority of the force against the structure.

Not only this, but it creates virtually NO fallout cloud for contamination of foreign countries.


Now Big Al, if you had even the "smurf smidget" of research capability, then you would have known that "Dangerous Dan" has a severe credibility problem with those of us who just may know a little on the subject matter.

That you can not even see through the BS of Dangerous Dan, which is easily researched, would appear to demonstrate a severe lack of factual research capability.

And, from where those of us who have actually "been there" see this, it demonstrates the "know nothing" capability of anyone who has fallen for the Dangerous Dan storyline.


Al Carrier Wed Sep-25-02 03:58 PM

Charter member


#4036, "RE: Mannlicher-Carcano 91/38 6.5 mm in general"

In response to Reply # 5

Hey Chris.

What you are referring to here is the gravitation pull effect that I have reported on several times on the forum. I was first trained to compensate for this at The Scout Sniper School at the Marathon Station in the keys over twenty years ago.


Now! Neither Gerry P. Hemming, nor I am aware of some obviously "covert" Scout Sniper School at Marathon Station (Marathon Key) in Florida, where U.S. Army MP's are sent to become shooters.

Which by the way brings out the question? Is this where you obtained your "Scout Sniper" qualification as well, or did the USMC actually send you to the true Scout Sniper School.


So, as a "Follower/Believer" of the great shooter Al Carrier (and his "Canyon Shoot" BS), this would, by association it is assumed also make you a follower of the "Dangerous Dan Marvin" line of BS'er's as well?


This forum is not the "Spanky & Our Gang" grouping over on Lancer.

And, although there are those here (as at Lancer and elsewhere) who will believe about anything and/or anyone who comes up with anything against the US Government complicity in the assassination, along with mythological multiple assassins; body snatchers and wound alterations specialists, and most anything else that by far exceeds the realms of reality, there are also some pretty intelligent researchers here as well.

And, rest assured, were my "credentials" not sufficent as well as my research that lacking, then I would have been "LNer'd" off this forum long ago by persons who far exceeded anything which you may think that you know about the assassination.

As example, your work on the "Carcano Clip" over on Lancer has gained you your own following of "believers".

However, if you will actually conduct a little research here on the "Education Forum", then you will find that here too I long ago demonstrated that I can make a Carcano Clip hang up EVERY SINGLE TIME; make a Carcano clip fall out EVERY SINGLE TIME;, or if so desired, make the clip merely hang until the last round/casing is ejected from the chamber and the "Clip Release Button" within the trigger housing is pressed.

So, other than your proclaimed ability with a rifle, you entered this forum with a severe lack of credibility in judgement of whom to and not to believe, as well as a severely lacking ability to determine factual information.

Which I might add goes right along with an obviously complete failure to examine the WC's presented evidence, as well as a study and examination of the other forensic; ballistic; pathological; and physical evidence.

In other, and simple words, you, not unlike and entire flock of other "sheeples", have merely believed what you have been told, without expending the effort to verify for yourself the actual facts of what is stated.

There mere fact that you have apparantly never given consideration that just perhaps the WC was not telling us the facts and truths in regards to THE SHOT THAT MISSED, is clear evidence that you are severely lacking in the ability to think for yourself.

Which may tend to demonstrate exactly why I was in Special Forces, and you spent a career in the USMC.

P.S. Perhaps, had Al Carrier actually known anything (Which Bill Miller accepts and believes the Al Carrier/CSI---BS), then he would have known and understood the direct correlation between the shallow depth of penetration of JFK's back wound, that the base of CE399 is deformed to 4mm X 7mm in size; that the "puncture" type wound in the back of JFK measured exactly 4mm X 7mm in size and had relatively clean cut edges; that the entering bullet carried with it, down into the wound of entry, considerable cloth from the coat and shirt of JFk, while also "punching' out a hole in the shirt, which not unlike the wound in JFK's back, exactly matches the dimensional form and outline of the base of CE399.

And, as an "old shooter" who is quite familiar with "wadcutter" bullets, it does not take even a "fifth grader" to resolve exactly which end of CE399 struck JFK in the back.

Which by the way, you also apparantly neglected to investigate!

So! Irrelevant as to your (or for that matter my) credentials, why not amaze us with your knowledge of the facts of the JFK assassination.

P.P.S. Might I advise that you watch out, as those who have been here long enough and know the protocal for factual research, can easily recognize BS!


""covert" Scout Sniper School"

Hey Purv! Now, I FINALLY get what you were referring to in that PM you sent me. ROFLMAO!!! HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! :blink:

Son Tay, and the whole McDonald mess lends to credibility. Im sure you can figure this out with a little effort.

