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Doug Horne

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A very important pioneer has been overlooked, a critic who got there thirty-five years ago......his name was Fred Newcomb:

Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams. Murder From Within (Santa Barbara: Probe, 1974)

Chapter 4: The Filmed Assassination
One of the most important films of the murder was an 8 mm color movie taken by Abraham Zapruder. The Secret Service had first access to his original film, which was then altered in an attempt to cover up the agency’s part in the plot......

Newcomb's son Tyler wrote this on Amazon while reviewing Volume IV of Horne's masterpiece:

"A long time coming this work. And from a man on the inside who interviewed a lot of the Principals before they passed on. My father's tome Murder From Within self published in 1974 and deemed too controversial for print at the time has finally been vindicated with these monumental books of scholarly research and newly discovered and revealed hard evidence of a monumental coverup. By revealing how and when primary evidence was altered or destroyed one can automatically discern who is behind the whole charade and murder. In this case it's the same group. Here in these volumes is the work of someone not afraid to look at the unbelievable. Either Oswald did it alone or it had to be an 'inside job' where the perpetrators both benefited and controlled the evidence in order to commit regicide, the oldest story on Earth. This scenario is not without past precedent. Betrayal was the cornerstone of some of the most famous assassinations from the past. Charles de Gaulle was the target of many assassination attempts only to find out it was a plot within his own security or military. Caesar (et tu Brutus?) Christ (Judas) Napoleon (now known that he was slowly poisoned to death with arsenic...the chef or butler did it?) Huey Long is rumored to have been shot by one of his own bodyguards and Benigno Acquino in the Philippines was murdered by a guard at the behest of Ferdinand Marcos with a 'patsy' ready to blame nearby. Why suspect Lyndon Johnson??? Why not??? should be the question. Actually this was the very first assassination conspiracy theory and was set forth before Oswald was even a suspect. It was Kenny O'Donnell on Air Force One who said it before the swearing in of Lyndon Johnson when he growled out loud 'I always knew they'd do this'. "They" being the new leader, his SS Agents and his cronies. Jackie Kennedy wanted 'them to see what they've done' when she refused to change out of her blood spattered clothing and was walking amongst 'them' on AF 1. Now we know what she was really saying. From what I have read in advance this is truly Dynamite stuff. This should really blow it wide open for the first time."

Ty Newcomb

He also wrote this about his father's book:

"The best kept secret from the underground JFK conspiracy books (Murder From Within) will soon be available on DVD complete with the historic telephonic interviews of key Assassination witnesses in mp3 audio format and the updated original manuscript in pdf file format. William Greer, Roy Kellerman, the motorcycle cops behind the limo (who smelled gunpowder and thought the shooter was 'real close'), Senator Ralph Yarborough, Cops who saw a 'Bullethole' in the windshield at Parkland Hospital and many more. These historic interviews were conducted in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Most of these people are now deceased.

Murder From Within will challenge all your basic assumptions about the assassination and it's aftermath. It's about how a small, clever and crude brutal 'inside job' was able to both kill the President and then control the flow of evidence. Evidence designed to frame a 'patsy'. This modus operandi is how they could both kill the President AND get away with it. No other conspiracy scenario answers the question of how 'they' got away with it than this one. As detailed in Murder From Within back in 1974 this could only be possible if the killers were also in the possession FIRST of all the 'chain of custody' prime evidence. The very same Secret Service agents who failed to protect the President also had possession of the body,the crime scene(limo) and all photgraphic and forensic evidence before the FBI or Warren Commission had a chance to look at it."

Ty Newcomb (son of the author Fred T. Newcomb)

Amazon's useful Look Inside! feature now allows readers get a tantalizing preview of what Horne has achieved with the publication of

Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government's Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK

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When you guys get past your simplistic speculation and bring some real, hard data that shows the Z film has been altered, then get back to me. As it stands you are batting zero.


Have you read TGZFH? Do I need to send you a copy?

