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One of the The Holy grail(s).....

John Dugan

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is the bullet that struck the curb that caused the scratch on James Tague's face.

This could prove that there was more than one shooter was in DP, imo....(well, one of them).

If the orientation of the mark could yield a trajectory, then the second shooter can be located. If it would even be possible. Too bad the original curb mark doesn't exist.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you own Harold Weisbergs book "Post Mortem" 1975 ?

If not be ready to fork over some cash and buy it

Then turn to page 609 and you can see the picture that Harold himself took of the curb in the Archives

Then turn to page 453 and read all about the curb and Harolds thoughts on it

I would scan the pages and post them, however my copy of Post Mortem is in great condition and there is no way in hell I am going to bend the pages back to get scans

Trust me just buy the book, its one of the best books about the assassination and Harolds best work IMO, its worth every penny


P.S. Dont buy the Mary Ferrell reprint, to get the full Weisberg effect you need to buy an original self typeset self published copy of Post Mortem

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is the bullet that struck the curb that caused the scratch on James Tague's face.

This could prove that there was more than one shooter was in DP, imo....(well, one of them).

If the orientation of the mark could yield a trajectory, then the second shooter can be located. If it would even be possible. Too bad the original curb mark doesn't exist.


I think this was looked into in great detail, where they took out the piece of the curb, and subjected it to scientific tests, and found no copper, so they concluded that it was a fragment from the head shot, pieces of which also lodged in the base of the windshield and cracked some windshild glass from the inside, but didn't go all the way through. (official story).

James Tague, without a doubt, is a living victim of the same assassins who killed the President, hit by a rickochette of a bullet or a fragment that struck the curb and then him on the cheek, causing him to bleed, - the threshold necessary for a wounded veteran to receive a Purple Heart in combat.

Of course Tague's position in front of the Tripple Overpass, is tripple because of the three streets that run under it, and Tague pulled over at the middle street and was hit from what would have been a missed shot from the Sixth Floor or upper floor of Dal-Tex building, or a fragment from such a shot.

But if you follow Tague's story closely, one of the biggest questions he asks is why, on the day after the assassination, after completing a deposition as to what happened the day before, he was stopped by a cop at Elm and Houston and told that they had just found a piece of scull and there was a short hold up. Yea, the Harper fragment, a two and a half by one inch piece of JFK's scull bone that blew out the back of his head, that the autopsy doctors had never seen.

Not only does that make the autopsy obsolete, it is proof of a gun shot to the head that originates from the front - as the first rule of thumb every budding 101 forensic crime scene investigator student learns is that in evaluating gunshot wounds - it's small in and big out.

And never the twain shall meet.

That's an undeniable fact that can't be changed.

But why did that cop stop James Tague at Houston and Elm on Nov. 23rd, 1963, and think it significant enough to tell him?

Bill Kelly

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is the bullet that struck the curb that caused the scratch on James Tague's face.

This could prove that there was more than one shooter was in DP, imo....(well, one of them).

If the orientation of the mark could yield a trajectory, then the second shooter can be located. If it would even be possible. Too bad the original curb mark doesn't exist.


I think this was looked into in great detail, where they took out the piece of the curb, and subjected it to scientific tests, and found no copper, so they concluded that it was a fragment from the head shot, pieces of which also lodged in the base of the windshield and cracked some windshild glass from the inside, but didn't go all the way through. (official story).

James Tague, without a doubt, is a living victim of the same assassins who killed the President, hit by a rickochette of a bullet or a fragment that struck the curb and then him on the cheek, causing him to bleed, - the threshold necessary for a wounded veteran to receive a Purple Heart in combat.

Of course Tague's position in front of the Tripple Overpass, is tripple because of the three streets that run under it, and Tague pulled over at the middle street and was hit from what would have been a missed shot from the Sixth Floor or upper floor of Dal-Tex building, or a fragment from such a shot.

But if you follow Tague's story closely, one of the biggest questions he asks is why, on the day after the assassination, after completing a deposition as to what happened the day before, he was stopped by a cop at Elm and Houston and told that they had just found a piece of scull and there was a short hold up. Yea, the Harper fragment, a two and a half by one inch piece of JFK's scull bone that blew out the back of his head, that the autopsy doctors had never seen.

Not only does that make the autopsy obsolete, it is proof of a gun shot to the head that originates from the front - as the first rule of thumb every budding 101 forensic crime scene investigator student learns is that in evaluating gunshot wounds - it's small in and big out.

And never the twain shall meet.

That's an undeniable fact that can't be changed.

But why did that cop stop James Tague at Houston and Elm on Nov. 23rd, 1963, and think it significant enough to tell him?

Bill Kelly

....Good Day Bill.... JAMES TAGUE and I have spoken several times. After giving his 11-22-63 statement, he was leaving DP at about 2:30 PM CDT. He had just started westward onto Elm (into the "kill zone"), when he had to stop his car because a DPD Patrolman up ahead of TAGUE had stopped all Elm Street cars, and traffic had backed-up. (JIM does not recall the DPD's name)

As the DPD neared TAGUE, JIM was the one whom initiated the conversation with the DPD, and simply asked the DPD why traffic was stopped, and the DPD responded because a piece of the President's head had been found just prior.

The "Harper skull fragment" itself was found by medical student WILLIAM "Billy" HARPER at around 5:00 PM CDT on 11-23-63.

Here is the DP map on which now-Dr. HARPER himself marked for us the location in the north infield grass where he found it, approximately half-way between the Elm Street south curb sewer and the Main Street north curb sewer, and just east of a line drawn directly between them....


....and here are DP maps that include several key additional considerations....



I'll also take this opportunity to detail that sometimes the "Harper skull fragment" found location is confused by some students (and even researchers) for the object that CHARLES BREHM described to MARK LANE in 1966 that he saw on 11-22-63 trajecting with the President's initial head explosion behind and left of JFK and landed in Elm close to its south curb, very close to BREHM (when i asked him, he said that he never walked back over to look at it closer)....

....These were two, different fragments.... with HARPER's trajecting 117' to the front and right of JFK's 313-head-facing direction.... and may be/probably is the higher angled head fragment seen trajecting in the Z-film to JFK's front, and may be/probably is the head fragment seen here in NIX....


.... and arrowed here in NIX ....


BREHM's object (he always refused to give it a label, even when I pressed him) that he saw/was attracted to see trajected 28' behind and leftward, and may be the fragment seen in this enhanced and cropped animation of NIX....


Best Regards in Research,


Don Roberdeau

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

For your considerations....

Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Assassination Researchers & Discoveries Links

Visual Report: The First JFK Impact: While JFK was "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206"

Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap:

West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll

Dealey Plaza Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations,

Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important

information & Considerations

Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations

T ogether

E veryone

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