Love to sit and talk, but not unlike a student in the Underwater Operations Course, I am currently "struggling" severely, merely to keep my head above water in the "credibility" Department.

P.S. Although brain cells are progressively on the downward spiral, would be more than glad to "kill" a few of the remaining, just to see you on Bourbon St. and have a laugh or tell a "war story" or two about the ole Playboy Club.


You and Christina have much in common! She too can "hang tough" with the best of them.

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You, not unlike others, entered this forum without sufficiently doing your "homework" on anything.

Which includes JFK assassination research as well as research into the factual background of those who now or have previously posted here.

Not only that, but you also immediately accepted as fact the qualifications of those who I long ago exposed as "Faithful Followers of Dangerous Dan Marvin/aka wannabee's who know nothing", as well as those who have somewhat "embellished" upon their training, etc;


Post #34

Professionals like Carrier and Sherry Feister are just mere idiots, although they managed to build a whole career around buffaloing folks.



Post #93

Rest assured that were my "research" capability as inept as yours would appear to be, and had I been stupid enough to "lap" of the BS as fed to you by "Dangerous Dan" Marvin, then I to would be somewhat reluctant to discuss the subject matter as well.



16, RE: Marvin on Pitzer: Error & Embellishment

Posted by Al Carrier

No Bob, he is a retired commissioned officer with the United States Army Special Forces and his title would be Lt. Col. Daniel Marvin, USA Retired. A formal address to show respect for what he has done and earned is Lt. Col. Marvin, or Col. Marvin. But you wouldn't understand that as it is not taught at Dick Clark Productions.

Lt. Col. Marvin, Dr. Eaglesham and others have questioned my loyalty to you here and I can understand why many are challenging many things you post as there are those who are at odds with you on the inside. I am in no way versed enough in these issues that you are at odds with these people, but I continue to support and show respect for you for this simple reason. Please do not take offense, but I did check you out. I was curious because of the conflicts in issues you have here and felt it neccessary. Because of what I found of your background and the stand you are taking now on the issues of SE Asia operations, I have to believe in what you are saying because it makes no sense for you to be motivated to fabricate. I felt it was worth the effort because you are one of so few who have came forward with critical issues, and we both know that there are so many who could.

I mean no disrespect to Dr. Eaglesham with this as he also appears to be a man of honor and great knowlege. He has said in the past that his degree is unrelated and the title of Doctor is not necessary, but I am from the old school and believe in respecting ones accomplishments by way of addressing them for what they earned.

Lt. Col. Marvin, if you do take offense to me looking into your background, you should consider that I am aware you have also checked me out and I not only do not take offense to that, I respect your thoroughness.


No Al, he is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army whose correct title is Dan Marvin, LTC Retired,

U.S. Army Quartermaster Supply Corps. (QMC).


Your great research capability should have told you that Special Forces did not become a career branch for officers until some time after the failed helicopter rescue of hostages in Iran, which was a considerable number of years after your "HERO" Dangrous Dan Marvin had retired.

Perhaps you can get someone to assist you in looking up exactly what activities it is that Quartermaster Supply Corps Officers are normally engaged in, as well as providing a little background as to why LTC Marvin wishes to misrepresent his career branch.

Had you further continued to "check out" LTC Dangerous Dan Marvin, you would have easily found many, many, items of absolute and pure BS, which should have indicated to anyone with even the "smurf" size extent of common sense that Dangerous Dan would in fact be quite dangerous. At least to himself!

As example:

1. I do believe that Dangerous Dan at one point makes reference to how "earmuff" charges are utilized to blow up earthen dams.

Both the Engineer School at Ft. Belvoir as well as the SF Engineer Course at Ft. Bragg would be highly interested in this revelation.

Since all known and published doctrine will state that an "earmuff" charge is worthless on an earthen structure, they would no doubt want to seek Dangerous Dan's method of demolition in which he achieved this unique example of usage of explosives.

Had you either known anything, or bothered to check this one out, not unlike a witness on the stand who has lost some credibility, Dangerous Dan's credibility rating would begin to take a nose dive.

2. I do believe that Dangerous Dan makes reference to the SADM device, and thereafter talks about how it was transported down in some 3/4 ton truck, etc; and that the "timer" was out of some washing machine type timer, etc.

Get Real!

Any idiot would recognize the BS in that one.

First off: I carry a Nuclear Weapons Officer skill rating, and I have never had my hands on a live nuke.

Not to mention having one driven down for me to look at by someone riding down the road in a 3/4 ton army truck.

Nuke security is tight. And if you want to get immediately shot, try to get around one.

