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Sins of the Warren Commission

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Posted at: alt. assassination. jfk

1. The Warren Commission was intentionally designed to subvert and misrepresent the factual truths in the assassination of JFK.

2. Therefore, the Warren Commission was a "Lie"1

3. This in no way means that each and every member of the WC was in on the lie, and in fact it was perpetrated by a select and talented few, with of course the full assistance of the FBI.


With that now stated:

4. There was only a "Lone Assassin".

5. There were three shots fired in the assassination of JFK.

6. All three shots fired in the assassination shooting, originated from the sixth floor of the TSDB.

7. All of the three shots fired, were fired from the Model 91/38 6.5mm Carcano Short Rifle that was recovered on the sixth floor.

8. To a relatively high degree of probability (beyond any reasonable doubt), LHO was the individual who pulled the trigger on each of the three shots fired during the assassination shooting sequence.

9. Whatever he was, LHO most assuredly was not a "Lone Nut"!


The "Sins" of the WC lie, within their lie.

In their zeal to mislead us as to the exact shooting sequence, the WC appears to have expended far more time and effort in their attempt to mislead us, than they did in their attempt to truly determine exactly who and what LHO was, and his exact motives for having assassinated JFK.

In that regards, it is quite possible, as well as likely, that the WC ultimately allowed the covert assassination of a President of the US to go unpunished, other than the mere person who pulled the trigger.


With the passage of so many years, it is now about time for the "history" of this event to begin to upright and correct itself in order that future historians as well as all concerned americans can distastefully speak the names of those conspirators and co-conspirators within the workings of the WC and the FBI, who are responsible for this massive and continued misrepresenation of the simple truths and facts of the assassination of JFK.

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Posted at: alt. assassination. jfk

1. The Warren Commission was intentionally designed to subvert and misrepresent the factual truths in the assassination of JFK.

2. Therefore, the Warren Commission was a "Lie"1

3. This in no way means that each and every member of the WC was in on the lie, and in fact it was perpetrated by a select and talented few, with of course the full assistance of the FBI.


With that now stated:

4. There was only a "Lone Assassin".

5. There were three shots fired in the assassination of JFK.

6. All three shots fired in the assassination shooting, originated from the sixth floor of the TSDB.

7. All of the three shots fired, were fired from the Model 91/38 6.5mm Carcano Short Rifle that was recovered on the sixth floor.

8. To a relatively high degree of probability (beyond any reasonable doubt), LHO was the individual who pulled the trigger on each of the three shots fired during the assassination shooting sequence.

9. Whatever he was, LHO most assuredly was not a "Lone Nut"!


The "Sins" of the WC lie, within their lie.

In their zeal to mislead us as to the exact shooting sequence, the WC appears to have expended far more time and effort in their attempt to mislead us, than they did in their attempt to truly determine exactly who and what LHO was, and his exact motives for having assassinated JFK.

In that regards, it is quite possible, as well as likely, that the WC ultimately allowed the covert assassination of a President of the US to go unpunished, other than the mere person who pulled the trigger.


With the passage of so many years, it is now about time for the "history" of this event to begin to upright and correct itself in order that future historians as well as all concerned americans can distastefully speak the names of those conspirators and co-conspirators within the workings of the WC and the FBI, who are responsible for this massive and continued misrepresenation of the simple truths and facts of the assassination of JFK.

Tom, I agree with most of your assumptions, though I tend to believe that Oswald was not the Sixth Floor assassin, based primarily on witness testimony that the Sixth floor sniper wore a white shirt and had a bald spot, while Oswald wore a brown shirt and did not have a bald spot, and had a valid alibi, being on the first floor.

Granted, even if Oswald was the Sixth Floor assassin, and did the dirty deed all by his lonesome, it would still be considered a conspiracy based on Oswald's Covert Operational Profile, the foreknowldge expressed by others who knew about the assassination in advance, that whatever happened at Dealey Plaza was a covert intelligence operation, and the increasingly substantial body of evidence that indicates the assassination was not only a conspiracy and covert op but a coup engineered by those who took over the government.

What I disagree with most however, is your assertion that the truth should be revealed now for historical reasons.

While I would hope that not only the truth and history should be served, the facts of the assassination must be pushed through the reluctant wheels of Justice for the truth and real history to emerge, but those reasons are not enough.

When those who assume new powers finally recognize that the Dealey Plaza Operation was a conspiracy and coup, the details will be reviewed once again, not for truth or history, but in the interests of national security.

The sins of the Warren Commission will not be forgiven or rectafied until the complete official record is released and the issues of national security are addressed.

History, truth and justice are side issues.


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It is astonishing to me that any knowledgable researcher bothers to reply to the incomprehensible posts of Tom Purvis. But then again, here I am responding....

So the Warren Commission distorted the truth about the sequence of shots and "covered up" what? Why don't you just say you're an LNer? As irrational as it is to believe the official fairy tale, it is even more absurd to suggest that the Warren Commission engaged in a "cover up" and that the Zapruder film was altered, but all the shots were fired by Oswald.

An awful lot of important people certainly wasted an awful lot of time in covering up the sequence of shots, which according to you was an act of futility since they got the essential facts of the shooting correct. While some of us have been silly enough to think they were trying to suppress the facts in order to protect powerful conspirators, you alone have been brilliant enough to discover that their true motives were far different. Actually, Oswald was a fantastic shot, and the Mannlicher Carcano was a fine weapon- correct? All evidence to the contrary must be ignored, because Tom Purvis has "researched" the subject and found this to be the case.

To the layman, it certainly seems as if the Warren Commission agreed with Tom's conclusions, but Tom still says they are "covering up." Now, you might think perhaps he believes they're protecting the identities of those conspirators behind the assassination, but all I can decipher from his countless posts is that they were lying about the sequence and timing of shots. Simple question- why? You agree with them that Oswald did it alone. What are they covering up, Tom?

