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Here you go Craig:


You quite obviously know a few things in regards to photography as well as have some great library of photographic images.

However, within the world of empirical research, demonstration of a photograph of the rear end of your car/trailer/(whatever).

is considerably lacking in attempting to compare this image with the ever-changing photographic image of the oval DPD helmets which had an ever-changing lighting (from light to shadow) as well as an ever-changing reflective angle when compared with the location of the light source in relationship to the film on which the image reflection was transferred.

Can you grasp a SIMPLE point Tom? The trailer photo was posted to see if you understood a very simple principle...namely that when you photograph a highly reflective surface, you don't actually photograph the surface but rather WHAT IS REFLECTED in that surface. Thats why I asked you the questions I did. Thats the reason the logos on the helment have DIFFERENT TONES in all of the different photos, because they have DIFFERENT things that are reflected from their surface. A very simply concept, don't you think. In case the logos in the Zapruder film, they are reflecting TWO different lightsources. First they are reflecting a huge, broad lightsource...the blue sky. Given the large expanse of this source, the AOI is great enough that it will be reflected in the logos as they moved down ELM. The second source is the sun. It creates a specular highlight on the logo. Speculars have a habit of SPREADING in a photo, in other words they tend to become MUCH LARGER ON FILM that the actual size of the light as it is reflected in the object. If you need examples of this just ask, I'll post them. Its NO PROBLEM to think that the speculars will continue to be located over the logo on the helmets as the AOI slighty changes. In fact it is the curved nature of the logo that ALLOWS the specular to continue as the AOI changes. Don't believe it, just observe the specular highlight on a curved corner of a car and watch as the highlight stays as you move around.... Now, can you understand this or do you need a graphic demonstration?


Was given, as in computation of reflectance, one must not only take into consideration the ever-changing horizontal angle between the light source to the camera, but also inculde the ever-changing vertical angle due to the continuation of the elevation change between the target (helmet) and the camera as well.

See above.

And, since you quite obviously have no intentions of actually going to Dealey Plaza and conduct Comparative Analysis testing in order to have something which can be actually compared, it was my hope that you would demonstrate all of the mathmatical computations necessary to demonstrate your claim in regards to the reflected radiance produced by the motorcycle helmets, irrelevant as to actual exposure to light source (in the shadows) as well as the ever-changing angles between the light source--to target---to camera.

Of course I'm not going to the plaza, don't need to. You can study the concept in your own back yard. Have you, or better yet DID you before you made your claim? You don't need the math Tom, just a few photos or even your own eyes to observe the world around you. Hve you actually DONE any of hte above before you made your claim? I've offered you a number of examples, both from images YOU posted and from my own collection. You beed more, or can you finally grasp the concepts involved?

Not to even mention the change created as a result of the non-uniform nature of the helmets as one may actually turn their head, resulting in additional changes in angles of reflectivity.

Explained above...you GET IT YET?


Rest assured, I "got it" long ago.

At least one can give credit to those who expouse the "Moorman in the Street" issue for their attempt to determine the factual nature of the issue by actually travelling to Dealey Plaza and attempting to re-create similiar photographic images.

As opposed to sitting in their study and rummaging through photographs which may show some semblance of reflected light on some completely irrelevant subject matter, and then attempting to state "This is the Fact", and is what transpired in Dealey Plaza.

"Armchair" research has always been simple Craig, as well as not too expensive and time consuming.

Surprisingly, I actually once had some respect for your knowledge in photography.

This attempt to pass off some totally irrelevant and SINGULAR photograph taken under controlled conditions, as a demonstration of why the DPD logo's are not visible at any point within the multiple frames of the Zapruder film, has most assuredly given rise to the opinion that a close scrutiny of anything which you have to say would be advised.

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Here you go Craig:


You quite obviously know a few things in regards to photography as well as have some great library of photographic images.

However, within the world of empirical research, demonstration of a photograph of the rear end of your car/trailer/(whatever).

is considerably lacking in attempting to compare this image with the ever-changing photographic image of the oval DPD helmets which had an ever-changing lighting (from light to shadow) as well as an ever-changing reflective angle when compared with the location of the light source in relationship to the film on which the image reflection was transferred.