Secondly: is the US Military Service supposed to employ the "Maytag Repairman" to ride along on missions in event the washing machine "timer" has trouble?

Dangeous Dan, had obviously "heard" the stories, and thereafter did not even bother to verify what they were about, just as you have not.

The "Timer" is in fact a combination Timer/Detonator/and PAL (Permissive Action Link) which prevents the weapon from being detonated by anyone other than those persons who are in possession of the security code to open the detonator train.

And, you can rest assured that this portion of the device did not come from the "Maytag" washing machine factory.

Thirdly: Your "Hero" references his attempt to insert a SADM by MFF (Military Free Fall/HALO) insertion into a denied area to blow up the Aswan Dam.

WHOA BOY, do I really love this one.

A. His HALO experience is absolutely "NIL", with the exception of being around the Parachute Rigger shed where the parachutes were packed.

B. Even after having graduated from the 5-week HALO/MFF school, one is still a "novice" and must thereafter continue with multiple training exercises with his team, their equipment, etc; etc; etc.

C. Jumping the SADM requires the absolute utmost in HALO experience due to the weight of the package.

In fact, some persons can not even jump it due to their body configuration and the added speed to free fall which it gives to the person carrying the device.

D. Your "Hero" references how he would jump the device and thereafer, utilizing his front hands for control, "glide" towards the target.-------YIKES!

First off, a covert HALO insertion is normally carried out at night. Not too sneaky with all of those opened canopies in the air during daylight hours.

Secondly, Unless on some friendly terms with the enemy, it is unlikely that the target will be sufficiently lighted enough that one can distinguish it in the dark.

Thirdly, The likelihood that anyone carrying the weight of a SADM device can do anything other than "fall" is quite slim, as it is somewhat difficult, with this added weight, to even manage to fall flat and stable.

Fourthly, the "Glide" to target concept goes against all military doctrine for MFF operations, in which no one is supposed to "fly/glide" around in the air.

To do so risk collision with other falling team members, therefore taking yourself as well as your team member OUT, and saving the enemy the trouble.

HALO/MFF concept is to exit as a team, fall flat and stable, open at the same altitudes, and then come together as a group (grouping) while under canopy, in order to attempt to land in a relatively close proximity to one another, it has absolutely nothing to do with "gliding" to a target.

And were one to "glide" to the target and thus open, who knows where they would land, as the old MFF canopies placed the jumper entirely at the mercy of the wind, which fequently "drifted" one a long, long way.

E. As to insertion of a nuke device into a denied area, LTC Marvin should have read up a little more on the subject matter prior to attempting to sell this BS.

Exactly what kind of idiot is it that thinks that we would allow a nuclear device to be inserted into a denied area, without some security forces on the ground to safeguard the device.

Otherwise, it would be somewhat like merely handing over a nuke to the enemy.

This one is an absolute NO BRAINER!.

Prior to any type insertion of a tactical nuclear weapon, at minimum, half of the Team would be inserted to provide physical security for the device upon it's insertion. And in all liklihood, an entire Team would be required for this security.

F. Nevertheless, let's continue with "Dangerous Dan's) scenario in which he places the device and sets the "Maytag Timer" which continues to function properly and therefore eliminates the need to insert the "Maytag Repairman" to fix it.

Absolutely NO team member contains the PAL security code which will allow the detonator train to be activated.

This can be acquired from only the highest COMMAND, and although the device could have been inserted a considerable length of time prior to implementation, secure COMMO is required in order to receive the PAL Security Code before the device can be armed.

G. Nevertheless, should "Dangerous Dan" manage to achieve all that he thinks he can, then he truely becomes "DANGEROUS" when he, in his targeting plan, ends up creating a nuclear cloud of radioactive particles, dust, etc, which would be so large as to enter the upper atmosphere and be carried to numerous surrounding countries, as well as possibley our own shores.

Now, we know exactly why and how "Dangerous Dan" got his handle.

The single most efficient utilization of any explosive device to take out a dam, is utilized on the WATER side of the dam.

The water, since it will not compress, assists in directing the majority of the force against the structure.

Not only this, but it creates virtually NO fallout cloud for contamination of foreign countries.


Now Big Al, if you had even the "smurf smidget" of research capability, then you would have known that "Dangerous Dan" has a severe credibility problem with those of us who just may know a little on the subject matter.

That you can not even see through the BS of Dangerous Dan, which is easily researched, would appear to demonstrate a severe lack of factual research capability.

And, from where those of us who have actually "been there" see this, it demonstrates the "know nothing" capability of anyone who has fallen for the Dangerous Dan storyline.