I don't know why I'm bothering to ask these questions, because there's no chance the response will be concise or understandable. But I'll try this one- please state, in a few clear sentences, who you believe was behind the assassination of President Kennedy.

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Posted at: alt. assassination. jfk

1. The Warren Commission was intentionally designed to subvert and misrepresent the factual truths in the assassination of JFK.

2. Therefore, the Warren Commission was a "Lie"1

3. This in no way means that each and every member of the WC was in on the lie, and in fact it was perpetrated by a select and talented few, with of course the full assistance of the FBI.


With that now stated:

4. There was only a "Lone Assassin".

5. There were three shots fired in the assassination of JFK.

6. All three shots fired in the assassination shooting, originated from the sixth floor of the TSDB.

7. All of the three shots fired, were fired from the Model 91/38 6.5mm Carcano Short Rifle that was recovered on the sixth floor.

8. To a relatively high degree of probability (beyond any reasonable doubt), LHO was the individual who pulled the trigger on each of the three shots fired during the assassination shooting sequence.

9. Whatever he was, LHO most assuredly was not a "Lone Nut"!


The "Sins" of the WC lie, within their lie.

In their zeal to mislead us as to the exact shooting sequence, the WC appears to have expended far more time and effort in their attempt to mislead us, than they did in their attempt to truly determine exactly who and what LHO was, and his exact motives for having assassinated JFK.

In that regards, it is quite possible, as well as likely, that the WC ultimately allowed the covert assassination of a President of the US to go unpunished, other than the mere person who pulled the trigger.


With the passage of so many years, it is now about time for the "history" of this event to begin to upright and correct itself in order that future historians as well as all concerned americans can distastefully speak the names of those conspirators and co-conspirators within the workings of the WC and the FBI, who are responsible for this massive and continued misrepresenation of the simple truths and facts of the assassination of JFK.

Tom, I agree with most of your assumptions, though I tend to believe that Oswald was not the Sixth Floor assassin, based primarily on witness testimony that the Sixth floor sniper wore a white shirt and had a bald spot, while Oswald wore a brown shirt and did not have a bald spot, and had a valid alibi, being on the first floor.

Due in part to the Sins of the Commission, we will never know one way or another whether LHO was:

A. The Lone Shooter!

B. Designated Scapegoat/aka "Patsy"!

C. Designated Rabbit!

Had the WC not expended so much effort on attempting to convince us that some shot missed, then they just may have taken the time to actually demand answers to questions related to LHO's past as well as his past activities.

Which, in that period when virtually all other relevant witnesses were living, would have told us a lot about LHO and his activities.

Granted, even if Oswald was the Sixth Floor assassin, and did the dirty deed all by his lonesome, it would still be considered a conspiracy based on Oswald's Covert Operational Profile, the foreknowldge expressed by others who knew about the assassination in advance, that whatever happened at Dealey Plaza was a covert intelligence operation, and the increasingly substantial body of evidence that indicates the assassination was not only a conspiracy and covert op but a coup engineered by those who took over the government.

Just in event that you have missed what actually runs this government, it is BIG MONEY of Private Enterprise!

[b]The "ENRON's" and "United Fruit" as well as: (Fill in the Blank), are in fact the Government![/b]

What I disagree with most however, is your assertion that the truth should be revealed now for historical reasons.

Although history has sufficiently demonstrated that a "good con" will continue to work so long as one either moves to a different area, or else gives those who were conned time to forget, so long as the History Books clearly demonstrate exactly how the "con" was perpetrated, it is most unlikely that the entire citizenship of the US will fall for it again.

Until such time as it is officially "In the Record" as to exactly how a small group of persons within the WC managed to pull the wool over the eyes of the great majority of Americans (as well as the world), then there is little to prevent an additional "sack over the head" episode on down the road.

While I would hope that not only the truth and history should be served, the facts of the assassination must be pushed through the reluctant wheels of Justice for the truth and real history to emerge, but those reasons are not enough.

When those who assume new powers finally recognize that the Dealey Plaza Operation was a conspiracy and coup, the details will be reviewed once again, not for truth or history, but in the interests of national security.

LHO was, beyond any reasonable doubt, involved in conspiratorial activities. And, in that regards we truthfully have no means to go back in time in order to determine exactly who was at the forefront of LHO's activities.

To a relatively high degree of probability, it was, as they say, "Money makes the World Go Around"!

No investigation wil bring back JFK; LHO; Jack Ruby; etc;.

However, a revelation of the truth (to the lies) about the WC, will most certainly aid in prevention of any more such events by some "psuedo-sanctioned" Government Entity.

The factual truths would (and will) shake this Government to it's knees.

Personally, I am of the opinion that not unlike Watergate, it will survive.

However, should it not mangage to survive, then in all probability, it did not deserve to survive.

The sins of the Warren Commission will not be forgiven or rectafied until the complete official record is released and the issues of national security are addressed.

"JFK's death had little if anything to do with "National Security".

Big Corporations come and go; rise and fall. That they are no longer being allowed to "fleece" the world, has little to do with our National Security. Except in the minds of those who are losing the money.

History, truth and justice are side issues.

An accurate history of how the WC (select members) were able to pull the wool over the eyes of most is an imperative learning objective for the American Public. Otherwise, the same "con" can, has been, and will continue to be utilized by our "Government"*. *(Those employed by the Government who were tasked to actually tell us the truths and facts).

"Truth" has nothing to do with any of it, as 'truth" is what one is lead to believe and what is generally accepted by the overall majority.

In that regards, for most Americans, the WC, quite obviously is the 'Truth".BK

This country has, for much of it's history. always had the lunatic fringe who saw "Conspiracy Ghosts" in each and every action which the Government has undertaken.

