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Is The State of Israel Above The Law?

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Israel has become a mass murderer, an entity which uses its power to slaughter the weak,

just like the Nazis. In that sense, Israel has now turned onto the very horror they themselves

have been complaining about since the WWII.

Why can't the Israeli-Palestinian conflict be compared to the Holocaust?

The two are so dissimilar that they cannot be compared in any meaningful way.

The Holocaust was the attempt by the Nazis and their partners to kill all the Jews. In the Holocaust a sovereign nation harnessed all the apparatus of their state to the goal of the mass systematic murder of a specific people.

More than anything else, the murder of the Jews stemmed from Nazi racial ideology. According to that ideology, the Jews were an evil race, whose very existence endangered Germany and all of human civilization. The Nazi crusade against the Jews was not focused on winning tangible gains, such as land and other wealth from the Jews. Its goal was to rid the world of the supposed pernicious influence of the Jews.

The Nazis systematically murdered Jews in shooting actions and by gas in specially designed gas chambers in extermination camps. In the ghettos, camps and slave-labor installations under the Nazis, hundreds of thousands of Jews were also brutally worked to death. The end result was the murder of close to 6 million Jews.

The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is not racial, but national; it is political and territorial. It is a struggle between two peoples for a small land. Throughout the decades this struggle has oscillated between violence and attempts to negotiate a settlement. As tragic as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may be, there are no mass graves, no public executions of thousands of people, no gas chambers. It cannot be compared to the Holocaust. Using terms taken from the history of the Holocaust to describe the situation in the Middle East does more to obscure than to clarify the events and their consequences


That's one of the most threadbare apologies for Zionist genocide I've heard.

Gaza is a giant concentration camp, all sealed and blockaded from the outside world. Even international journalists are generally barred, except for the ones handpicked by Israel.

How could you possibly claim it is a struggle between two peoples for a small land? One of those 'peoples' has cutting edge military technology and is using it with blatant disregard for civilians, the other has sticks, stones and homemade rockets. The rockets have reportedly killed 17 Israelis in the last 7 years--about 2.5 Israeli deaths per year. What a massive military threat that is.

Hamas doesn't recognise Israel and nor should they. Why would you recognise a brutal occupier?

The only redeeming feature of this disgusting genocide is that all the Zionist spin doctors on earth can't save Israel's image now. The attack on the UN schools yesterday was the last straw. They can prove Israel knew it was firing on UN schools.

The current invasion is also cowardly. Palestine has barely any weapons at all. Let's see the brave IDF try the same thing on Iran. Of course, they've been wanting America to do it for them.

The answer to this thead is easy. The state of Israel is above the law, for now anyway.

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The problem is that Israel is occupying the land of the Palestine.

Isn't that occupation the result of a war that cannot be settled?

Don’t you think Americans would be firing their guns at people who occupied their land and established settlements in their country?

If it was the result of a war that America lost, I would expect there to be a peace settlement and the occupiers to leave based on conditions of the settlement. If the occupiers didn't leave, that would certainly be cause for resistance.

I believe that a Palestinian state was set to be established several years ago, and the Palestinian "leader" Arafat turned it down, possibly because peace might prevent him from stuffing more millions of the Palestinians' money into his foreign bank accounts.

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I believe that a Palestinian state was set to be established several years ago, and the Palestinian "leader" Arafat turned it down, possibly because peace might prevent him from stuffing more millions of the Palestinians' money into his foreign bank accounts.

If you're referring to the Camp David talks sponsored by Bill Clinton in 2000, then you've been misled Ron.

Arafat turned it down because he had no choice. Besides not abiding with UNSC Resolution 242, it stank in many other ways. The Israelis demanded early warning stations inside the Palestinian state, control of Palestinian airspace and the right to deploy troops inside the Palestinian state in the event of 'emergency'. The Israelis also rejected the proposal that those Arabs expelled from their homes in 1948, about 700,000 in number, be entitled to return. It might alter the nature of Israel, the supremacist state maintained.

It was peace only under Israel's strict terms, just like all the other peace negotiations.


Israel doesn't want peace. They're making that abundantly clear right now. They want war---or subjugation. Everything else they say is Zionist bullxxxx and spin.

Edited by Mark Stapleton
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I think Israel can administer the area of Gaza better than any terrorist organization, and they should just take over the whole area and open it up to free market enterprise and let everyone live in peace and security.

That's what the Jews are all about, making money, so let them do it and make everybody happy.

Where were the voices to complain about the weeks long rocket attacks Hamas launched from schools and churches?

Why didn't anybody compain about that?