Al Carrier Wed Sep-25-02 03:58 PM

Charter member


#4036, "RE: Mannlicher-Carcano 91/38 6.5 mm in general"

In response to Reply # 5

Hey Chris.

What you are referring to here is the gravitation pull effect that I have reported on several times on the forum. I was first trained to compensate for this at The Scout Sniper School at the Marathon Station in the keys over twenty years ago.


Now! Neither Gerry P. Hemming, nor I am aware of some obviously "covert" Scout Sniper School at Marathon Station (Marathon Key) in Florida, where U.S. Army MP's are sent to become shooters.

Which by the way brings out the question? Is this where you obtained your "Scout Sniper" qualification as well, or did the USMC actually send you to the true Scout Sniper School.


So, as a "Follower/Believer" of the great shooter Al Carrier (and his "Canyon Shoot" BS), this would, by association it is assumed also make you a follower of the "Dangerous Dan Marvin" line of BS'er's as well?


This forum is not the "Spanky & Our Gang" grouping over on Lancer.

And, although there are those here (as at Lancer and elsewhere) who will believe about anything and/or anyone who comes up with anything against the US Government complicity in the assassination, along with mythological multiple assassins; body snatchers and wound alterations specialists, and most anything else that by far exceeds the realms of reality, there are also some pretty intelligent researchers here as well.

And, rest assured, were my "credentials" not sufficent as well as my research that lacking, then I would have been "LNer'd" off this forum long ago by persons who far exceeded anything which you may think that you know about the assassination.

As example, your work on the "Carcano Clip" over on Lancer has gained you your own following of "believers".

However, if you will actually conduct a little research here on the "Education Forum", then you will find that here too I long ago demonstrated that I can make a Carcano Clip hang up EVERY SINGLE TIME; make a Carcano clip fall out EVERY SINGLE TIME;, or if so desired, make the clip merely hang until the last round/casing is ejected from the chamber and the "Clip Release Button" within the trigger housing is pressed.

So, other than your proclaimed ability with a rifle, you entered this forum with a severe lack of credibility in judgement of whom to and not to believe, as well as a severely lacking ability to determine factual information.

Which I might add goes right along with an obviously complete failure to examine the WC's presented evidence, as well as a study and examination of the other forensic; ballistic; pathological; and physical evidence.

In other, and simple words, you, not unlike and entire flock of other "sheeples", have merely believed what you have been told, without expending the effort to verify for yourself the actual facts of what is stated.

There mere fact that you have apparantly never given consideration that just perhaps the WC was not telling us the facts and truths in regards to THE SHOT THAT MISSED, is clear evidence that you are severely lacking in the ability to think for yourself.

Which may tend to demonstrate exactly why I was in Special Forces, and you spent a career in the USMC.

P.S. Perhaps, had Al Carrier actually known anything (Which Bill Miller accepts and believes the Al Carrier/CSI---BS), then he would have known and understood the direct correlation between the shallow depth of penetration of JFK's back wound, that the base of CE399 is deformed to 4mm X 7mm in size; that the "puncture" type wound in the back of JFK measured exactly 4mm X 7mm in size and had relatively clean cut edges; that the entering bullet carried with it, down into the wound of entry, considerable cloth from the coat and shirt of JFk, while also "punching' out a hole in the shirt, which not unlike the wound in JFK's back, exactly matches the dimensional form and outline of the base of CE399.

And, as an "old shooter" who is quite familiar with "wadcutter" bullets, it does not take even a "fifth grader" to resolve exactly which end of CE399 struck JFK in the back.

Which by the way, you also apparantly neglected to investigate!

So! Irrelevant as to your (or for that matter my) credentials, why not amaze us with your knowledge of the facts of the JFK assassination.

P.P.S. Might I advise that you watch out, as those who have been here long enough and know the protocal for factual research, can easily recognize BS!


""covert" Scout Sniper School"

Hey Purv! Now, I FINALLY get what you were referring to in that PM you sent me. ROFLMAO!!! HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! :blink:

Son Tay, and the whole McDonald mess lends to credibility. Im sure you can figure this out with a little effort.

Love to sit and talk, but not unlike a student in the Underwater Operations Course, I am currently "struggling" severely, merely to keep my head above water in the "credibility" Department.

P.S. Although brain cells are progressively on the downward spiral, would be more than glad to "kill" a few of the remaining, just to see you on Bourbon St. and have a laugh or tell a "war story" or two about the ole Playboy Club.


You and Christina have much in common! She too can "hang tough" with the best of them.


That would be a grand time, indeed, my friend.

And, BTW, you're treading water, just fine, as far as I'm concerned.

Well, I'm off to work. Keep them enlightened, Purv, seriously.