So goes the nature of a free society which provides sufficiently for it's populace that they have time to sit around and think about things other than the basic survival needs. ( IE: Food, water, shelter; and procreation!)

The JFK assassination was one of the first "big cracks" in the doorway which opened it sufficiently for others (other than the lunatic fringe) to fully recognized that entities who purportedly represented the US Government, were subject to lie to us.

Nevertheless, this ever-so-slight distrust of the Government on the part of sensible individuals, gained little ground.

Then, came Watergate, as well as the VietNam war/conclict/whatever one wishes to call it.

With this, more and more rational americans began to feel a distrust for what the "Government" frequently has made attempt to feed us as being the factual truths.

Slowly, this distrust of the "Official Government" position has, and will continue to erode the faith and trust which most Americans once placed in our Government.

And, this distrust is by far more destructive to the ultimate fate of this Nation, then is/are any small group of 9/11 terrorists, who just may have been better off had they read up on their history as well.

The WC lie WAS NOT the United States Government! It was a Commission appointed by an unscrupulous President of this country for political reasons, and it was a small group within this Commission who fostered the lies which the Commission has fed to us.

That many of those responsible for having initially fostered these lies have/did ultimately achieve positions of power within the Government is indicative of the crooked nature of the Political Machine which allowed them to lie to us in the first place.

Until such time as "History" uprights itself and awards the "MEDAL OF DISHONOR" to each and every participant and co-conspirator in the events of the WC, then the lies will continue to be covered up by the next group of "Good Ole Boys" who themselves are willing to sacrifice all honor and honesty for their own self-serving purposes.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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It is astonishing to me that any knowledgable researcher bothers to reply to the incomprehensible posts of Tom Purvis. But then again, here I am responding....

So the Warren Commission distorted the truth about the sequence of shots and "covered up" what? Why don't you just say you're an LNer? As irrational as it is to believe the official fairy tale, it is even more absurd to suggest that the Warren Commission engaged in a "cover up" and that the Zapruder film was altered, but all the shots were fired by Oswald.

An awful lot of important people certainly wasted an awful lot of time in covering up the sequence of shots, which according to you was an act of futility since they got the essential facts of the shooting correct. While some of us have been silly enough to think they were trying to suppress the facts in order to protect powerful conspirators, you alone have been brilliant enough to discover that their true motives were far different. Actually, Oswald was a fantastic shot, and the Mannlicher Carcano was a fine weapon- correct? All evidence to the contrary must be ignored, because Tom Purvis has "researched" the subject and found this to be the case.

To the layman, it certainly seems as if the Warren Commission agreed with Tom's conclusions, but Tom still says they are "covering up." Now, you might think perhaps he believes they're protecting the identities of those conspirators behind the assassination, but all I can decipher from his countless posts is that they were lying about the sequence and timing of shots. Simple question- why? You agree with them that Oswald did it alone. What are they covering up, Tom?

I don't know why I'm bothering to ask these questions, because there's no chance the response will be concise or understandable. But I'll try this one- please state, in a few clear sentences, who you believe was behind the assassination of President Kennedy.


I don't think the conclusions of the Warren Commission were ever intended to stand the test of time. Their conclusions came under attack from the get go. And tt was a great way to blame the "boogie man" known as the US Government for the murder of President Kennedy.

What is more intriguing to contemplate and reflect on is the thousands of "conspiracy" articles, books, and media specials promoted over these last 45 years. Almost with out exception these "conspiracy" theories have done more harm than good. Including driving many people nuts! And all of the major conspiracy theories have been "promoted" to one degree or another by the dirty mass media.

Harold Weisberg had it right, years ago when he essentially stated "If you had a kooky theory, or something that the media knew wasn't true then the media would promote your theory far and wide. But legitimate criticism never had a voice".

Weisberg's conclusion regarding the JFK murder always remained the same "The crime itself was never investigated".

There is however a real knowable history to the United States. One thing that can be stated without question is that this republic has been under constant attack since it's founding. This included war, assassination, economic warfare, and perhaps the most popular of late, "subversion" from within. If you take a close look at the radical changes in this country over the last 40 years, then the motive for the JFK assassination is not all that obscure. And neither is the culprit.

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It is astonishing to me that any knowledgable researcher bothers to reply to the incomprehensible posts of Tom Purvis. But then again, here I am responding....

So the Warren Commission distorted the truth about the sequence of shots and "covered up" what? Why don't you just say you're an LNer? As irrational as it is to believe the official fairy tale, it is even more absurd to suggest that the Warren Commission engaged in a "cover up" and that the Zapruder film was altered, but all the shots were fired by Oswald.

An awful lot of important people certainly wasted an awful lot of time in covering up the sequence of shots, which according to you was an act of futility since they got the essential facts of the shooting correct. While some of us have been silly enough to think they were trying to suppress the facts in order to protect powerful conspirators, you alone have been brilliant enough to discover that their true motives were far different. Actually, Oswald was a fantastic shot, and the Mannlicher Carcano was a fine weapon- correct? All evidence to the contrary must be ignored, because Tom Purvis has "researched" the subject and found this to be the case.

To the layman, it certainly seems as if the Warren Commission agreed with Tom's conclusions, but Tom still says they are "covering up." Now, you might think perhaps he believes they're protecting the identities of those conspirators behind the assassination, but all I can decipher from his countless posts is that they were lying about the sequence and timing of shots. Simple question- why? You agree with them that Oswald did it alone. What are they covering up, Tom?

I don't know why I'm bothering to ask these questions, because there's no chance the response will be concise or understandable. But I'll try this one- please state, in a few clear sentences, who you believe was behind the assassination of President Kennedy.


I don't think the conclusions of the Warren Commission were ever intended to stand the test of time. Their conclusions came under attack from the get go. And tt was a great way to blame the "boogie man" known as the US Government for the murder of President Kennedy.