If you have read it then you have seen real hard data that the Z-film has been altered beyond question

If you have not read it then you need too ASAP


Uh Dean as I told you before I read that trashy book when Tink was kind enough to send me a copy of the proof.

If you think the book conmtained hard data that is beyond question your are either silly, or ignorant..or maybe both. Take your pick.

Grape...Orange AND Cherry.

Hell the TGZFH group can't even figure out something as simple as photographic parallax...

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When you guys get past your simplistic speculation and bring some real, hard data that shows the Z film has been altered, then get back to me. As it stands you are batting zero.


Have you read TGZFH? Do I need to send you a copy?

If you have read it then you have seen real hard data that the Z-film has been altered beyond question

If you have not read it then you need too ASAP


Uh Dean as I told you before I read that trashy book when Tink was kind enough to send me a copy of the proof.

If you think the book conmtained hard data that is beyond question your are either silly, or ignorant..or maybe both. Take your pick.

Grape...Orange AND Cherry.

Hell the TGZFH group can't even figure out something as simple as photographic parallax...

Here Craig, read all of these, the truth will set you free


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When you guys get past your simplistic speculation and bring some real, hard data that shows the Z film has been altered, then get back to me. As it stands you are batting zero.


Have you read TGZFH? Do I need to send you a copy?

If you have read it then you have seen real hard data that the Z-film has been altered beyond question

If you have not read it then you need too ASAP


Uh Dean as I told you before I read that trashy book when Tink was kind enough to send me a copy of the proof.

If you think the book conmtained hard data that is beyond question your are either silly, or ignorant..or maybe both. Take your pick.

Grape...Orange AND Cherry.

Hell the TGZFH group can't even figure out something as simple as photographic parallax...

Uh....how did Tink acquire a copy of the proof? From his CIA handler? Did he hack Fetzer's computer?

Proofs of the book were privately held till publication.


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When you guys get past your simplistic speculation and bring some real, hard data that shows the Z film has been altered, then get back to me. As it stands you are batting zero.


Have you read TGZFH? Do I need to send you a copy?

If you have read it then you have seen real hard data that the Z-film has been altered beyond question

If you have not read it then you need too ASAP


Uh Dean as I told you before I read that trashy book when Tink was kind enough to send me a copy of the proof.

If you think the book conmtained hard data that is beyond question your are either silly, or ignorant..or maybe both. Take your pick.

Grape...Orange AND Cherry.

Hell the TGZFH group can't even figure out something as simple as photographic parallax...

Here Craig, read all of these, the truth will set you free


Upps, seems I forget Rasberry...

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When you guys get past your simplistic speculation and bring some real, hard data that shows the Z film has been altered, then get back to me. As it stands you are batting zero.


Have you read TGZFH? Do I need to send you a copy?

If you have read it then you have seen real hard data that the Z-film has been altered beyond question

If you have not read it then you need too ASAP


Uh Dean as I told you before I read that trashy book when Tink was kind enough to send me a copy of the proof.

If you think the book conmtained hard data that is beyond question your are either silly, or ignorant..or maybe both. Take your pick.

Grape...Orange AND Cherry.

Hell the TGZFH group can't even figure out something as simple as photographic parallax...

Here Craig, read all of these, the truth will set you free


Upps, seems I forget Rasberry...


When are you going to stop making stupid comments that only you find funny and give me serious replies?

Why do you think TGZFH was wrong?

Please be specific

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When you guys get past your simplistic speculation and bring some real, hard data that shows the Z film has been altered, then get back to me. As it stands you are batting zero.


Have you read TGZFH? Do I need to send you a copy?

If you have read it then you have seen real hard data that the Z-film has been altered beyond question

If you have not read it then you need too ASAP


Uh Dean as I told you before I read that trashy book when Tink was kind enough to send me a copy of the proof.

If you think the book conmtained hard data that is beyond question your are either silly, or ignorant..or maybe both. Take your pick.

Grape...Orange AND Cherry.

Hell the TGZFH group can't even figure out something as simple as photographic parallax...

Here Craig, read all of these, the truth will set you free


Upps, seems I forget Rasberry...