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nah.... not a good idea Otto. That's what Lone Nutters not only DO, but want..... Steal threads and divert attention. They can not, with any state of reasonableness, defend the Warren Commission Report. Complete state of denial...

David Healy, please clarify what you mean by the term 'lone nutter'??? I think it is important that if all you intend on bringing to this forum is nothing but childish responses of labeling people as 'lone nutters', then you should at least offer your definition so people can have a better insight into where you are coming from exactly. By being specific about this will prevent someone from thinking you are just some lonesome nutter with nothing better to do.


Bill Miller

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Perhaps one could get those such as "Dangerous Dan" to help the "Center" write up a story on the Maytag Repair Man and his responsibilities in regards to HALO insertion of a SADM device.

The Center is always looking for those who have a firm grasp on the accurate protrayal of SF Operations.

Eventually, we just may get to something of actual significance as to exactly who does and who does not have the credentials and/or the credibility.

As one departs the Florida Keys, it would be remiss to not point out that I was also in charge of the ONLY diving re-compression chamber in the Southeastern US which was available 7-days a week, 24 hours a day for the treatment of diving related injuries.

As such, I, my XO, as well as all of my assigned Diving Medics were taught Advanced Diving Medicine by Dr. Ed Tucker, USN DMO (Diving Medical Officer), and one of the foremost authorities at the time on hyperbaric medicine.

In that regards, the SFUWO at Key West ultimately ended up treating a variety of diving related medical injuries and received recognition from the US Coast Guard as well as the civillian authorities.

And thusly, we were quite efficient at recognition of the primary cause of "subcutaneous emphysema"!

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Eventually, we just may get to something of actual significance as to exactly who does and who does not have the credentials and/or the credibility.

It would be assumed that some are wondering exactly what the he** all of this is actually about!



31 Oct 2007

Read TopicMike Williams: Biography

I am recently retired from the United States Marine Corp, after 23 years of service; 1984-2007. My military occupational specialty, or Mos, for the last 19 years of my tour was 8541 Scout/Snipers. I have a strong background in ballistics, ammunitions, and weapons. I find this area to be the most interesting. Secondary Mos of 8654 (Dive and Para qualified),


Now, as one of the few persons who were privilidged enough to be given Command of the Special Forces Underwater Operations Course, rest assured that I am not that highly impressed with someone who merely claims some "Dive" qualification.

Especially when it is considered:

1. That I wrote the first instructional doctrine for Special Forces Schools on the "Operational Aspects of Underwater Insertion for Special Forces Operations" .

2. That in addition to the "recreational" open circuit SCUBA, I am/was also qualified in the Emerson re-breather as well as having been trained at the Navy School in the Mark VI Mixed Gas system.

3. That I am/was also a qualified Recompression Chamber Operator who received advanced diving medicine training from one of the foremost authorities on Diving Medicine and hyperbaric treatment of diving injuries.

4. That in addition to underwater demolitions, I am/was also qualified in Submarine escape trunk operations and Submarine exit and recovery of diving teams.

5. That I, as well as most of my Instructor personell (those who wanted to), were trained in Para-Scuba jumps and made these jumps at Key West.

6. And without dragging this out any further, I am/was also "Dive" qualified as I also carried a PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) Instructor Rating.

Which by the way, literally thousands of persons (who are strictly of the civillian nature), are also "Dive" qualified.

So, as the song goes, some "Dive" qualified individual, "Don't Impress Me Much"!

And all of which don't mean Sh** when it comes to presentation of factual information relative to the assassination of JFK.

Onward to: Para qualified

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Onward to: Para Qualified


Most here, including my "nemisis" in this "credibility issue", have at one time or another seen the attached photo.

The photo was taken at Bragg and is none other than Cpt Tom Purvis who was at the time assigned to "D" Company, 6th SFG as an "A"-Team Commander of a HALO qualified SF Detachment.

Along with George Petrie; Udo Walther; Dick Meadows; and just a whole handfull of others who had been hand selected to form this Company.

The photograph was made by a friend; SFC Joe Gonzales, Team Photographer, United States Army Sport Parachute Team (The Golden Knights).

At about that time, the Golden Knights had offered me the position of Team Executive Officer (which I declined).

Nevertheless, the "Hill" liked the photo so well that it was later utilized as a HALO recruitment poster within SF.

And as long ago stated, I moved on to take Command of the Advanced Airborne Committee of Special Forces Schools where I was assigned as a HALO Instructor as well as establishing the first Static Line (rope jumpers)Jumpmaster Course as a division of the Advanced Airborne Committee of the Specialized Training Department of Special Forces Schools.