What is more intriguing to contemplate and reflect on is the thousands of "conspiracy" articles, books, and media specials promoted over these last 45 years. Almost with out exception these "conspiracy" theories have done more harm than good. Including driving many people nuts! And all of the major conspiracy theories have been "promoted" to one degree or another by the dirty mass media.

Harold Weisberg had it right, years ago when he essentially stated "If you had a kooky theory, or something that the media knew wasn't true then the media would promote your theory far and wide. But legitimate criticism never had a voice".

Weisberg's conclusion regarding the JFK murder always remained the same "The crime itself was never investigated".

There is however a real knowable history to the United States. One thing that can be stated without question is that this republic has been under constant attack since it's founding. This included war, assassination, economic warfare, and perhaps the most popular of late, "subversion" from within. If you take a close look at the radical changes in this country over the last 40 years, then the motive for the JFK assassination is not all that obscure. And neither is the culprit.


Many persons, for whatever reason, wish to blame the "Government" for all of their problems and/or the sins of the actions of individuals within that Government.

LBJ WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely a completely unscrupulous individual who achieved his position'(s) through deceit; deception; lies; and the ultimate death of JFK.

Earl Warren WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely an individual whom an unscrupulous President (see above) blackmailed into accepting the WC position.

All of those slime-ball Attorney personnel who were members of the WC and were instrumental in fostering the WC lie, WERE NOT the "Government" of the United States. They were merely slime-ball lawyers who, for their own personal self-importance, fostered and perpetrated a massive fraud upon the American public, while not fully answering the most important questions surrounding the death of JFK.

The actions of individuals such as those identified above has done more harm to the Government of this country than has any war or terrorist attack.

As a result of the lies of such as those above, as well as other similar political figures, many within this country (as well as elsewhere) operate under the mistaken impression that the entire "Government" is made up of liars and slime-ball/scumbag lawyers.


Nevertheless, the actions of these few unscrupulous type individuals, has lead many reasonable persons to have a complete mistrust of the entire aspect of the "Government" of the US.

These are the true threats to the stability; growth; and trust of the people in our form of Government. And, these persons are TRAITORS of the worse kind as they live among us and prosper off their own lies and decietful actions while generating mistrust among the general public.

And therein lies their Greatest Sin!

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It is astonishing to me that any knowledgable researcher bothers to reply to the incomprehensible posts of Tom Purvis. But then again, here I am responding....

So the Warren Commission distorted the truth about the sequence of shots and "covered up" what? Why don't you just say you're an LNer? As irrational as it is to believe the official fairy tale, it is even more absurd to suggest that the Warren Commission engaged in a "cover up" and that the Zapruder film was altered, but all the shots were fired by Oswald.

An awful lot of important people certainly wasted an awful lot of time in covering up the sequence of shots, which according to you was an act of futility since they got the essential facts of the shooting correct. While some of us have been silly enough to think they were trying to suppress the facts in order to protect powerful conspirators, you alone have been brilliant enough to discover that their true motives were far different. Actually, Oswald was a fantastic shot, and the Mannlicher Carcano was a fine weapon- correct? All evidence to the contrary must be ignored, because Tom Purvis has "researched" the subject and found this to be the case.

To the layman, it certainly seems as if the Warren Commission agreed with Tom's conclusions, but Tom still says they are "covering up." Now, you might think perhaps he believes they're protecting the identities of those conspirators behind the assassination, but all I can decipher from his countless posts is that they were lying about the sequence and timing of shots. Simple question- why? You agree with them that Oswald did it alone. What are they covering up, Tom?

I don't know why I'm bothering to ask these questions, because there's no chance the response will be concise or understandable. But I'll try this one- please state, in a few clear sentences, who you believe was behind the assassination of President Kennedy.


I don't think the conclusions of the Warren Commission were ever intended to stand the test of time. Their conclusions came under attack from the get go. And tt was a great way to blame the "boogie man" known as the US Government for the murder of President Kennedy.

What is more intriguing to contemplate and reflect on is the thousands of "conspiracy" articles, books, and media specials promoted over these last 45 years. Almost with out exception these "conspiracy" theories have done more harm than good. Including driving many people nuts! And all of the major conspiracy theories have been "promoted" to one degree or another by the dirty mass media.

Harold Weisberg had it right, years ago when he essentially stated "If you had a kooky theory, or something that the media knew wasn't true then the media would promote your theory far and wide. But legitimate criticism never had a voice".

Weisberg's conclusion regarding the JFK murder always remained the same "The crime itself was never investigated".

There is however a real knowable history to the United States. One thing that can be stated without question is that this republic has been under constant attack since it's founding. This included war, assassination, economic warfare, and perhaps the most popular of late, "subversion" from within. If you take a close look at the radical changes in this country over the last 40 years, then the motive for the JFK assassination is not all that obscure. And neither is the culprit.


Many persons, for whatever reason, wish to blame the "Government" for all of their problems and/or the sins of the actions of individuals within that Government.

LBJ WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely a completely unscrupulous individual who achieved his position'(s) through deceit; deception; lies; and the ultimate death of JFK.

Earl Warren WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely an individual whom an unscrupulous President (see above) blackmailed into accepting the WC position.

All of those slime-ball Attorney personnel who were members of the WC and were instrumental in fostering the WC lie, WERE NOT the "Government" of the United States. They were merely slime-ball lawyers who, for their own personal self-importance, fostered and perpetrated a massive fraud upon the American public, while not fully answering the most important questions surrounding the death of JFK.

The actions of individuals such as those identified above has done more harm to the Government of this country than has any war or terrorist attack.

As a result of the lies of such as those above, as well as other similar political figures, many within this country (as well as elsewhere) operate under the mistaken impression that the entire "Government" is made up of liars and slime-ball/scumbag lawyers.