Can you grasp a SIMPLE point Tom? The trailer photo was posted to see if you understood a very simple principle...namely that when you photograph a highly reflective surface, you don't actually photograph the surface but rather WHAT IS REFLECTED in that surface. Thats why I asked you the questions I did. Thats the reason the logos on the helment have DIFFERENT TONES in all of the different photos, because they have DIFFERENT things that are reflected from their surface. A very simply concept, don't you think. In case the logos in the Zapruder film, they are reflecting TWO different lightsources. First they are reflecting a huge, broad lightsource...the blue sky. Given the large expanse of this source, the AOI is great enough that it will be reflected in the logos as they moved down ELM. The second source is the sun. It creates a specular highlight on the logo. Speculars have a habit of SPREADING in a photo, in other words they tend to become MUCH LARGER ON FILM that the actual size of the light as it is reflected in the object. If you need examples of this just ask, I'll post them. Its NO PROBLEM to think that the speculars will continue to be located over the logo on the helmets as the AOI slighty changes. In fact it is the curved nature of the logo that ALLOWS the specular to continue as the AOI changes. Don't believe it, just observe the specular highlight on a curved corner of a car and watch as the highlight stays as you move around.... Now, can you understand this or do you need a graphic demonstration?


Was given, as in computation of reflectance, one must not only take into consideration the ever-changing horizontal angle between the light source to the camera, but also inculde the ever-changing vertical angle due to the continuation of the elevation change between the target (helmet) and the camera as well.

See above.

And, since you quite obviously have no intentions of actually going to Dealey Plaza and conduct Comparative Analysis testing in order to have something which can be actually compared, it was my hope that you would demonstrate all of the mathmatical computations necessary to demonstrate your claim in regards to the reflected radiance produced by the motorcycle helmets, irrelevant as to actual exposure to light source (in the shadows) as well as the ever-changing angles between the light source--to target---to camera.

Of course I'm not going to the plaza, don't need to. You can study the concept in your own back yard. Have you, or better yet DID you before you made your claim? You don't need the math Tom, just a few photos or even your own eyes to observe the world around you. Hve you actually DONE any of hte above before you made your claim? I've offered you a number of examples, both from images YOU posted and from my own collection. You beed more, or can you finally grasp the concepts involved?

Not to even mention the change created as a result of the non-uniform nature of the helmets as one may actually turn their head, resulting in additional changes in angles of reflectivity.

Explained above...you GET IT YET?


Rest assured, I "got it" long ago.

Actually you have shown without a doubt that you DON'T get it. Thats why you are trying to deflect and not answering simple questions.

At least one can give credit to those who expouse the "Moorman in the Street" issue for their attempt to determine the factual nature of the issue by actually travelling to Dealey Plaza and attempting to re-create similiar photographic images.

Certain things require more detailed recreations than others. Others only need proof of concept. That appears to be beyond your limited ability to understand, along with many other things, it seems.

As opposed to sitting in their study and rummaging through photographs which may show some semblance of reflected light on some completely irrelevant subject matter, and then attempting to state "This is the Fact", and is what transpired in Dealey Plaza.

Again you can't seem to understand proof of concept and how it applies to the situation Or you do but have some aversion to being intellectally honest. Take your pick.

"Armchair" research has always been simple Craig, as well as not too expensive and time consuming.

Kind of like showing a few photos of some motorcycles and making a wild claim eh Tom?

Surprisingly, I actually once had some respect for your knowledge in photography.

This attempt to pass off some totally irrelevant and SINGULAR photograph taken under controlled conditions, as a demonstration of why the DPD logo's are not visible at any point within the multiple frames of the Zapruder film, has most assuredly given rise to the opinion that a close scrutiny of anything which you have to say would be advised.

Oh Tom, you just can't be intellectually honest can you. Are your feeling being hurt because the subject is beyond you and your specious claims are shown to be just that? I actually INVITE close scrutiny of what I post, in case you missed it. I PERFER that people actually reproduce my testing and claims to validate the results FOR THEMSELF! You just seem too ignorant to understand.

But here, try and wrap your brain around these, if you can...

btw, what color is the kettle Tom?


Edited by Craig Lamson
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btw, what color is the kettle Tom?[/color]


frankly my dear Watson, I think you're running from Tom's evidence that the final shot occurred further down Elm Street. Which of course does not appear in the Zapruder film. Soooooo, I think your doing a marvelous job, with all these nonsense posts attempting to change the subject, and shy away from a possible altered Zapruder film, eh? You're losing ground and credibility.