When are you going to stop making stupid comments that only you find funny and give me serious replies?

Why do you think TGZFH was wrong?

Please be specific

No, more to the question (and one we are still waiting for Dean to deal with as he said he would) when are YOU going to show us what TGZFH ( and Jack White) got right?

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When you guys get past your simplistic speculation and bring some real, hard data that shows the Z film has been altered, then get back to me. As it stands you are batting zero.


Have you read TGZFH? Do I need to send you a copy?

If you have read it then you have seen real hard data that the Z-film has been altered beyond question

If you have not read it then you need too ASAP


Uh Dean as I told you before I read that trashy book when Tink was kind enough to send me a copy of the proof.

If you think the book conmtained hard data that is beyond question your are either silly, or ignorant..or maybe both. Take your pick.

Grape...Orange AND Cherry.

Hell the TGZFH group can't even figure out something as simple as photographic parallax...

Uh....how did Tink acquire a copy of the proof? From his CIA handler? Did he hack Fetzer's computer?

Proofs of the book were privately held till publication.


Research is your friend Jack, maybe you should do some.

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When you guys get past your simplistic speculation and bring some real, hard data that shows the Z film has been altered, then get back to me. As it stands you are batting zero.


Have you read TGZFH? Do I need to send you a copy?

If you have read it then you have seen real hard data that the Z-film has been altered beyond question

If you have not read it then you need too ASAP


Uh Dean as I told you before I read that trashy book when Tink was kind enough to send me a copy of the proof.

If you think the book conmtained hard data that is beyond question your are either silly, or ignorant..or maybe both. Take your pick.

Grape...Orange AND Cherry.

Hell the TGZFH group can't even figure out something as simple as photographic parallax...

Here Craig, read all of these, the truth will set you free


Upps, seems I forget Rasberry...


When are you going to stop making stupid comments that only you find funny and give me serious replies?

Why do you think TGZFH was wrong?

Please be specific

No, more to the question (and one we are still waiting for Dean to deal with as he said he would) when are YOU going to show us what TGZFH ( and Jack White) got right?

I tried, and it was one of Jacks studies, but it did not fit your ridiculous guidelines

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I want to know about Fred Newcomb. His son's announcement about the DVD

did not mention whether Fred is still around. I met him a couple of times and

he was extremely helpful to me.


A few years ago I had some contact with Tyler, and he told me that his dad was still alive and living in Idaho, if I recall. At that time I asked him if his father's recorded interviews were readily available. Perhaps that put the idea in his head that they should finally be released.

Some of them--such as Newcomb's conversation with Dallas motorcycle officer James Chaney--could prove quite interesting.

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I want to know about Fred Newcomb. His son's announcement about the DVD

did not mention whether Fred is still around. I met him a couple of times and

he was extremely helpful to me.


A few years ago I had some contact with Tyler, and he told me that his dad was still alive and living in Idaho, if I recall. At that time I asked him if his father's recorded interviews were readily available. Perhaps that put the idea in his head that they should finally be released.

Some of them--such as Newcomb's conversation with Dallas motorcycle officer James Chaney--could prove quite interesting.


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I tried, and it was one of Jacks studies, but it did not fit your ridiculous guidelines

The guidelines were perfect. They were put in place for a reason, to keep the discussion on things that we could actually prove or disprove via the principles of photography and away from \\\"seeing stuff\\\" which is nothing more than opinion and handwaving. TGZFH had exactly TWO atttempts at proving the Z film fake based on fact and not handwaving or opinion.

Sadly for the the TGZFH gang, ( and the sheeple who follow them) both of those were monumental failures.

Do you want the links as to WHY those arguments failed...again?

Edited by Craig Lamson
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I tried, and it was one of Jacks studies, but it did not fit your ridiculous guidelines

The guidelines were perfect. They were put in place for a reason, to keep the discussion on things that we could actually prove or disprove via the principles of photography and away from \\\"seeing stuff\\\" which is nothing more than opinion and handwaving. TGZFH had exactly TWO atttempts at proving the Z film fake based on fact and not handwaving or opinion.