1. HALO Qualified

2. Participant in and co-holder of mass exit MFF (Military Free Fall/HALO) altitude record of 29,700 feet in altitude.

3. USPA Sport Parachutist and Jumpmaster

4. Former President, (primary instructor) Second Infantry Divsion Sport Parachute Club, South Korea.

5. Multitudes of Sport Parachute demonstration jumps to include jumps throughout the country of South Korea; Key West, Fl for the State Fair as well as for the Navy Birthday Celebration, as well as with the aerial acrobatic team of Charlie Hilliard for the AF Association Birthday.

6. Declined position as XO of the United States Army Sport Parachute Team (The Golden Knights)



I had the honor of knowing two of the best Halo jumpers in the military, they were at fort bragg.

S/Sgt wilfred J A. Charette, was in charge of the halo jumps at fort bragg. he and a few others had made a 45,000 feet jump in the 1960's and they were awarded the Distinguished flying cross for that high alt. jump he had a book out called jumping the tropossphere it was in the PCA mag..

He was my jump master and we have stayed in touch all these years, the other out standing jumper is Jean Paul Thacker retired Master Sgt. and runs the Raeford NC parachute center where the golden knights are in training.. Jean Paul is in Va. today excepting a life time achievement award Charette is there too, since he started him on his freefall instruction, they are both lifetime members in the Golden knights Charette' is retire from the CIA and Thacher is retired from the army now, are do you ever Retire?


Just in case anyone wants to check out some of these tales, Jean Paul is a relatively good "source".

Especially since he "signed off" in my log book my first "dead center" (shooting accuracy) with an old 7-TU canopy, which jump was made out at Raeford.

Might want to ask about the 40-jumps that SGM Dave Clark made in one day out there. SGM Clark (HALO Committee/Advanced Airborne Committee) turned 40.

We all went to Raeford and just packed chutes for him to keep jumping. On his 40th birthday, Dave Clark made 40 free fall parachute jumps.

*Jean Paul's son, Paul Thacker, Jr. was killed at the Nationals at Talequah, OK in 1975(?), and although just in his twenties or so, he had several thousand jumps under his belt.


My ex-wife had at least 21 free fall parachute jumpe when we gave this up.

My youngest son had at least a half-dozen or so jumps from 10,000 feet altitude at age 18 or 19.

So, needless to say: Para Qualified "Don't Impress Me Much"!

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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Onward to: Para Qualified


Most here, including my "nemisis" in this "credibility issue", have at one time or another seen the attached photo.

The photo was taken at Bragg and is none other than Cpt Tom Purvis who was at the time assigned to "D" Company, 6th SFG as an "A"-Team Commander of a HALO qualified SF Detachment.

Along with George Petrie; Udo Walther; Dick Meadows; and just a whole handfull of others who had been hand selected to form this Company.

The photograph was made by a friend; SFC Joe Gonzales, Team Photographer, United States Army Sport Parachute Team (The Golden Knights).

At about that time, the Golden Knights had offered me the position of Team Executive Officer (which I declined).

Nevertheless, the "Hill" liked the photo so well that it was later utilized as a HALO recruitment poster within SF.

And as long ago stated, I moved on to take Command of the Advanced Airborne Committee of Special Forces Schools where I was assigned as a HALO Instructor as well as establishing the first Static Line (rope jumpers)Jumpmaster Course as a division of the Advanced Airborne Committee of the Specialized Training Department of Special Forces Schools.


1. HALO Qualified

2. Participant in and co-holder of mass exit MFF (Military Free Fall/HALO) altitude record of 29,700 feet in altitude.

3. USPA Sport Parachutist and Jumpmaster

4. Former President, (primary instructor) Second Infantry Divsion Sport Parachute Club, South Korea.

5. Multitudes of Sport Parachute demonstration jumps to include jumps throughout the country of South Korea; Key West, Fl for the State Fair as well as for the Navy Birthday Celebration, as well as with the aerial acrobatic team of Charlie Hilliard for the AF Association Birthday.

6. Declined position as XO of the United States Army Sport Parachute Team (The Golden Knights)



I had the honor of knowing two of the best Halo jumpers in the military, they were at fort bragg.

S/Sgt wilfred J A. Charette, was in charge of the halo jumps at fort bragg. he and a few others had made a 45,000 feet jump in the 1960's and they were awarded the Distinguished flying cross for that high alt. jump he had a book out called jumping the tropossphere it was in the PCA mag..

He was my jump master and we have stayed in touch all these years, the other out standing jumper is Jean Paul Thacker retired Master Sgt. and runs the Raeford NC parachute center where the golden knights are in training.. Jean Paul is in Va. today excepting a life time achievement award Charette is there too, since he started him on his freefall instruction, they are both lifetime members in the Golden knights Charette' is retire from the CIA and Thacher is retired from the army now, are do you ever Retire?