And now the teapot:

here's another one, called THE *3D* TEAPOT... been around since '84


I can deliver it in chrome if you'd like? Complete with a 'C' stand with matte black finger flags (and disappearing shadows ask Dave Wimp).... C'mon Craig, get back to the topic at hand, willya!

herte's a good one: tell me where the reflections came from...


Edited by David G. Healy
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"Armchair" research has always been simple Craig, as well as not too expensive and time consuming.

Surprisingly, I actually once had some respect for your knowledge in photography.

I hope that respect isn't only something that is given because another person agrees with you. In the world of expertise ... I am sure that even though opinions vary - they still respect one another's talents in alike fields.

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frankly my dear Watson, I think you're running from Tom's evidence that the final shot occurred further down Elm Street. Which of course does not appear in the Zapruder film. Soooooo, I think your doing a marvelous job, with all these nonsense posts attempting to change the subject, and shy away from a possible altered Zapruder film, eh? You're losing ground and credibility.

Well David, Moorman's photo and three other films show the LOS each photographer had when JFK was killed ... how many cross checks have to show the same thing for the kill shot to be supported where they shot Vs. another possible theory???

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Wild Bill, I could care less whether you recited The Apostle Creed in previous post. Simply get yourself a public forum with cameras, buy myself and my second round trip plane tickets, cover all expenses for 3 days, and lest I forget, bring your lunch, you'll need it: Film and Photo Composition is the topic.... So anytime you feel the courage.... LMFAO! Gee, I kinda like doing all bold, makes me feel important like Wild Bill here

p.s. you don't make film composites in a darkroom, clod. Bad, bad sign for your side -- better get Craig back in here, you're in trouble already

Jack said in the past that getting the frames - enlarging them to be altered - and then adjusted and put back into a film would require dark room work. I agree! I have seen nothing that you have presented that shows your work so it can be tested. Just as it was your right to post that you have seen no proof of alteration ... I have seen no proof that you know what in the hell you are talking about.

A this forum is public for all to see.

Bill Miller

read the Great Zapruder Film HOAX William, when it comes to film composition you really need to get educated. Perhaps one on your hapless sidekicks can dig you out of this one.... Carry on! Can't be Craig, he's busy going over the abyss edge....

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btw, what color is the kettle Tom?[/color]


frankly my dear Watson, I think you're running from Tom's evidence that the final shot occurred further down Elm Street. Which of course does not appear in the Zapruder film. Soooooo, I think your doing a marvelous job, with all these nonsense posts attempting to change the subject, and shy away from a possible altered Zapruder film, eh? You're losing ground and credibility.

And now the teapot:

here's another one, called THE *3D* TEAPOT... been around since '84


I can deliver it in chrome if you'd like? Complete with a 'C' stand with matte black finger flags (and disappearing shadows ask Dave Wimp).... C'mon Craig, get back to the topic at hand, willya!

herte's a good one: tell me where the reflections came from...


Oh David, another say nothing post, ever so common for you, must be because there is nothing between your ears...

Say you or the rest of your little elves figure out how to respond? I guess not....


I'm not running away from any of Tom's evidence, just responding to what interests me. And perhaps teaching old Tom something, if he really wants to learn, and not just google.

Added on edit:

You know daive if you are going to post 3d renders and brag about reflections , you might want to post some that do a decent job of creating them. You don't see what is missing do you? Gotta give them credit where credit is due, they created a decent surface model of Krylon dulling spray! LMAO!

Edited by Craig Lamson
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read the Great Zapruder Film HOAX William, when it comes to film composition you really need to get educated. Perhaps one on your hapless sidekicks can dig you out of this one.... Carry on! Can't be Craig, he's busy going over the abyss edge....

I have read 'Hoax', David. In fact, you and I were discussing that part of the book when you were forced to admit that you have seen no proof of alteration ... something you have said for years. If it is your position now that you have seen proof of alteration, then what is it and when did you believe it was proof of alteration???

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Thanks XXXX;

As I have indicated, this is a "subjective" call.


When one takes into consideration all of the other things which the WC pulled in order to make the first shot disappear, then the "helmet logo" issue becomes an item which fits along with their other pattern of obfuscation.

And, although I recognize the possibility that at some point the sun reflection may have obscured the logo, the possibility that this held true throughout the entire Z-film, and especially at the Z255/altgens mark when the cops to the left rear were looking directly into Zapruder's location, makes it all seem quite unlikely.