Nevertheless, the actions of these few unscrupulous type individuals, has lead many reasonable persons to have a complete mistrust of the entire aspect of the "Government" of the US.

These are the true threats to the stability; growth; and trust of the people in our form of Government. And, these persons are TRAITORS of the worse kind as they live among us and prosper off their own lies and decietful actions while generating mistrust among the general public.

And therein lies their Greatest Sin!


I think you can go one better. The Warren Commission wasn't the work of LBJ and Earl Warren. It should have been called the "McCloy/Dulles" commission.

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It is astonishing to me that any knowledgable researcher bothers to reply to the incomprehensible posts of Tom Purvis. But then again, here I am responding....

So the Warren Commission distorted the truth about the sequence of shots and "covered up" what? Why don't you just say you're an LNer? As irrational as it is to believe the official fairy tale, it is even more absurd to suggest that the Warren Commission engaged in a "cover up" and that the Zapruder film was altered, but all the shots were fired by Oswald.

An awful lot of important people certainly wasted an awful lot of time in covering up the sequence of shots, which according to you was an act of futility since they got the essential facts of the shooting correct. While some of us have been silly enough to think they were trying to suppress the facts in order to protect powerful conspirators, you alone have been brilliant enough to discover that their true motives were far different. Actually, Oswald was a fantastic shot, and the Mannlicher Carcano was a fine weapon- correct? All evidence to the contrary must be ignored, because Tom Purvis has "researched" the subject and found this to be the case.

To the layman, it certainly seems as if the Warren Commission agreed with Tom's conclusions, but Tom still says they are "covering up." Now, you might think perhaps he believes they're protecting the identities of those conspirators behind the assassination, but all I can decipher from his countless posts is that they were lying about the sequence and timing of shots. Simple question- why? You agree with them that Oswald did it alone. What are they covering up, Tom?

I don't know why I'm bothering to ask these questions, because there's no chance the response will be concise or understandable. But I'll try this one- please state, in a few clear sentences, who you believe was behind the assassination of President Kennedy.


I don't think the conclusions of the Warren Commission were ever intended to stand the test of time. Their conclusions came under attack from the get go. And tt was a great way to blame the "boogie man" known as the US Government for the murder of President Kennedy.

What is more intriguing to contemplate and reflect on is the thousands of "conspiracy" articles, books, and media specials promoted over these last 45 years. Almost with out exception these "conspiracy" theories have done more harm than good. Including driving many people nuts! And all of the major conspiracy theories have been "promoted" to one degree or another by the dirty mass media.

Harold Weisberg had it right, years ago when he essentially stated "If you had a kooky theory, or something that the media knew wasn't true then the media would promote your theory far and wide. But legitimate criticism never had a voice".

Weisberg's conclusion regarding the JFK murder always remained the same "The crime itself was never investigated".

There is however a real knowable history to the United States. One thing that can be stated without question is that this republic has been under constant attack since it's founding. This included war, assassination, economic warfare, and perhaps the most popular of late, "subversion" from within. If you take a close look at the radical changes in this country over the last 40 years, then the motive for the JFK assassination is not all that obscure. And neither is the culprit.


Many persons, for whatever reason, wish to blame the "Government" for all of their problems and/or the sins of the actions of individuals within that Government.

LBJ WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely a completely unscrupulous individual who achieved his position'(s) through deceit; deception; lies; and the ultimate death of JFK.

Earl Warren WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely an individual whom an unscrupulous President (see above) blackmailed into accepting the WC position.

All of those slime-ball Attorney personnel who were members of the WC and were instrumental in fostering the WC lie, WERE NOT the "Government" of the United States. They were merely slime-ball lawyers who, for their own personal self-importance, fostered and perpetrated a massive fraud upon the American public, while not fully answering the most important questions surrounding the death of JFK.

The actions of individuals such as those identified above has done more harm to the Government of this country than has any war or terrorist attack.

As a result of the lies of such as those above, as well as other similar political figures, many within this country (as well as elsewhere) operate under the mistaken impression that the entire "Government" is made up of liars and slime-ball/scumbag lawyers.


Nevertheless, the actions of these few unscrupulous type individuals, has lead many reasonable persons to have a complete mistrust of the entire aspect of the "Government" of the US.

These are the true threats to the stability; growth; and trust of the people in our form of Government. And, these persons are TRAITORS of the worse kind as they live among us and prosper off their own lies and decietful actions while generating mistrust among the general public.

And therein lies their Greatest Sin!


I think you can go one better. The Warren Commission wasn't the work of LBJ and Earl Warren. It should have been called the "McCloy/Dulles" commission.

The Warren Commission wasn't the work of LBJ and Earl Warren.


Everyone who has looked under the "McCloy/Dulles" rock has come up pretty empty handed!

LBJ was the primary person responsible for having insured that a "Commission" was appointed, as well as blackmailing Earl Warren to be the head of this body.

Their "predestined" determination that LHO was the "Lone Nut", along with a complete misrepresentation of the facts behind the event, have lead most, completely astray.

LHO was "something"! But he most assuredly was not a "Lone Nut".

Many have found the correct "Rock" under which to look, complete with the "Chiquita" label.

Had they peeled off the label and looked under it, then they would have quite probably found additional knowledge.





Founded September 4, 1940; Revived June 8, 1980

Who founded America First?

The founders of the America First Committee were chiefly, General Robert E. Wood, then chairman of the Board of Sears Roebuck & Co., and R. Douglas Stewart Jr., Son of the Vice President of the Quaker Oats Co.



"For America," a spin-off of the America First Committee, was formed in 1954, and run by some of the leading WW II "isolationists." One of the organization's leading lights was Colonel Robert McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune. The chairman of For America was Clarence Manion, formerly dean of law at Notre Dame University. Robert Wood, then head of Sears, Roebuck, was a blustering propagandist for the bund. The stated aim of For America was the support of political candidates sympathetic to the Nazi cause.





Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation or Co-op (Non-Louisiana)

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

Mailing Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604

Domicile Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604

Principal Office: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604

Principal Bus. Est. in Louisiana:

Qualified: 07/14/1954

Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): CHARLES E. DUNBAR, JR., 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): SUMTER D. MARKS, JR., 321 ST CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): LOUIS B. CLAVERIE, 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


321 St. Charles, New Orleans, LA




After leaving the FBI offices, BARRIOS and GATLIN met with a Mr. DUNBAR, who occasionally represents the United Fruit Co. in New Orleans. They asked for one million dollars from the United Fruit Co., in support of BARRIOS' intended revolutionary movement in Guatemala, but they were unsuccessful in obtaining any commitment.


One should not completely overlook the names "Marks" as well as "Claverie" in event that they want answers to this puzzle.

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It is astonishing to me that any knowledgable researcher bothers to reply to the incomprehensible posts of Tom Purvis. But then again, here I am responding....

So the Warren Commission distorted the truth about the sequence of shots and "covered up" what? Why don't you just say you're an LNer? As irrational as it is to believe the official fairy tale, it is even more absurd to suggest that the Warren Commission engaged in a "cover up" and that the Zapruder film was altered, but all the shots were fired by Oswald.

An awful lot of important people certainly wasted an awful lot of time in covering up the sequence of shots, which according to you was an act of futility since they got the essential facts of the shooting correct. While some of us have been silly enough to think they were trying to suppress the facts in order to protect powerful conspirators, you alone have been brilliant enough to discover that their true motives were far different. Actually, Oswald was a fantastic shot, and the Mannlicher Carcano was a fine weapon- correct? All evidence to the contrary must be ignored, because Tom Purvis has "researched" the subject and found this to be the case.

To the layman, it certainly seems as if the Warren Commission agreed with Tom's conclusions, but Tom still says they are "covering up." Now, you might think perhaps he believes they're protecting the identities of those conspirators behind the assassination, but all I can decipher from his countless posts is that they were lying about the sequence and timing of shots. Simple question- why? You agree with them that Oswald did it alone. What are they covering up, Tom?

I don't know why I'm bothering to ask these questions, because there's no chance the response will be concise or understandable. But I'll try this one- please state, in a few clear sentences, who you believe was behind the assassination of President Kennedy.


I don't think the conclusions of the Warren Commission were ever intended to stand the test of time. Their conclusions came under attack from the get go. And tt was a great way to blame the "boogie man" known as the US Government for the murder of President Kennedy.

What is more intriguing to contemplate and reflect on is the thousands of "conspiracy" articles, books, and media specials promoted over these last 45 years. Almost with out exception these "conspiracy" theories have done more harm than good. Including driving many people nuts! And all of the major conspiracy theories have been "promoted" to one degree or another by the dirty mass media.

Harold Weisberg had it right, years ago when he essentially stated "If you had a kooky theory, or something that the media knew wasn't true then the media would promote your theory far and wide. But legitimate criticism never had a voice".

Weisberg's conclusion regarding the JFK murder always remained the same "The crime itself was never investigated".

There is however a real knowable history to the United States. One thing that can be stated without question is that this republic has been under constant attack since it's founding. This included war, assassination, economic warfare, and perhaps the most popular of late, "subversion" from within. If you take a close look at the radical changes in this country over the last 40 years, then the motive for the JFK assassination is not all that obscure. And neither is the culprit.


Many persons, for whatever reason, wish to blame the "Government" for all of their problems and/or the sins of the actions of individuals within that Government.

LBJ WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely a completely unscrupulous individual who achieved his position'(s) through deceit; deception; lies; and the ultimate death of JFK.

Earl Warren WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely an individual whom an unscrupulous President (see above) blackmailed into accepting the WC position.

All of those slime-ball Attorney personnel who were members of the WC and were instrumental in fostering the WC lie, WERE NOT the "Government" of the United States. They were merely slime-ball lawyers who, for their own personal self-importance, fostered and perpetrated a massive fraud upon the American public, while not fully answering the most important questions surrounding the death of JFK.

The actions of individuals such as those identified above has done more harm to the Government of this country than has any war or terrorist attack.

As a result of the lies of such as those above, as well as other similar political figures, many within this country (as well as elsewhere) operate under the mistaken impression that the entire "Government" is made up of liars and slime-ball/scumbag lawyers.


Nevertheless, the actions of these few unscrupulous type individuals, has lead many reasonable persons to have a complete mistrust of the entire aspect of the "Government" of the US.

These are the true threats to the stability; growth; and trust of the people in our form of Government. And, these persons are TRAITORS of the worse kind as they live among us and prosper off their own lies and decietful actions while generating mistrust among the general public.

And therein lies their Greatest Sin!


I think you can go one better. The Warren Commission wasn't the work of LBJ and Earl Warren. It should have been called the "McCloy/Dulles" commission.

The Warren Commission wasn't the work of LBJ and Earl Warren.


Everyone who has looked under the "McCloy/Dulles" rock has come up pretty empty handed!

LBJ was the primary person responsible for having insured that a "Commission" was appointed, as well as blackmailing Earl Warren to be the head of this body.

Their "predestined" determination that LHO was the "Lone Nut", along with a complete misrepresentation of the facts behind the event, have lead most, completely astray.

LHO was "something"! But he most assuredly was not a "Lone Nut".

Many have found the correct "Rock" under which to look, complete with the "Chiquita" label.

Had they peeled off the label and looked under it, then they would have quite probably found additional knowledge.





Founded September 4, 1940; Revived June 8, 1980

Who founded America First?

The founders of the America First Committee were chiefly, General Robert E. Wood, then chairman of the Board of Sears Roebuck & Co., and R. Douglas Stewart Jr., Son of the Vice President of the Quaker Oats Co.