Sadly for the the TGZFH gang, ( and the sheeple who follow them) both of those were monumental failures.

Do you want the links as to WHY those arguments failed...again?

I do not back Costellas work, so you posting those links for me for the 1000th time would be pointless

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A very important pioneer has been overlooked, a critic who got there thirty-five years ago......his name was Fred Newcomb:

Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams. Murder From Within (Santa Barbara: Probe, 1974)

Chapter 4: The Filmed Assassination
One of the most important films of the murder was an 8 mm color movie taken by Abraham Zapruder. The Secret Service had first access to his original film, which was then altered in an attempt to cover up the agency's part in the plot......

Newcomb's son Tyler wrote this on Amazon while reviewing Volume IV of Horne's masterpiece:


"A long time coming this work. And from a man on the inside who interviewed a lot of the Principals before they passed on. My father's tome Murder From Within self published in 1974 and deemed too controversial for print at the time has finally been vindicated with these monumental books of scholarly research and newly discovered and revealed hard evidence of a monumental coverup. By revealing how and when primary evidence was altered or destroyed one can automatically discern who is behind the whole charade and murder. In this case it's the same group. Here in these volumes is the work of someone not afraid to look at the unbelievable. Either Oswald did it alone or it had to be an 'inside job' where the perpetrators both benefited and controlled the evidence in order to commit regicide, the oldest story on Earth. This scenario is not without past precedent. Betrayal was the cornerstone of some of the most famous assassinations from the past. Charles de Gaulle was the target of many assassination attempts only to find out it was a plot within his own security or military. Caesar (et tu Brutus?) Christ (Judas) Napoleon (now known that he was slowly poisoned to death with arsenic...the chef or butler did it?) Huey Long is rumored to have been shot by one of his own bodyguards and Benigno Acquino in the Philippines was murdered by a guard at the behest of Ferdinand Marcos with a 'patsy' ready to blame nearby. Why suspect Lyndon Johnson??? Why not??? should be the question. Actually this was the very first assassination conspiracy theory and was set forth before Oswald was even a suspect. It was Kenny O'Donnell on Air Force One who said it before the swearing in of Lyndon Johnson when he growled out loud 'I always knew they'd do this'. "They" being the new leader, his SS Agents and his cronies. Jackie Kennedy wanted 'them to see what they've done' when she refused to change out of her blood spattered clothing and was walking amongst 'them' on AF 1. Now we know what she was really saying. From what I have read in advance this is truly Dynamite stuff. This should really blow it wide open for the first time."

Ty Newcomb</B>

He also wrote this about his father's book:


"The best kept secret from the underground JFK conspiracy books (Murder From Within) will soon be available on DVD complete with the historic telephonic interviews of key Assassination witnesses in mp3 audio format and the updated original manuscript in pdf file format. William Greer, Roy Kellerman, the motorcycle cops behind the limo (who smelled gunpowder and thought the shooter was 'real close'), Senator Ralph Yarborough, Cops who saw a 'Bullethole' in the windshield at Parkland Hospital and many more. These historic interviews were conducted in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Most of these people are now deceased.

Murder From Within will challenge all your basic assumptions about the assassination and it's aftermath. It's about how a small, clever and crude brutal 'inside job' was able to both kill the President and then control the flow of evidence. Evidence designed to frame a 'patsy'. This modus operandi is how they could both kill the President AND get away with it. No other conspiracy scenario answers the question of how 'they' got away with it than this one. As detailed in Murder From Within back in 1974 this could only be possible if the killers were also in the possession FIRST of all the 'chain of custody' prime evidence. The very same Secret Service agents who failed to protect the President also had possession of the body,the crime scene(limo) and all photgraphic and forensic evidence before the FBI or Warren Commission had a chance to look at it."

Ty Newcomb (son of the author Fred T. Newcomb) </B>

Amazon's useful Look Inside! feature now allows readers get a tantalizing preview of what Horne has achieved with the publication of

Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government's Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK

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