That there is a "white/bright" blob which repeatedly appears on the helmets in the vicinity of the logo, as well as the fact that this blob appears generally brighter and whiter than the surrounding helmets, adds to the potential as well as the belief that there has been some "color adjustments" on the film.

Unfortunately, the only way to prove/disprove, would be to recreate with motorcycle cops and a Z-camera and film.

If ultimately factual, then this item was done primarily to obsucre the fact that the motorcycle cops had turned their heads and were looking directly at JFK (reacting to the first shot), well prior to the WC's purported Z210 scenario.

However, in order to make the evidence of this disappear, it ultimately required that a slight brightness be added to the entire Z-film in order to maintain continuity of the filmed image.



P.S. For those who may be unaware"\:


Reflection of light

Reflection of light may be specular (that is, mirror-like) or diffuse (that is, not retaining the image, only the energy) depending on the nature of the interface.

A mirror provides the most common model for specular light reflection, and typically consists of a glass sheet in front of a metallic coating where the reflection actually occurs.


Specular reflection is the perfect, mirror-like reflection of light (or sometimes other kinds of wave) from a surface, in which light from a single incoming direction (a ray) is reflected into a single outgoing direction. Such behavior is described by the law of reflection, which states that the direction of incoming light (the incident ray), and the direction of outgoing light reflected (the reflected ray) make the same angle with respect to the surface normal, thus the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection;


Nice shiny chrome Tea Kettle there. However, it too has little if any bearing on the white helmets worn by the DPD and whether or not one should have been able to, at some point within the Z-Film, observe the DPD logo's on the white helmets.

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Thanks XXXX;

As I have indicated, this is a "subjective" call.


When one takes into consideration all of the other things which the WC pulled in order to make the first shot disappear, then the "helmet logo" issue becomes an item which fits along with their other pattern of obfuscation.

And, although I recognize the possibility that at some point the sun reflection may have obscured the logo, the possibility that this held true throughout the entire Z-film, and especially at the Z255/altgens mark when the cops to the left rear were looking directly into Zapruder's location, makes it all seem quite unlikely.

That there is a "white/bright" blob which repeatedly appears on the helmets in the vicinity of the logo, as well as the fact that this blob appears generally brighter and whiter than the surrounding helmets, adds to the potential as well as the belief that there has been some "color adjustments" on the film.

Unfortunately, the only way to prove/disprove, would be to recreate with motorcycle cops and a Z-camera and film.

If ultimately factual, then this item was done primarily to obsucre the fact that the motorcycle cops had turned their heads and were looking directly at JFK (reacting to the first shot), well prior to the WC's purported Z210 scenario.

However, in order to make the evidence of this disappear, it ultimately required that a slight brightness be added to the entire Z-film in order to maintain continuity of the filmed image.



P.S. For those who may be unaware"\:


Reflection of light

Reflection of light may be specular (that is, mirror-like) or diffuse (that is, not retaining the image, only the energy) depending on the nature of the interface.

A mirror provides the most common model for specular light reflection, and typically consists of a glass sheet in front of a metallic coating where the reflection actually occurs.


Specular reflection is the perfect, mirror-like reflection of light (or sometimes other kinds of wave) from a surface, in which light from a single incoming direction (a ray) is reflected into a single outgoing direction. Such behavior is described by the law of reflection, which states that the direction of incoming light (the incident ray), and the direction of outgoing light reflected (the reflected ray) make the same angle with respect to the surface normal, thus the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection;


Nice shiny chrome Tea Kettle there. However, it too has little if any bearing on the white helmets worn by the DPD and whether or not one should have been able to, at some point within the Z-Film, observe the DPD logo's on the white helmets.

I see you are babbling again there perv....

Lots of different surface textures and reflectivity, and even quite specular surfaces like a sheet of glass is diffuse to a degree. Standard stuff for those skilled in the craft of lighting. That however leaves you in the lurch.

Oh the kettle has plenty of bearing, if you had bothered to digest the information I spoon fed you. I'll ask again Tom, and maybe this time the subject of the exercise just might sink into that mushie spot between your ears. What color is the kettle?

Edited by Craig Lamson
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Thanks XXXX;

As I have indicated, this is a "subjective" call.


When one takes into consideration all of the other things which the WC pulled in order to make the first shot disappear, then the "helmet logo" issue becomes an item which fits along with their other pattern of obfuscation.

