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Dallas in November

Duke Lane

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Just curious to see who's planning on being at either of the Dallas conferences coming up next month, and which conference are you attending ...?

Edited by Duke Lane
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Just curious to see who's planning on being at either of the Dallas conferences coming up next month ...?

I am going to the Lancer conference.

Say hi to Wild-Bill Miller and Gary Mack for me, thanks. :rolleyes:

Edited by David G. Healy
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Some time ago I became involved in trying to unravel the situation involving Debra Conway and the interview tapes of a visit to NOLA in 2000, including one of Anna Lewis. I became disappointed and disenchanted with the facts as they became apparent. The situation was handled in an unprofessional and imo unethical manner. The objective on her part seemed to be to stop research rather than to mentor it.

As a result, I have declined to involve myself in any way with Debra or JFKLancer, so I will not be at NID.

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I was planning to be in Dallas for the NID conference this year until

something unexpected came up, so I had to cancel my trip.

Debra Conway and Sherry Fiester are two respectable people

who are dedicated to solving the JFK assassination. Being a member

of and participating in the JFKLancer forum has broadened my viewpoint

on both the JFK and RFK assassinations. They're doing a wonderful job there.

I'm hoping to be in Dallas next year to meet Debra and Sherry in person

as well as my dear friends Kathy and Jerry.

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Some time ago I became involved in trying to unravel the situation involving Debra Conway and the interview tapes of a visit to NOLA in 2000, including one of Anna Lewis. I became disappointed and disenchanted with the facts as they became apparent. The situation was handled in an unprofessional and imo unethical manner. The objective on her part seemed to be to stop research rather than to mentor it.

As a result, I have declined to involve myself in any way with Debra or JFKLancer, so I will not be at NID.

The objective on her part seemed to be to stop research rather than to mentor it.

Perhaps if one added the word "factual" into the appropriate place, this would be far more accurate!

"Factual" research would soon place an immediate end to the Zoo/aka "annual running of the squirrells" in Dallas.

Nevertheless, your point is well taken and should be heeded by anyone who actually has interest in research of facts as opposed to good ole American Capitalism off anything available.

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  • 1 month later...


Who's going, what conference, what hotel, Dealey Plaza, etc.?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did anyone attend the JFK Lancer November in Dallas 2008 conference on November 21-23?

If so, please post about the speakers and presentations.

Any information would be appreciated, including news from Abraham Bolden and James Lesar's fight for documents.

Larry Hancock was listed as a speaker. Mr. Hancock, your thoughts and observations?


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Did anyone attend the JFK Lancer November in Dallas 2008 conference on November 21-23?

If so, please post about the speakers and presentations.

Any information would be appreciated, including news from Abraham Bolden and James Lesar's fight for documents.

Larry Hancock was listed as a speaker. Mr. Hancock, your thoughts and observations?


I attended the conference, I'll just say it was very good. Especially Abe Bolden, who was very emotionally moving, as he recalled his days at the White House, the racism in the SS etc. Good stuff on the medical evidence from Collin McSween. Ed Martino (John's son) was interesting as well, as he recalled his unusual childhood memories of his Dad. Larry did a great presentation about the RFK case and the movements of suspects in the Ambassador Hotel.

All in all , it was worth it , but Man, was it cold there! (36Deg)


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