Just in case anyone wants to check out some of these tales, Jean Paul is a relatively good "source".

Especially since he "signed off" in my log book my first "dead center" (shooting accuracy) with an old 7-TU canopy, which jump was made out at Raeford.

Might want to ask about the 40-jumps that SGM Dave Clark made in one day out there. SGM Clark (HALO Committee/Advanced Airborne Committee) turned 40.

We all went to Raeford and just packed chutes for him to keep jumping. On his 40th birthday, Dave Clark made 40 free fall parachute jumps.

*Jean Paul's son, Paul Thacker, Jr. was killed at the Nationals at Talequah, OK in 1975(?), and although just in his twenties or so, he had several thousand jumps under his belt.


My ex-wife had at least 21 free fall parachute jumpe when we gave this up.

My youngest son had at least a half-dozen or so jumps from 10,000 feet altitude at age 18 or 19.

So, needless to say: Para Qualified "Don't Impress Me Much"!

Which photograph I might add, comes in quite handy when "debunking" the likes of Dangerous Dan Marvin and his merry band of "faithful followers/believers"

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Who knows?

Sooner or later, we may actually get around to something of relevance in the JFK assassination.

And since neither "Para" nor "Dive"/aka SCUBA, etc; have that much bearing on the subject matter,

perhaps another avenue of "credibility" can be explored.


31 Oct 2007

Read TopicMike Williams: Biography

I am recently retired from the United States Marine Corp, after 23 years of service; 1984-2007. My military occupational specialty, or Mos, for the last 19 years of my tour was 8541 Scout/Snipers. I have a strong background in ballistics, ammunitions, and weapons.


Does not appear to be much in the way of research posted here in order that one can determine for themselves the "depth" of a "strong background".





Now, as most who have been around this forum for any length of time are aware, discussion on the "clip" and it's failure to fully release from the Carcano, were long ago discussed.

However, not unlike many of the other BS scenario's, self proclaimed researchers and experts keep coming down the pike without even bothering to review what road they are on, where it leads to, or whether it even goes anywhere at all.

Attached is a "quickie" drawing which, in it's most simple terms, explains the Carcano clip mechanism as well as exactly why

anyone who attempts to make statements in regards to what the clip "should" have done, knows little on this subject matter as well.

Hopefully, everyone will download this, file it away, and then the next time someone starts this BS again, merely whip it out and explain it to these "weapons" experts.

Drawing#1 represents the inside of the receiver of the Carcano, where the loaded ammunition clip is inserted down into the receiver and en-block magazine housing.

Note that the inside of the receiver has a machined "lip" "A" in the forward area of that portion in which the clip is inserted.

Additionally, located at the rear of the inside of the receiver is a combination "clip guide" which also serves as a spring loaded holder for the clip as it provides pressure against the rear portion of the clip once inserted within the receiver.

This applied pressure forces the clip into the fully forward position within the receiver housing so that "A1"/the forward edges of the clip remain in direct contact with that lip/edge designated as "A".


In moving along, we now look at Drawing#3 which was meant to represent an unloaded clip.

At the rear/base, one can see the groove in the clip which aligns with the clip guide within the receiver housing.

It is also noted that the base of the clip in the center, also has a "stop" lug which extends out past the rear of the clip, and which lug contacts with the spring release when the clip is fully inserted.

Of particular note in regards to the clip is the fact that the Mouth of the clip "B", has a shorter distance across it than does the rear/base of the clip.

In simple words, the sides of the clip are tapered inwards, thus closing the mouth to a smaller dimension.


Moving to Drawing#2 which represents a clip with the ammo loaded, it is noted that when the cartridge is placed into the clip, that it forces the mouth of the clip to "open" up to a wider dimension. And, herein lies the critical importance in the "spring"/return to standard dimension for the clip after all cartridges/casings have been ejected.

When the clip is loaded with ammunition, the cartridge casing now forces the mouth of the clip outwards to a wider dimension, which makes that point designated as "A1" on the clip now "lock" itself within the lip designated as "A" on the receiver drawing.

With the outside edge of the clip locked in this "notch", and the spring release/clip guide at the rear of the clip exerting forward pressure against the clip, the clip now resides perfectly within that machined out area of the receiver.

When the last round is chambered and the cartridge casing which held the mouth of the clip open to it's designated wide mouth is gone, the spring of the steel (or brass) of the clip is supposed to allow the mouth of the clip to close sufficiently that the "A1" forward lip of the clip is no longer lodged within the "A" notch of the receiver.