And, although I recognize the possibility that at some point the sun reflection may have obscured the logo, the possibility that this held true throughout the entire Z-film, and especially at the Z255/altgens mark when the cops to the left rear were looking directly into Zapruder's location, makes it all seem quite unlikely.

That there is a "white/bright" blob which repeatedly appears on the helmets in the vicinity of the logo, as well as the fact that this blob appears generally brighter and whiter than the surrounding helmets, adds to the potential as well as the belief that there has been some "color adjustments" on the film.

Unfortunately, the only way to prove/disprove, would be to recreate with motorcycle cops and a Z-camera and film.

If ultimately factual, then this item was done primarily to obsucre the fact that the motorcycle cops had turned their heads and were looking directly at JFK (reacting to the first shot), well prior to the WC's purported Z210 scenario.

However, in order to make the evidence of this disappear, it ultimately required that a slight brightness be added to the entire Z-film in order to maintain continuity of the filmed image.



P.S. For those who may be unaware"\:


Reflection of light

Reflection of light may be specular (that is, mirror-like) or diffuse (that is, not retaining the image, only the energy) depending on the nature of the interface.

A mirror provides the most common model for specular light reflection, and typically consists of a glass sheet in front of a metallic coating where the reflection actually occurs.


Specular reflection is the perfect, mirror-like reflection of light (or sometimes other kinds of wave) from a surface, in which light from a single incoming direction (a ray) is reflected into a single outgoing direction. Such behavior is described by the law of reflection, which states that the direction of incoming light (the incident ray), and the direction of outgoing light reflected (the reflected ray) make the same angle with respect to the surface normal, thus the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection;


Nice shiny chrome Tea Kettle there. However, it too has little if any bearing on the white helmets worn by the DPD and whether or not one should have been able to, at some point within the Z-Film, observe the DPD logo's on the white helmets.

I see you are babbling again there perv....

Lots of different surface textures and reflectivity, and even quite specular surfaces like a sheet of glass is diffuse to a degree. Standard stuff for those skilled in the craft of lighting. That however leaves you in the lurch.

Oh the kettle has plenty of bearing, if you had bothered to digest the information I spoon fed you. I'll ask again Tom, and maybe this time the subject of the exercise just might sink into that mushie spot between your ears. What color is the kettle?

Exactly the same color as the one seen in the Zapruder film.

OH! I forgot. There is no shiny reflective kettle seen in the Zapruder film, is there????? So, does your shiny kettle have a whole lot of bearing on something which is not seen within Dealey Plaza??

I won't waste your precious time in a continuation of showing additional photographs of the Presidential Parade in which, for some mysterious reason, one can continually observe the DPD logo's on the motorcycle policemen's helmets.

Must be some sort of magnet anomoly within Dealey Plaza which just would not allow them to appear.

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Thanks XXXX;

As I have indicated, this is a "subjective" call.


When one takes into consideration all of the other things which the WC pulled in order to make the first shot disappear, then the "helmet logo" issue becomes an item which fits along with their other pattern of obfuscation.

And, although I recognize the possibility that at some point the sun reflection may have obscured the logo, the possibility that this held true throughout the entire Z-film, and especially at the Z255/altgens mark when the cops to the left rear were looking directly into Zapruder's location, makes it all seem quite unlikely.

That there is a "white/bright" blob which repeatedly appears on the helmets in the vicinity of the logo, as well as the fact that this blob appears generally brighter and whiter than the surrounding helmets, adds to the potential as well as the belief that there has been some "color adjustments" on the film.

Unfortunately, the only way to prove/disprove, would be to recreate with motorcycle cops and a Z-camera and film.

If ultimately factual, then this item was done primarily to obsucre the fact that the motorcycle cops had turned their heads and were looking directly at JFK (reacting to the first shot), well prior to the WC's purported Z210 scenario.

However, in order to make the evidence of this disappear, it ultimately required that a slight brightness be added to the entire Z-film in order to maintain continuity of the filmed image.



P.S. For those who may be unaware"\:


Reflection of light

Reflection of light may be specular (that is, mirror-like) or diffuse (that is, not retaining the image, only the energy) depending on the nature of the interface.

A mirror provides the most common model for specular light reflection, and typically consists of a glass sheet in front of a metallic coating where the reflection actually occurs.