"For America," a spin-off of the America First Committee, was formed in 1954, and run by some of the leading WW II "isolationists." One of the organization's leading lights was Colonel Robert McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune. The chairman of For America was Clarence Manion, formerly dean of law at Notre Dame University. Robert Wood, then head of Sears, Roebuck, was a blustering propagandist for the bund. The stated aim of For America was the support of political candidates sympathetic to the Nazi cause.





Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation or Co-op (Non-Louisiana)

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

Mailing Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604

Domicile Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604

Principal Office: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604

Principal Bus. Est. in Louisiana:

Qualified: 07/14/1954

Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): CHARLES E. DUNBAR, JR., 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): SUMTER D. MARKS, JR., 321 ST CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): LOUIS B. CLAVERIE, 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


321 St. Charles, New Orleans, LA




After leaving the FBI offices, BARRIOS and GATLIN met with a Mr. DUNBAR, who occasionally represents the United Fruit Co. in New Orleans. They asked for one million dollars from the United Fruit Co., in support of BARRIOS' intended revolutionary movement in Guatemala, but they were unsuccessful in obtaining any commitment.


One should not completely overlook the names "Marks" as well as "Claverie" in event that they want answers to this puzzle.


If you read Donald Gibson's book "The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up" you'll find alot of proof that the WC was set up by private power, and was controlled by John J. McCloy along with his side kick Mr. Dulles. LBJ had little to do with the creation of the Warren Commission. It was not his idea.

Edited by Terry Mauro
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If you read Donald Gibson's book "The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up" you'll find alot of proof that the WC was set up by private power, and was controlled by John J. McCloy along with his side kick Mr. Dulles. LBJ had little to do with the creation of the Warren Commission. It was not his idea."

Terry, you are so correct. According to the Bechsloss [sp?] book on the LBJ tapes, Johnson adamantly wanted this NON-federal crime investigated by the great state of Texas....until he "suddenly" changed his mind. Unfortunately, we've not been privy to who, or what, changed Lyndon's mind on that...but the speed of that 180-degree shift should've given him a terminal case of whiplash.

As far as LHO being the most likely shooter, Tom... LHO certainly had the capability, and he worked in the building. I just haven't seen sufficient evidence to put him behind the trigger of the 91/38 that was recovered [vs. the 91/24 he apparenty ordered, and was shipped, from Klein's]. In fact, I've yet to see evidence that LHO ever had possession of the 91/38, with the exception of the "phantom" palmprint which only "appeared" after LHO was dead. There's simply no trail from wherever the 91/38 was sourced, leading directly--or indirectly--to LHO. But that was part of the WC sleight-of-hand, tracking the 91/24 to Oswald, and then passing that info off as linking LHO and the 91/38 that authorities recovered. The evidence simply is too meager to support this fraudulent conclusion the WC tried to foist on the public.

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If you read Donald Gibson's book "The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up" you'll find alot of proof that the WC was set up by private power, and was controlled by John J. McCloy along with his side kick Mr. Dulles. LBJ had little to do with the creation of the Warren Commission. It was not his idea."

Terry, you are so correct. According to the Bechsloss [sp?] book on the LBJ tapes, Johnson adamantly wanted this NON-federal crime investigated by the great state of Texas....until he "suddenly" changed his mind. Unfortunately, we've not been privy to who, or what, changed Lyndon's mind on that...but the speed of that 180-degree shift should've given him a terminal case of whiplash.

As far as LHO being the most likely shooter, Tom... LHO certainly had the capability, and he worked in the building. I just haven't seen sufficient evidence to put him behind the trigger of the 91/38 that was recovered [vs. the 91/24 he apparenty ordered, and was shipped, from Klein's]. In fact, I've yet to see evidence that LHO ever had possession of the 91/38, with the exception of the "phantom" palmprint which only "appeared" after LHO was dead. There's simply no trail from wherever the 91/38 was sourced, leading directly--or indirectly--to LHO. But that was part of the WC sleight-of-hand, tracking the 91/24 to Oswald, and then passing that info off as linking LHO and the 91/38 that authorities recovered. The evidence simply is too meager to support this fraudulent conclusion the WC tried to foist on the public.

As far as LHO being the most likely shooter, Tom... LHO certainly had the capability, and he worked in the building. I just haven't seen sufficient evidence to put him behind the trigger of the 91/38 that was recovered [vs. the 91/24 he apparenty ordered, and was shipped, from Klein's].

Despite what many may think, I do have some doubts as to whether or not LHO was in fact the shooter.

The first thing to be resolved in a crime would normally be "how it was done".

Then, perhaps one can move on to the "whodunnit".

The Zapruder film gives us the basic starting point in how it was done. That being the impact to the head of JFK at what is purportedly Z313.

From that point, one must thereafter resolve the other issues in regards to the actual events of the assassination, and rest assured that they have nothing to do with multiple assassins and/or body snatchers.

With an understanding of how the events actually transpired, then one comes to fully recognize the extent of the WC misrepresentations (aka lie) of the simple facts of the assassination.

And, since all shots fired in the assassination came from the Model 91/38 Carcano which was found on the sixth flooor of the TSDB, and the WC was most assuredly intent on demonstrating that LHO was the shooter, then their failure to present what they (a few select individuals) fully knew, has some motive which had absolutely nothing to do with covering for multiple assassins and/or Government complicity in the event.

Were there other "motives" at work within the heirarchy of the WC?------Most assuredly!

With a primary purpose being of not revealing exactly who and what LHO actually was and exactly who his associates were within the games which he was playing prior to the assassination.

The Short Rifle v. 91/24 Carbine presents sufficient reason to doubt LHO being the shooter.

However, not unlike the WC's motives, in event one puts on blinders, they see ONLY one motive.

When in fact, there are always multiple potential motives for anything such as this event.