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I think Israel can administer the area of Gaza better than any terrorist organization, and they should just take over the whole area and open it up to free market enterprise and let everyone live in peace and security.

That's what the Jews are all about, making money, so let them do it and make everybody happy.

Where were the voices to complain about the weeks long rocket attacks Hamas launched from schools and churches?

Why didn't anybody compain about that?


And the children (those who haven't already been killed or maimed by the IDF) would laugh and play with gumdrop smiles---just like they do in Iraq now, right?

Please don't delete that post Bill. I want to show it to a few people.

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I think Israel can administer the area of Gaza better than any terrorist organization, and they should just take over the whole area and open it up to free market enterprise and let everyone live in peace and security.

That's what the Jews are all about, making money, so let them do it and make everybody happy.

Where were the voices to complain about the weeks long rocket attacks Hamas launched from schools and churches?

Why didn't anybody compain about that?


And the children (those who haven't already been killed or maimed by the IDF) would laugh and play with gumdrop smiles---just like they do in Iraq now, right?

Please don't delete that post Bill. I want to show it to a few people.

I won't delete it Mark.

I just don't understand why you have to bring in Iraq again. You start a thread on US engaging Taliban and Al Quada in Syria and Pakastan, then go back to Iraq. Iraq was a major disaster for USA.

Now we're talking Gaza. Hamas, who are in Syria now confering with their masters.

Let Israel over run the whole area and take it over and run it right.

They seem like a civilized people. That's all people want, a place to live and work and create a community.

If the IRA used Hamas tactics, I don't think the British would have put up with it.


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Religious and ethnic warfare in the Middle East has been ongoing for centuries. It is typical of the United States to believe it can "solve" these problems with our great collective virtue. All we've accomplished by our slavish devotion to Israel is to create intense hatred in almost the entire Arabic world. During the eight years of Dubya's administration, our one-sided, meddlesome foreign policy has undoubtedly created countless new terrorists in Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc.

In my view, the treatment of Palestinians by the Israelis has been deplorable. That being said, the best thing the U.S. can do at this point is to adopt an even-handed policy in the Middle East (and elsewhere around the world). We have more than enough problems in our own country- we should work on solving them before we start to "reform" the rest of the world.

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Let Israel over run the whole area and take it over and run it right.

They seem like a civilized people. That's all people want, a place to live and work and create a community.

Only those brainwashed by the right-wing media could judge the Israeli government to be "a civilized people".

If the IRA used Hamas tactics, I don't think the British would have put up with it.

The UK never once bombed Ireland. We did some unpleasant things in Northern Ireland but it was the IRA and not the UK government that targeted civilians. It is Israel that should be compared to terrorist groups such as the IRA.

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If the IRA used Hamas tactics, I don't think the British would have put up with it.

The UK never once bombed Ireland. We did some unpleasant things in Northern Ireland but it was the IRA and not the UK government that targeted civilians. It is Israel that should be compared to terrorist groups such as the IRA.

This is not entirely true John.


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If the IRA used Hamas tactics, I don't think the British would have put up with it.

The UK never once bombed Ireland. We did some unpleasant things in Northern Ireland but it was the IRA and not the UK government that targeted civilians. It is Israel that should be compared to terrorist groups such as the IRA.

This is not entirely true John.


Do you mean it is not true of the UK government or the IRA?

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Guest Gary Loughran
If the IRA used Hamas tactics, I don't think the British would have put up with it.

The UK never once bombed Ireland. We did some unpleasant things in Northern Ireland but it was the IRA and not the UK government that targeted civilians. It is Israel that should be compared to terrorist groups such as the IRA.

These posts show an extraordinary, nearly inexcusable, lack of understanding.

John, all but the far right, loyalist would find agreement with your sentiment.

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We can get into it another time on another thread John. To be honest I am more concerned and interested in this important thread that Cigdem has started. I find the comparison some are making between the abused becoming the abuser very fascinating, even though it is deeply disturbing.


If the IRA used Hamas tactics, I don't think the British would have put up with it.

The UK never once bombed Ireland. We did some unpleasant things in Northern Ireland but it was the IRA and not the UK government that targeted civilians. It is Israel that should be compared to terrorist groups such as the IRA.

This is not entirely true John.


Do you mean it is not true of the UK government or the IRA?

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They seem like a civilized people. That's all people want, a place to live and work and create a community.

A very hazy couple of sentences.

So are you implying that Palestinians don't want to live and work and create a community?

What do you mean?

No, they're not hazy. I mean the Hamas terrorists don't want to create a community. Not if they take over Gaza, impose Islamic law and launch missiles into neighbors back yards. I think the Israel and the Palestinians want the same thing, to live and work in a peaceful community.


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