Specular reflection is the perfect, mirror-like reflection of light (or sometimes other kinds of wave) from a surface, in which light from a single incoming direction (a ray) is reflected into a single outgoing direction. Such behavior is described by the law of reflection, which states that the direction of incoming light (the incident ray), and the direction of outgoing light reflected (the reflected ray) make the same angle with respect to the surface normal, thus the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection;


Nice shiny chrome Tea Kettle there. However, it too has little if any bearing on the white helmets worn by the DPD and whether or not one should have been able to, at some point within the Z-Film, observe the DPD logo's on the white helmets.

I see you are babbling again there perv....

Lots of different surface textures and reflectivity, and even quite specular surfaces like a sheet of glass is diffuse to a degree. Standard stuff for those skilled in the craft of lighting. That however leaves you in the lurch.

Oh the kettle has plenty of bearing, if you had bothered to digest the information I spoon fed you. I'll ask again Tom, and maybe this time the subject of the exercise just might sink into that mushie spot between your ears. What color is the kettle?

Exactly the same color as the one seen in the Zapruder film.

OH! I forgot. There is no shiny reflective kettle seen in the Zapruder film, is there????? So, does your shiny kettle have a whole lot of bearing on something which is not seen within Dealey Plaza??

I won't waste your precious time in a continuation of showing additional photographs of the Presidential Parade in which, for some mysterious reason, one can continually observe the DPD logo's on the motorcycle policemen's helmets.

Must be some sort of magnet anomoly within Dealey Plaza which just would not allow them to appear.

What color are those logos Tom? You keep sprinting right by that question. Is there a shiny LOGO in Dealey Plaza? What color is that logo Tom?

There is a LOT of information for you to digest in those simple photos of a kettle. Now I know thats NOT what you want to do. Like the good CT you are,you would rather run with some harebrained notion that someone altered the LOGOS so you can't tell which way the head are turned. Reality be damned! You gottta keep your worldview intact regardless.

Whatever Tom, its just beyond you.

Enjoy your fantasy, it really suits you.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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Thanks XXXX;

As I have indicated, this is a "subjective" call.


When one takes into consideration all of the other things which the WC pulled in order to make the first shot disappear, then the "helmet logo" issue becomes an item which fits along with their other pattern of obfuscation.

And, although I recognize the possibility that at some point the sun reflection may have obscured the logo, the possibility that this held true throughout the entire Z-film, and especially at the Z255/altgens mark when the cops to the left rear were looking directly into Zapruder's location, makes it all seem quite unlikely.

That there is a "white/bright" blob which repeatedly appears on the helmets in the vicinity of the logo, as well as the fact that this blob appears generally brighter and whiter than the surrounding helmets, adds to the potential as well as the belief that there has been some "color adjustments" on the film.

Unfortunately, the only way to prove/disprove, would be to recreate with motorcycle cops and a Z-camera and film.

If ultimately factual, then this item was done primarily to obsucre the fact that the motorcycle cops had turned their heads and were looking directly at JFK (reacting to the first shot), well prior to the WC's purported Z210 scenario.

However, in order to make the evidence of this disappear, it ultimately required that a slight brightness be added to the entire Z-film in order to maintain continuity of the filmed image.



P.S. For those who may be unaware"\:


Reflection of light

Reflection of light may be specular (that is, mirror-like) or diffuse (that is, not retaining the image, only the energy) depending on the nature of the interface.

A mirror provides the most common model for specular light reflection, and typically consists of a glass sheet in front of a metallic coating where the reflection actually occurs.


Specular reflection is the perfect, mirror-like reflection of light (or sometimes other kinds of wave) from a surface, in which light from a single incoming direction (a ray) is reflected into a single outgoing direction. Such behavior is described by the law of reflection, which states that the direction of incoming light (the incident ray), and the direction of outgoing light reflected (the reflected ray) make the same angle with respect to the surface normal, thus the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection;


Nice shiny chrome Tea Kettle there. However, it too has little if any bearing on the white helmets worn by the DPD and whether or not one should have been able to, at some point within the Z-Film, observe the DPD logo's on the white helmets.

I see you are babbling again there perv....

Lots of different surface textures and reflectivity, and even quite specular surfaces like a sheet of glass is diffuse to a degree. Standard stuff for those skilled in the craft of lighting. That however leaves you in the lurch.

Oh the kettle has plenty of bearing, if you had bothered to digest the information I spoon fed you. I'll ask again Tom, and maybe this time the subject of the exercise just might sink into that mushie spot between your ears. What color is the kettle?