This "closing" of the mouth of the clip now allows the clip to actually move forward slightly within the receiver and become loose to the extent that it may, or may not simply fall out.

However, a variety of things affect whether or not this actually happens.

Primarily, this revolves around the extent to which the clip may have had it's "mouth" stretched open to the extent that the inherent spring of the steel/brass has been stretched to the point that when the mouth closes after the last cartridge is gone, that portion of the forward edge of the clip "A1" does not close sufficiently to allow it to move forward past the notch/lip within the receiver.

In many instances when this happens, the clip will actually remain lodged inside the receiver as the pressure exerted on the rear of the clip by the clip release spring/clip guide will force the clip into a slightly binded position in which the sidewalls of the clip are in contact against the edge at the notch within the receiver.


I can take any Carcano clip, be it spring steel or brass, and force the mouth of the clip open to the extent that the clip no longer has the "spring" capability to return to the "narrow mouth" after the last cartridge is gone, and thusly make this clip hang within the receiver/magazine housing of the weapon virtually every single time.


I can take any Carcano clip, be it spring steel or brass, and force the mouth of the clip closed to the extent that the mouth of the clip will always (when no cartridge is present) remain of a dimension which is less than that part of the receiver in which the mouth must slide to upon ejection of the last cartridge, and even though the cartridge casings will hold this clip open to the extent that it will insert and function properly, the clip will virtually always fall out of the weapon after the last cartridge has been chambered and the mouth of the clip closes considerably.


There is that "mid-point" in between, in which the mouth of the casing is such that, after chambering of the last round, it will not move forward within the receiver sufficiently to allow it to fully fall out, and in which the spring release exerting pressure against the rear of the clip helps hold it in place.

And, in this instance, one merely has to push the "spring release" button which is located within the forward area of the trigger housing, which releases any forward pressure on the clip and thus allows it to fall free from the weapon.

So, if one gets themselves a Carcano; a clip; and some ammo, they will find that by either forcing the mouth of the clip slightly open or forcing it slightly closed, one can just about make the Carcano clip do as one wishes, be it hang up, fall free, or in between.

Note: Additional elements which affect this is the weapon age and internal wear of that area within the receiver where the clip rests, as well as the actual wear on the clip itself.

Some of the old brass clips have been used to the extent that they are well worn on the forward area and thusly drop more readily and more easily than do the spring steel versions.

The "Issue" of the hanging clip in the weapon recovered from the sixth floor of the TSDB is in fact a "non-issue".

And anyone who understands the functioning of the Carcano and it's clip mechanism would understand this, just as they would recognize exactly why the weapon was made with the "clip release" button within the forward area of the trigger housing.

It is recognized that since one of the "Great's" of the USMC shooting abilities has said otherwise on this subject matter, that it would be complete blasphemy for anyone else within the USMC to contradict it.

Kind of like a devout catholic telling everyone that the Pope does not speak to God.

My position would be that if God wanted me to remain ignorant of the facts, that he would not have given me the ability to overcome such ignorance of these "purported" facts.

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Within the realm of those with whom I play, anyone who does not know exactly why the Carcano clip may or may not "hang", yet professes some expertise in weapons, is merely "pulling our leg"!

Another subject matter perhaps!


31 Oct 2007

Read TopicMike Williams: Biography

I am recently retired from the United States Marine Corp, after 23 years of service; 1984-2007. My military occupational specialty, or Mos, for the last 19 years of my tour was 8541 Scout/Snipers. I have a strong background in ballistics, ammunitions, and weapons.


Now, as long ago stated, it took me all of 10 (or less) seconds upon seeing the base of CE399 to recognize that someone had intentionally removed a portion of the copper jacket from the base of this bullet.

Now it did take a little while to resolve that when the FBI turned this bullet over to the National Archives, that the portion of the copper jacket which normally covers a portion of the base of the bullet was in fact present, and that this portion of the bullet was removed by persons unknown while the bullet was stored in the National Archives.

Factually! It was not until such time as, a result of the JFK Record Act, in which photo's of the base of the bullet were allowed to be released, that it could be known absolutely that this now missing portion of the bullet base was present when the bullet was given to the National Archives.


Now, with all of the previous "Ballisticians" and self-proclaimed graduates of the "Marathon Station Scout Sniper Course"/aka shoot-em-up "Canyon Shoot" concept, and now another expert in ammunition, it certainly makes one wander as to exactly why someone who is so lacking in credibility has to continously explain to all of these experts that they truly should examine the evidence prior to insertion of foot into mouth.

Kind of like "Deja Vu" all over again!

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