A factual understanding with positive proof of exactly what weapon Klein's received, as well as what weapon LHO received* is imperative in attempting to unravel exactly what was going on in the life of LHO and his games at that time.

*LHO is actually photographed with a "Short Rifle".

No amount of study of this photograph can determine whether this weapon is a 7.35mm Caliber; a 6.5mm Caliber; and/or whether or not it bears the purported serial number C2766.

Therefore, photographic proof which demonstrates LHO holding some "Short Rifle" is totally inconclusive evidence that this is the weapon which Klein's received, as well as totally inclusive evidence that this weapon is in fact the weapon recovered on the sixth floor of the TSDB.

It is merely a photograph of LHO holding a Short Rifle.

For whatever reason, the WC was a "lie within a lie".

Likewise, the issues surrounding the Carcano weapon appears to have the same category.

Neither of which indicates some unsupported hypothesis that it has anything to do with some giant conspiracy on the part of the US Government and/or all of it's intelligence and law enforcement branches, to assassinate JFK.

Just that, not unlike the WC's telling us that LHO was the lone shooter, yet misrepresenting the actual facts of the assassination which would have even more clearly demonstrated this, has it's own reasons.

An understanding of the "Rifle Issue" is absolutely critical in understanding LHO and exactly who and what he was about with his games.

Not unlike some of the "more stupid" persons such as Von Pein who wish to accept that Serial Numbers on these weapons are defilnitive proof, many persons actually believe this as this is the way that weapons are manufactured in the US.

EXCEPT! US Law requires the serial number to be on the weapon frame, not some interchangeable barrell/aka removable and replacable part of the weapon.

As well as the fact that even though Browning; Remington; S&W; etc; may have multiple plants producing the same weapon, they are not allowed to duplicate the serial numbers.

Despite what many may believe, I am convinced that the order of the Carcano, from Klein's, was a specific and deliberate act which was well thought out in advance.

And, merely because Kleins was in possession of an order form for a rifle which LHO quite obviously filled out, does not mean that they may not have been in possession of other rifle orders from persons such as O.H. Lee; Lee Osborne; or any other fictious name.

Not unlike LHO's "overacting" at times, there appears to be far too much which overpesents that he received the Model 91/38 Short Rifle from Klein's.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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  • 2 months later...

The facts bear out that Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach (and by extension LBJ) was prompted by Washington Post columnist Joe Alsop on the weekend of the murder. The people trying to shape the investigatory process were Dean Acheson and Eugene Rostow , who were instrumental in influencing the creation of a commission. Eugene Rostow was Dean of Yale Law School, and Dean Acheson was one of the elder statesmen of the Cold War. Trace who was behind these people (e.g. McCloy, Rockefellers, Dulles) and the Big fish" become more evident. The WC was not LBJ's idea, nor did he want such a blue ribbon panel... neither did Hoover. Donald Gibson's analysis of the formation/creative drive behind the WC gives us one of the best and most important pieces of the puzzle. Also telling is the later rationalization/spin by the HSCA when contrast with Nicholas Katzenbach's testimony. If you could apply truth serum to Bill Moyers and Katzenbach, you'd have the unvarnished truth. The Rostow brothers were traitors in JFK's 'camp' and at the root of his administration's conflict with Wall Street, The Council on Foreign Relations and the true power structure of the country.

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It seems that in some respects, at least, the WCR was a diversion from the reality, which was that all evidence of the assassination, specifically, the body of JFK and the limousine, were removed from the scene of the crime and taken out of Texas to DC. The arrogance of this alone should be questioned, but who has done that? In addition, Lee Oswald was not allowed to live to stand trial, so then the faux 'investigation' could also be taken out of Texas to DC where those with a need to cover up the truth could control it. Maybe we should go back to basics and start asking the most simple questions, in order to see the WCR in its most objective light?

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It seems that in some respects, at least, the WCR was a diversion from the reality, which was that all evidence of the assassination, specifically, the body of JFK and the limousine, were removed from the scene of the crime and taken out of Texas to DC. The arrogance of this alone should be questioned, but who has done that? In addition, Lee Oswald was not allowed to live to stand trial, so then the faux 'investigation' could also be taken out of Texas to DC where those with a need to cover up the truth could control it. Maybe we should go back to basics and start asking the most simple questions, in order to see the WCR in its most objective light?

The duty of the Warren Commission was to take the responsibility for the investigaiton of the murder away from the Justice Dept. and the regular legal system and instead of taking the evidence to a grand jury for possible indictments, issue a report instead.

As long as the report is debated, and the crime kept from the Judicial system, the Warren Commission is successful.

The Secret Service was responsible for removing the limo and body from the proper jurisdiciton, but the limo still could have been impounded and a proper forensic stripping of the limo could have taken place, and the body could have been given a proper forensic autopsy. The reason this wasn't done was to prevent a proper forensic study of the assassination from taking place, something that still hasn't happened.

The Dallas Police Dept. were responsible for allowing, or if you listen to Levealle, encouraging and expecting their chief suspect to be killed while in their custody.

If the case is ever allowed to reenter the legal system anywhere, the floodgates will burst with the first sworn testimony.

People would rather argue about the Warren Commission than flush the evidence throught the legal system as it should be.


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People would rather argue about the Warren Commission than flush the evidence throught the legal system as it should be.


Acknowledged. The events of the day and the actions of the SS, not to mention the murder of LHO while in DPD custody are horrific. The public needs to focus on them and ask why these things happened. There are no answers in the WCR.

It would be a miracle if meaningful legal action could take place. Of course, there would be attempted infiltration at every side, as in the Garrison investigation.

It is a sad commentary that this horrible WCR myth was force-fed to the US public. For a totalitarian state, such a gimmick would be typical; for this country it is, or ought to be, abominable. So is the ongoing coverup that continues to spawn new offerings every few years.

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