Exactly the same color as the one seen in the Zapruder film.

OH! I forgot. There is no shiny reflective kettle seen in the Zapruder film, is there????? So, does your shiny kettle have a whole lot of bearing on something which is not seen within Dealey Plaza??

I won't waste your precious time in a continuation of showing additional photographs of the Presidential Parade in which, for some mysterious reason, one can continually observe the DPD logo's on the motorcycle policemen's helmets.

Must be some sort of magnet anomoly within Dealey Plaza which just would not allow them to appear.

there appears to be a full court press diverting attention away from possible Zapruder film alteration, Tom. And seeing that most of the Nutters have finally come to the conclusion that IF Oswald was the shooter, or one of the shooters, that simply fine with most CT's. The Nutters simply have no place else to go. Minutae, studio 'C' stands, chrome tea kettles, irrelevant comparisons and a ton of time to waste.....

Edited by David G. Healy
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Thanks XXXX;

As I have indicated, this is a "subjective" call.


When one takes into consideration all of the other things which the WC pulled in order to make the first shot disappear, then the "helmet logo" issue becomes an item which fits along with their other pattern of obfuscation.

And, although I recognize the possibility that at some point the sun reflection may have obscured the logo, the possibility that this held true throughout the entire Z-film, and especially at the Z255/altgens mark when the cops to the left rear were looking directly into Zapruder's location, makes it all seem quite unlikely.

That there is a "white/bright" blob which repeatedly appears on the helmets in the vicinity of the logo, as well as the fact that this blob appears generally brighter and whiter than the surrounding helmets, adds to the potential as well as the belief that there has been some "color adjustments" on the film.

Unfortunately, the only way to prove/disprove, would be to recreate with motorcycle cops and a Z-camera and film.

If ultimately factual, then this item was done primarily to obsucre the fact that the motorcycle cops had turned their heads and were looking directly at JFK (reacting to the first shot), well prior to the WC's purported Z210 scenario.

However, in order to make the evidence of this disappear, it ultimately required that a slight brightness be added to the entire Z-film in order to maintain continuity of the filmed image.



P.S. For those who may be unaware"\:


Reflection of light

Reflection of light may be specular (that is, mirror-like) or diffuse (that is, not retaining the image, only the energy) depending on the nature of the interface.

A mirror provides the most common model for specular light reflection, and typically consists of a glass sheet in front of a metallic coating where the reflection actually occurs.


Specular reflection is the perfect, mirror-like reflection of light (or sometimes other kinds of wave) from a surface, in which light from a single incoming direction (a ray) is reflected into a single outgoing direction. Such behavior is described by the law of reflection, which states that the direction of incoming light (the incident ray), and the direction of outgoing light reflected (the reflected ray) make the same angle with respect to the surface normal, thus the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection;


Nice shiny chrome Tea Kettle there. However, it too has little if any bearing on the white helmets worn by the DPD and whether or not one should have been able to, at some point within the Z-Film, observe the DPD logo's on the white helmets.

I see you are babbling again there perv....

Lots of different surface textures and reflectivity, and even quite specular surfaces like a sheet of glass is diffuse to a degree. Standard stuff for those skilled in the craft of lighting. That however leaves you in the lurch.

Oh the kettle has plenty of bearing, if you had bothered to digest the information I spoon fed you. I'll ask again Tom, and maybe this time the subject of the exercise just might sink into that mushie spot between your ears. What color is the kettle?

Exactly the same color as the one seen in the Zapruder film.

OH! I forgot. There is no shiny reflective kettle seen in the Zapruder film, is there????? So, does your shiny kettle have a whole lot of bearing on something which is not seen within Dealey Plaza??

I won't waste your precious time in a continuation of showing additional photographs of the Presidential Parade in which, for some mysterious reason, one can continually observe the DPD logo's on the motorcycle policemen's helmets.

Must be some sort of magnet anomoly within Dealey Plaza which just would not allow them to appear.

there appears to be a full court press diverting attention away from possible Zapruder film alteration, Tom. And seeing that most of the Nutters have finally come to the conclusion that IF Oswald was the shooter, or one of the shooters, that fine. They Nutters simply have no place to go but minutae, studio 'C' stands, chrome tea kettles, irrelvant comparisons and a ton of time, to waste.....

Irrelvant eh David? The why don't you step up to the plate and tell us why, given your self proclaimed status as an expert. Surely you can make mince meat of this in just a few posts. Give it a go.

And then why not try and debunk this, it seems to have the mighty PhD's of the Fetzer cabal all hiding under a rock. Why not save them Davie? Or can't you find a peer?


Oh, thats right, davie don't do evidence, just smacktalk...

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Thanks XXXX;

As I have indicated, this is a "subjective" call.


When one takes into consideration all of the other things which the WC pulled in order to make the first shot disappear, then the "helmet logo" issue becomes an item which fits along with their other pattern of obfuscation.

And, although I recognize the possibility that at some point the sun reflection may have obscured the logo, the possibility that this held true throughout the entire Z-film, and especially at the Z255/altgens mark when the cops to the left rear were looking directly into Zapruder's location, makes it all seem quite unlikely.

That there is a "white/bright" blob which repeatedly appears on the helmets in the vicinity of the logo, as well as the fact that this blob appears generally brighter and whiter than the surrounding helmets, adds to the potential as well as the belief that there has been some "color adjustments" on the film.

Unfortunately, the only way to prove/disprove, would be to recreate with motorcycle cops and a Z-camera and film.

If ultimately factual, then this item was done primarily to obsucre the fact that the motorcycle cops had turned their heads and were looking directly at JFK (reacting to the first shot), well prior to the WC's purported Z210 scenario.

However, in order to make the evidence of this disappear, it ultimately required that a slight brightness be added to the entire Z-film in order to maintain continuity of the filmed image.



P.S. For those who may be unaware"\:


Reflection of light

Reflection of light may be specular (that is, mirror-like) or diffuse (that is, not retaining the image, only the energy) depending on the nature of the interface.

A mirror provides the most common model for specular light reflection, and typically consists of a glass sheet in front of a metallic coating where the reflection actually occurs.


Specular reflection is the perfect, mirror-like reflection of light (or sometimes other kinds of wave) from a surface, in which light from a single incoming direction (a ray) is reflected into a single outgoing direction. Such behavior is described by the law of reflection, which states that the direction of incoming light (the incident ray), and the direction of outgoing light reflected (the reflected ray) make the same angle with respect to the surface normal, thus the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection;


Nice shiny chrome Tea Kettle there. However, it too has little if any bearing on the white helmets worn by the DPD and whether or not one should have been able to, at some point within the Z-Film, observe the DPD logo's on the white helmets.

I see you are babbling again there perv....

Lots of different surface textures and reflectivity, and even quite specular surfaces like a sheet of glass is diffuse to a degree. Standard stuff for those skilled in the craft of lighting. That however leaves you in the lurch.

Oh the kettle has plenty of bearing, if you had bothered to digest the information I spoon fed you. I'll ask again Tom, and maybe this time the subject of the exercise just might sink into that mushie spot between your ears. What color is the kettle?

Exactly the same color as the one seen in the Zapruder film.

OH! I forgot. There is no shiny reflective kettle seen in the Zapruder film, is there????? So, does your shiny kettle have a whole lot of bearing on something which is not seen within Dealey Plaza??

I won't waste your precious time in a continuation of showing additional photographs of the Presidential Parade in which, for some mysterious reason, one can continually observe the DPD logo's on the motorcycle policemen's helmets.

Must be some sort of magnet anomoly within Dealey Plaza which just would not allow them to appear.

What color are those logos Tom? You keep sprinting right by that question. Is there a shiny LOGO in Dealey Plaza? What color is that logo Tom?

There is a LOT of information for you to digest in those simple photos of a kettle. Now I know thats NOT what you want to do. Like the good CT you are,you would rather run with some harebrained notion that someone altered the LOGOS so you can't tell which way the head are turned. Reality be damned! You gottta keep your worldview intact regardless.

Whatever Tom, its just beyond you.

Enjoy your fantasy, it really suits you.

Whatever Tom, its just beyond you.

Enjoy your fantasy, it really suits you.


It is absolutely "beyond" me as to how anyone could fantasize that a singular staged photograph of the rear-end of their "whatever" as well as a similar photograph of a tea kettle serves as proof that throughout the multiple frames of the Z-film, which has ever-changing lighting conditions as well as reflective angles, one should not be able to ever see the darker image of the DPD logo's against he white background of the motorcycle policemen's helmets.

Perhaps it has some bearing on the exact speed at which your tea kettle was travelling?????

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